Tuesday 24 May 2016


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<< http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/

Liberals spent $24,000 on tourism video that Tories say broke ban on partisan ads

New government ad rules a step forward, but for some it's not big enough
        He's Teflon: Trudeau's approval ratings remain high as Canadians shrug off elbowgate
Regrets about the Liberal win? So far, voters have few
        Trudeau hits 12 month high, Mulcair 12 month low in wake of Elbowgate

Irving proposes $300M ships tailored for military to use in humanitarian work
        Japan's prime minister puts heat on Trudeau over TPP, South China Sea
Sophie Gr�goire Trudeau Continues Canadian Style Streak On Day 2 In Japan
        The revenge of the CPC grassroots
Rise of Trumpism one reason Japan should aim for bilateral trade pact with Canada
        How the press gallery misread the country's reaction to elbowgate
Exploiting Fort Mac's fire is the "Shock Doctrine" of leftists and Leapers
        Female politicians are changing Canadian politics
Apologies force us to confront our sins as a nation
        A foreign minister's inside tip: Know what you don't know

NDP's right: Little logic in pursuing pot possession cases
        Liberals make good on their promise end partisan government advertising
How to salvage some good out of Trudeau's very bad week

Justin Trudeau's elbow sent national media into overdrive but poll says it didn't arouse most Canadians
        With large crop of spin doctors, Alberta NDP look a lot like the government they replaced
Fort Mac claims its rightful pride of place
        With Trans Mountain, Justin Trudeau soon to face his first pipeline choice
Steady on, Justin Trudeau. You're meant to be the good guy
        Wynne won�t commit to release climate change plan before legislature rises
Justin Trudeau makes investment pitch to Japanese automakers
        Former U.S. diplomat criticizes Canada�s �weakness� on Russia
Disabled veterans finding doors shut to jobs in federal civil service
        Canada Revenue Agency corners market on name TED

Military sex assault and misconduct investigations increase in 2015
        Liberals� pot plan looks for way to detect and deter drug-impaired driving
CBSA considers electronic tracking of detainees rather than holding them in custody
        5 potential warning signs of a Canadian downturn
Grassroots Liberals demand withdrawal of proposed constitution to avoid �most divisive convention in years�: Grit riding
        At the end of his legendary career, Liberal senator reflects on politics, past and present
Airport lines grow longer despite better pre-clearance
        Was #Elbowgate a Pivot Point?
John Oliver�s Justin Trudeau Segment On �Last Week Tonight� Proves Why #ElbowGate Isn�t A Scandal
        Political Traction: Elbowgate 2016

Vance says military action in Libya not inevitable, but Canada watching closely
        Canada could be pressed into reopening NAFTA, U.S. lawmaker says
Pipeline politics in 2016
        Spokesman says Crown attorneys won�t appeal Duffy acquittal
Re-evaluate Oshkosh Defense�s bid for $834M-deal: trade tribunal to Public Works
        Trudeau sidesteps key issue after meeting Japanese PM: Chinese expansion in South China Sea
More News                                               More News
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Ontario Liberal to apologize for calling cops on mom protesting cuts to autism therapy - The Canadian Press, National Post
        Liberal government paid nearly $18,000 for "deliverology" guru - Glen McGregor, CTV News
Former U.S. diplomat criticizes Canada's "weakness" on Russia - Robert Fife, The Globe & Mail
        Kevin OLeary's mission to bring "adult supervision" to Ottawa is about to start in earnest - John Ivison, National Post
Government veto would undermine push for openness - Editorial, Toronto Star
        Notley getting kudos for handling of Fort McMurray so far, but challenges remain - Dean Bennett, The Canadian Press, The Globe & Mail
Liberals' pot plan looks for way to detect and deter drug-impaired driving - Hannah Thibedeau, CBC News
        Wynne, McGuinty green energy fiasco has left Ontarians drowning in red ink - Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
Garneau to unveil renewed campaign against pointing lasers at planes - The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Trudeau should keep secret ballot union votes- Colin Craig, Toronto Sun

Trudeau to get earful from Japanese prime minister on the most vexing issue in Asia - Matthew Fisher, National Post
        Trudeau will "explore next steps" if Toronto bids for Expo 2025 - The Canadian Press, The Globe & Mail
Canada's major telecoms set to leap in to 5G technology- Michael Lewis, Toronto Star
        Why you might be better off without a defined-benefit pension plan- Ted Rechtshaffen, Financial Post
Germany�s Bayer makes $62 billion offer for Monsanto- The Associated Press, CTV News
        Viral memes blur lines between cute videos and savvy marketing- Dianne Buckner, CBC News
Innovate our innovation? Think big for Canada's cities- David Crane, The Globe & Mail

TOUTES LES NOUVELLES PUBLIES DEPUIS 24 HEURES http://fr.canoe.ca/infos/aujourdhui/

EgyptAir: analyses ADN pour les victimesPlus
        Tentative d'enl�vement: il �entend des voix�Plus
Iowa: un homme nu coinc� dans une chemin�ePlus
        Une araign�e force l'�vacuation d'une �piceriePlus
Cloutier en d�saccord avec Ouellet sur le sort de Jacques DaoustPlus
        Qu�bec demande � la VG d'enqu�ter sur le MTQPlus
Victor-L�vy Beaulieu s'invite dans la course au PQPlus
        Op�ration charme de Justin Trudeau au JaponPlus
Obama appelle le Vietnam au respect des droits de l'hommePlus
        Voici 5 sujets � suivre aujourd'huiPlus

Sortie de route mortelle � RimouskiPlus
        Fort McMurray: d�but du processus de r�int�gration des campsPlus
V�lo Festif veut remplacer les cal�ches dans le Vieux-Montr�alPlus
        Birmanie: au moins 11 morts dans un glissement de terrainPlus
Feux de for�t: des canoteurs en d�tresse sauv�s par l'arm�e


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Hillary Clinton Is the Democrats' Jeb Bush - Betsy Woodruff, The Daily Beast
        Bernie Sanders Loses His Halo - Bill Scher, Politico
How Corporate America Bought Clinton for $21M - Michael Walsh, New York Post
        Electoral Map Looks Grim for Trump - Juan Williams, The Hill
Trump�s Jump in Polls Changes the Media Mindset - Howard Kurtz, Fox News
        Netanyahu renews rejection of French peace initiative- Al Jazeera
Yemen bombings kill at least 41- Agence French Press, The Times Of India
        Austrian right-wing candidate's lead slips in early poll projections- France 24
EgyptAir: Crashed flight MS804 "did not swerve"- BBC News
        Explosions kill scores of people in Syrian coastal cities- Reuters, The Guardian

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<< http://www.dailystar.com

U.S.-backed Syrian rebel alliance begins offensive to seize territory north of Raqqa: spokesman
        Russia finmin: foreign interest in Eurobond showed high trust in Russia
Sanders campaign requests Kentucky vote recanvass
        Erdogan says Turkey parliament will block EU migrant deal if no visa-free travel
Israeli minister blocks burial of killed Palestinian attackers
        Brazil's Temer seeks constitutional reform to curb public spending
China says better US-Vietnam ties must not threaten Beijing
        Cuba to legalize small and medium-sized private businesses
Russia ready to coordinate with Kurds and US on Raqqa offensive: Lavrov
        Palestinian PM dismisses Netanyahu's direct talks proposal

Russia, Ukraine commit to Minsk accords in call with France, Germany
        Strongest El Nino in nearly 20 years ends: Australian weather bureau
Israeli shake-up prompts �seeds of fascism� warning
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

From: "Mahmood Elahi"
To: <chairman@monarchist.ca>
Cc: <lettertoed@thestar.ca>,
Subject: Remember how royalists transformed Canada

The Editor
The Toronto Star
Copy to: The Monarchist League of Canada.

Remember how royalists transformed Canada
Re: The Queen and I, by Linda Diebel, Front Page, May 23.

It may be recalled that after the British conquest of Canada in 1759, the colonial governor Sir Guy Carleton thought that Canada would always remain a French-speaking country. Europeans who migrate, he asserted, will never prefer the cold inhospitable winter of Canada to the more cheerful climate of His Majesty's southern provinces. So, barring tragedy shocking to think of, this country must, to the end of time, be peopled by the French-Canadian race.

This was not to be. Within a decade and a half, came a crowd of American royalists driven into exile by revolutionary upheavals in their own country. They were North America's first political refugees who fled to Canada to escape persecution in hands of so-called Patriots.

Influx of New England royalists, known as the United Empire Loyalists, signalled the transformation of Canada. It could no longer be contended that Canada would remain French to the end of time. A substantial and growing population of Anglo-American stock had been planted in Nova Scotia, Quebec and areas next to it what was to become Ontario, triggering a process in which the Francophones became a minority in the country founded by them.

As such, Canada is not  simply a former British colony like India or Australia, it is a country transformed by royalists, who left the land of brave, to live under the Crown. As a prominent Massachusetts Loyalist Jonathan Seewell, who became the chief justice of Quebec, wrote in the Boston Gazette : I must leave my dear Massachusetts, for I cannot forsake my King for the sake of convenience.

Few years ago, I visited Justice Seewell's stately mansion near the Quebec National Assembly. The house was padlocked with a plaque: This is the residence of Jonathan Seewell. Born in Massachusetts, he came to Canada in 1776 as a Loyalist and later became the Chief Justice of Quebec.

People like Justice Seewell and those who followed him had bequeathed the royalist legacy which we must cherish for the sake of Canada. Truly, the arrival of the United Empire Loyalists not only changed the course of Canadian history by prompting the British government to establish the provinces of New Brunswick and Ontario, it also gave them special characteristics which can be seen today. Perhaps the most striking of these is the motto on the Ontario coat of arms: Ut incept sic permanet fidelis, "As she began, so she remains, Loyal."



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