Wednesday 18 November 2015


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Mike Duffy trial: Harper�s gone, but Senate scandal lingers

RCMP had no idea about barbaric cultural practices snitch line pitched by Conservatives
        Citing �irreconcilable� differences, Senator John Wallace quits Conservative caucus
Lebel, Scheer chosen for top opposition spots in Conservative caucus
        Ambrose defends Bergen over tweet claiming she�s �sickened� by Trudeau�s ISIS policy

Trudeau�s Liberals more in line with Canadians� fundamental values: Poll
        No change to threat level, but Canadians should �be alert�: Goodale
Why Justin misses Stephen
        Trudeau�s ISIS quagmire
Needless Liberal haste helps fuel refugee backlash
        On terrorism, Trudeau is walking a diplomatic tightrope
Troop training may pull Canada further into war than bombing runs would
        Canada�s commitment to 25,000 refugees must be met
Well-intended provincial targets for accepting refugees don�t mean much
        Biofuels Are Part of The Solution to Ontario�s Transportation Emissions

How the Liberals can pay for their platform
        Why Michael Chong would be a good fit as Conservative leader

Parliament has the power to legalize marijuana, but the provinces could bogart its regulation.
        Harper�s defeat worse, Conservative opposition smaller than most
$4.3 billion TPP compensation for dairy industry under review: Freeland
        Trudeau goes on charm offensive to tout government�s pro-trade ways at APEC
Judge Robin Camp�s rape remarks led to appeal before Peter MacKay promoted him
        Montreal police arrest man in mask who vowed to kill Muslims in Quebec
Top CBC executive Neil McEneaney resigns
        Mark Carney, Chris Hadfield among new Order of Canada inductees
Liberals hit yet another high on Nanos Party Power Index
        Geoff Regan seeks Speaker seat

Trudeau greeted as �hottie� at APEC summit on front page of Philippine newspaper
        Trudeau faces stiff competition for title of �APEC hottie�
Liberals to face political pressure if no vote held on withdrawing Canada from Iraq, Syria air strikes
        Fisheries Minister Hunter Tootoo�s tale of personal and political success
MPs debate Trudeau�s pledges to put focus on training, pull CF-18s
        �Trim the fat� and �Be a snack�: Government websites under overhaul
Justin Trudeau formally commits to lifting visa requirement for Mexicans
        Airlines pile on new fees and even more charges lie ahead, experts say
More clarity from Liberals needed to calm current tensions: Ambrose
        Oil below $40, Canadian dollar under 75 cents

Trudeau Aide Asselin Said Appointed as Morneau Policy Adviser
        Man arrested on Parliament Hill, charged for carrying weapon, appears in court
St� phane Dion pessimistic ahead of COP21 climate conference
        Paris attacks: RCMP examines whether voice on ISIS recording is Canadian
More News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Judge Robin Camp�s rape remarks led to appeal before Peter MacKay promoted him - Allison Crawford, CBC News
        CBC calls outrage police on Liberal MP�s Halloween costume - Kelly McParland, National Post
Filipino journalists warned to avoid �giddy shrieks� in Trudeau�s presence - Chris Hall, CBC News
        Climate change �worst threat we are facing this century�: Stephane Dion - Lee Berthiaume, Ottawa Citizen
Canada�s plan to recall jets from anti-IS campaign is bad move on global stage - Lysiane Gagnon, The Globe & Mail
        Canada needs �coalition of the willing� to improve health care - Andre Picard, The Globe & Mail
Justice Minister to review residential-school settlement - Sean Fine, The Globe & Mail
        B.C. legislature�s fall session overshadowed by growing scandals - Rob Shaw, Vancouver Sun
As Alberta ponders carbon tax, lessons from British Columbia - James Wood & Chris Varcoe, Calgary Herald
        How Justin Trudeau can streamline his summit selfies - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star

Trudeau, Wynne need to act like grown-ups - Christina Blizzard, Toronto Sun
        Trudeau�s next test: Pacific trade agreement - Lee Berthiaume, Ottawa Citizen
Liberal MP Linda Lapointe dressed up as Chinese person for Halloween - Robin Levinson King, Toronto Star
        Canada will increase ground troops in Iraq: Trudeau - Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press, CTV News
How to help Syrians: Boost military support, reject arbitrary resettlement dates - Chris Alexander, The Globe & Mail
        It has become the norm to let MPs vote on military missions. Here�s why that�s a bad idea- Kady O'Malley, Ottawa Citizen
Canadian Pacific pitches merger with Norfolk Southern rail line- Pete Evans, CBC News
        De Beers seeks First Nation exploration support- Tanya Talaga, Toronto Star
Bombardier Inc in talks with Canadian government on CSeries investment: CEO- Allison Lampert, Reuters, Financial Post

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Le Centre islamique de l'imam Adil Charkaoui vandalis�Plus
        Paris: sort incertain du cerveau pr�sum� des attentatsPlus
L'EI ex�cute deux otages, son fief en Syrie sous les bombesPlus
        Les n�gociations dans une impasse, selon CoiteuxPlus
Michel Louvain devient membre de l'Ordre du CanadaPlus
        Alerte au colis suspect � Montr�alPlus
R�fugi�s: Moreau ignore si Qu�bec atteindra la cible d'OttawaPlus
        Les lib�raux accus�s d'intol�rance � l'endroit des homosexuelsPlus
Celui qui a revendiqu� les attentats de Paris est-il canadien?Plus
        Pr�paration d'acte terroriste: un Su�dois recherch�Plus

Denis Lebel devient chef adjoint du Parti conservateurPlus
        Record de chaleur pour les 10 premiers mois de 2015Plus
R�fugi�s: Labeaume remis � sa place par Pierre MoreauPlus
        Migrants: Turquie et Gr�ce mettent en place un groupe de travailPlus
L'�crasement de l'avion russe caus� par une bombe, selon l'EIPlus
        Radicalisation: centre de pr�vention inaugur� dimanchePlus
Trudeau d�plore les actes de haine et de racismePlus
        Attentats � Paris: musulman, il demande des c�linsPlus
Menace contre des Arabes: le �Joker� arr�t� � Montr�alPlus
        Conf�rence sur le climat: Obama se montre optimiste Plus

�Inacceptable� d'exiger le d�part d'Assad selon MoscouPlus
        Baie-Comeau: il meurt br�l� dans sa camionnettePlus
Assaut policier � Paris: deux morts, des policiers bless�sPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Hillary Clinton�s Best Asset Is Also Her Greatest Liability - Joan Walsh, The Nation
        Trump or Carson? Insiders Consider the Inconceivable - Albert Hunt, Bloomberg
Bobby Jindal ends 2016 presidential campaign - Fox News
        Rubio & Cruz: Not Hispanic Enough for White Liberals - Ruben Navarrette, The Daily Beast
Paris Attacks Complicate Hillary Clinton�s Alignment With Obama - Amy Chozick, New York Times
        Japan relapses into recession in July-September, a blow to �Abenomics�- Reuters, Yahoo News
Germany-Holland football match called off after terror attack tip-off- Kate Connolly and Philip Oltermann, The Guardian
        Tunisia says it prevented major Islamist attack this month- Reuters, The Times of India
Paris attacks: Video �shows ninth attacker�- BBC News
        Dozens killed in Nigeria market bombing- Al Jazeera
France, Russia, US seek to tighten noose around IS group- France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Iran has begun dismantling nuclear facilities: UN watchdog
Engaging with Assad a 'lesser evil', Spain says after Paris attacks
Lavrov says pre-conditions on Assad departure 'unacceptable' for joining forces against ISIS
Germany holds special security cabinet meeting
US Muslims face backlash after Paris attacks
Obama ups pressure on China at Asia-Pacific summit
Ban on Israeli Islamist group risks backlash
Experts to tackle new plan to battle AIDS
Greece and creditors in deal to release more bailout cash
Canada to send more military trainers to Iraq: PM
Coffee-drinkers less likely to die from certain diseases
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
How Neanderthal DNA shaped us all
They have left a powerful legacy in our genes

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PICK OF THE DAY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



From: Larry Kazdan
Subject: Letter to Editor re: How the Liberals can pay for their platform: Goar , Nov. 18

Re:  How the Liberals can pay for their platform: Goar , Nov. 18

In the United Kingdom, the previous head of the British Financial Services Authority Lord Turner has begun advocating "monetary financing", that is, funding government deficits by simply creating money through the central bank and then spending it. In a time of stagnation, this may be superior to balancing the budget through taxing, since the effect of taxation is contractionary, which counters the intent of stimulating the economy.

For those who shudder at the fear of looming hyperinflation, please remember that most money is created by banks through the process of loans, and any subsequent spending carries the exact same inflation risks as government disbursements. Provided the economy has unused capacity and unused resources that can be mobilized (as for example unemployment), the risk of inflation is very low whatever the source of funds.

As long as the economy is under-performing, the government can inject money into infrastructure and services. There is no need to balance the federal budget, since unlike a business or a province, the federal government can always create money without the need to tax or borrow. The balanced budget rules are residuals from the days of the gold standard, when national governments could run out of gold. But the world has been off the gold standard for some 40 years. It's time for economists  to update their texts, and politicians their talking points.

Larry Kazdan,


1. Overt Monetary Financing (OMF)
Bill Mitchell is a Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.

OMF simply means that in some form or another, the treasury arm of government tells the central bank it wants to spend a particular amount and the latter then ensures those funds are available for use in the government�s bank account.

2.  Overt Monetary Financing � again

From Adair Turner:  The Case for Monetary Finance � An Essentially Political Issue

Monetary finance of increased fiscal deficit will always stimulate aggregate
nominal demand: in some circumstances it will be a more certain and/or less
risky way to achieve that stimulation than any alternative policy lever: and the scale of stimulus can be
appropriately calibrated and controlled � there is no knife edge nonlinearity which makes dangerously high inflation inevitable.

3.  Our Sovereign Fiat Currency System and Our Inability to Involuntarily Run out of Money

In 1971 the Nixon administration abandoned the gold standard and adopted a fiat monetary system, substantially altering what looked like the same currency. Under a fiat monetary system, money is an accepted medium of exchange only because the government requires it for tax payments. Government fiat money necessarily means that federal spending need not be based on revenue. The federal government has no more money at its disposal when the federal budget is in surplus, than when the budget is in deficit. Total federal expense is whatever the federal government chooses it to be. There is no inherent financial limit. The amount of federal spending, taxing and borrowing influence inflation, interest rates, capital formation, and other real economic phenomena, but the amount of money available to the federal government is independent of tax revenues and independent of federal debt.

From: Bill Woollam <>
Subject: Editor: Paris Attacks and US arming of ISIS

I don't expect you to put your career on the line by printing this material.  However, you may wish to peruse the collected material on your own time.
I compiled plenty of evidence to raise doubts about the 'official story' being given us regarding the recent terrorism in Paris.

Paris Attacks and US arming of ISIS


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