Wednesday 27 September 2017

CANADIAN DAILY DIGEST September 26, 2017.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Conservative MP Gerry Ritz�s Shariah Law Tweet Shows He �Hasn�t Learned His Lesson�: Melanie Joly

Trudeau to visit Mexico, U.S. amid contentious NAFTA talks      
        Liberals walk out of committee meeting, protesting Conservatives� pick for chair
Trudeau government spent $13.6M on sponsored social media
        Information watchdog �disappointed� with Liberal access-to-info bill

Growing contingent of Canadians disapprove of Trump: poll
        No Netflix tax, but focus on economy in upcoming Liberal culture policy: sources
The $15 minimum wage could cost Ontario up to 90,000 jobs: TD Bank
        A plea from the Process Nerd: Please, no more �shadow cabinets�.
Humility over Hubris � A Useful Distinction
        In our modern version of class warfare, the middle class is only one that matters
Premier Rachel Notley looks for some attention from UCP-obsessed media
        NAFTA talks: Seeing the benefits through the bluster
Premiers� Performance: As Horgan enters office on a high, Wall is set to depart on top
        A Tuberculosis Crisis, MMIW And Straight-Up Racism: Philpott and Bennett Discuss Their Biggest Challenges

Freeland to meet U.S. Mexican counterparts as NAFTA talks grind on
        Premier Rachel Notley looks for some attention from UCP-obsessed media
NAFTA talks: Seeing the benefits through the bluster
        NAFTA 2.0 � A Glimpse of the Detail

Premiers� Performance: As Horgan enters office on a high, Wall is set to depart on top
        A Tuberculosis Crisis, MMIW And Straight-Up Racism: Philpott and Bennett Discuss Their Biggest Challenges
Bombardier will triumph over Boeing, eventually, says Quebec finance minister
        Liberals 39, Conservatives 33, NDP 15, Green 6: Nanos
Marijuana task-force member�s move to legal weed company raises conflict-of-interest concerns
The paranoid politics of national anthems
How healthy is the Canadian health-care system?
        NAFTA 2.0: Lies, Damn Lies and Wilbur�s Statistics
The hitch in Ukraine�s peacekeeping bid: Where and how to keep the peace
        Canada pushes inclusion of strong, progressive labour standards in NAFTA

Chrystia Freeland to stress importance of cultural protections at NAFTA dinner
        Ukraine asks Canada for access to satellite images to monitor Russian, rebel troop movements
�Bread and butter� of NAFTA moving ahead but Canada still waiting for proposals on �contentious� issues
        Trudeau downplays uncertainty about U.S. trade demands, while promoting Canada�s team
Tax changes to make system fair not stifle business growth: Trudeau
        Uber to announce it�s leaving Quebec due to stricter government rules
BC NDP under fire for possible partisan posts on government�s Facebook page
        B.C. government invites public to share views on marijuana rules
Where have all the opposition days gone?
        Federal agencies can use torture-tainted information to help stop an attack
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Middle-class families are paying more taxes, despite Liberal claims: report - Jesse Snyder, Financial Post
        Wynne promises to work with mayors on marijuana legalization - Robert Benzie, Toronto Star
Canada pushes inclusion of strong, progressive labour standards in NAFTA - Joan Bryden & Joanna Smith, The Canadian Press, CBC News
        Skepticism and hope as national MMIWG hearings come to B.C.�s Highway of Tears - Andrew Kurjata, CBC News
Premier Kathleen Wynne under fire for NAFTA speech - Antonella Artuso, Toronto Sun
        Trudeau won�t weigh in on Kurdish push for independence in Iraq - Lee Berthiaume, The Globe and Mail
Apotex urges courts to halt probe into fundraising dinner featuring Trudeau - Gloria Galloway, The Globe and Mai
        Liberals spent $5.5 million in hydro ads to save �political skin,� NDP alleges - Kristin Rushowy, Toronto Star
Trudeau refuses to weigh in on Kurdish independence, citing Quebec experience - Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Planned tax changes pit lawyers, bar association on opposing sides- Brenda Bouw, The Globe and Mail

New Uber CEO apologies for company�s past mistakes, vows change- CBC News
        Ottawa begins public consultations on dealing with corporate wrongdoing- CTV News
JetBlue latest U.S. airline to side with Bombardier in trade dispute with Boeing- Ross Marowits - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star

Les agences de renseignements peuvent utiliser des renseignements obtenus par la torturePlus
        Une semaine apr�s, difficile retour � la normalePlus
Sanctionn� pour avoir assis son b�b� sur le plancher de sa voiturePlus
        �tats-Unis: les r�publicains renoncent � voter sur l'abrogation d'ObamacarePlus
Cor�e du Nord: Washington sanctionne 8 banques et 26 ressortissants nord-cor�ensPlus
        480 000 Rohingyas se sont r�fugi�s au BangladeshPlus
Les gens de Laval boivent le plus mod�r�ment au Qu�becPlus
        �lection-test aux �tats-Unis pour Donald TrumpPlus
Trump accuse la Cor�e du Nord d'avoir tortur� un �tudiant am�ricain d�c�d�Plus
        Vanuatu: un volcan en �ruption provoque l'�vacuation de milliers de personnesPlus

Op�ration de sauvetage d�licate dans un siloPlus
        Catalogne: les manifestations patriotiques se multiplient en EspagnePlus
Un couple de cannibales russe a avou� plus de 30 meurtresPlus
        Cor�e du Nord: les tweets incendiaires de Trump inqui�tent l'AsiePlus
Japon: 177 baleines tu�es dans le PacifiquePlus
        Uber pr�t � quitter le Qu�bec aujourd'huiPlus
�Personne ne sortirait vainqueur�, -Lu KangPlus
        Aide d'urgence pour 57 000 habitants �vacu�sPlus
Le Br�sil annule un permis d'exploitation mini�re d'une r�serve d'Amazonie Plus
        Les agences de renseignements peuvent


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Protests fill Senate hallways as Cassidy-Graham gets its hearing - David Weigel, Washington Post
        Donald Trump�s Self-Interest Isn�t a Bad Thing - Charles Hurt, Washington Times
5 Problems With the NFL�s National Anthem Protest - Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist
        Romney: Put aside controversies, prioritize Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands - Olivia Beavers, The Hill
Time Is Ripe for Medicare for All - Bernie Saunders, USA Today
        G.O.P. Points to Welfare Overhaul as a Model for Health Care. The Comparison Has Limits. - Robert Pear, New York Times
Why Single Payer Health Care Is a Terrible Option - Scott Atlas, CNN
        The NFL Beat Trump. Soundly. - Jerry Brewer, Washington Post
North Korea accuses US of declaring war- BBC News
        Tensions rise as Iraq Kurds defy Baghdad in historic independence vote- AFP, The Times Of India

Merkel starts challenging task of trying to form coalition government- Kate Connolly, The Guardian
        French conservatives retain Senate majority as Macron�s party suffers setback- France 24
Erdogan warns of armed action over Iraqi Kurdistan vote- Al Jazeera

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Saudi king issues decree allowing women to drive: state media
        Trump says US 'totally prepared' for military option in N.Korea
Facial, iris recognition rolled out for refugee cash cards
        Trump urges EU to sanction Maduro regime in Venezuela
Barzani says 'Yes' vote won in Kurdistan independence referendum, urges Baghdad to talk
        EU's refugee quotas end but divisions persist
Police to take over polling stations in Catalonia to thwart independence ballot
        Russia launches strategic missile forces drills in Siberia
Russian war games simulated attack on Baltic states: Lithuania
        Experts: N.Korea lacks ability, intent to attack US planes

'We are Catalans': Scots voice referendum solidarity
        Five things to read today
Nearly 850,000 get cholera vaccine in Nigeria: WHO
        Russian foreign ministry 'working behind scenes' to resolve N.Korea crisis: RIA
Tusk: No sufficient progress in Brexit talks
        In Canada, climate change could open once frigid farmland to the plow
Paris the undisputed world fashion capital once again
        Previous                           Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Ukraine: President Poroshenko Signs Controversial Language Bill Into Law

More Light on the Importance of Sleep
Is watching porn harmful?
What the science says

Canada is training Ukraine soldiers and is being asked for weopons and
Ukraine asks Canada for access to satellite images to monitor Russian, rebel troop movements
Ukraine�s president has signed into law a controversial bill that makes Ukrainian the required language of study
 in state schools from the fifth grade on . . .  (for) groups, such as Poles, Romanians, and Hungarians,
all of whom have sizable ethnic communities in Ukraine.


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