>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
C BCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Scheer to face questions about future as Conservative Leader after Liberal win
Talking over each other: Trudeau breaks in to Scheer�s speech
Ontario and Quebec keep Liberals in power and Conservatives out
Harris, Goodale, Bernier and Raitt headline list of notable election winners and losers
Get ready for an unruly House of Commons divided along regional fault lines
Ford congratulates Trudeau on election win, says he�s ready to work together
A Liberal minority is what the energy industry feared most
�Ottawa doesn�t care�: Western separatist movement gains traction as Albertans react to Liberal victory
Justin Trudeau is still prime minister. But this time, the job will be much different
The Liberals didn�t win the 2019 federal election, they just lost less than the Conservatives
Election results reflect a divided nation
Justin Trudeau�s political setback: A surprise to the world, but not to Canada
Trudeau minority has to go ahead with Trans Mountain
The Liberals� fragile victory will test Trudeau�s political skills to the limit
Liberals and NDP lost a lot, but Jagmeet Singh risks losing more
No miraculous resurgence for NDP, but Singh wins influence
It�s not Scheer�s fault the Tories lost. Blame the dreck that passed for his platform
Oilpatch frustration grows as Liberal minority win keeps energy issues on back burner
Federal election 2019: This is what the House of Commons will look like
Conservative sweep of Alberta illustrates deep well of resentment facing Trudeau
Liberal whose B.C. law firm was tied to alleged Chinese gangster loses re-election bid
Jagmeet Singh�s comeback fails to materialize as NDP falls to fourth party
NDP�s Svend Robinson loses comeback bid in 2019 federal election � in wild race at end of the Trans Mountain pipeline
Liberals take losses but win enough in Quebec and Ontario to form minority government
Electing Trudeau means more carbon taxes
Electoral candidates shouldn�t need white-collar backgrounds
In 2019, Justin Trudeau has baggage � and faces a very different political landscape
Minority government may lead to dire electoral changes � here�s how
History shows how to make a minority government work
Andrew Scheer falls short � but vows Conservatives will be ready next time
Strategic voting, Doug Ford, and why the Conservatives �couldn�t break through� in Ontario
�A sad day�: Frustrated oilpatch braces for more Trudeau (and more job losses)
Former NDP MLA wins Nova Scotia seat for Liberals
Jody Wilson-Raybould wins, Conservatives make gains and Liberals stumble in tight election race in B.C.
Greens� historic eastern win undermined by western disappointments
Voters elect first Green candidate ever outside B.C.
Election 2019 campaign one of the most �uninspiring, disheartening, and dirtiest� in 40 years, says Savoie
Election 2019 was a �campaign of fear,� say pollsters
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< low share of popular vote is enough for Liberals to win power - Joseph Brean, National Post
Trudeau vows to �fight for all Canadians� as Liberals win minority government - Rachel Aiello, CTV News
The Liberals didn�t win the 2019 federal election, they just lost less than the Conservatives - Andrew Coyne, National Post
B.C. election results full of surprises with Tory gains, NDP losses and Greens staying put - Sean Boynton, Global News
Canada gives populist wave a thunderous �meh� - Mitch Potter, Toronto Star
Liberals set to return to power after a scrappy, tightly contested election - Tom Blackwell, National Post
Fired Liberal Jane Philpott fails to win as independent - Michele Mandel, Toronto Sun
Ontario government seeks feedback on expanding prescription powers for nurses - The Canadian Press, Global News
Boeing may face billions more in losses as Max crisis deepens- Reuters, CBC News
Ford botches Explorer launch, putting CEO back on the hot seat- Keith Naughton - Bloomberg, Toronto Star
Trump se pose plus que jamais en victime et �voque un �lynchage�
La mairesse de Montr�al b�le en plein conseil
Steven Guilbeault n�a pas demand� de minist�re � Trudeau
St�phanie Boulay quitte la ville pour la campagne
Trudeau n�a pas la l�gitimit� de contester la loi sur la la�cit�
Un homme arm� fauche des passants � bord d'une ambulance vol�e
Les nouveaux horaires � la SAQ soul�vent la grogne
Les 10 grands perdants de la soir�e �lectorale
Cancer du sein: certains polluants favoriseraient les m�tastases
Un enseignant arr�t� dans un h�tel par les crimes majeurs
L'�quipe de Christiane Gagnon songe � demander un recomptage
La r��lection de Justin Trudeau dans le monde
Un �dur r�veil� pour Legault selon le PLQ
Le mafieux Scoppa n�a pas eu le temps de quitter le pays
Un gilet de Kurt Cobain aux ench�res, trou de cigarette compris
5G: quels risques pour la sant�?
FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Voters in Battleground States Are Deeply Divided on Impeachment - Nate Cohn, New York Times
Trump�s 2nd Term Could Be Even Crazier Than the First - Darren Samuelsohn, Politico
In Iowa, Amy Klobuchar Gets a Second Look After Debate - Trip Gabriel, New York Times
Why Mick Mulvaney�s new effort to defend Trump on Ukraine also fails - Philip Bump, Washington Post
Thailand�s king strips �disloyal� royal consort of titles and military ranks- Reuters, The Guardian
Catalan crisis looms large over Spain�s November election- AFP, The Times Of India
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Putin removes critical voices from his rights council
Netanyahu gives up effort to form new government
Netanyahu announces inability to form govt, opening door for Gantz to build coalition: Washington Post
Trump says it is foregone conclusion he will be impeached in U.S. House
U.S. defense secretary in Saudi Arabia on unannounced visit
Drug companies reach $260 mln settlement, averting first federal opioid trial
U.S. leaving some troops in Syria to guard oil: Pentagon
Russia says militants in 12 Syrian prisons left unguarded due to Turkish incursion
WikiLeaks founder Assange denied delay to extradition hearing
Sudan rebel leader says government agreed to open access for aid
UK government will pull planned vote on Brexit deal if lawmakers try to change it
Pentagon chief says keeping some troops in north Syria under discussion
U.S. troops cross into Iraq from Syria
Iran rejects Turkey's establishing of military posts in Syria
Russia hopes Syria coordination with Turkey, U.S. will help stability
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Sixty-one years ago my first vote was cast. I hitchhiked 120 miles one election knowing the person i was going to vote for was going to lose.
My view, my opinion , my belief is if you do not vote, you have abandoned your right to comment on government action.
Yesterday being newly in my current Riding my ability to vote in Poll 171 in Burlington was obtained .
The ballot was returned with a line drawn through the O to the right of all party candidates.
You may or may disagree with me I've maintained my right to comment and it is this.
A party "one that is pragmatic, practical, progressive, and optimistic about the current and future state of this country." will hopefully develop in National politics. Otherwise John's view of the future may well be what we face since none capable of uniting Canadians exists today
From:John <>

The only poll that matters
The only poll that matters
This election campaign has laid bare the worst characteristics of political parties. We are treading in new territory, never seen in past elections. All political parties save one have been caught in sleazy activities usually hidden from public view and the picture is disgusting.
None of the parties are concerned over the overall good of Canada and her people. Their objective is to acquire increased political power by any means available, fair or foul.
We the people are relegated to the position of fans in the stands watching opposing political teams compete. No matter who we root for, the outcome is always the same. The winning party rules in accordance with its ideas and ideology, ignoring even the minority of electors it does represent.
That is not democracy.
We have spent the past six months wading through knee-deep political bickering, brawling and sleaze. Attention to policy has been sparse and poorly articulated.
The electorate is fractured ideologically and regionally. There are many ridings too close to call, and some upsets are inevitable. I expect a 70% high turnout which is good as more Canadians are paying attention even if their common ground is frustration.
This is a referendum on Trudeau. He is, by design, the Liberal Party as well as PM. Scheer and Singh are too new for us to have properly assessed and both have made neophyte campaign errors. That makes choices more difficult as we face a leap into the unknown and untested.
Tomorrow, electors will determine which party should have the opportunity to govern for the next four years. If there is no clear winner, political parties will brawl again over which alternative will give them the most influence. We will get another lesson in how detached and dysfunctional our parliament is.
Minority governments do not have a long shelf-life � 18 to 24 months is usual. This may turn out to be an extended election period with a rerun in 2021. It is unlikely that major issues will be tackled in the interim and we will see more inconsequential show and tell.
A repeat of the 2019 campaign will result in riots in our streets.
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