Saturday 11 April 2015


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Liberals� latest angst: It�s all about Eve Adams

Cabal keeping UFO secrets to blame for world�s woes, says former cabinet minister Paul Hellyer
        Mike Duffy�s diary: Tory senators told �don�t rock the boat�
Sen. Duffy and wife to testify at fraud, breach of trust trial
        Harper shakes Castro�s hand at Americas summit, meets with Obama

Greg Rickford pushes back following B.C. premier�s spill response criticism
        Harper promotes democracy, human rights at Summit of Americas
Stephen Harper: Conservative? Maybe not.
        Why It�s Really Stephen Harper On Trial, Not Mike Duffy
The real scandal is what politicians can get away with legally
        Former Senate law clerk gives Duffy trial a lesson in honour
Duffy trial is just the latest sign of stagnation in the Harper government
        May�s presence at the debates offers protection from Trudeau�s real opponent � it�s not Harper
Tory agenda driven by populism, not rule of law
        Liberals drift from sensible economic roots
On land title, which road will aboriginal groups take?

Canada�s lack of hemispheric envoy signals fading influence in Americas: experts
        Conservatives hammered over oil spill cleanup delay, cuts to marine safety
James Moore fires back at �political jabs� over Vancouver oil spill
        Feds� oil spill response blasted by B.C. premier, Vancouver mayor
Ontario PC leadership hopefuls Brown and Elliott hold first head-to-head debate
        Oliver mum on whether GM sale balanced federal budget
Indo-Canadian business leaders eager for visit by �rock star� Indian prime minister Narendra Modi
        Duffy lawyer a former quarterback who is methodical on defence
Mike Duffy�s diary chronicles discussion of P.E.I. residency
        Candidate in Alberta election loses Tory nomination, switches to Wildrose
The EKOS poll: Harper slides, Liberals surge in Quebec

Kathleen Wynne questions what fuelled anti-sex-ed protesters in Mississauga last month
        Stephen Harper: Conservative? Maybe not.
Despite history, Trudeau�s Liberals see promise in Alberta
        Conservatives singing the blues in Quebec
Cyclone choppers to land starting in June � feds
        Paid parking system at CFB Halifax cost $460,000 to install
Narendra Modi�s Canada Visit Could Be Boon for Stephen Harper
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Federal party presidents lay out hopes and expectations - Jason Fekete, Ottawa Citizen
        Oil spill response by coast guard blasted by B.C. premier - CBC News
A political match made in heaven: For Harper and India�s Modi, deeper ties are a win-win - John Ivison, National Post
        Victim surcharge constitutional, appeal judge rules - Andrew Seymour, Ottawa Citizen
True-blue Quebec Tories, to make a comeback - Allan Woods, Toronto Star
        Prentice slams Wildrose fiscal plan in first Calgary campaign stop - James Wood, Edmonton Journal
Quebec labour group to target the federal Tories at home and in Ontario - The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
        Tom Mulcair on the details of the NDP�s child care policy - Jordan Press, Ottawa Citizen
Ontario drivers overcharged $3 billion on insurance, study says - Dana Flavelle, Toronto Star
        �I fail to see what the importance of this is�: At Duffy trial, defence testing the patience of Crown and judge - David Reevely & Lee Berthiaume, National Post

Bombardier exploring options for rail business: report- Pamela Barbaglia, The Globe & Mail
        Little common ground on energy patch as oil downturn continues in Western Canada- Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post
Ottawa to report $1.8 billion gain on GM- Dana Flavelle, Toronto Star

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Un matelas gonflable comme toit du Stade?Plus
        Un homme se suicide pr�s du CapitolePlus
R�duction des �missions de GES: le Qu�bec d�passe sa ciblePlus
        Un v�hicule de la SQ impliqu� dans une collisionPlus
Violent incendie � Montr�al: des clients �vacu�sPlus
        Sommet des Am�riques: Harper salue la participation de CubaPlus
Mouvement �tudiant: �O� est la d�mocratie?�Plus
        Un avion atterrit d'urgence en raison d'une dame agressivePlus
Une nouvelle identit� pour arnaquer de jeunes fillesPlus
        Marche Action Climat: des manifestants r�unis � Qu�becPlus

Endormi, un athl�te canadien se fait �trangler en plein volPlus
        Y�men: nouvelle cargaison d'aide m�dicalePlus
Afrique du Sud: deux �thiopiens br�l�s dans leur �choppePlus
        Le Qu�bec contre la gr�ve �tudiante et pour l'aust�rit�Plus
Mark Lafleur arr�t� une fois de plus par la policePlus
        Obama et Castro tournent la page de la Guerre froidePlus
Violent incendie dans une marina � OkaPlus
        �gypte: peine de mort confirm�e pour le chef des Fr�res musulmansPlus
Explosion � la voiture pi�g�e en Tha�landePlus
        Sortie des bars � Montr�al: deux hommes poignard�sPlus

Pakistan: 20 ouvriers tu�s par des rebelles s�paratistesPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Hillary Clinton�s Path to Victory? - Jill Lawrence, Politico
        Clinton Launch Expected Sunday - Caitlin Huey-Burns, Real Clear Politics
Bush Bashes Holder to NRA Crowd - Jesse Byrnes, The Hill
        Will 2016 Really Be a Foreign Policy Election? - Byron York, Washington Examiner
Clinton�s �Inevitable� Problem - Sam Frizell, Time
        We Went to China and Came Back Terrified- Timothy Coulter, Bloomberg Business
Apple Watch: A great gadget but not perfect, reviewers find- Andrea Chang, Winnipeg Free Press
        UN warns Yemen on brink of humanitarian crisis- Al Jazeera
Obama set for key Castro meeting in Panama- Vanessa Buschschluter, BBC News
        Pope Francis accused of blocking appointment of French ambassador to Vatican �because he is gay�- Michael Day,The Independent, The Times of India
Le Pen family feud is a battle for the soul of the Front National � and France- Angelique Chrisafis, The Guardian
        Reports: At least 35 dead � mostly children � in Morocco bus crash- Yousuf Basil, Mohammed Tawfeeq and Greg Botelho, CNN

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Obama meets Castro in highest-level US-Cuba talks in decades
        Kenya orders U.N. to move massive Somali refugee camp after attack
Orthodox Christians mark 'Holy Fire' rite in Jerusalem
        Statues smashed at night after Ukraine's ban on Soviet-era symbols
Turkey sends in troops after clash with Kurdish militants
        Kashmir on strike to protest India plan for Hindu townships
US judge rejects ex-Blackwater guards request to postpone Iraq deaths sentencing
        Kashmiris clash with Indian police over settlement of Hindus
Putin�s new ruble problem threatens Russian coffers
        Euro�s reserve status jeopardized

China is greatly dependent on coal, but is trying to change
        Fixing the CIA is needed, but will it work?
Obama�s Middle East policy is puzzling
        U.S. plans for anti-ISIS training draw skepticism
Scotland falling to nationalists in polls
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


NP Explainer: What does it mean when a government balances its budget?

"Balanced" - means several situations. Know which is being told to you.

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