Friday 3 March 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Trudeau welcomes possible Keystone XL pipeline American steel exemption

White House: Keystone exempt from �Buy American� requirements
        Liberal support slides to lowest levels since 2015 election
�It�s a message to the Sask. Party�: NDP celebrates win in Saskatoon Meewasin byelection
        At Issue: NDP and Conservative leadership races

Should Liberals let asylum seekers from U.S. enter Canada safely at border crossings?
        Candidate withdraws from Liberal nomination for Ontario byelection race
Ottawa starts compensating residential school survivors over rejected claims
        Assured Trade Devastation
Ban travel? Half of U.S. may not mind
        How Trudeau wants to ride the populism wave, in a �middle-class� Canadian kind of way
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau preaches patience
        Can Canada save America�s data from Donald Trump?
Motion M103 is political correctness writ small
        Conservatives need to build a concrete vision
Generations will pay for Liberals� hydro blunders

Trudeau says government serious about eliminating workplace harassment, including in the RCMP
        They beat Harper. Now Canadian scientists are trying to save science from Donald Trump
Bermuda names fined banks while Canada keeps them secret
        Identifying Yazidis seeking resettlement to Canada a �complicated process�
$750K in federal funding breathes life into project celebrating separatist Ren� L�vesque
        Morneau�s budget will be based on two-month-old survey in spite of recent, rosier economic data
EKOS poll: Canada should support Israeli sanctions, not demonize them
        Deputy governor of Bank of Canada warns about climate change, touts pricing carbon
Alberta to intervene in legal challenges to Trans Mountain Pipeline: throne speech
        Interim Alberta PC leader Ric McIver taking ethics commissioner to court over conflict of interest findings

Montreal man charged with terror hoax after bomb threat targeting Muslim university students
        Morneau says feds, provinces will discuss further CPP changes
Liberals accused of preferential treatment in nomination races for byelections
        NDP holds slight B.C. election poll lead, but MSP, child-care issues could swing voters
NDP leadership race a chance to stir things up and make the party interesting again
        Canada�s economy grew at faster-than-expected 2.6% rate in 4th quarter of 2016
Canadian immigration website crash started hours before Trump victory, documents show
        KPMG offshore tax dodge a �facade� designed to hide money, ex-client says
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Patrick Brown just got played�sad!

Trudeau says government serious about eliminating workplace harassment, including in the RCMP - Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star
Liberal support slides to lowest levels since 2015 election - �ric Grenier, CBC News
Ottawa starts compensating residential school survivors over rejected claims - Gloria Galloway, The Globe and Mail
Should Liberals let asylum seekers from U.S. enter Canada safely at border crossings? - Chris Hall, CBC News
For Tory and Liberal MPs, the puck stops here - Shannon Proudfoot, Macleans
Still no date for Liberals� second budget - The Globe and Mail
The Liberals� First Nations agenda encounters reality - Chris Selley, National Post
$750K in federal funding breathes life into project celebrating separatist Ren� L�vesque - Graeme Hamilton, National Post
Marc Garneau, transport minister and former astronaut, visits Washington counterpart - Alexander Panetta - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau preaches patience - Paul Wells, Toronto Star
Kellie Leitch cites viral video as indication Canadians support her immigration policies - Drew Anderson, CBC News
Candidate withdraws from Liberal nomination for Ontario by-election - The Canadian Press, The Globe & Mail
Morneau�s budget will be based on two-month-old survey in spite of recent, rosier economic data - Bill Curry, The Globe and Mail
Trudeau: Legalizing pot will take money from gangs - Dirk Meissner, The Canadian Press, CTV News
PM under fire for saying Grassy Narrows �very much� Ontario�s responsibility - Kristy Kirkup, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Wynne shops for votes - Mike Strobel, Toronto Sun
NDP holds slight B.C. election poll lead, but MSP, child-care issues could swing voters - Chuck Chiang, Vancouver Sun
Morneau says feds, provinces will discuss further CPP changes - CTV News
Notley NDP: Will a cut in school fees and a promise to make life better score them more love? - Rick Bell, Calgary Sun
Trudeau runs 5-kilometre course with military members at B.C. naval base - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Alberta�s throne speech an infomercial with a subliminal message - Graham Thomson, Edmonton Journal
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defends Canada�s delayed peace deployment - Bruce Campion-Smith, Toronto Star
EU asks Canada to defend Paris climate deal against global �uncertainties� - CTV News
Yahoo punishes CEO Marissa Mayer amid fallout from massive 2014 data breach- Michael Liedtke - The Associated Press, Toronto Star
TD wraps up Canada�s big bank earnings with another beat, dividend hike and share buyback- Armina Ligaya, Financial Post
Snapchat owner Snap makes stock market debut today- The Associated Press, CBC News
Canada�s economy outperforms on consumer spending, housing- The Globe and Mail
Competition Bureau releases ranking of top 10 scams targeting Canadians- CTV News


SPVM: un directeur adjoint suspenduPlus
        Tuerie � Qu�bec: un mandat de perquisition en partie d�voil�Plus
Russie: Donald Trump d�nonce une �chasse aux sorci�res�Plus
        McDonald's sert un �McL�zard� � une IndiennePlus
Les Canadiens peu inqui�t�s par les r�fugi�s ill�gauxPlus
        La victime et les coupablesPlus
Un centre de propagande de l'EI parmi des villas � MossoulPlus
        Conversation incriminante d'un mafioso envers des policiersPlus
Un docteur poursuit sa petite amie pour �grossesse frauduleuse�Plus
        La gr�ve � l'Universit� Laval se poursuit jusqu'au 10 marsPlus

Tom Hanks offre une cafeti�re � des journalistes Plus
        Les crimes haineux en hausse depuis l'attentat de Qu�becPlus
Enqu�te du FBI: le ministre de la Justice se r�cusePlus
        Ottawa: 20 M$ pour contrer le d�cret anti-avortement de TrumpPlus
Deux s�urs retrouv�es 30 ans apr�s leur disparitionPlus
Filature mortelle: le policier accus� r�clame l'arr�t des proc�duresPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
25 senators urge Trump administration to respond to �alarming increase� in hate violence - Rebecca Savransky, The Hill
        Ryan Zinke rides horse to work on his first day as interior secretary - Madeleine Morgenstern, Washington Examiner
Al Franken reminds Jeff Sessions: �The ambassador from Russia is a Russian� - Callum Borchers, Washington Post
        Trump, After Calling for Rise in Military Spending, Will Tour Navy Warship - Michael D. Shear, New York Times
�I Will Recuse Myself� If Necessary, Sessions Says Amid Russia Controversy - Tony Capra, Erik Ortiz, Pete Williams and Alex Johnson, NBC        NewsSweden to reintroduce conscription amid rising Baltic tensions- Reuters, The Guardian
Germany arrests Syria war crimes suspect- BBC News
        Hosni Mubarak acquitted over 2011 protester killings- Al Jazeera
EU parliament lifts Le Pen�s immunity over grisly IS group tweets- France 24
        Malaysia to release, deport North Korean in nerve agent probe- The Associated Press, The Times Of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Trump torture remarks "lay down gauntlet" for other states: UN expert
        Ex-Haitian president Preval dies; first to peacefully hand over power
New round of Syrian peace talks in Geneva this month: UN envoy
        France's Marine Le Pen refuses to meet magistrates: lawyers
US, tribal officials want pipeline documents released
        Jane Fonda speaks of rape, abuse, and her 'disease to please'
Polish EU lawmaker says women intellectually inferior to men
        EU military headquarters to open soon: sources
Palestinians clash with Israeli settlers in West Bank
        Mass baby remains found at former Catholic home in Ireland

Russia says its military advisers, special forces behind Palmyra recapture
        Russia, NATO hold first high-level military talks since freeze
There is no economic case for breaking up the United Kingdom, says PM May
        EU trade ministers meet amid uncertainty about US
Lockheed says in talks with Spain, Belgium, others on buying F-35s
        World�s biggest banks fined $321B since 2008
Stop visa-free travel for U.S. citizens: EU lawmakers
        Canadian bacteria-like fossils called oldest evidence of life
Previous                           Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Don�t Expect a New NATO Strategic Concept Any Time Soon
The Arctic�s Changing Frontier

From: "John Feldsted" <>
To: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: You can bet your sweet bippy:

You can bet your sweet bippy:

That a carbon tax will increase the costs of every purchase we make. Nothing we buy him from the store got there without some form of fossil fuel transport. Increased costs of transportation will add to the costs we pay at the till. The amount of increase will depend on the distance that goods were transported.

That no government tax is ever �revenue neutral�. For one thing, someone has to feed and water the bureaucrats who collect the tax. Nothing a government does is without cost. The best the government can do is return whatever is left after its expenses are paid.

That a carbon tax will hit those people with the lowest income the hardest. Inflation hurts those with little or no disposable income the most. For many people increased fuel costs translate to no cup of coffee on the way to work.

It would not be so bad or so sad if governments could assure us that the sacrifices made will guarantee a reduction in climate change. That is something that proponents of carbon emission reductions carefully avoid and refused to talk about. Why the reluctance?

When someone tries to sell us something that is supposed to be better or better for us we tend to be wary. It turns out that the clean diesel engines that were going to revolutionize the auto industry turned out to be far less than advertised. Then we find out that the airbags that added to the costs of our autos are faulty and potentially lethal.

Carbon reduction is a theory not a science. It is being sold as a fact but if it�s everything that governments tell us it is why don�t we get a guarantee? If the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) proves to be wrong (again) can we sue their socks off? So far, the infamous �hockey stick� data model has proven to be a dud and the IPCC quit using the term �global warming� and shifted to �climate change�. Changing the color of a larger box and adding the words �New and Improved� is straight out of cereal and soap advertising. The contents haven�t changed but the vendors hope we believe they have.

Nearly 25,000 delegates and another 25,000 people from 190 nations gathered in Paris for the last IPCC conference and none of them gave a darn about the huge carbon footprints left to get them to Paris and back home. In this era of worldwide electronic connectivity that tells us all we need to know about the sincerity of the IPCC - they are living high on the public dime and intend to do so for as long as possible. Most fraud artists do.
John Feldsted
Political Consultant & Strategist
Winnipeg, Manitoba

If anyone would like to be added to my mailing list, send an e-mail to With a subject line:  Conservative Friends List

John (and others) Am I a heretic to argue changes to the EARTH/SUN relationship might be more impactful than our actions?
Larry Kazdan
To: Toronto Star <>
Subject: Re:  Trudeau must make budget work for working people: Opinion, Mark Hancock, March 2, 2017

Eliminating inequality will certainly require increased taxes on the rich, but the government of Canada owns a central bank and can immediately strengthen the nation�s frayed social safety net regardless of any tax receipts. Consider that during the recent financial crisis, the federal government made $200 billion available to support private sector lenders under the Extraordinary Financing Framework. As economist Jim Stanford has written in his book Economics for Everyone, "If money can be created out of thin air by the government's own bank, to buy financial securities, why can't it be created out of thin air to do other things - like putting people back to work in real jobs? The answer is, 'It can be.'"

Our economy currently has many unused resources, including 1.3 million Canadians actively seeking work, and inflation is quite subdued. Robust deficit spending is not currently problematic, need not be followed by more tax on the middle class, and can be deployed strategically to create the many thousands of jobs necessary to reduce poverty and inequality. The rich may resist taxation, but necessary federal expenditures for social progress need not wait nor depend on what can be collected. 

1. Stanford Quote:  Economics for Everyone, Second Edition, A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism, p. 352

2. Taxes and the Public Purpose
"....taxes do not �pay for� government spending. Indeed, no taxes can be
collected until government has spent. Taxes create a demand for the
government�s spending and logically precede that spending.

As we�ve argued, it is neither correct nor politically sensible to
link �give to the poor� policy to �tax the rich� policy. The purpose of
the tax is to free up resources to pursue the public purpose�including
anti-poverty programs.

But our tax system is already doing a HECKUV A JOB creating
unemployed resources. We can spend on the poor (and on a full range of
other public policies) and thereby mobilize those unemployed resources....

3. Improving Access to Financing and Strengthening Canada's ...
To soften the impact of the crisis, the first phase of Canada's Economic Action Plan included measures to provide up to $200 billion to support lending to Canadian households and businesses through the Extraordinary Financing Framework.


1 comment:

  1. How Seat Belts Save Lives - Healthy Living Center - EverydayHealth ...
    May 20, 2009 - According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 15,000 lives are saved each year in the United States because drivers and their passengers were wearing seat belts when they were in accidents.
