Thursday 31 March 2016


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

NDP failed to prepare for campaign challenges including niqab debate: report

Trudeau plays down worries Trump, Sanders would reopen trade deal with Canada
        EKOS: NDP slips to lowest level since 2003 as Mulcair leadership review looms
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair calls on Trudeau to denounce Donald Trump
        Wynne concedes need to act on fundraising changes

Richard Fadden, Stephen Harper�s top national security adviser, is retiring
        Trump and Trudeau could work together despite �natural friction:� Gingrich
As Trudeau fields U.S. queries about economic storm clouds, sunny numbers emerge
        Yes, we can make consultation �meaningful� and here�s how
Put more science in politics, and less politics in science
        A vapid feeling to St�phane Dion�s fence-sitting
Senate Stink Redux still fails the sniff test
        The quiet conservative: Why Brad Wall is thriving as the country leans left
Don�t think top talent responds to higher tax rates? Think again�
        How will we know if a guaranteed annual income works?
Yes, we can make consultation �meaningful� and here�s how

Trudeau government asks for ideas on open government
        Investors, rating agencies see Liberal deficit plan as manageable
Ontario Liberals face backlash over fundraising pressure tactics
        Vice Media must give RCMP info on suspected Canadian terrorist, court rules
Peladeau cries foul over rotisserie-chicken deal and roasts Couillard on economy
        Manitoba Liberal candidate says closing hospitals would cut wait times
Morneau Hones Canada�s Deficit Pitch for New York Bond Investors
        Saskatchewan�s Wall and Trudeau continue to spar over EI program changes
Ontario Liberals host major fundraiser, raise about $2.5 million
        Canada may be back, but it faces a bleak world and tough fights at UN: experts

Campaigning continues for Monday�s Saskatchewan provincial election
        Wynne says supporting Trudeau was bid to improve federal-provincial relations
Nuclear Security Summit begins in Washington as ISIS threat looms
        Prison ombudsman�s tenure extended for one year amid appointments overhaul
Canada seeks intervention by the WTO over U.S. duties on supercalendered paper
        The misleading promise of �balance� in Canada�s climate change policy
ISIS seen as growing threat to Canadian peacekeepers in Sinai
        Full review of Access to Information law two years away: Liberals
Election campaign strategy has left NDP vulnerable: party post-mortem
        Prince Edward Island to allow access to abortions within the province

NDP want Liberals to consult widely before changing political contribution rules
        Nature of policing makes it ripe for unprofessional behaviour: RCMP commissioner
More News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Which companies and unions donated big bucks to major Ont. parties? Search our databases - Monika Warzecha, National Post
        Is Quebec no longer the most corrupt province in Canada? - Tasha Kheiriddin, National Post
Trudeau�s Washington nuclear safety visit starts with pep talk to U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Peter Edwards, Toronto Star
        Feds accused of failing to provide equal education funding on First Nations reserves - Kristy Kirkup, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Keystone casts shadow over Trudeau�s speech to U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Robert Fife, The Globe & Mail
        The Quebec Liberals try to clear the state�but it�s hardly clean - Martin Patriquin, Macleans
The Liberal privacy campaign that died with the election - Tim Harper, Toronto Star
        New rules on political contributions would be broken, but at least we�d have rules - Andrew Coyne, National Post
Refugee sponsors frustrated by delays hold �emergency meeting� - Jennifer Chevalier, CBC News
        Retired soldier questions Defence Minister Sajjan � just where is my pension? - David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen

MacKay tops poll for Tory leadership - David Akin, Toronto Sun
        New Uber campaign attempts to pressure B.C. government - Rob Shaw, Vancouver Sun
Canada boasts achievements in reducing domestic threat as Trudeau heads to nuclear summit - Ian Macleod, National Post
        PM says �evidence� determined regions getting extra EI money - Josh Dehaas, CTV News
Could Trudeau be a real friend in hard times? - Don Braid, Calgary Herald
        Lamenting the role of money in politics, Wynne hosts gigantic fundraiser - David Reevely, Ottawa Citizen
TV service complaints outnumber all others, Canadian regulator says- Pete Evans, CBC News
        TD expects �next shoe to drop� on Canadian banks� relatively low oil loan provisions- Barbara Shecter, Financial Post
Ontario Teachers� Pension Plan posts 13% return in 2015- Jacqueline Nelson, The Globe & Mail
        Canada ranks 2nd among 10 countries for cost competitiveness: KPMG- The Canadian Press, CTV News


Dany Villanueva arr�t� dans une op�ration antidroguePlus
        Sam Hamad vis� par l'�mission Enqu�tePlus
Op�ration antidrogue majeure: 31 suspects arr�t�sPlus
        Lafreni�re demeure � la t�te de l'UPAC... pour l'instantPlus
F�d�rales 2015: le NPD reconna�t avoir n�glig� le Qu�becPlus
        Crainte terroriste: pas d'intention criminelle, dit l'accus�Plus
�Salut, salut, papa� - les enfants de Jean LapierrePlus
        Il stockait des armes pour se pr�parer � la fin du mondePlus
Salah Abdeslam va �tre extrad� en FrancePlus
        Inde: au moins 20 morts dans l'effondrement d'un pontPlus

St-Hubert: Qu�bec aurait d� intervenir, selon l'oppositionPlus
        Uber: le PQ accuse Couillard de b�illonner DaoustPlus
Il sauve 600 migrants en mer gr�ce � son t�l�phonePlus
        Un automobiliste de 43 ans meurt dans un accident Plus
Deuxi�me journ�e d'enqu�te du BST aux �les-de-la-MadeleinePlus
        Attentat d�jou� en France: op�ration polici�re en BelgiquePlus
Une infirmi�re soup�onn�e d'avoir tu� 13 patientsPlus
        P�ter chez quelqu'un, est-ce un crime?Plus
La menace atomique nord-cor�enne au sommet nucl�airePlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Republicans seethe at talk of giving up White House - Alexander Bolton, The Hill
        The Democrats as a Movement Party - Paul Starr, American Prospect
What Are 147 FBI Agents Doing? - Jeffrey Toobin, Commentary
        The Republican Blame Game - Kirsten Powers, USA Today
Donald Trump�s Rough Week - Ben Domenech, The Federalist
        Libya�s unity government leaders in Tripoli power bid- BBC News
Syria�s Assad says military gains will speed up political deal- Reuters, The Times of India
        Seeking justice in a French court for an IS-group beheading- France 24
Hollande drops plan to revoke citizenship of dual-national terrorists- Kim Willsher, The Guardian
        French minister shocks with Muslim veil-slavery comment- Al Jazeera

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
More analysis needed on King Tut 'hidden chamber': Egypt minister
        Ukrainian AFP photographer denied Russia entry
Massachusetts priest defrocked for sexually abusing minor: archdiocese
        Red Cross brings solar panels to Gaza clinics
Kurdish forces prepare to 'liberate' ISIS stronghold of Raqqa: leader
        Libyan unity government starts work from 'secured' Tripoli naval base
Russia launches cargo ship to space station
        Turkish security, protesters clash in Washington ahead of Erdogan speech
Britain's remaining milkmen keeping tradition afloat
        Diminutive 'Hobbit' people vanished earlier than previously known

US, SKorea, Japan pledge security cooperation amid NKorea threat
        Romania to boost anti-terrorism laws as fears over extremist militants spread to eastern Europe
Israel denies permits to Gazans for Palestine Marathon
        Assad says willing to hold early presidential vote
Assad says Turkey Erdogan's army fighting in Syria: RIA
        Russian sappers arrive in Syria to clear mines in Palmyra
Assad: people of Syria want Russian miltary contingent to stay: RIA
        French protesters clash with police over labor reforms
Kremlin denies report of Russia-U.S. deal on Assad's future
        British current account deficit balloons, Osborne warns against EU "Brexit"

South Africa's top court says Zuma failed to respect constitution
        Turkey army ridicules talk of 'anti-Erdogan coup'
Hong Kong threatens 'action' against independence party
        Bernie Sanders has Hillary Clinton right where he wants her
U.N. expert decries Israeli�s killing of Palestinian
        Don�t overdo economic sanctions, it may backfire
Weak global economy threatening government finances: OECD
        Previous                                           Next

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


From: "Mahmood Elahi"
To: <>
Cc: < ...snip...>
Subject: Why is America's, Japan's, Australia's and South Korea's largest trading partner China excluded from TPP?

The Editor
National Post

Why is America�s, Japan�s, Australia�s and South Korea�s largest trading partner China excluded from TPP?

Re: Time to rally behind the TPP, by Michael Den Tandt, March 30.

China is not only the world�s most populous country and the second largest economy, it is also the largest trading partner of the United States, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea and all Southeast Asian countries. It is also the second largest trading partner of Canada. All these countries� exports to and imports from China are far bigger than their combined trade with each others. The United States runs a trade deficit of $430 billion with China.  Canada runs a trade deficit of $50 billion vis a vis China. So why is it excluded from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), touted as the biggest trading arrangement in the region?

The answer is: It is about countering China�s growing military clout and not about trade. Michael Den Dandt mentions this when he says: �But one need only to glance at a map of the Western Pacific to see the problem: Western-allied democracies Japan, Australia and New Zealand, as well as the more-or-less non-aligned Southeast Asian countries, live in China�s immediate shadow�� But it makes little sense to create a free-trade area excluding their biggest trading partner, China.  If it is military alliance aimed at countering China�s military clout, it will hamper trade by increasing the tension between these nations and their largest trading partner.

Michael Den Tandt fails to realize that the Western-allied democracies in the Asia-Pacific region cannot afford to enter into a confrontation with their biggest trading partner China. It will hurt them economically. Only by bringing in China, the TPP can promote trade and prosperity in the region. A trading bloc without the largest trading nation in the Pacific will be like the European Union without its largest trading partner, Germany. Canada should urge to include China in the TPP before rallying behind.

2240 Iris Street, Ottawa.


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