Saturday 19 August 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

U.S. signals Trump�s Buy American agenda non-negotiable in NAFTA talks

Potential NDP leader Jagmeet Singh might not rush to join the House. Is that a problem?
        Jeremy Harrison running to replace Brad Wall as leader of Saskatchewan Party
Rebel without applause: How Ezra Levant built an extreme media juggernaut � and watched it all begin to unravel
        Pro-diversity group dwarfs anti-immigration rally in Vancouver
Rebel without applause: How Ezra Levant built an extreme media juggernaut � and watched it all begin to unravel
        Canadian killed in Barcelona attack identified
While presidential committees collapse, Canada-U.S. council on women in business still active

A better way to close tax loopholes � reduce incentive for people to incorporate
        Trudeau should quit while he�s still ahead on federal-provincial relations
NAFTA negotiations: Are the Americans here to talk, or to blow it all up?
        DND building sits empty nearly a year after its official �opening�
Canada 150 and the Modern Workplace: Emerging Health and Safety Concerns
        Hate and mob power is as ugly as it has ever been, only louder in the modern world
UCP scrubbing itself squeaky clean after Fildebrandt soiled party�s reputation

Proposed citizenship test guide will only mislead new Canadians
        Historians say removal not the only way to deal with racist relics
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
For those fleeing the U.S. for Canada, our undefended frontier is a fantasy - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
        Our misplaced faith in political Messiahs - Mark Milke, Macleans
Canadian inflation picks up for the first time since January, hits 1.2% in July- Theophilos Argitis, Toronto Star
        Bombardier says Russian worker charged with bribery doesn�t reflect its values- CTV News
Hollywood and Apple may offer movie rentals weeks after debut, ignoring theatres- Bloomberg News, Financial Post
        Estee Lauder�s beats estimates on uptick in demand for its makeup- The Globe and Mail
Calgary�s millennials own more real estate than those elsewhere in Canada, survey suggests- Stephen Hunt, CBC News


Les b�b�s morses de l'Aquarium du Qu�bec en plein apprentissagePlus
        Un v�hicule prend feu sur l'autoroute 25Plus
Le BEI ouvre une enqu�te sur un �v�nement survenu � SherbrookePlus
        Photos et vid�os d'accident: les citoyens invit�s � la prudencePlus
Inondations en Sierra Leone: 441 morts, la recherche des corps se poursuitPlus
        Un coach de basket accus� d'agression sexuelle � OttawaPlus
2 morts et 120 bless�s dans la destruction d'un chapiteau par la temp�te en Autriche Plus
        Les Hells se font voir au Thunder Bike ShowPlus
Feux de for�t: l'�tat d'urgence prolong� en Colombie-BritanniquePlus
        Sears Canada: une enqu�te parlementaire sur la liquidation r�clam�ePlus

Attaques en Espagne: au Maroc, les proches de suspects n'ont �rien vu venir�Plus
        Trump remercie son ex-conseiller


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Trump Is More In Touch Than You Think - Rod Dreher, The American Conservative
        D rudge: Bannon to exit White House - Julia Manchester, The Hill
Romney Tells Trump to Apologize for Causing �Racists to Rejoice� - Maggie Haberman, New York Times
        Gingrich: Trump presidency at risk without �serious changes� - Robin Eberhardt, The Hill
Trump�s Tangle of Rhetorical Inadequacy - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
        White Americans Have to Make a Choice - Jamelle Bouie, Slate
Clearing Iraqi cities of explosives may take 25 years- The Associated Press, The Times Of India
        More than 400 killed in Sierra Leone floods- Al Jazeera
Finland stabbings: Two dead and man shot in Turku- BBC News
        World leaders express solidarity in wake of Barcelona attack- France 24
Berlin police tighten security for neo-Nazi march after Charlottesville attack- Philip Oltermann, The Guardia
        Who Interfered More in Our Election, Russia or Israel?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Trump: 'Decisions made' on Afghanistan and beyond
        Trump struggles with presidential duties as uniter-in-chief
Californians once again want to secede from the U.S.
        Real revolution in North Korea is rise of consumer culture
Germany bets on second time lucky with migrant workers
        Surveying Britain�s road to perdition
Road to Europe gets harder for migrants
        Chasing eclipses across globe a way of life
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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From: Zeb Landon
Subject: Subject: MTO careless with photo ID mailout

Dear Daily Digest:

In May 2017 I went to the local ServiceOntario offices to renew my Ontario driver's license. No change of address was involved.  After paying the fee, they gave me a 3-month temporary MTO license in the form of a paper document to keep in my wallet.  The actual photo license was to be mailed to me by MTO. 

After the three months had expired, I realized I had not yet received the plastic photo Driver's License ID card. Returning to the ServiceOntario office, I was told that it's my problem, not theirs and so I must pay $32 for a replacement.  The ServiceOntario officer phoned MTO to check that the undelivered item was mailed.  However, he said his hands are tied: it's policy that I pay again to replace the card I never received. 

I explained that, since I had already paid for my Driver's License, it was MTO's responsibility to deliver it.  Why don't they use postal tracking? Or, for better security, they could courier batches of licenses to their ServiceOntario office and have license applicants come in to pick them up and sign off.  In an age of terrorism, MTO's current system of untracked mail-outs leaves citizens vulnerable to identity card theft, and the nonsense that we could pay twice, since they don't track delivery.

Zeb Landon, Simcoe

From: Rene Moreau <>

Just a thought, but  if one is a consultant, paid for their opinion, could there be pay involved in such a letter, by  John Felstead?

Reason for asking, If we let the corporations rule the world, as in the book of the same name, by David Korten, would this be an  example of  monetizing  public opinion,  since corporations were invented to do money and profit maximization and would take over governance of the world  to
make profits,  not help mankind, eh?

For an example, consider Don Mackinnon of the Power Workers Union, formerly the head man there, writes copious letters for the expensive Nuclear Industry in favour of their  being the power source of choice! Who pays for his efforts, the Union members?

Might be a good thing to check, eh?

Rene Moreau (416-489-8347)

From: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: Protest, protests, protests.

I am tired of �protestors� who gather in our towns and cities to whine abut some issue or another. It is irrelevant what issue has their shorts in a knot today. Most are self-centred, hedonists with some idiotic cause or hurt they want considered. It is amazing how so many people can gather for a protest while most people are working for a living and paying taxes on their earnings.

It is incomprehensible why any group of people claiming to be protestors are given so much media and political attention. They are not elected and speak only for themselves. They demand that we change our governance and society to conform to their ideology of the day. Another group will form with an opposing ideology to protest the first group. The kindergarten wars are underway!

We have groups demanding that our aboriginal people be allowed to live in the way that their ancestors did � fishing, hunting and living off the land. Then they protest that no one should wear animal furs or hides while others claim that anyone who is not a strict vegan is an abominable meat-eating Neanderthal.

Other groups demand that we all give up all forms of fossil fuels to �save the environment�. They are wearing eye glasses with plastic frames, wearing synthetic shoes, belts and clothing while they surf social media sites on cell phones, tablets and laptops that could not exist without petroleum based components. Their electric cars are junk without petroleum lubricants and petroleum by-products used in the on-board computers and insulation for the wiring. The same is true of wind-driven generators and solar panels.

The hypocrisy of their conflicting positions is hilarious. They are walking oxymorons. They never consider the fallout from or ramifications of their proposals.

Tearing down statues of historical figures or changing the names on streets and buildings accomplishes nothing. History remains, as much as some want to bury our less than stellar past. Societies evolve over time as we strive to become better than our grandfathers. The notion that all people are created equal is nonsense; we are created with equal opportunity. What we do with our lives is up to us � we can wallow in past hurts as an excuse for poverty or gain an education through experience and better ourselves. We can be schooled, but without experience, we remain uneducated.

Many protest groups are infiltrated by provocateurs who teach them to engage in unlawful practices such as trespass (occupation of property) and passive resistance if the police enforce the law. We should ignore protestors if they are peaceful and prosecute the participants if they engage in unlawful activities. If they riot or engage in assaults or property damage, they must be arrested and charged.

As long as we look on from the sidelines, the tactics will continue and people will get hurt or killed. If protestors are arrested and wind up with a criminal record, it will be much more difficult for provocateurs to convince others to engage in unlawful acts. Our freedom of expression is important, but has limits. In Canada, promoting discrimination based on race is prohibited under the Human Rights Act and advocating or promoting hate is prohibited under the Criminal Code. We need to make it clear we will not allow or condone discrimination or hatred by enforcing those laws.

We need to require people who announce they are going to hold a protest to post a peace bond to offset the costs of policing if the protest turns violent. That will deter many rag-tag groups from taking to the streets.
John Feldsted
Political Consultant & Strategist
Winnipeg, Manitoba

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