Sunday 4 February 2018


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

PC candidate Rod Phillips withdraws from leadership race to back Caroline Mulroney

Caroline Mulroney to officially join PC leadership race: sources
        New research suggests room for Rob Ford�s populist appeal to be duplicated
Ottawa won�t tolerate long delays on Trans Mountain, federal minister says
        New EKOS/CP polling explores populist sentiment bubbling in Canada. Here�s how.

Some male MPs �really concerned� about false harassment accusations: Gladu
        B.C. Liberals elect new leader who stresses party roots, praises Gordon Campbell
Scheer leading Conservatives gaining voter momentum: poll
        For Caroline Mulroney, and the Ontario PC party, the stakes of her candidacy are sky-high
Post-scandal PCs poised for a dramatic revival
        Why Justin Trudeau is not the leader many believe he is
The best and worst of political leadership on shocking display
        The increasing sophistication of political deception on social media
B.C. Liberals opt for veteran over fresh face in leadership race
        Can the Liberals� brainy new boss win big?
Rumour mill hurting everyone, including the #MeToo movement

News of Dykstra investigation split Harper�s inner circle, sources say
        Time to ditch the �toxic� NAFTA name, says former U.S envoy
Centennial Flame upgrade project cost taxpayers $845,000
        Interim PC leader says party has fewer members than previously claimed
Wynne says Liberals facing �uphill battle� in coming election
        MPs mum about possibility of national drug plan
More than 1,500 attend Doug Ford rally on a snowy night
        Inside the explosive Conservative Party fight over Rick Dykstra
�Change is in the air,� Doug Ford supporter says at rally for PC leadership candidate
        Doug Ford launches campaign for Ont. PC leadership with Toronto rally

Notley says it�s time for Trudeau to �step in� to B.C. pipeline dispute
        Wynne to deliver keynote address at pre-election Liberal gathering
�I am the one who can beat Kathleen Wynne�: Q&A with Christine Elliott
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Interim Ontario PC leader says party has 67,000 fewer members than claimed - Shawn Jeffords, The Canadian Press, CTV News
        �We are changing lives for the better,� Kathleen Wynne tells Liberals� annual meeting- Rob Ferguson, Toronto Star
From Brad Wall to a choice of �mini-Brads�: Saskatchewan could teach Ontario about smooth transitions - Jim Coyle, Toronto Star
        The last hot sector of Toronto�s housing market is set to cool this year- Natalie Wong, Financial Post
Proposed B.C. pipeline regulation shouldn�t start a �trade war�: premier- CTV News
        Restaurants �taking from Peter to pay Paul� amid minimum wage hike- Jenny Cowley and Belisha Vellani, CBC News


D�c�s d'un Qu�b�cois en Arizona: �c'�tait l'homme le plus prudent qui existe�Plus
        Iran: les �coles ferm�es � T�h�ran pour cause de pollutionPlus
L'Irak publie pour la premi�re fois les noms de 60 �terroristes� recherch�sPlus
        Temp�te de neige record � Moscou: au moins un mortPlus
Nucl�aire: pour l'Iran, Washington menace d'an�antir l'humanit�Plus
        Le discours de Trump, un �cri de terreur�, assure PyongyangPlus
Temp�te de neige record � Moscou: au moins un mortPlus
        Une collision entre deux trains fait au moins deux mortsPlus
Un homme suspect� de vouloir kidnapper Lana del Rey arr�t�Plus
        Rapport am�ricain sur le nucl�aire: des �supputations au hasard� selon P�kinPlus
L'Italie vote dans un mois, dans la plus grande incertitude


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-How Comey Disgraced an Honorable FBI - Chris Swecker, Fox News
        Trump�s Brazen War on the FBI Defies History - Jeet Heer, The New Republic
Democratic Media Complex Melts Down Over Memo - John Kass, Chicago Tribune
        FISA Memo Is the Latest of Many Obama-Era Abuses - John Davidson, The Federalist
The Fight for a White America - Jamelle Bouie, Slate
        Cape Town faces Day Zero: what happens when the city turns off the taps?- Jonathan Watts, The Guardian
Venezuela�s socialist party confirms Maduro as official candidate- France 24
        Defence minister: Saudi, UAE intended to invade Qatar- Al Jazeera
Maldives president fires 2nd police chief in 3 days- The Associated Press, The Times Of India
        Italy Macerata drive-by attack: Foreigners targeted, say police- BBC News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Cyprus president re-elected with eyes on new peace push
        Israel to legalize settlement outpost deep in West Bank
Talks on creating German coalition govt enter final round
        Iran's Rouhani raps new US nuclear plan as threat to Russia
Erdogan rejects option of partnership with EU
        Trial of Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi postponed to Feb. 13
UK's May under pressure as Conservatives at war over Brexit
        Israel begins distributing deportation notices to Africans
Turkey warns US troops over Syria clash risk
        Previous                           Next

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


From: Progressive Canadian-SouthSurrey-WhiteRock
Sent: Saturday, February 3, 2018 5:14 PM
To: Letters (Times-Colonist)
Subject: Re: Andrew Scheer on Vancouver Island; observations of a Tory disappointed by the "new" Conservatives.

As a former Progressive Conservative policy wonk who found Harper and McKay's "new"� Conservative party less than welcoming, I attended Andrew Scheer's Vancouver Island party event north of Victoria, January 25th, near Duncan to listen to what he had to say on his own terms unfiltered by media.

Far from reason to be encouraged or a positive plan for anything, much less creating opportunities for Canadians, Andrew is just trying to keep together the unstable PC-CA coalition. He showed BC and Canada why the CPC is not electable. "Unite the right" meant hiding behind Tory branding to push CA policy.

Privately he managed to deny Sir John A. Macdonald's vision of a Tory party "willing to embrace every person desirous of being called a progressive Conservative" (source: National Archives), the definition of real Conservatives in Canada now and when Sir John A. made this historic statement of what it means to be a conservative in the English-speaking world.

Publicly he lashed out at Liberals instead of talking about a positive plan, fell back on lame comments about cutting taxes and government regulation and denied the key role of government in building the economy and nationhood, sounding very neoconservative and libertarian; he repeated Stephen Harper's racist attacks on compensation to Canadians wrongly Gitmo imprisoned or tortured, in particular Omar Khadr, and fails to understand Canadians lured into the ISIS obscenity they have left, created by the Bush invasion of Iraq Harper endorsed, should not be treated like ISIS itself.

Andrew Scheer is trying to put a pleasant face on the same politics Canadians threw out of office October 19, 2015.

Brian Marlatt
Honeymoon Bay, BC

(The writer is a former member of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and since 2003 has been a candidate in BC for the Progressive Canadian Party.)


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