Saturday 21 March 2015


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

The Last Senator Sitting: Denise Batters is roused to reform the Red Chamber

CRTC �wholesale code� change important for smaller cable companies
        MPs working on harassment policy face challenges, chairman says
Alberta municipalities say it�s time for infrastructure spending increases
        Canadian Bar Association denounces government�s anti-terrorism bill

Two police officers wounded, civilian dead in Mississauga incident
        Canada�s consumer protection watchdog could get more bite with new code
Will Kathleen Wynne open up alcohol sales in Ontario?
        After 24 years, the CRTC finally makes a ruling on �pick and pay� just in time for it to be irrelevant
Harper�s extremism pushing opposition onto the streets
        Sexual misconduct scandal involving Liberal MPs should have a full and open hearing
Conservatives are wearing out the dog-whistle
        Five unanswered questions from Canada�s Iraq War
Canadian democracy: Good and not so good
        The real ISIS crisis

Wedge-issue campaigning is dangerous for both sides
        Stephen Harper, would you recognize Stephen Harper?
PQ blind spot keeps Pierre Karl P�ladeau the party favourite

Crown should pay costs in surcharge fight, defence argues
        3 ways smaller oil and gas firms can survive the downturn
What it�s like to be a Muslim living in Canada: �People act as if I�m the spokesperson for ISIS�
        Two BC MLAs targeted for recall campaigns
Alison Redford speaks: It wasn�t me; It was a smear campaign
        Alison Redford: she didn�t come back (into the newspaper) for you
Alberta Premier Jim Prentice to hold $80,000 TV address to Albertans
        Liberals will rebutt premier�s TV address, but Wildrose says no thanks
David Mulroney warns Canada should apply Afghanistan�s lessons to Iraq
        Jury reaches verdict for two men accused in Via terror plot

RCMP arrest Alberta teenager on terror-related charges
        Consumers could see Internet bills rise in light of CRTC ruling, analysts say
Judge says Mountie in Dziekanski case lied at public inquiry
        CF-18s bomb ISIL targets as military mum on probes into friendly fire death
One year later, Alison Redford looks back: �I�m a polarizing figure�
        Lawyer for convicted Quebec judge asking MacKay to review the case
The $5,650 speech nobody ever heard
        Family tax cut: Revenue Canada officials told to �stockpile� some claims till June
Bureaucrats to use honour system when it comes to archiving instant messages
        Pilots blamed for Canadian chopper crash in Afghanistan four years ago

Government showing lack of transparency on whether Iraq mission is �combat': Liberal MP
        Ottawa set to enforce four-year limit on temporary foreign workers
The EKOS poll: Liberals back on top as Harper loses edge on values
        Harper and Netanyahu to talk Sunday for first time since Israeli election
Tax agency shouldn�t delete business-related instant messages, Tony Clement says
        Coalition inhibition? So far, only the NDP like the idea of political partnership
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
500,000 Ontario tax forms shredded after errors linked to computer system - , Toronto Star
        In politics, it�s dangerous to take the low road - Bruce Anderson, The Globe & Mail
Sister of slain Quebec soldier to address MPs about Bill C-51 - Ian MacLeod, Ottawa Citizen
        Mulcair hints at support for Energy East - David Geselbracht, Vancouver Observer
Kathleen Wynne aims to create more �community hubs� - Robert Benzie, Toronto Star
        In rural Canada, Harper�s gun ownership comments ring true - David Bercuson, The Globe & Mail

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
B.C. fruit growers oppose genetically-modified apples
        Canadian, U.S. agencies approve genetically engineered B.C. apples www.ctvnews.caCorrigan: Harper gets Cheney playbook | Toronto Star        President Steve Stars in �The Good Life� | Frank Magazine, Ottawa Edition
Bill C-51 Reveals Harper's Inner Bully | The Tyee
        Harper's Anti-Terror Bill Puts Every Canadian in Danger www.huffingtonpost.caCanadian Bar Association Denounces Anti-Terror Bill
        Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of Stephen Harper government: Tim Harper | 
Security certificates are the pilot project for Bill C-51
        Ontario Liberal Government to Privatize Hydro One

The Gargoyle - Religious conference on Hill may have breached rules
        Take the time to tally medical expenses - it could save you money
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Mort myst�rieuse d'une fillette de 17 moisPlus
        Violent incendie � Montr�al: 11 familles � la ruePlus
Fuite de gaz toxique colmat�e: au moins cinq bless�sPlus
        Aust�rit�: plus de 5000 manifestants dans les rues de Montr�alPlus
Camion vol�: 2 poursuites polici�res pour rattraper le voleurPlus
        Nucl�aire: les grandes puissances promettent l'unit� face � l'IranPlus
Un incendie ravage un important transformateur de cannebergesPlus
        �.-U.: l'agresseur �malade mental� � la machette est mort Plus
La for�t chilienne ravag�e par des feux de for�t Plus
        Attentat en Tunisie: l'enqu�te avance, selon Tunis Plus

Maude Lallier est port�e � son dernier reposPlus
        Voleur arr�t�: il laiss� son chien sur la sc�ne de son crimePlus
Elle se d�nude dans un avion et pratique un acte sexuelPlus
        Fusillade en banlieue de Toronto: un mort et deux bless�sPlus
Russie: fin des manoeuvres militaires exceptionnellesPlus
        Syrie: 45 morts dans une attaque anti-kurde imput�e � l'EIPlus
Un homme retrouv� sans vie dans une voiturePlus
        Sept enfants d�c�dent dans un incendie � New YorkPlus
Une survivante du cancer fabrique des proth�ses mammairesPlus
        L'UE d�p�che une haute responsable � Cuba avant des n�gociations d�cisivesPlus
Une chicane de famille fait 3 bless�s � LavalPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Republicans Learn to Play Hardball - Kimberley Strassel, Wall Street Journal
        Hey, GOP Governors: You Didn�t Build That - Jill Lawrence, Politico
Kasich Looks to Republican Primaries, �Ohio Story� in Hand - Sheryl Gay Stolberg, New York Post
        Hillary Clinton�s Challenge: She�s Liked Best When She�s Not Running - Shane Goldmacher, National Journal
The Hurdles Hillary Clinton Will Face - Alex Pappas, The Daily Caller
        Apple joins the Dow: Why it doesn�t matter- Chuck Jaffe, MarketWatch
Greece given �final political push� as coffers running empty- Marcus Bensasson, The Globe & Mail
        Here�s the next big threat to global crude oil prices � and it isn�t OPEC- Jake Rudnitsky, Bloomberg News,
Analysts think Bombardier could be due for a break-up- Frederic Tomesco, Bloomberg, Toronto Star
        Sweden shooting puts focus on life in �ghettoes without hope�- David Crouch, The Guardian
Bihar cheating scandal: What parents in India will do for good grades- Kunal Sehgal, CNN
        UN warns Libya crisis could destabilise entire region- Al Jazeera
Yemen attacks kill more than 100- BBC News
        Iran nuke talks break but top Russian official optimistic- The Times of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Iran top leader: US wants to turn Iranians against Islamic rule
        Kurdish militant leader says armed struggle with Turkey 'unsustainable'
US pulls remaining 100 special forces troops from Yemen: CNN
        Kerry says time to make 'hard decisions' in nuclear talks with Iran
Rouhani says nuclear issues can all be resolved
        US ambassador: Russian veto 'extremely disruptive' on Syria
Canadian teen arrested before Syria departure
        France says deal with Iran must be robust, guarantee no atomic bomb
Merkel sets strict terms for Greek aid, Juncker flags EU cash
        Putin calls for creation of regional currency union

U.S. dollar decline lifts oil, stocks
        Russian toilets become a hedge against rouble�s drop
The U.S. gains from ambiguity in the Middle East
        America has to engage in a frank discussion about foreign policy
U.S. military chief Dempsey grapples with Iraq once again
        Netanyahu�s Palestinian backtrack fails to mollify U.S.
Ban urges Israeli support for two-state
        1948 Palestinians say they feel more excluded after election
U.N. warns world could have 40 percent water shortfall by 2030
        Around 600 Indian students expelled for exam cheating

Kremlin uses YouTube as propaganda weapon
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TDS Weekend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED  POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Jump in NW Atlantic Sea Level Driving Gulf Stream Water into Arctic, Sea Ice Collapsing
        Global Solar PV Capacity Expected To Soar By 177 Percent
Shrinking habitats have adverse effects on world ecosystems
        Mercury pollution danger for arctic ivory gulls
Texting And Driving Accidents Would Decrease If Everyone Understood The Dangers
        Academics to draw up fossil fuel plan
John McAfee Drops A Bombshell and How to Stop Government Spying (Life-Saving Video) | Police State
        What Are Soul Groups? - Magical Mind
A fully transparent solar cell that could make every window and screen a power source - See more at:
        "The Price We Pay" | Harold Crooks How did the "one percent" become so rich?

"Are you really free?" This video will open your mind about the world, the truth about our lives!
        This Patent Could Crush Monsanto and Save the World! - Magical Mind
Get Ready for Embryos From Two Men or Two Women Endtime Ministries | End Of The Age | Irvin Baxter
        The Global Economy�s �Impeccable Logic�
Has France�s Government Introduced a Form of Euthanasia?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Cold War: Ukraine and Beyond <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* European Union countries vote to continue sanctions against Russia
* Is there another Maidan brewing in Ukraine?
* Ukraine: IMF package foreshadows a permanent 'winter'
* The victory of national democracy in Ukraine, and the crushing of political opposition
* UK army lands in southern Ukraine for training of Ukrainian troops

* The making of a Christian Taliban in Ukraine
* In midst of war, Ukraine becomes gateway for jihad
* One-year anniversary of the Crimean Spring
* One million from eastern Ukraine have taken refuge in Russia
* Human Rights Watch: Civilians struggle to get medical care in Ukraine

* Ukrainian Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers publishes detailed casualty list of Ukraine armed forces

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Bill C-51, Anti-terrorism Act, 2015.

Less support now for stiffer terrorism legislation One half of those aware of it disapprove of Bill C51
Most disapprove of tracking environmentalists, etc, lack of parliamentary oversight
June 15th this year is the 800th Anniversary of King John signing the Magna Carta (Latin for "the Great Charter"), also called Magna Carta Libertatum (Latin for "the Great Charter of the Liberties"),

"It settled a dispute between the king and the one-percenters 800 years ago" and remains critically important today ". Retired Speaker of the Senate Noel Kinsella noted "No single document has had such a profound influence on the establishment of constitutional and human rights instruments around the world."  Under the influence: 800 years of the Magna Carta - Maclean's

As you personally weigh choosing to support passage of Bill C-51, Anti-terrorism Act, proposed without significant amendment, please consider the following thoughts which have been placed in the hands of the Governor General and the Speaker of the Senate for their consideration should the House of Commons pass the Act as written.

Joe Hueglin
Member 29th Parliament

"Seemingly oblivious to Articles 39 and 40, undoubtedly the most famous of Magna Carta"s clauses, (as translated from the original Latin) :

(39) No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.

(40) To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay, right or justice. ,

the authors of Bill C-51 are proposing pre-emptive arrest and seeking to create or modify " the law of the land." to facilitate pre-emptive arrest. Moreover, the current majority government is forcing the Bill through the House by limiting the time for Parliament and its committees to fully debate the proposed law and ignoring requests to provide oversight.

Should the Bill be passed by the Harper Government majority in the House of Commons both Speaker and Governor General have been beseeched to reject it outright. The Senate through performing its proper role as "Chamber of sober second thought", the Governor General for the preservation of the freedoms granted to us 800 years ago by a predecessor of She whom he represents.

It is further suggested that when passing Bill-C51 back to the House a complete copy of the Magna Carta be included without further comment on the reason(s) for its rejection."


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