Thursday 16 February 2017


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Conservative senators accused of stalling transgender rights bill
        Trudeau must act now to protect Canada from Trump�s domestic agenda: group
Billionaire firm�s updated lobbying records corroborate Rona Ambrose�s story

Government throws �strong and clear� support for anti-Islamophobia motion ahead of tonight�s debate
        Mary Ng, PMO�s director of appointments, hopes to run for McCallum�s vacant seat
Crown seeking two-year prison term for ex-Montreal mayor Michael Applebaum
        Trump blames �fake media� for treating Flynn �very unfairly�

Liberal MP keen to allay �fear and anxiety� on anti-Islamophobia motion but will not change it in face of �hatred�
        EU parliament votes in favour of trade deal with Canada
Bernier�s broad donor base still tops the Conservative leadership field
        The perils of political hypocrisy
Tories playing a high-risk leadership game � again
        It only costs $15 to thwart Kellie Leitch and Kevin O�Leary�s prime ministerial aspirations
The centre cannot hold: Canada faces a populist eruption
        Journos� lexicon needs paradigm shift or brand equity in peril
In rush to appease Trump, Trudeau is abandoning his values
        How journalism will protect our democracy in the era of fake news

Reading between the lines of the Trudeau-Trump encounter
        Don�t fear Trudeau�s proportional representation bogeymen

Aunt of drowned Syrian child Alan Kurdi to release memoir �The Boy on the Beach�
        Poll suggests Canadians more optimistic about the economy
NDP leadership candidates waiting for Conservative leadership furor to die down before entering race
        Premier Kathleen Wynne launches charm offensive with U.S. governors
Ottawa seeking to sell Coast Guard ship for $250,000, despite spending millions repairing it in 2009
        Across Canada, hundreds of criminal case suspensions sought for unreasonable delay
Trudeau offered a brilliant defence of Canada in Washington
        First date goes well for Canada
Trump was civil, Trudeau masterful. Is it all a dream?
        At Issue: First Trudeau-Trump meeting

Trudeau�s three-step plan to stay under Trump�s radar
        Smoot-Hawley�s Misguided Folly
Forced to resign as RCAF honorary colonel for criticizing Super Hornets, former Tory MP says
        Ottawa approves BCE-MTS tie-up; deal to benefit Xplornet
Terrorism, organized crime prompt millions more for border
        O�Leary, Chong, Bernier, Raitt most appealing Conservative leadership candidates to Canadians: Nanos survey
Conservatives divided on anti-Islamaphobia motion
        Vicious abuse and personal attacks on the rise say politicians
Ches Crosbie, son of John Crosbie, making run for Newfoundland Tory leadership
        B.C. Liberal government promises financial relief in throne speech

Questsions swirl about the effects of the Trudeau-Trump joint declaration
        Goodale to address border �tensions� with U.S. homeland secretary
Justin Trudeau, Donald Trump Meeting Success Came From Months Of Talks, Bonding
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Trudeau heads to Europe as trade deal finally passed - The Globe and Mail
        �We want to fix this�: Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett on Sixties Scoop ruling - CBC News
Wynne pours cash on Ontario teachers - Editorial, Toronto Sun
        Government to write off $178 million in unpaid federal student loans - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Michael Chong bets on carbon-pricing plan to separate him from the Conservative leadership pack - Marie-Danielle Smith, National Post
        Elementary teachers� deal gives raise, caps full-day kindergarten - The Canadian Press, Ottawa Sun
Troops prepare to leave for Ukraine amid uncertainty over mission�s future - Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press, CBC News
        In pre-election Throne Speech, B.C. says it�s payback time for taxpayers - Justine Hunter, The Globe & Mail
Ottawa hopeful United States will abandon proposed border tax - Robert Fife, The Globe and Mail
        Ontario to cap kindergarten classes, give teachers raise in tentative deal - Kristin Rushowy, Toronto Star

RRSP contributions by Canadians in prime years slipped from 2000 to 2013- The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        After encouraging Trump meeting, firms now eyeing Canada-EU trade outcome- CTV News
Re-nude: Playboy turns page on 1-year experiment- The Associated Press, CBC News
        Less work, lagging pay: What lurks beneath Canada�s strong jobs numbers- Michael Babad, The Globe and Mail
Toshiba, the company worth more than Apple in 2004, could soon be effectively worthless: Gadfly- David Fickling, Bloomberg News, Financial Post


Une agression mortelle diffus�e en direct sur FacebookPlus
        Trump se d�marque sur la solution � deux �tatsPlus
Le CETA approuv� par le parlement europ�enPlus
        Montr�al d�tr�ne Paris au palmar�s des villes �tudiantesPlus
Donald Trump somm� de s'expliquer sur la RussiePlus
        Le d�bat sur la la�cit� s'enflamme � nouveauPlus
Ces personnalit�s qui ont �t� empoisonn�esPlus
        Michael Applebaum: �Je le vois pleurer � la maison�, dit son filsPlus
Le Journal envoie 2 plaintes � Radio-CanadaPlus
        Arrestation apr�s le meurtre du demi-fr�re de Kim Jong-UnPlus

Voici 5 sujets � suivre aujourd'huiPlus
        Entre 10 et 20 centim�tres attendus sur le sud-ouest du Qu�becPlus
Pyongyang rejette la condamnation de l'ONUPlus
        Pr�sidentielle fran�aise: le Kremlin accus� d'ing�rencePlus
Affrontement Barrette-Francoeur: querelle de m�decinsPlus
        Barrage d'Oroville: l'ordre d'�vacuation lev�Plus
Donald Trump dans la tourmentePlus
        Martine Ouellet accus�e de d�tourner les fonds de l'Assembl�e nationalePlus
Musulmans refoul�s � la fronti�re: Goodale n'a pas abord� la questionPlus
        Les juristes de l'�tat refusent la nouvelle offre de Qu�becPlus
Denis Coderre appuie Manon Mass�Plus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The timeline of Michael Flynn�s resignation is troubling for the Trump White House - Aaron Blake, Washington Post
        Is the Left Playing with Fire Again? - Pat Buchanan, The American Conservative
Clinton: Flynn a victim of �fake news� - Pete Kasperowicz, Washington Examiner
        Schumer tries to keep the peace as Sanders speaks out - Alexander Bolton, The Hill
The Embarrassment of President Trump - Jeffrey Frank, The New Yorker
        A Short Hop From U.S., Some Canadians Opt to Just Stay Put - Catherine Porter, New York Times
US blacklists Venezuela�s vice president for drug trafficking- France 24
        Hitler lookalike arrested in Austria- AFP, The Times Of India
Imelda Marcos loses legal fight to reclaim confiscated jewellery- Oliver Holmes, The Guardian
        Brexit: Environmental standards could be eroded warn peers- BBC News
Turkey: Hundreds detained over alleged links to PKK- Al Jazeera

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Yahoo issues new warning of potential email account breach
        Anti-Assad states to meet on Syria amid concerns over US policy
Turkish minister defends Syria 'safe zones' idea
        Pipeline exec compares Dakota protesters to terrorists
Lawyers in CIA torture case argue over secret documents
        Trump promises Israel that Iran will never get bomb
Trump rails at intelligence leaks as Russia crisis deepens
        Washington will no longer insist that any peace deal lead to a recognized Palestinian state: US official
Canada frees Air India bomber
        France's support for two-state solution 'stronger than ever'

NATO allies must pay more or US will 'moderate its commitment': Mattis
        Syria talks won't work without Kurds present: PYD
US, Russian military leaders to meet in Azerbaijan: statement
        Pope appears to back native tribes in Dakota Pipeline conflict
'Everything must be done' to preserve Mideast two-state solution: UN chief
        Anti-Islam Wilders frontrunner as Dutch election campaign begins
Trump assails US intelligence agencies amid questions over Russia
        NATO chief concerned if Russia missile reports prove true
EU Parliament approves contested Canada trade deal
        Russia tells White House it will not return Crimea to Ukraine

China warns U.S. against fresh naval patrols in South China Sea
        Kremlin dismisses report of Trump campaign contacts with Russian spies
Palestinians caution Trump against abandoning two-state concept
        British EU residents concerned about Brexit's impact: survey
In race to clean energy, emerging nations seize bigger role: World Bank
        Previous                                   Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Microwave And Cell Phone Radiation Dangers Not To Ignore


Most Canadians approve of trade deal with European Union, poll suggests

most Canadians are unaware of non-trade aspects reducing sovereignty
How the CETA Trade Agreement Would "Corner Governments"�


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