Saturday 30 September 2017

CANADIAN DAILY DIGEST September 29, 2017.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Bill Morneau�s town hall meeting on small business tax changes turns heated

Tory MP Candice Bergen: China denied my travel visa, Liberals were no help
        Critics assail M�lanie Joly over lack of specifics in Netflix announcement
Hill security officers� labour dispute escalates, as union alleges �intimidation,� �threats� by management
        Scheer: Liberals showing �intolerance� for female MP by boycotting committee vote

Ismael Habib sentenced to 9 years for attempting to leave Canada to join ISIS
        Trudeau names Isabelle Hudon new ambassador to Paris
U.S. Demands Risk Scuttling Nafta Talks
        Trudeau Liberals set their advertising sights abroad
Donald Trump�s Bombardier bullying demands more muscle from Justin Trudeau
        Accusations Morneau breached conflict-of-interest screen raise tension over tax reforms
Morneau might be a one-term political wonder
        It�s Jagmeet versus Justin, in a dream match for lefties
Morneau�s discomfort over proposed tax changes an unnecessary spectacle
        M�lanie Joly�s Netflix deal fails to address the real issues for Canadian content creators

Ottawa spent $110K in legal fees fighting First Nations girl over $6K dental procedure
        4 tweaks Ottawa could make to settle nerves around proposed tax changes
Is Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown truly in �a war� with his own party?
        Tom Mulcair says his legacy is to leave next NDP leader a truly national party
Canada�s economy pauses in July, no growth from June, StatCan says
        RCMP found guilty of one Labour Code violation, not guilty on two others
Canadian Space Agency and its partners developing plans for lunar space station
Trudeau still seen as best PM, but Conservatives �best to form government�
Government�s access to info bill a step backwards, not forward: watchdog
�We are living through an all-out assault on truth and reason,� Hillary Clinton warns adoring Toronto crowd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Despite benefits boost, feds post $100-million deficit through four months - The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Federal government�s Netflix deal lacks details on future TV productions in Canada - Daniel Leblanc,
Mulcair looks back on his own successes as New Democrats choose his successor - Gloria Galloway, The Globe and Mail
        Canada taken aback by Trump trade team�s demands on Buy American in NAFTA talks - Robert Fife, The Globe and Mail
Province tries to allay business fears over minimum wage hike - Robert Benzie, Toronto Star
        Bill Morneau shows a flash of temper in the small-business tax battle - John Geddes, Macleans
Hitches, headaches of changing B.C.�s election format - Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun
        Equifax to offer free locking of credit files for life � unless you�re Canadian- Pete Evans, CBC News
BlackBerry reports record software and services revenue amid quarterly profit- The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        These days Saudi Arabia is considering the unthinkable � quitting OPEC- Financial Post

Stelco eyes return to auto market, even as downturn begins- Greg Keenan, The Globe and Mail
        Bombardier won�t be shocked by another high CSeries duty next week- CTV News


Netflix: �si Qu�bec veut taxer, il a juste � le faire� - M�lanie JolyPlus
        Catalogne: des �lecteurs occupent des bureaux de vote pour garantir le r�f�rendumPlus
L'ONU ouvre une enqu�te internationale sur les crimes au Y�menPlus
        Irak: les liaisons entre le Kurdistan et l'�tranger sont coup�esPlus
Manifestation des travailleurs de l'a�rospatiale � LongueuilPlus
        Washington rappelle �plus de la moiti� de ses diplomates � CubaPlus
Qui sont les acteurs du conflit politique catalan en EspagnePlus
        Isma�l Habib conna�tra sa peine vendredi apr�s-midi La Couronne f�d�rale r�clame neuf ans contre un Montr�alais Terrorisme: Un premier Qu�b�cois coupable d'avoir voulu rejoindre l'�IPlus
S�lection du jury au proc�s de la trag�die de Lac-M�ganticPlus
        Fusillade de Moncton: la GRC coupable de ne pas avoir fourni de l'�quipement ad�quatPlus

Fentanyl: un danger invisible qui menace tout le mondePlus
        Pornographie juv�nile: un diplomate du Saint-Si�ge recherch� au CanadaPlus
Cannabis en avion: les passagers devront pr�senter une preuve m�dicalePlus
        Qui suis-je?Plus
En Mongolie, les places en maternelle sont tir�es au sortPlus
        Le pape Fran�ois s'attaque aux �fake news�Plus
Homme recherch� pour introduction par effractionPlus
        Trois arrestations lors d'une perquisition en mati�re de stup�fiants � GatineauPlus
Rohingyas: naufrage meurtrier et �cauchemar humanitaire� au BangladeshPlus
        Les risques de congestion du week-endPlus

Un homme dans un �tat critique apr�s une agressionPlus
        La fum�e s'�paissit, le nombre d'�vacu�s augmente


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Count the Broken Promises in the GOP Tax Plan - Albert Hunt, Bloomberg
        The Alabama Senate Vote: It�s Not What You Think - Byron York, Washington Examiner
Pelosi on Puerto Rico: �We must move more quickly� - Robert Barnes, Washington Post
        Trump�s Gut Knows That U.S. Agrees With Him on NFL Protest - Scott Jennings, CNN
Tennessee governor considering Senate run - Ben Kamisar, The Hill
        The Trump Tax Cuts Are Going to Hurt the Republican Party - Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine
Senate Intel Committee says Kushner didn�t disclose personal email account: report - Brandon Carter, The Hill
        Tom Price �Regrets� Chartering Flights at Taxpayer Expense - Katie Rogers and Glenn Thrush, New York Times
Macron�s counter-terror bill risks France�s human rights record, say UN experts- Angelique Chrisafis, The Guardian
        Boat with 130 Rohingya refugee capsizes off Myanmar, IOM says- The Times Of India

Catalan separatists call for peaceful defiance on referendum day- France 24
        China to close North Korean firms under UN sanctions- Al Jazeera
�New Baghdadi tape� posted by Islamic State group- BBC News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Air strikes force hospital closures in northwest Syria: MSF
        US does not recognize Kurdistan independence referendum: Tillerson
Iraq, Iran, Turkey plan to take control of Iraqi Kurd's border: Iraq
        Spanish court orders Google to delete app used for Catalan independence vote
Talks on future EU-UK ties before divorce settled would weaken EU: Macron
        Russia left troops in Belarus after wargames: Ukraine
Syria signs 3 mn ton wheat contract with Russia
        Russia says ready to work with N.Korea to resolve missile crisis
Five things to read today
        'Everything prepared' for Catalan vote - but Madrid says it won't happen

Only 'miracles' can move Brexit talks forward by October, EU tells Britain
        Russia accuses CNN International of violating Russian media law
Iraq blocks international flights to Kurdistan in retaliation for independence vote
        The U.S. faces hard questions of how and when to leave Syria
Europe�s battle on four fronts
        U.S. Ambassador: Israel occupies just 2 percent of West Bank
Previous                           Next 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

End of a royal era

Canada's myth of inclusion

The words that can make us calmer


From: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: Dirty little secrets

Many Canadians are still angry with Trudeau over the $10.5 million Khadr settlement - but there appears to be much more. This story, in the Toronto Star, came out last February:

Then in March, the CBC broke the story that an apology had been made along with a settlement for an undisclosed amount:

Almalki was arrested at the Damascus airport in May 2002.  El Maati was arrested at the Damascus airport in November 2001. Nureddin was stopped by Syrian officials as he crossed into Syria from visiting family in northern Iraq in December 2003. These arrests were during Liberal rule (Jean Chretien was Prime Minister).

Why are taxpayers, who must foot the bill, not informed of the settlement amount. The three had asked for $100 million in compensation or nearly 10 times the Khadr settlement.

Our MPs need to be asking some pointed questions.

John Feldsted
Political Consultant & Strategist
Winnipeg, Manitoba
From: Robert Ede
Subject: Fwd: New FinCan - Monthly FISCAL Monitor

Still no Table 6

The following Fiscal Monitor has just been posted on the Finance Canada Site.
The Fiscal Monitor - July 2017
La revue financière - juillet 2017


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