Thursday 22 June 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Trudeau says no need for �Plan B� to NAFTA in Q & A with The New York Times

Newly minted Conservative Leader Scheer to hit the road this summer
        Senate passes budget unchanged but reasserts right to amend money bills
U.S. to take �do no harm� approach to NAFTA talks: Trump�s trade representative
        B.C. Legislature elects Liberal Steve Thomson as Speaker

Yukon Senator Daniel Lang retiring from the upper chamber
        More Americans Like Justin Trudeau than Donald Trump, New Poll Finds on Eve of Big Canadian Birthday
Sears Canada cutting 2,900 jobs, closing 59 stores, secures creditor protection
        Is �Open Dialogue� the Answer to �Post-Fact� Populism?
I had to let my daughter go because of my job in the Canadian military
        With voter support tumbling, a tactical reset is in order for Liberals
Some parliamentary stars shine as one loses glow
        Commons could do with some sober second thought of its own over infrastructure bank
Alberta�s �progressive� conservatives struggling to find a new political home
        Why Canadians are closer to losing their news than they think

U.S. congressmen criticize Ottawa�s oversight of Chinese high-tech takeovers
        Trudeau�s Liberals reach the midway point amid booze-tax brouhaha and Senate suspense
Saudi Arabia top non-U.S. destination for Canadian arms exports: federal report
        Closed-Door Talks Have Bank of Canada Concerned About Trust
Canadian elite special forces sniper sets record-breaking kill shot in Iraq
        Senate to continue Don Meredith harassment probe
How Donald Trump distracts from his radical agenda one tweet at a time
Liberals limiting options for stopgap fighter jet deal
Premiers� Performance: Ball and Wynne bounce, Wall and Pallister slide
Former Conservative MP says Trudeau �trying to whitewash� history by renaming Langevin Block

2nd wave of softwood lumber duties sets up �dangerous� talks for Canada
        Not necessarily�: Brad Wall asked if he supports National Aboriginal Day holiday
Conservative MP asks ethics watchdog to reconsider OK�ing Husky Energy hire
I�m one of the Canadians looking after a Syrian refugee family who moved to our country last year. This is our story
Political centrists to consider embracing Alberta Party at weekend meeting
        M renames Langevin Block building out of respect for Indigenous Peoples
U.S. not committed to completing NAFTA talks by end of 2017: Trump�s trade czar
        Trudeau government leaves official languages office in legal limbo
Reporter complains of restricted access at Liberal �open fundraising� event
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Boeing plays down Bombardier dispute, still hopes to sell fighter jets to Canada - The Associated Press, CTV News
        Wynne wildly unpopular inside and outside Ontario: Poll - Antonella Artusio, Toronto Sun
The trouble with Trudeau�s Indigenous centre plan - John Geddes, Macleans
        Honest talk on immigration needed - Candice Malcolm, Toronto Sun
Second would-be candidate takes Progressive Conservative party to court over nomination - Robert Benzie, Toronto Star
        TheSenate to continue Don Meredith harassment probe - Laura Payton, CTV News
Liberals move to halt landmark legal challenge to solitary confinement of prisoners - Kathleen Harris, CBC News
        Premier Notley�s popularity slides to 28 per cent in new Angus Reid poll - James Wood, Calgary Herald
The Liberal government has become a pro-China propaganda machine - Terry Glavin, National Post
        Conspiracy theories and mistrust plague unite-the-right discussions - Graham Hicks, Edmonton Sun

Weaver �reminds� Horgan to not take Greens for granted - Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun
        Royal Bank to cut 450 jobs, mostly at head office, in banking�s shifting landscape- Doug Alexander - Bloomberg, Financial Post
Canadian auto plants shut out of key quality ranking for second straight year- Greg Keenan, The Globe and Mail


Donald Trump est ouvert d'esprit, assure Justin TrudeauPlus
        Longs cong�s des f�tes nationales: la SQ vous aura � l'oeilPlus
Russie: accord � l'UE pour prolonger de six mois les sanctions �conomiquesPlus
        Montr�al: la police s'attaque au crime organis� asiatique et arr�te 14 personnesPlus
L'Allemagne r�habilite les homosexuels condamn�s apr�s guerrePlus
        Les pays du G7 veulent favoriser le d�veloppement des v�hicules autonomesPlus
Les armes, partie int�grante de la vie des Am�ricains Plus
        Point final dans une affaire embl�matique de meurtre � WashingtonPlus
Trump assure ne pas poss�der d'enregistrements de ses �changes avec ComeyPlus
        L'opposition dresse un sombre bilan de la session � OttawaPlus

Budget du gouvernement Trudeau: le S�nat capitule Le S�nat fait un pied de nez au gouvernementPlus
        La Chine et Hong-Kong, plus grandes plaques tournantes de la contrefa�on Plus
France: la loi antiterroriste, premier projet du nouveau gouvernementPlus
        Maroc: une �cellule terroriste� li�e � l'�I d�mantel�ePlus
Vols d'identit� dans la r�gion de Montr�al: la police recherche un suspectPlus
        L'Espagne vit une s�cheresse �pr�occupante�Plus
Afghanistan: 34 morts dans un attentat contre une banquePlus
        Au Y�men, les h�pitaux d�bord�s face � l'�pid�mie du chol�raPlus
Le march� mondial des drogues est �prosp�re� selon l'ONUPlus
        Un tireur d'�lite canadien pr�cis � plus de 3000 m�tresPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Here�s what it would take to flip the House to the Democrats - Philip Bump, Washington Post
        Watergate Comparison Best Fits Obama Administration - Claudine Feledick, The Federalist
What Donald Trump and Sean Spicer Can Learn From Al Franken - Ezra Klein, Vox
        Spicer: White House reporters trying to be �YouTube stars� - Jordan Fabian, The Hill
After Georgia Election, Dems Are Demoralized, Again - Frank Bruni, New York Times
        Angry Democrats in Blame Game After Georgia Defeat - Alex Seitz-Wald and Vaughn Hillyard, NBC News
Kushner arrives in Israel tasked with progressing Trump�s �ultimate deal�- Peter Beaumont, The Guardian
        Diversity gains ground in France�s new-look National Assembly after vote- Fran�oise Marmouyet, France 2

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

U.S. voices concern about violence against monitors in east Ukraine
        British PM promises EU citizens can stay after Brexit
Chile publishes details of Nazi spy rings in World War Two
        Trump disputes Russian interference in 2016 election
UN blames warring sides for Yemen's "man-made" cholera "catastrophe"
        Starvation looms as food runs out in drought-hit Ethiopia
US will take weapons from Kurds after ISIS defeat: Turkey
        South Africa's top court says Zuma no confidence vote can be secret
Turkey steps up support for Qatar, discusses Gulf tensions with Saudi
        Britain's Prince Philip, 96, leaves hospital: palace

Macron: I�ve not seen legitimate successor to Assad in Syria
        Global stocks slide on oil price slump
Oil firms risk wasting trillions if Paris targets met: report
        Egypt�s top court halts decisions on Red Sea islands
Egypt sends fuel to power-starved Gaza, undercuts Abbas
        Queen outlines U.K. government agenda in scaled-down speech
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Canadian elite special forces sniper makes record-breaking kill shot in Iraq


My perspective - Good work, quietly done - MyWestman

From: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: Good Work, Quietly Done

Climate change fanatics ignore all mitigating factors to carbon emissions. It is likely that when carbon sequestering is taken into account Canada sequesters more carbon than it emits. Another factor ignored is that large quantities of carbon emissions are natural � but controllable. 

Consider the reduction in carbon emission if we were to increase our capacity to fight forest fires rather than building wind turbines and solar farms. It is an environmentally friendly approach that will reduce carbon emissions at far less economic cost than building electrical cars and the infrastructure needed to allow them to be practical. Even electrical vehicles wear out and have to be recycled � carefully and expensively, to avoid added pollution.

Consider the reduction in carbon emissions of we could create wide fire breaks in our forests planted with native grasses to limit the spread of wild fires.

Consider the value of using our abundant lakes and rivers as potential sources of fire fighting bases � with landing strips for water bombers and helicopters and reserves of fuel and pumping equipment on hand for emergencies. 

Not all farmers and ranchers are committed stewards of our lands and forests � just the large majority who care about the land they live on and sustains them.

We need to step back and use our vast acreage and sparse population to our advantage rather than pretending that we are a heavily industrialized, largely urbanized European nation and adopting solutions that do not work well for us. There is, after all, a thriving nation beyond the Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto triangle our federal government ignores as fly-over country. Central Canada no longer dominates. Our demographic, like our climate, is changing.

 John Feldsted
Political Consultant & Strategist
Winnipeg, Manitoba

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