Thursday 9 November 2017

CANADIAN Daily Digest November 9 2017.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

1 in 3 Canadians say Morneau doing poor job as finance minister: poll

Elections Canada wants someone to pretend-hack its computers
        11 nations agree in principle on TPP Pacific trade deal
Former election candidate accuses federal body of screw-up costing him thousands in pay
        In no rush on TPP, Trudeau says as feds dismiss reports of a deal in principle

Canada, China partner on project using apps, texts to treat mental health
        U.S. automakers warn Trump�s �extreme� demands threaten NAFTA talks, say deal fuelled their comeback
Canada, Japan at odds over TPP as talks go �down to the wire�
        Faced with political pushback Liberals developing a cut-and-run mentality
To become known to voters, Scheer and Singh take different paths
        Justin Trudeau�s mid-life crisis
If the ethics commissioner had done her job, Morneau wouldn�t be in this mess
        It�s no bromance, but Trudeau has found a way to charm Trump
Payette warned of misinformation killing democracy, but it may just kill off humanity
        No Labels � Preparing the Ground for Political Renewal

Did Premier Rachel Notley breach decorum with �mansplaining� accusation?
        Why are our institutions failing women?
The Paradise Papers aren�t really a Team Trudeau scandal � so far

Judge rejects defence bid to dismiss charges in Ontario gas-plants trial
        Bob Rae to urge Trudeau to maintain support for Rohingya
Tories want to know who was involved in Syria-praising tweet
        Gay-straight alliance bill may allow covert sex ed: Alberta United Conservatives
Small knives will be allowed on planes, but baby powder banned: Transport Canada
        �Liberals have let us down,� says frustrated vet awaiting pension decision
Someone needs to tell our new Governor General that Religion and Science can co-exist
        The threat of Payette�s affection for facts
Eat the rich: When wealth became a wedge issue
        On �Climate Barbie� and the art of the insult

Liberals braced for another �huge wave� of illegal asylum seekers from U.S.
        Gender and peacekeeping
Democracy on life support: Donald Trump�s first anniversary
        Three women who shone brightly in the November gloom
Trudeau to meet with Myanmar leader Suu Kyi at APEC summit Friday
        Federal government blocking social media users, quietly deleting posts
Canadarm creator to transform into U.S. company, raising concerns of tech heading south of the border
        Political Risk & Climate Action
Saskatchewan premier says Governor General shouldn�t mock people of faith
        Romeo Saganash combat le bilinguisme � la canadienne

Trudeau ducks questions on Trans-Pacific Partnership, says he�s not at negotiating table
        Expanded parental leave to come into effect by end of year, sources say
Compensation cut for elite soldiers if injuries last more than 180 days
        Liberals urged to commemorate MP war vet traumatized after Passchendaele
Lack of �qualified� candidates for watchdog jobs, says government
        Speaker splits up Liberal omnibus budget bill, thanks to new Liberal rule
Federal parties set sights on B.C.�s December by-election
        Canadian military exports to Saudi Arabia exploded in 2016
Pressure builds on Trudeau government to launch Ukraine peacekeeping mission
        Global Music Lobby Groups Hit Ottawa in Blitz Over Copyright Term Extension

Provincial rules for legal pot could bring new ways to run afoul of the law
        Saskatchewan premier�s office using �fake map� of GTH to sell Chinese megamall
Despite outcry, committee makes few changes to Access to Information bill
        Liberals won�t say whether CRA is investigating Bronfman
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Don�t let Ontario�s college system suffocate itself - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
        Tax-haven lobbyist held private meetings and got advice from top federal officials, Paradise Papers reveal - CBC News
Speaker rules Morneau�s budget bill includes measures that weren�t in budget - Bill Curry, The Globe and Mail
        Senators urged to ensure sexism completely removed from Indian Act - Gloria Galloway, The Globe and Mail
What happened to Jason Kenney? - Stephen Maher, Macleans
        770 homeless veterans on feds� radar, number growing year over year - Rachel Aiello, CTV News
NDP proposes new protections for temporary workers - Rob Ferguson, Toronto Star
        Kenney�s UCP turning GSA trap back on NDP - Lorne Gunter, Edmonton Sun
Committee rejects most proposed changes to Access to Information bill - Jim Bronskill, The Globe and Mail
        B.C. government proposes short-term freeze on B.C. Hydro rates - Rob Shaw, Vancouver Sun

Quebec ready to go it alone with tax on companies like Netflix - Marilla Steuter-Martin, CBC News
        �I feel proud, I feel humbled, I feel privileged�: Defeated Montreal mayor Coderre bids farewell - Sidhartha Banerjee - The Canadian Press
Paradise Papers: Critics assail fact Trudeau �satisfied� with Bronfman�s answer - Andy Blatchford, The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Snapchat and Twitter adopting new looks to gain more users- CTV News
Loblaw to merge Shoppers Optimum, PC Plus loyalty programs in February- Alessandra Sagan - The Canadian Press, Financial Post
        BMO ran $288M �abusive� tax dodge: CRA- Zach Dubinsky and Harvey Cashore, CBC News
Canadian housing starts rise in October as multiunit construction soars- The Globe and Mail
        Harry Rosen and Davids Footwear join for national expansion- Francine Kopun, Toronto Star


Le pasteur veut d�molir l'�glise de la tueriePlus
        Forcadell doit verser une caution de 150 000 eurosPlus
La Cour supr�me refuse d'entendre le doc MaillouxPlus
        Op�ration majeure contre le crime organis�: le fils de Paolo Violi est arr�t� en OntarioPlus
Apr�s l'ouragan, une rentr�e sans �lectricit� � Porto RicoPlus
        Tentative de meurtre sur le Plateau Mont-Royal: la police recherche un homme de 21 ansPlus
�quipe Jos�e Latendresse demande un recomptage judiciaire � LongueuilPlus
        27 coffres-forts rep�ch�s dans un parc public en plein BruxellesPlus
Le scandale de dopage touchant la Russie a �t� orchestr� par Washington, sugg�re PoutinePlus
        Les cols bleus pourraient bloquer les ar�nas � LavalPlus

En Su�de, 456 com�diennes d�noncent harc�lement et �culture du silence�Plus
        Brexit: les n�gociations reprennent, le �temps presse� pr�vient l'UEPlus
Allemagne: un infirmier soup�onn� d'�tre � l'origine de 106 mortsPlus
        Propos controvers�s envers les Noirs et les Autochtones: la Cour supr�me refuse d'entendre le doc MaillouxPlus
Russie: �des morts et des bless�s� dans l'effondrement d'un immeublePlus
        Le groupe �tat islamique perd sa derni�re ville en SyriePlus
Trump � P�kin: moisson d'accords commerciaux � plus de 250 milliards de dollarsPlus
        Catalogne: la pr�sidente ind�pendantiste du parlement devant la justicePlus


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Senate Dem wants to know why prosecutor was asked to resign before Manafort was indicted - John Bowden, The Hill
        Meet Danica Roem, Virginia�s first transgender elected official - Antonio Olivo, Washington Post
Trump�s Striking Change in Tone on China - New York Times
        NAFTA, the Cross-Border Disaster - David Bacon, The American Prospect
On Tax Cuts, GOP Majorities Hang in the Balance - Newt Gingrich, The Hill
        Criminal case filed against Aquino over Mamasapano raid- Al Jazeera
Spain�s Constitutional Court officially annuls Catalan independence declaration- France 24
        Irish PM wears �shamrock poppy� in parliament- BBC News
Ex-Israeli PM introduced Harvey Weinstein to former Mossad spies- Peter Beaumont and Gwilym Mumford, The Guardian
        Rouhani warns Saudi Arabia of Iran�s �might�- AFP, The Times Of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Eurozone forecast to grow at fastest rate in 10 years
        Villages drive China�s e-commerce boom
Trump�s China �miracle� distorts trade imbalance
        Bumper year for olives but producers still struggling
As confusion reigns, is Hariri�s resignation constitutionally valid?
        Trump: U.S., China could jointly solve world�s problems
Tribe�s bitterness challenges Libya peace effort
        Thousands of kids referred to U.K.�s counterterror scheme
Facebook encourages sending nude pics to combat revenge porn
        Previous                           Next 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

From: Larry Kazdan
Subject: Why the U.S. Needs a Federal Jobs Program, Not Payouts

"Public employment should be viewed not as a social program but as a public investment with a high rate of return. The return is increased economic output, coupled with the development of human capital which increases productivity and the size of the effective labor force in a population and economy that badly need it. That human capital, in turn, could catalyze more business investment and activity in low-income neighborhoods, which would further promote economic growth."

Modern Monetary Theory in Canada
MMT in Canada - facebook

From: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: Tax-haven lobbyist held private meetings and got advice from top federal officials

Leaked documents from group of offshore law firms show concerted campaign to buck G8 transparency agenda

Well isn�t this a surprise? Ho-hum, not really. What is outrageous is �private meetings� between top level federal bureaucrats and lobbyists for tax havens. It gets more intriguing.

The top federal officials were not employed by the Department of Finance or Canada Revenue � they were employees of International Trade � now known as Global Affairs. Deputy Trade Minister Simon Kennedy met with Tax haven lobbyist Richard Hay in July of 2013 and again in January 2014. Mr. Hay was not registered as a lobbyist and there is not record of the meetings as required under the Lobbying Act.

Apparently, Duane McMullen a senior official with International Trade gave advice on how to counter UK proposals to make offshore financial holdings more transparent. McMullen so impressed Hay that McMullen was invited to address the pro-tax-haven lobby, which he did.

At the time, our federal government had declared strong support for the UK proposals on tax havens. The bureaucrats in International Trade deliberately worked against those proposals. How this was done without consultation with the Department of Finance and Revenue Canada is not clear, but it appears that government policy was ignored and countered by bureaucrats.

These meeting took place While Ed Fast (CPC � Abbottsford) was Minister of International Trade. Was Mr. Fast aware of these meetings or were they �buried� by Hay�s failure to register as a lobbyist? Mr. Kennedy and Mr. McMullen were aware that Mr. Hay was a lobbyist.

We need an investigation into how this happened. Senior members of Global Affairs need to be dismissed for acting against Canada�s interests. We need assurance from our government that tax rules and regulations of offshore accounts are not under the authority of Global Affairs and will amended without delay.

John Feldsted


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