>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Meet the McMaster prof quoted by Keillie Leitch and learn why he�s unhappy about it
Trudeau: We have a problem with Islamophobia in Canada
Canadian MPs in Washington hear the call for more money spent on defence
NAFTA talks to start late in the year, see big changes: U.S. commerce secretary
Trudeau is more concerned about diversity than competence: Kevin O�Leary
Genetic testing bill, up for vote Wednesday, unconstitutional: Trudeau
Freeland knew her grandfather was editor of Nazi newspaper
Federal government announces $650 million for sexual and reproductive health
Trudeau taking foreign policy cue from Tory playbook
Stay off the campaign trail and get back to work, Trudeau
Liberal nomination process: so much for openness and transparency
Crucial for Canada�s scientific research efforts to be agile
How Bill Morneau�s building a budget around Donald Trump
Gender equality starts with girls respecting one another
Why equality matters for everyone: Monsef
Kellie Leitch�s Pepper Spray Policy Won�t Help Women: Critics
Dutch politician brushes off comparisons with PM Justin Trudeau
Sophie Gr�goire-Trudeau�s Facebook post sparks debate
Current, ex-public servants say Public Service Employment Act �unconstitutional�
Pregnant woman, children among 18 asylum seekers rescued trying to cross Emerson, Man., border
Pipelines to be a �fundamental� issue for NDP leadership race: Julian
The mental health crisis in Canadian prisons
Liberals extend tax credit review beyond 2017 federal budget, keeping an eye on Trump
Trudeau cabinet OK�s new coins to honour Stanley Cup, Vimy Ridge
Youngest-ever Ontario MPP beats challenger again in PC nomination battle
Ethics watchdog won�t investigate Sajjan over Afghan detainee inquiry decision
Medical marijuana firms discussed using banned pesticides
Alberta government orders prosecutors to weigh cost of justice
Search underway for Canada�s next top Mountie, as Paulson prepares exit
Parliamentary Protective Service requests another $6.1-million in annual funding in 2017-18, wants $68.2-million total
Keep calm and plan on, federal ministers told on asylum seeker influx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Wynne becoming desperate
MPP Sam Oosterhoff easily wins nomination vote - Robert Benzie, Toronto StarTrudeau announces $650M for sexual, reproductive health on International Women�s Day - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Freeland knew her grandfather was editor of Nazi newspaper - Robert Fife, The Globe and Mail
Ottawa braces for rise in asylum seekers fleeing U.S. - Daniel LeBlanc, The Globe and Mail
A decent debate on carbon pricing is hidden beneath Conservatives� claim of cover-up - Aaron Wherry, CBC News
MPs reject Liberal government�s attempt to gut genetic discrimination bill - John Paul Tasker, CBC News
Liberals reviewing operations and design of social security tribunal - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Premier Wynne passes the buck - Editorial, Toronto Sun
Chinese buyers want Canadian real estate for educational reasons: study- CTV News
The federal Liberals want more innovation? Fix our disastrous investment climate- Jack Mintz, Financial Post
BIXI: les abonnements disponibles d�s le 15 marsPlus
Espionnage des journalistes: les audiences commencent le 3 avrilPlus
Un h�pital attaqu� � Kaboul: pr�s de 40 morts Plus
Les forces irakiennes reprennent une sinistre prison Plus
D�mant�lement d'un vaste r�seau de vols de cargaisonPlus
Alerte � la bombe � Concordia: Hisham Saadi tente d'�tre lib�r�Plus
10 commentaires horribles de Trump sur les femmesPlus
Justin Trudeau se range derri�re sa conjointePlus
Journ�e des femmes: manifestation sous les fen�tres de TrumpPlus
Des personnages f�minins aux feux rouge font jaserPlus
Le fils de Kim Jong-Nam s'exprime dans une vid�oPlus
De l'eau rose coule dans les robinets en AlbertaPlus
WikiLeaks r�v�le un programme de piratage de la CIA jug� risqu�Plus
Journ�e de la femme: Sophie Trudeau veut c�l�brer les hommes Plus
P�kin appelle � la suspension du programme nucl�aire nord-cor�enPlus
L'EI sur le recul en Syrie et � MossoulPlus
Trump a-t-il rencontr� l'ambassadeur russe?Plus
Hausse des plaintes � la STM: la faute aux pannes de novembrePlus
Le budget Leitao sera d�pos� une semaine apr�s celui d'OttawaPlus
FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Dan Rather: Trump administration �in freefall� - Mark Hensch, The Hill
The three GOP factions that could doom Republicans� Obamacare replacement bill - Amber Phillips, Washington Post
WH Budget Chief Touts GOP Health Care Bill Without Citing Costs - Erik Ortiz, Alex Moe and Hallie Jackson, NBC News
Unions lead mass protests in Buenos Aires- Al Jazeera
US deploys anti-ballistic missile defence system to South Korea- The Associated Press, The Times Of India
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
US open to dialogue with N.Korea, but Pyongyang must take steps: State Dept
US officials aware of CIA security breach in 2016, say WikiLeaks papers authentic
US general says Russia has deployed banned missile
Israel MPs give initial approval to bills quieting mosques
May sacks top Conservative over Brexit rebellion
UN decries U.S."vilification" of migrants, fears mass expulsions
China asks N.Korea to stop missile tests, tells US and South to seek talks
U.S. trade deficit jumps to five-year high on imports
Lebanese Canadian hospital investigated
Harsh trade truths for Trumpians and Brexiteers
Opposition optimism over Syria talks misplaced
Friedman gave funds to settle Jews in �Muslim quarter�
Israel OKs bill banning foreign boycott activists
Could �resurrection� crops survive drought and feed a hungry planet?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
UN Experts Denounce 'Myth' Pesticides Are Necessary to Feed the World
Canada's New Blasphemy Laws Continue Reading Article![[]](
From: Robert Ede
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
UN Experts Denounce 'Myth' Pesticides Are Necessary to Feed the World
Canada's New Blasphemy Laws Continue Reading Article
Can Canada Get Out Of The War Business? � OpEd
The scent that�s pricier than goldBELOW(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)
Subject: Wonder how Hydro rates are being "reduced" by 17% thru re-financing ?
-see Att Ont News Release
- "In the EARLY years, a portion of the costs covered by the Global Adjustment(GA) would be REFINANCED TO REDUCE pressure on today’s electricity ratepayers.
- "In LATER years, the cost of refinancing would be RECOVERED FROM ratepayers.
- "Under current forecasts, the immediate reduction in the GA would be about $2.5 billion PER YEAR on average over the first 10 years, with ANNUAL interest costs not exceeding $1.4 billion."
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