C BCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Conservative known for confrontational approach to media leaves Scheer’s office, citing health
says carbon tax critics like Scheer, Ford want to ‘make pollution free
again’ Government
introduces new federal pay equity regimeProcess
Nerd: Is PM ‘petty’ by not calling Burnaby South
byelection? Trudeau
defends Statistics Canada move to collect banking info of 500,000
Forces looking into allegations of white-supremacist material being sold at
military-surplus store run by soldiersManitoba
NDP leader’s criminal past fair game in legislature:
Speaker Ontarians
fed up with cannabis delivery delays are complaining to the provincial
Trudeau makes Jagmeet Singh play the waiting
game Which
electoral system for B.C.? Any option is better than the status quoFrom
current vantage point, 2019 vote is Trudeau’s to
lose Why
aren’t we talking about the Parliament Hill reno?Scheer’s
promise to ‘stand up’ to media an absurd and shabby fundraising
ploy Fired
UBC professor Steven Galloway suing woman who accused him of sexual
to tackle dilemma of illegal opioids
accuses Trudeau of disrespect for voters after PM leaves 3 ridings
vacant Canada issues terse
statement after far-right candidate elected president of BrazilOttawa releases draft
tender on purchase of new fighter jets NDP MP calls for CBC
to review source protection in Vice Admiral Mark Norman caseCanada’s sprint to
ratify sets up Trans-Pacific trade deal to take effect this
year Manitoba MLA returns
to legislature after ousting for inappropriate behaviourRempel’s outrage is as
real as Canada’s bestiality problem Repeal of Bill 148 a
callous attack on our poorestDoug
Ford attacks ‘terrible tax’ on carbon alongside Saskatchewan Premier Scott
Moe Political
nastiness got you down? We offer our annual respite from
can’t blame Tories for keeping Saudi arms deal, former minister
says Canadian
crude-by-rail exports rise to new record of 229,544 bpd in AugustTrudeau,
Scheer say next election campaign likely to be nastiest in Canada’s history,
setting each other up to run nastiest campaign
ever NDP
MPs renew vow to stop Trans Mountain pipeline at Vancouver townhallProportional
Representation debate off to a sad, misleading
start Cabinet
docs show transfer of sex-assault investigations to military police was
motivated by desire for quick resolutionConservative
MP Kent’s Instagram, Facebook accounts recently hacked, says more needs to be
done to protect politicians, political parties from cyber
threats Toronto
Sun newspaper pulls column skeptical of vaccines after backlashHere’s
why New Zealand’s trade minister says ditching supply management helped their
industries grow Politicians
return to Alberta legislature for fall sitting
‘very petty’ for leaving Burnaby South, Jagmeet Singh without a byelection date,
MP says Former
Syrian White Helmet rescuers, reluctantly resettled, embrace their new lives in
nastiness got you down? We offer our annual respite from partisanship. -
John Geddes, MacleansDoug Ford attacks ‘terrible tax’ on carbon alongside Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe - John Rieti, CBC News
Can Trudeau really buy carbon tax happiness with rebates? - Macleans
Alberta’s Notley announces candidacy, slams Kenney in speech to NDP members - Dean Bennett, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Byelection called for Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes - Elise von Scheel, CBC News

Feds say public consultations marred by low turnout, poor planning, other flaws - Andy Blatchford, The Canadian Press, CTV News
California agrees not to enforce its net neutrality law- Brian Fung - The Washington Post, Toronto Star
Five reasons people hate the stock market, even though they shouldn’t- Peter Hodson, Financial Post
Pipeline explosion may leave parts of B.C. with prolonged natural gas shortage- CTV News
depuis 13 jours: Sylvain Lavoie retrouvé vivant dans un
grenierPlus Adolescents
tués: des Palestiniens accusent Israël d'usage excessif de la
Suède se cherche toujours un gouvernement 8 semaines après les
électionsPlus Un
Américain doit être exécuté, comme son frère il y a 18 ansPlusTrump
accuse, sans preuve, un candidat démocrate d'être un
«voleur»Plus Un
policier de la SQ coupable de fraudePlusArmes
à feu: 75 000 enfants et adolescents américains aux urgences en neuf
ansPlus Migrants:
des milliers de soldats pourraient être envoyés à la frontière
de Lion Air: un bouchon de circulation lui sauve la
viePlus Un
autre colis suspect adressé à CNNPlus
84 personnes mortes après avoir consommé de l'alcool de
contrebandePlus Lion
Air, méga commandes d'avions et sécurité défaillantePlus
le procureur saoudien à Istanbul, la Turquie veut «toute la
vérité»Plus Inde:
fronde locale avant l'inauguration de la plus haute statue du
élu, plongée dans l'inconnue pour le BrésilPlus Tunis:
une kamikaze s'est fait exploser près de véhicules de police, 9
explosion entendue dans le centre-ville de
TunisPlus Pittsburgh
pleure, Trump accuse les médias « ennemis du peuple »PlusTrump
rejette la «grande colère» aux États-Unis sur les médiasPlus Chine
: un accident dans une mine fait 21 mortsPlus
de Pittsburgh: un ministre iranien rend hommage aux
victimesPlus Russie:
une lionne lacère le visage d'une fillette dans un cirquePlusL'UE
attend de Bolsonaro qu'il travaille à «consolider la démocratie» au
BrésilPlus Routes
inondées et écoles fermées, l'Italie en alerte face à une tempêtePlusMerkel
annonce que son mandat actuel de chancelière sera le
dernierPlus Allemagne:
Merkel fait un pas vers la sortie après un cinglant revers
conjugales: trois Sud-Coréennes demandent l'exécution de leur
INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Blaming Trump, GOP Could Backfire for Dems - Joe Battenfeld, Boston Herald
Democrats Get Best Shot in 30 Years to Turn Arizona Blue - Sahil Kapur, Bloomberg
Trump & His Voters Are Racked With Status Anxiety - Virginia Heffernan, LA Times
Sinema’s Bid in Arizona Has Become a Total Train Wreck - Matt Vespa, Townhall
Brazilian elections: Voters choose between Bolsonaro and Haddad- BBC News
Merkel suffers another election setback in key German state of Hesse- Josie Le Blond, The Guardian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
stocks plunge as rally fades Israel
has carried out attacks in Syria since downing of Russian plane: senior Israeli
Turkish prosecutors discuss Khashoggi killing Complaints
to Trump: Sanctions on Iran too weakRouhani
reshuffles economic team, says U.S. isolated on Iran
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of
The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
change and beer study sends wrong message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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