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Conservatives, NDP express qualified confidence in privy council clerk to flag election interference
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Wilson-Raybould sought to limit PMO involvement in judicial appointments ![[]](
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Tough talk from a man with nothing to lose
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Where SNC-Lavalin�s push for deferred prosecution came up short
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SNC-Lavalin�s push for deferred prosecution came up short - Nick Taylor-Vaisey, Macleans
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Integrity of top public servants the latest collateral damage in SNC-Lavalin affair -
SNC-Lavalin: A look at the attorney general�s power to step in -
A way out of this mess, maybe - Stephen Maher, Macleans
Saputo buying United Kingdom-based Dairy Crest Group for roughly $1.7 billion-
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FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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DOJ Planned a Coup Against Trump. The Press Doesn�t Care - Victoria Toensing, The Daily Caller
All the President�s Broken Men - Stephen Collinson, CNN
Tennessee governor regrets wearing Confederate uniform in college - Associated Press, NBC News
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China bars millions from travel for �social credit� offences- The Associated Press, The Times Of India
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Hackett Financial Advisors say the sun shapes climate.
(Obviously heretical view - It's CO2 from humans ... not the sun)
Here comes the sun � and trouble
The expected impact from the Earth entering into the first trough of a grand solar minimum phase of the sun�s sunspot cycle varies, depending on who�s asked.
Hackett Financial Advisors say the sun shapes climate.
(Obviously heretical view - It's CO2 from humans ... not the sun)
Here comes the sun � and trouble
Analyst says a looming solar cycle will bring volatile weather and disrupt markets, but Environment Canada disagrees
Hold onto your hats because the Earth is about to enter a weather cycle that will rock grain markets for years to come, says an analyst.
Shawn Hackett, owner of Hackett Financial Advisors, said the Earth is entering into the first trough of a grand solar minimum phase of the sun�s sunspot cycle.
He said every 200 years or so the sun�s magnetic fields cancel each other out and sunspots are unable to form the way they usually would.
That is going to lead to extreme weather volatility and reduced yields around the globe.
Hackett said 2019 will be the last year of decent growing conditions and then it is going to turn ugly � real ugly.
�We expect the next three years to be very, very disruptive and expect food prices to absolutely go nuts to the upside,� he said.
Environment Canada has a different take on the solar cycle. It says the radiant energy from the sun fluctuates by a small amount over the 11-year solar cycle.
�These fluctuations can explain global temperature variations of up to approximately 0.1 C between the strongest and weakest parts of the cycle,� spokesperson Veronica Petro said in an e-mail.
�At present, there is very low confidence concerning future solar forcing irradiance estimates, including changes to the duration of the solar minimum.�
Even if there is a decrease in solar activity it would have a much smaller effect on global temperatures than the projected increases in greenhouse gases, she said.
But Hackett expects a major cooling pattern when the weather pattern transitions from El Nino to La Nina during the trough of a grand solar minimum. And that will likely occur during the 2020 to 2022 period.
Weather effects, like those in this Ohio corn crop in 2012, will become the norm through 2022, say some in the grain industry. | File photo
�This kind of weird, strange, kind of odd weather we�ve been seeing in the last 12 to 18 months is just the beginning of what�s going to become a far more severe pattern over time,� he said.
The usual west-to-east flow of the northern and southern jet streams will switch to a more north-to-south flow. The recent polar vortex is one example of what will happen far more frequently.
There will be more cosmic rays reaching the Earth�s atmosphere and that is going to result in increased cloud cover and more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, he said.
All of those changes will result in reduced U.S. grain output along the lines of 2012 and 2006, according to Hackett.
�I don�t want to sound like there�s no hope for the future with this new weather pattern,� he said.
�I�m not saying that at all. In fact, there�s tremendous opportunity because markets will start moving like crazy.�
Hackett said that is far more preferable than today�s corn market, where price volatility is at a 50-year low.
He said farmers will do better in the next five years than they have in the past five as long as they are prepared for what�s coming.
Hackett advises his clients to store as much grain as possible and wait for prices to move higher.
�You cannot miss this,� he said.
They should buy futures and options that keep them �open to the upside� in grain markets rather than selling production two or three years out at today�s prices.
He is also advising clients to start growing shorter-season varieties because the growing season is going to be truncated by late-spring frosts and early fall frosts.
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