Tuesday 21 April 2015



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<  http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/

Conservatives deliver balanced budget ahead of election

Budget features �shot across bow� to public sector unions over sick leave
        Most Canadians favour coalition if election ends in minority, poll shows
Three-way battle for Alberta as campaign reaches midpoint: poll
        Ontario PCs� lead contenders claim war chests topping $1-million each

Some of the winners and losers in the Conservative government�s latest budget
        Highlights of the 2015 federal budget tabled by Finance Minister Joe Oliver
Conservatives squeeze out a surplus budget in election year spending blueprint
        Canadians with higher incomes the big winners with this budget, economists say
Somewhere, over the rainbow, Tories see path to victory through budget
        Conservatives achieved a balanced budget with disciplined spending and dose of pixie dust
Tories try to be both responsible and cuddly
        Why this budget is a 518-page campaign pamphlet
How Ottawa�s budget will influence manufacturing and internal trade
        Harper uses budget to target election�s swing voters

A federal budget that does nothing
        The sagging Liberals need a shakeup
Selling the budget as Harper�s �mission accomplished� moment

Alberta Wildrose leader Brian Jean won�t name party�s fiscal plan advisers
        Voting underway in byelection for new Manitoba member of legislature in The Pas
Parliament No Place to Shovel Duffy Dirt, Speaker Implies
        Mike Duffy trial: Photo payments through Duffy�s friend would be �faster�, court hears
Senate officials backdated $3,000 contract to P.E.I. consultant helping Sen. Duffy, trial hears
        Tories to table tax-cut-heavy federal budget plan
Governor General paved the way for Chakma�s double dip
        Minister�s �steak night� idea to pay ambulance bill is panned by NDP
Women showing tiny decrease in candidate rosters for P.E.I. election
        Justin Trudeau, heir to the politics of coalition

Budget day with one thing assured: Black ink for the first time in seven years
        Budget 2015: Canadians pick jobs, social services over balanced books, poll finds
Harper Bests Trudeau and Mulcair as Leader who can Create Best Budget for Canada, For the Middle Class, Average Taxpayers, and Families
        Budget will make pilot immigrant loan program permanent
Budget 2015: 6 elements to watch for
        Federal budget to boost EI compassionate care leave
On your mark: balanced budget to set 2015 federal election campaign running
        Northern Ontario senator steps down for health reasons
Budget all about election
        NDP surprises with a surge of support in Alberta campaign

Duffy trial reminds us why lucre is so often called �filthy�
        Whispers abound of Alberta�s first-ever minority government
Budget goodies can�t guarantee Stephen Harper re-election
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Federal budget: At a glance - The Canadian Press, Ottawa Citizen
        Conservatives deliver balanced budget ahead of election - Barrie McKenna & Bill Curry, The Globe & Mail
Harper uses budget to target election�s swing voters - Campbell Clark, The Globe & Mail
        Alberta NDP�s promise of $15 minimum wage conjures up funny money policies of the past - Kelly McParland, National Post
The sagging Liberals need a shakeup - Lawrence Martin, The Globe & Mail
        Conservatives stick to message of �fragile� economy in stormy seas - Josh Dehaas, CTV News
AB NDP government would be more leftist than campaign suggests - Lorne Gunter, Edmonton Sun
        Ontario willing to fund Mississauga-Brampton LRT without federal help - Oliver Moore, The Globe & Mail
Federal budget could bring dramatic increase in compassionate leave for caregivers - John Ivison, National Post
        Canada�s GHG emissions rose in 2013, leaving little room to meet 2020 target - Shawn McCarthy, The Globe & Mail
How Hydro One ended up on the auction block - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
        We Had a Pint with Ontario�s Finance Minister to Talk About Crappy Booze Rules - Justin Ling, Vice
Why Joe Oliver is condemning Canada to economic mediocrity - Kevin Carmichael, Macleans
        A comparison of expenses allowances for Canada�s MPs and senators - Joan Bryden, Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
Political experts weigh in on Alberta�s major political parties� branding efforts - Matt Dykstra, Edmonton Sun
        Road to balanced budget has seen a gusher of red ink - Jason Fekete, Ottawa Citizen
Canadian government reverses decision, says it will issue Mohamed Fahmy a Canadian passport - The Canadian Press, National Post
        Union seeks to force Wal-Mart to rehire workers amid store closings- Anne D'Innocenzio, The Associated Press, Winnipeg Free Press
Stephen Poloz just quashed any hope of another Bank of Canada rate cut- Cecile Gutscher and Greg Quinn, Bloomberg News, Financial Post
        Cirque du Soleil sold to U.S private equity firm- Ross Marowits, Canadian Press, Toronto Star

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<< http://www.vancouverobserver.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rabble<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://rabble.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<  http://www.canadianprogressiveworld.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.bourque.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://thetyee.ca/News/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>iPolitics<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.ipolitics.ca/tag/gaza/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.cbc.ca/news
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yahoo.com<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://ca.news.yahoo.com/canada/


Y�men: fin de l'op�ration a�rienne de la coalition arabePlus
        Une budget pour les riches, selon l'oppositionPlus
Trafic de coca�ne: des Montr�alais intercept�sPlus
        Ottawa r�duira la dette avec sa r�servePlus
Un nouveau fonds f�d�ral pour le transport en communPlus
        Budget f�d�ral: les surplus au rendez-vousPlus
Bains au noir: Barrette maintient l'interditPlus
        Un corps retrouv� sur les berges de la Baie des Ha! Ha!Plus
Loi 15: la F�d�ration des policiers entame une poursuitePlus
        Vid�o d'un pi�ton percut� violemmentPlus

Un laur�at du Pulitzer quitte le journalisme pour payer son loyerPlus
        Premiers t�moignages au proc�s de Germain AudetPlus
Le chef de l'EI n'a pas �t� bless�, estime le Pentagone Plus
        Tsarnaev m�rite la peine de mort, insistent les procureursPlus
Il frappe sa conjointe � coups de marteauPlus
        MMA: le plan d'arrangement pourrait �tre compromisPlus
Le corps de Shawn Lalonde-Laframboise rep�ch�Plus
        Couillard invit� � faire plus de place aux femmes Plus
Famille d'Auclair: des milliers de dollars en dons Plus
        �gypte: Morsi condamn� � 20 ans de prisonPlus
Afrique du Sud: l'arm�e d�ploy�e contre les violences x�nophobesPlus
        Migrants: le commandant du chalutier responsable Plus

Carambolage meurtrier aux �-U: un Qu�b�cois arr�t�Plus
        L'ancien comptable d'Auschwitz demande pardonPlus
Une deuxi�me loi adopt�e sous le b�illonPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
11 Acts Toward a Greek Tragedy- Mohamed El-Erian, Bloomberg Views
        Huckabee�s More Important Than You Think - Nate Cohn, New York Times
Impressive GOP Field Readies for Hillary - Fred Barnes, The Weekly Standard
        Anti-Obamacare Movement Makes Red States Sicker - Ezra Klein, Vox
A Foolish Bet on the Old Clinton Magic - Marc Thiessen, Washington Post
        On Foreign Policy, Will Dems Run From Obama? - Juan Williams, The Hill
Iraq�s Assyrians battle ISIS for survival- Nils Metzger, CNN
        Xi Jinping in Pakistan, China to beat US spending there with $46 billion investment- Reuters, The Times Of India
Zulu king calls for peace in S Africa after violence- Al Jazeera
        Mediterranean migrant crisis: EU sets out measures- BBC News
Boy armed with crossbow kills teacher in Barcelona- Stephen Burgen, The Guardian

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<< http://www.dailystar.com

Poland to build missile defense with US
        Obama proposes 30-year agreement with China on nuclear power
US says ship's mission off Yemen is to protect navigation
        Saudi-led coalition will now focus on security, counter-terrorism, aid and a political solution in Yemen: Arabiya TV
US interested in 'common ground' with Venezuela: Kerry
        Juncker says European refugee summit needs funding commitment
EU gives Ukraine 250M euros in aid
        Amnesty International condemns US failure to act on torture report
Israel court jails Belgian for spying for Iran
        South Africa deploys army to curb anti-immigrant violence

UN urges Europe to put asylum at center of Mediterranean debate
        Indian minister says 2,000 girls 'killed' every day
'Bookkeeper of Auschwitz', 93, goes on trial in Germany
        Fierce storm lashes southeast Australia; 3 feared dead
US monitoring Iranian convoy
        US says might talk to Iran about regional stability, cites Syria
Fattouh: ISIS� finances top priority for U.S.
        Oil�s going up? Then you�re better off not buying
China, Pakistan launch economic corridor plan worth $46B
        America�s prison system is cruel and requires urgent reform

Iran still respecting terms of interim nuclear deal: U.N. report
        Israeli man stabs Arab because of his ethnicity
Eyeing power, SNP launches British election manifesto
        Migrant crisis: Can EU learn from Australia?
Armenians keep memory of genocide alive a century on
        Modern life alters human bodily bacteria
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.globalresearch.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://therealnews.com/t2/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.presstv.ir/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://sputniknews.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://rt.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.bbc.com/news/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://readersupportednews.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.activistpost.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://consortiumnews.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.commondreams.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.eutimes.net/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://www.kyivpost.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.4thmedia.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.brasschecktv.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/


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