Saturday 2 April 2016


Regulating pot benefits kids, Margaret Trudeau tells educators

Trudeau downplays threat of nuclear terror attack
        Conference with links to Liberals gets money from Trudeau government
NDP �too white,� party president Rebecca Blaikie says
        Canada�s spy agencies looking to work together more, say top secret documents

Post offices should double as banks: union leaders
        Bill C-51 anti-terror arrests without a crime concern legal experts
Justin Trudeau swarmed while greeting locals at Halifax farmer�s market
        Trudeau yoga pose stories pose their own threat
Putting on a brave face at Broadbent
        A little coherence from the Liberals on the deficit, please
The Dion doctrine: Do the right thing, sometimes
        Five reasons to kill the Saudi arms deal
Open government: The political motivations and hurdles
        How good is Saskatchewan�s Brad Wall, really?

Watch out, Canadian political elites. We�re not immune from a Trump
        The broken promise of Kathleen Wynne
Trudeau adopting wrong immigration approach

Mulcair is little more than a sideshow, but he�s still the best the NDP has to offer
        Ontario�s looming war over corporate handouts
Justin Trudeau to visit Halifax, speak at Nova Scotia Liberal�s AGM
        NDP still a distant second to Sask. Party as election day looms: poll
Judge reserves decision in case of profane anti-Harper sign in car
        Canadian army generals to get maple leaf insignias back
Judge tosses evidence in Del Mastro trial (the other one)
        Alberta labour minister seeks clarity on enhanced EI benefits from Ottawa
Corporate and union political donations should be unlimited: Kevin O�Leary
        Unifor head�s endorsement of Tom Mulcair comes with a caveat

Rapid-Fire Politics: What does Tom Mulcair need to revive his party?
        The mystery of the missing Last Spike
Trudeau to visit India, PMO confirms following meeting with Modi
        More News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
A little coherence from the Liberals on the deficit, please - Andrew Coyne, National Post
The broken promise of Kathleen Wynne - Adam Radwanski, The Globe & Mail
Kim Campbell lauds Trudeau for feminist policies - Josh Dehaas, CTV News
How good is Saskatchewan�s Brad Wall, really? - Jen Gerson, National Post
Wynne seeks input from Tories, NDP on fundraising reforms - Robert Benzie, Toronto Star
A bunch of April fools: Canadian politicians crack practical jokes - Meagan Campbell, Macleans
Ontario�s troubled jails �on the radar� for brand-new ombudsman - David Reevely, Ottawa Citizen
PM announces $42M to safeguard nuclear materials - Alexander Panetta, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Trudeau, Obama tout commitments at close of Nuclear Security Summit - Matt Kwong, CBC News
Kathleen Wynne comes clean on fundraising quotas for cabinet ministers - Keith Leslie, The Canadian Press, National Post
Unifor head�s endorsement of Tom Mulcair comes with a caveat - Laura Stone, The Globe & Mail
NDP not worried about financials despite posting deficit of $497,129 in 2015 - James Wood, Calgary Sun
Update on latest unite-the-right efforts - James Wood, Calgary Herald
B.C.�s approach to helping those with mental health problems is dysfunctional - Stephen Hume, Vancouver Sun
TPP �worst trade deal ever,� says Nobel-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz- CBC News
Saudia Arabia plans $2-trillion mega-fund to wean the country off oil- John Micklethwait, Glen Carey, Alaa Shahine and Matthew Martin, Bloomberg News, FInancial Post
BlackBerry shares slump as revenue misses estimates, posts loss- Shane Dingman, The Globe & Mail
Cenovus Energy says it�s cutting 440 jobs as low oil prices continue- The Canadian Press, CTV News
Starbucks rolls out beer, wine at three Toronto locations- Lisa Wright, Toronto Star

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PICK OF THE DAY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Des op�rations de pr�vention en cours sur des rivi�resPlus
        Sam Hamad remplac� par Carlos Leit�o et Fran�ois BlaisPlus
Heurts entre l'Azerba�djan et l'Arm�nie, 30 mortsPlus
        �boulement dans un stationnement � Qu�becPlus
La situation de Sam Hamad �difficilement soutenable�Plus
        Des soldats irakiens lib�rent 1500 prisonniers de l'EIPlus
Montr�al et Toronto signent une entente de coop�rationPlus
        Les skieurs �branl�s par la mort d'un planchiste au Mont-GarceauPlus
Claire Kirkland-Casgrain port�e � son dernier reposPlus
        Syrie: un charnier de 42 victimes de l'EI d�couvert � PalmyrePlus

Montr�al: un pi�ton dans un �tat critiquePlus
        Laurentides: un septuag�naire meurt frapp� par un VUSPlus
Il fonce � plusieurs reprises dans une autopatrouillePlus
        Effondrement d'un pont en Inde: 3 nouvelles interpellationsPlus
Puissant s�isme en Alaska, mais pas d'alerte au tsunamiPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Hillary is losing her grip on New York - Carl Campanile, Reuven Fenton and Bob Fredericks, New York Post
        Is Donald Trump Self-Destructing? - John Cassidy, The New Yorker
A Divided Party for Democrats? - Mark Plotkin, The Hill
        It�s Really Hard to Get Sanders 988 More Delegates - Nate Silver, Five Hundred and Thirty Eight
Every Trump Supporter Should Be Ostracized - Steve Berman, The Resurgent
        Turkey forcibly returning Syrians to war zone, Amnesty says- The Associated Press, The Times of India
France accuses Syrian government of violating ceasefire- Patrick Wintour, The Guardian
        Is nuclear terrorism a real threat?- France 24
Israeli soldier released to �open detention�- Al Jazeera
        US airmen terror attack: Junead Khan found guilty- BBC News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Armenian, Azerbaijan forces in deadly clashes as Putin urges ceasefire
        US weighs more special forces troops for Syria: official
Clinton's frustration grows, as primary race drags on
        Britain's Cameron urges talks on steel crisis with China at G20
Greece wants IMF explanations over Wikileaks report: official
        Putin calls for 'immediate ceasefire' along Karabakh frontline: Kremlin
India court says women have equal right to enter temples
        Strong U.S. jobs report unlikely to sway cautious Fed
Battle heats up for crunch New York primary
        Previous                                           Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


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