Sunday 5 July 2015



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Opposition leaders blast Harper on economy amid fears of recession

Conservative commentator, Crosbie cousin baffled by rejection
        Fixed-date election comes with concerns, observers say
Harper rallies Calgary Tories with song, attacks on opposition
        Stability versus change: political leaders compete to define election issues

One man arrested, another bomb found in Winnipeg explosion investigation
        Canada Without Poverty charity challenges Harper govt. audits at UN in Geneva
Quebec�s anti-corruption unit to view Porter�s body in Panamanian morgue Monday
        October election is Harper�s self-inflicted wound
The easy ride in the West may be over for Harper�s team
        Suddenly, Thomas Mulcair�s opinions matter to Alberta. He has plenty
Mulcair�s crass play for Quebec votes
        Union disclosure bill to bring answers
Elizabeth May means it
        What about ISIS?
Late prime minister Pierre Trudeau�s 1974 election call left Calgary Stampede high and dry

Internal report flags challenges responding to Arctic, deep water oil spills
        Armed Forces sent in as thousands flee Sask. widfires
Staffing cuts at Veterans Affairs hit frontline service
        Key PS executive overseeing sick leave overhaul moving to new job
In the North, campaigning is a whole other ball game
        As recession fears mount, opposition leaders draw bead on Harper
Stampeding for votes: Calgary mayor says Alberta may be in play in October
        NDP lead slips slightly
EKOS: A renewed three-way race with NDP on top
        �Canadians will choose security over risk� � Harper targets Libs and NDP

Harper urges voters to avoid �risk� of NDP or Liberals in power
        Justin Trudeau makes campaign stop in Winnipeg
Liberals Trudeau, Duguid eye Manitoba Tory seats
        More News
More News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Stephen Harper�s cult of personality harms Conservative election chances - Thomas Walkom, Toronto Star
As recession fears mount, opposition leaders draw bead on Harper - Mark Kennedy, Ottawa Citizen
Elizabeth May means it - Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
Joe Oliver predicts solid economic growth this year - Katharine Starr, CBC News
Summer isn�t the time to predict which way the political winds blow - Jeffrey Simpson, The Globe & Mail
Top federal Conservatives back Tom Mulcair�s explanation for 2007 talks, contradicting Maclean�s report - Peter O'Neil, National Post
Federal NDP not so popular in Manitoba, according to latest Probe poll - Kevin Rollason, Winnipeg Free Press
Mulcair vows to borrow page from Notley playbook - Darcy Henton, Calgary Herald
Government defends strict voter ID restrictions in court - Selena Ross, The Globe & Mail
Trudeau and Mulcair roast Harper on Stampede opening day - Rick Bell, Calgary Sun
Stephen Harper must appoint a slew of high-calibre senators to shake off this electoral listlessness - Conrad Black, National Post
Canadian Bill to Force Unions to Disclose Political Activities Could Hurt Hockey and Football Players - Justin Ling, Vice
Canada-U.S. relations �significantly better� on this 4th of July, says U.S. ambassador - Susana Mas, CBC News
How should the Senate be? - Aaron Wherry, Macleans
Quebec finance minister says province�s economy doing well - The Canadian Press, Montreal Gazette
NDP dip slightly, maintain lead in new poll - Alex Boutilier, Toronto Star
NEB�s skirting of climate change issue can�t last forever - Paul Haavardsrud, CBC News
Corporate Calgary cuts Stampede spending amid oil gloom- Ian Bickis, The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Empty hotel rooms, unsold tickets and angry locals: Fears of a Pan Am Games flop- Peter Kuitenbrouwer, Financial Post
Air Canada warns of possible disruptions after job action at Toronto airport- The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


R�f�rendum grec: le non l'emporte avec 61,31%Plus
        R�f�rendum en Gr�ce: r�actions positives au Qu�becPlus
Violent face-�-face en Estrie: cinq bless�esPlus
        D�lit de fuite mortel dans Montr�al-Nord: la vitesse en causePlus
Hommage � Boucherville: la m�re et le beau-p�re �musPlus
        David Sweat en isolement 23 h par jourPlus
Estrie: un cavalier manque � l'appelPlus
        Feux en Saskatchewan: pr�s de 8000 �vacuationsPlus
Nucl�aire: �il est temps de conclure�, dit KerryPlus
        Congestion monstre � Stoneham � la suite d'une collisionPlus

Drame de Terrebonne: l'ami d'enfance de l'avocat est sous le chocPlus
        Il meurt apr�s avoir allum� un feu d'artifice sur sa t�tePlus
Frappes am�ricaines intenses contre l'EI en SyriePlus
        Tunisie: �tat d'urgence et interrogations sur les libert�s publiquesPlus
Une messe pour les victimes de Lac-M�ganticPlus
        Op�ration orange: pr�sence accrue de la SQ lundiPlus
Longueuil : d�molition d'un pont et fermeture de l'A20Plus
        Naufrage d'un traversier aux Philippines: 61 mortsPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The Wrinkle in the Obamacare Decision - George Will, Washington Post
        Why the Clinton Campaign Isn�t Sweating Bernie Sanders -, Politico
Republicans Have a Donald Trump Problem - Tim Stanley, Daily Telegraph
        Clinton�s Emails: A Revealing Dispatch - Matthew Continetti, Washington Free Beacon
Pressure Rises on Republicans to Map Out Obamacare Replacement - Peter Sullivan and Sarah Ferris, The Hill
        China suspends new IPOs to stabilize stock markets: report- Michael Martina, The Globe & Mail
Is Anyone Ready for a �No� Vote in Greece?- Mark Gilbert, Bloomberg
        Iran and world powers reach tentative agreement on sanctions relief- The Associated Press, The Guardian
Tunisian president says country �in a state of war�- Al Jazeera
        �Greek referendum is about two visions of Europe�- The Times of India

Islamic State �murders 25 men in Palmyra�- BBC News
        Saudi-led air strike on Yemen rebel bastion kills 23- The Times of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Greece's prime minister says referendum result shows 'democracy won't be blackmailed'
        Greece 'No' in referendum sends euro into tailspin
UN atomic watchdog officials head to Iran
        Moscow sees Greece 'closer to euro exit' after bailout referendum
Greek minister says 'No' boosts government in credit talks
        Greek central bank to request ECB raises ELA funding for Greek banks: govt spokesman
Greece says has no plans to issue parallel currency
        Greek finance minister to hold talks with bankers on Sunday
Greece will do everything to seal deal with lenders: govt spokesman
        Greek govt lawmaker says polls pave way for deal with creditors

Hollande and Merkel to meet on Monday for talks on Greece
        Kerry says 'now the time' to finish Iran nuclear deal
Bundesbank chief warns of Grexit damage to German budget: Handelsblatt
        EU could grant emergency loans to Athens: Schulz
Athens eyeing deal to tax assets hidden in Swiss banks: report
        Ministers back to Vienna for final Iran nuclear deal push
Previous                                                   Next

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

From: Larry Kazdan
Subject: Letter to Editor re: Harper urges voters to avoid 'risk' of NDP or Liberals in power, Mark Kennedy, July 4, 2015 )

Re:  Harper urges voters to avoid 'risk' of NDP or Liberals in power, Mark Kennedy, July 4, 2015

Stephen Harper may campaign on fears of terrorists hiding under every Canadian rock, but his Conservative government failed to notice a 28,000 per cent increase in train transport of flammable oil with devastating consequences to the people of Lac Megantic where 47 people died in a horrific explosion. The Harper government cut its transportation inspection budget and relied increasingly on self-regulation by railway companies who were willing to cut corners for extra profit. To ensure safety of Canadians from train, tanker and other environmental catastrophes, we need a Prime Minister who is not wedded to the oil patch and who understands the most probable risks that threaten the lives and welfare of Canadians.
Larry Kazdan,
Vancouver, B.C.


Lac Megantic: Oil shipments by rail have increased 28,000 per cent since 2009

A whopping 28,000 per cent increase in the amount of oil shipped by rail over the past five years is coming under the microscope following the deadly rail blast in Quebec.
Julian said the Harper government has largely abandoned railway inspection, imposing as much as $3 million in cuts, and allowed the industry to monitor itself.


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