Tuesday 2 May 2017


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<< http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/

�Stolen valour�: Sajjan faces calls to resign in wake of Afghanistan battle claim

Maxime Bernier in a commanding lead in first blush of post-O�Leary polls
Stephen Harper: Popularity of My Support for Israel Among Electorate Makes It Difficult for Trudeau to Go in Different Direction
Alberta government interferes with freedom of information requests, email reveals
Sen. Meredith�s lawyer questions timing of new story on embattled politician

Former lieutenant-governor of Ontario charged with six counts of wilfully exceeding federal political donation limits
Uber hires former Ontario PC president to lobby Ottawa
Trudeau rebuffs calls for Sajjan�s resignation amid charges of �stolen valour�
Hitting the panic button over Prime Minister�s Question Time
Canada Doesn�t Need To Fix Its Justice System. It Needs A New One
What Canadians Should Know About The CRTC�s Internet Decision
Two Tory leadership hopefuls could beat Bernier � if they don�t beat each other first
Why I love taxes � and so should you
The dairy and softwood bluster is pure Trump posturing
Mark Norman case highlights a broken procurement system
There�s an obvious way to influence U.S. policy � be the last one to talk to Trump
Trump can�t deter North Korea�s nuclear efforts. What�s the end game?
Canada and China, a rapidly evolving relationship

Conservatives� rank and file �pissed off� O�Leary quit, wondering, �what the hell are we left with?�
        Charlie Angus: Trump is Jerry Springer, Trudeau is Oprah
Liberals back down on parliamentary changes, but closure will be cost: Chagger
        A Tepid Economic Temperature: Is Class Conflict Coming to Canada?
CSIS monitoring Chinese reporters in Canada
        Sask. to use notwithstanding clause to override Catholic school ruling
What was Kevin O�Leary thinking?
        Criticism only makes Trump more powerful

Power Play: Should Sajjan resign?
        Senator Don Meredith Harassed, Sexually Abused Staff For Years, Say Former Aides
5 reasons Trump is cheesed off about Canada
        �Don�t forgive them and don�t forget,� PSAC leader says Phoenix could be 2019 election issue
The Senate wrote a kids� book: �Wise owls� bring order to forest of bickering beavers and bears


Ontario still needs an electricity policy plan
        Site C: It�s not too late to hit pause
Climate change causes glacial river in Yukon to change direction
        Great Barrier Reef: Two-thirds damaged in �unprecedented� bleaching
Trump introduces serious headwind to Canada�s competitiveness
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/

Podcast: 2017 Ontario Budget and the path forward for Kathleen Wynne

Harjit Sajjan accused of downplaying role in Afghan war in attempt to thwart investigation by watch dog - Zane Schwartz, National Post
        John Tory puts Kathleen Wynne, Toronto MPPs on notice over lack of social housing cash - Jennifer Pagliaro, Toronto Star
Newfoundland and Labrador�s top bureaucrat resigns over conflict of interest accusation - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        As Canada prepares to legalize pot, Colorado offers advice - Laura Kane - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
How a seven-second long encounter on the campaign trail has blown up on Christy Clark and the B.C. Liberals - Mike Smyth, National Post
        B.C. Election � Parties push for crucial advance votes - Rob Shaw, Vancouver Sun
Pat Stogran adds strong language, new policy in NDP race - Tom Parkin, Toronto Sun
        PM mobbed at Khalsa Day event in T.O. - Veronica Henri, Toronto Sun
Canadian senator mugged in Pakistan by thieves on motorcycle, losing cash, pearls and Senate ID card -
        Pharmacare could be boost for family finances in homes with private health coverage - Rob Ferguson, Toronto Star

U.S. economy expanded at weakest pace in 3 years in first quarter of 2017- CTV News
        Home Capital: The question of conflict in a crisis of confidence- David Milstead, The Globe and Mail
Why Canada is �dragging its feet� on the next spectrum auction while demand keeps growing- Emily Jackson, Financial Post
        Yik Yak social media is shutting down- Brennan Doherty, Toronto Star
Iconic Dad�s chocolate chip cookies discontinued, customers bitter- Sophia Harris, CBC News

TOUTES LES NOUVELLES PUBLIES DEPUIS 24 HEURES http://fr.canoe.ca/infos/aujourdhui/

Glissez-vous dans la peau de Marine Le Pen gr�ce � ce jeu vid�o inspir� de Pok�monPlus
        Cor�e du Sud: le syst�me antimissile am�ricain THAAD est op�rationnelPlus
Troubles mentaux et toxicomanie: consulter inciterait des proches � faire de m�mePlus
        Justin Trudeau doit demander la d�mission du ministre de la D�fense, croit l'oppositionPlus
Le r�gime syrien a utilis� des gaz neurotoxiques dans 4 attaques pr�sum�esPlus
        Le chef d�mocrate au S�nat concocte une �playlist� anti-Trump sur SpotifyPlus
Venezuela: l'opposition marche le 1er mai et brave MaduroPlus
        Accessibilit� en sant�: six super-cliniques voient le jour � LavalPlus
Su�de: une mosqu�e ravag�e par un incendie probablement criminelPlus
        Le Congr�s am�ricain dope le budget D�fense, pas un dollar pour le murPlus

L'�I en passe de perdre un verrou vers son fief de Raqa en SyriePlus
        Trump affirme ne plus avoir de contacts avec ObamaPlus
La coalition anti-djihadiste reconna�t avoir tu� �involontairement� 352 civils depuis 2014Plus
        Brexit: l'ex-premier ministre Tony Blair veut se �salir les mains�Plus
Pyongyang: essai nucl�aire possible �� n'importe quel moment�Plus
        Un �crasement fait possiblement deux morts � ScheffervillePlus
La voiture de la Canadienne disparue au B�lize a �t� retrouv�ePlus
        La Cor�e du Nord se dit pr�te � r�aliser un essai nucl�airePlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
How to Deal With the Narcissist in the White House - Emily Yoffe, Politico
        Paul Ryan Is Proving to Be All Talk�and No Action - Michael Goodwin, New York Post
Richard Trumka�s Warning to Democrats - Michael Tomasky, The Daily Beast
        Woodward and Bernstein offer reassurance to media amid �fake news� storm - Daniel Chaitin, Washington Examiner
Trump Knocks the Media, Obamacare and Sen. Schumer - NBC News
        Trump Is Instinctive, But Not Like Reagan Was - Cass Sunstein, Boston Globe
Media Assault on Trump Could Win Him a Second Term - Salena Zito, New York Post
        Trump Invites Rodrigo Duterte to the White House - Mark Landler, New York Times
In My First 100 Days, I Kept My Promise to Americans - President Donald Trump, Washington Post
        The White House Correspondents� Association paid Trump a compliment � then delivered a message -
Gem TV: Iranian CEO Saeed Karimian shot dead in Istanbul- BBC News
        Drone strike kills 5 Qaida suspects in Yemen- AFP, The Times Of India
Malcolm Turnbull hits back at Palaszczuk after �bitter, personal attack�- Ben Doherty and agencies, The Guardian
        Kurdish-Arab force makes gains against ISIL in Tabqa- Al Jazeera
Turkey sacks thousands of civil servants in latest post-coup purge- France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<< http://www.dailystar.com

Trump to continue talking to Netanyahu about settlements: W.House
        Trump considers breaking up large banks: report
Trump would be 'honored' to meet N.Korea's Kim, if conditions right
        Erdogan: Turkey to hold referendum on EU membership
Violence scars pre-election May 1 marches in France
        Syrian forces used nerve gas in four recent attacks: HRW
Macron, Le Pen exchange May Day blows on day of rallies and protests
        Pakistani authorities bust illegal organ trade ring
UN rights chief condemns latest Turkey purge
        UN envoy supported by Trump, even if outspoken at times

N. Korea missile fears in Japan: 'Whatever will be, will be'
        CIA chief visits South Korea amid heightened tension
What Brexit mandate for Theresa May?
        The French election and Europe�s future
Turkey threatens further strikes on U.S.-allied Syrian Kurds
        U.S. Marines return to volatile Helmand
How much higher can the euro go?
        Previous                           Next  

From: "Mahmood Elahi" <omega51@sympatico.ca>
To: "'Kate Malloy'" <kmalloy@hilltimes.com>
Subject: : Trump gloats about 100 days, despite his stalled agenda

Ms. Kate Malloy
Editor, The Hill Times.
While U.S. President Donald Trump calls his 100 days in office as the �most successful in our country�s history,� top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi offered failing grades for Trump�s �starkly dismal� first 100 days.

�Budget: F, creating jobs: F, draining the swamp: F, healthcare: F-minus,� she told reporters.

Despite his bravado, Trump faced the sober realities of his office as he marked the 100th day on April 29 of a presidency marked by chaos and confusion with most of his pledges stalled. His bid to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama�s landmark health care bill has foundered in Congress, where many of his legislative priorities have been tripped up by cold political reality.

Funding for his promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, for example, needed to be stripped out of the federal funding bill in order to prevent a government shut down. All Democrats and many Republicans think that the wall would be a wasteful boondoggle which would not serve any purpose. His tax plan, hastily unveiled past week, has been savaged as a multi-billion-dollar giveaway to the wealthy that will send the national debt soaring. His most high-profile executive order banning temporarily immigration from several Muslim-majority countries has been blocked by U.S. district courts.

Complicating all this, Congress and the FBI are conducting independent investigations into alleged collusion between Russian officials and Trump�s campaign staffers during the election. The only positive feature of his 100 days in office is that he remains popular among his blue-collar base. But how long he can retain such popularity despite his unfulfilled pledges remains to be seen.



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