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Paradise Papers: Critics assail fact Trudeau �satisfied� with Bronfman�s answer
Liberals won�t say whether CRA is investigating Bronfman
Morneau Shepell CEO talking to clients about minister controversy
Liberals to vote on amendments to tighten arms exports bill, restrict potential Saudi deals
Top U.S. creationist�s invitation as keynote speaker for Alberta homeschooling convention draws fire
770 homeless veterans on feds� radar, number growing year over year
Jagmeet Singh Says He Has No Plans To Run In Upcoming Federal Byelections
MPs prepare to head south to dissuade asylum seekers in U.S. from heading north once protected status expires
The Paradise Papers aren�t really a Team Trudeau scandal � so far
Someone needs to tell our new Governor General that Religion and Science can co-exist
The threat of Payette�s affection for facts
Eat the rich: When wealth became a wedge issue
On �Climate Barbie� and the art of the insult
Liberals braced for another �huge wave� of illegal asylum seekers from U.S.
Gender and peacekeeping
Democracy on life support: Donald Trump�s first anniversary
Three women who shone brightly in the November gloom
Four anchors and a big, ugly desk: Watching the new National
In attack ad, Working Families union coalition likens PC�s Brown to Trump
Feds give lobbying watchdog $400K to cover legal fees for lawsuit
Quebec ready to go it alone with tax on companies like Netflix
�It�s groundbreaking�: Independent senators gain more resources, committee clout
Trudeau says Canada �will not be rushed� into signing renewed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal
Trudeau Liberals throw Arctic climate research a lifeline
The new National: Are four TV anchors four times as good as one?
UN peacekeeping: Canada�s back? When? How?
Organ Donation in Canada: A Matter of Life or Death
A war in Paradise � and moral high ground for the Conservatives
Where�s Trudeau�s campaign against offshore tax dodgers?
A few new cracks in that glass ceiling
Payette was rude � but that didn�t make her wrong
Environment minister blames �mistake� after tweet praising Syria
Government official held secret meetings, gave advice to pro-tax haven lobby group
And baby makes history: Bloc couple become first pair of sitting MPs to become parents
Clean fuels standard coming soon but maybe not this fall: McKenna
Campaigns matter, but Kathleen Wynne�s polling deficit will be tough to overcome
Garnett Genuis: The 2017 Parliamentarian of the Year
Russia bans dozens of Canadians, refuses to name names
With secrecy oaths signed, 11 MPs and senators set for unprecedented access to national security agencies
MPs, staff have �a few issues� with Phoenix, but House not scrapping it: Speaker�s office
Defeated Montreal mayor bids farewell after stunning mayoral election defeat
Federal clean fuel standard would likely boost jobs and economy, think tank says
Trudeau pays visit to Vietnam, with trade and human rights on the agenda
Opposition MPs want Privy Council officials to testify on MMIWG inquiry delays
Shoppers Optimum And PC Plus Loyalty Programs Merging On February 1, 2018
Ottawa �carefully� reviewing constitutional challenge of Quebec�s face-covering law
Liberals try to bolster harassment rules for gamut of workplaces
Ex-Tory leader Ambrose says �western alienation� is very real and dangerous
CRA to �review� Canadians linked to Paradise Papers leak
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Liberals have lost control of their narrative - Mark Bonokoski, Toronto Sun
Are politico egos going out of style? Ask Denis Coderre - Kelly McParland, National Post
Payette praises religious tolerance in New Brunswick speech - The Canadian Press, Macleans
New veterans more likely to have hard time adjusting to civilian life: survey - The Canadian Press, CBC News
NDP: Ontarians pay hydro price for Liberal smoke-and-mirrors - Andrea Horwath, Toronto Sun
National Energy Board to hold hearings on Burnaby pipeline delays - James Wood, Calgary Herald
IBM urges B.C. government to use blockchain to track marijuana sales - The Canadian Press, Vancouver Sun
OPP launch investigation into mortgage fraud- Janet McFarland, The Globe and Mail
Oilpatch spending to ramp up in Canada�s �hottest new play,� led by Chevron- Geoffrey Morgan, Financial Post
Twitter doubles tweet limit to 280 characters- Selina Wang - Bloomberg, Toronto Star
Huit enfants sont morts lors de la tueriePlus
Le Mexique s'oppose � une ex�cution pr�vue au TexasPlus
L'avocat vedette Benjamin Brafman va d�fendre Harvey WeinsteinPlus
Commerce en ligne: Ottawa muet sur ses intentions, � l'aise avec celles de Qu�becPlus
L'acc�s � la propri�t� recule � Montr�al et au Qu�becPlus
Catherine McKenna s'excuse apr�s un Tweet �inacceptable�Plus
Des affiches d�non�ant l'arm�e canadienne install�es � SherbrookePlus
Les d�mocrates revigor�s au 1er anniversaire de l'�lection de TrumpPlus
Premier tweet de Trump depuis P�kin? �Une soir�e inoubliable�Plus
Netflix: Ottawa reste �vasif au sujet des intentions de Qu�becPlus
Le pol�miste Dieudonn� condamn� � deux mois de prison avec sursis pour propos antis�mitesPlus
Ils croient que l'homosexualit� c'est mal, on leur refuse le droit � l'adoptionPlus
Au ralenti, sous la pression d'ind�pendantistesPlus
La Cour constitutionnelle annule la d�claration d'ind�pendancePlus
Le bannissement des sacs de plastique ne serait pas avantageuxPlus
[PHOTOS] Indiens et Pakistanais suffoquent dans un brouillard de pollutionPlus
Trump et ses tweets � l'ombre de �la Grande muraille �lectronique� chinoisePlus
Victoires d�mocrates � des �lections locales contre les candidats de TrumpPlus
Emp�tr� dans les scandales, Uber proclame une nouvelle �culture� d'entreprisePlus
FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Did Dems Commit Crimes in �Rigging� the 2016 Primary? - Jonathan Turley, The Hill
Donald Trump and the Erosion of American Greatness - Roger Cohen, Der Spiegel
Trump strikes more conciliatory tone toward North Korea, urges �deal� to resolve standoff with United States - Ashley Parker, Washington Post
For Democrats, Virginia�s Elections Are a Petri Dish - Severns & Robillard, Politico
Bin Salman and the end of Saudi�s consensus rule- Ali Younes & Shafik Mandhai, Al Jazeera
China rolls out red carpet luxury � and security for Donald Trump- Tom Phillips, The Guardian
>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
British foreign secretary discusses Iran with US lawmaker
UK aid minister Patel quits after Israel meetings
Israel approves 240 east Jerusalem settler homes: official
Putin-Trump bilateral in Vietnam 'likely': Kremlin
Travel chaos as Catalan strike demands leaders' release
Palestinians resume security ties with Israel, eye Gaza enforcement
Trump in China for talks on North Korea's 'cruel dictatorship'
France, Britain, US, Germany demand UN extend mandate on Syria chemical probe
Desperate Rohingya use plastic rafts to flee Myanmar
EU reiterates support for Lebanon
UK aid minister facing sack over undisclosed meetings with Israelis: Sun newspaper
Trump to ask China to cut financial links with NKorea: WH official
Nissan's profit flat over inspection scandal, legal costs
Trump warns North Korea: Do not 'try us'
EU pushes for tax blacklist after Paradise Papers leak
Wary of political tumult, Putin shuns revolution centenary
Britain expands project examining mental health in terrorism
ECB official says 50 banks talked Brexit moves with EU
At North Korea�s doorstep, Trump warns of U.S. power
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
From: Bill Woollam
From: Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 10:53 AM
Subject: Public Inquiry needed to properly investigate deep social and environmental harms of fracking, coalition says

VANCOUVER � A promised �review� of natural gas industry fracking operations should be broadened to a full Public Inquiry that examines all aspects of the dangerous gas extraction technique, says a coalition of community, First Nation and environmental organizations.
The call on the new BC government is to broaden a promise first made by the NDP during the lead-up to the spring provincial election, and comes on the heels of new revelations about the fracking process, including:
- Escalating water usage by fracking companies.
- Poor or misleading consultations with First Nations.
- Widespread industry non-compliance with relevant provincial water laws through the construction of dozens of unlicensed dams.
- Record-setting induced earthquakes at BC fracking operations.
�We believe that the NDP�s campaign promise to appoint a scientific panel to review fracking won�t be enough to fully address the true risks of deploying this brute-force technology throughout northeast BC. Current realities dictate that we need a wide-ranging, public inquiry,� says Ben Parfitt, a resource policy analyst with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, one of 17 groups making today�s call.
The previous government ignored a call for such an inquiry in 2011.
Joint news release on CCPA site:
Petition site/letter to decision-makers:
Oped by Ben on
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