Friday 19 October 2018

Daily Digest October 19, 2018.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

C BCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Saudi Arabia admits journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed, says it was after a �fight�

Lockheed Martin selected as preferred designer for Canada�s next generation of warships

        Here�s what the trade war has cost the U.S. and Canada so far
Canadian fighter jets intercept Russian aircraft over Black Sea
        Feds dead set against �ridiculous� quotas to replace steel, aluminum tariffs
White House official called Trudeau �that little punk kid running Canada�

        �She�s way out of her league�: Steel exec slams Freeland�s handling of tariff fight
Some White Helmets refugees resettled in Canada, with more on the way
        Every major federal party sees opportunity in Quebec�s new government
The Liberals need to rip off the Norman Band-Aid
        Isn�t some kind of broadband better than nothing?
Sen. Cory Booker can�t stand that Justin Trudeau and Canada are �out-Americaning� America (video)

        N.B. Liberals say Speaker deadlock will be broken so legislature can open
Saskatchewan must wait until next year for court to hear challenge of carbon tax
        Ottawa sees increase in personal tax revenue thanks to stronger economy, high-income earners
MPs committee calling on Morneau to boost deduction for capital investments
        Final report on 2017-18 spending shows $19-billion federal deficit last year
Annual pace of inflation slows to 2.2 per cent in September: Statistics Canada
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Death knell beginning to toll for Trudeau Liberals - Mark Bonokoski, Toronto Sun
        How many government workers does it take to buy a TV? About 39 and 300 emails - Tom Spears, National Post
How a shift in Ottawa�s bookkeeping is going to make the deficit loom larger - Karina Roman, CBC News
        Francois Legault sworn in as Quebec premier - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Watchdog�s cap-and-trade autopsy reveals plan had little bang for Ontario�s bucks - Randall Denley, National Post
        As MMIWG testimony wraps in St. John�s, commission to �make do� with short extension for work - The Canadian Press,
Legault says Quebec government �needs renewal� as CAQ swears in cabinet of rookies - Les Perreaux, The Globe & Mail
        Threats to 2019 federal election are increasing �faster than we expected,� CSE official says - Stuart Thomson, National Post
Government failure to blame for high youth unemployment - Mathew Lau, Toronto Sun
        B.C. Greens and NDP government strike deal on speculation tax - Vancouver Sun

Supreme Court to hear case on clean-up of mercury at northern Ontario mill site - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        As Trans Mountain stalls, TransCanada begins preliminary work on Keystone XL- Geoffrey Morgan, Financial Post
Majority of first-time buyers maxed out budgets to buy a home: CMHC- The Canadian Press, CBC News
        Demand for pot grow-ops is �astronomical� as Canada legalizes- Natalie Wong - Bloomberg, Toronto Star
Canadian Pacific CEO downplays impact of U.S.-China trade battle- CTV News
        CP Rail CEO downplays impact of U.S.-China trade war- The Canadian Press, The Globe & Mail


Pompeo esp�re recevoir son homologue nord-cor�en pour pr�parer le sommet Trump-KimPlus
        Guantanamo: un nouveau juge pour les accus�s du 11-SeptembrePlus
L'�diteur Michel Brul� accus� d'agression sexuellePlus
        �tats-Unis: une Russe inculp�e pour avoir tent� d'influer sur les �lections de novembre prochainPlus
Acier/aluminium: le Canada et les �tats-Unis n�gocient la lev�e des tarifsPlus
        La �caravane� de migrants honduriens force la fronti�re Guatemala-MexiquePlus
Soup�onn�s d'avoir vol� pour pr�s de 500 000 $ de catalyseurs de camionsPlus
        Mieux vaut ne pas parler d'euxPlus
Khashoggi: des employ�s du consulat t�moignent, une crise en vue entre Riyad et ses alli�sPlus
        Un gang condamn� pour des viols d'adolescentes en AngleterrePlus

Un gros lot de 1 milliard de dollars aux �tats-Unis vendrediPlus
        Une adolescente �en danger� recherch�e dans le Wisconsin apr�s le meurtre de ses parentsPlus
Trump �encourage� la violence contre les m�dias Plus
        Migrants: �une crise se profile� � la fronti�re am�ricano-mexicaine , selon Pompeo Plus
Syrie: 32 civils tu�s dans des frappes de la coalition anti-djihadistes Plus
        Au moins 50 morts dans un accident de train en IndePlus
Julian Assange lance une action judiciaire contre l'�quateur sur ses conditionsPlus
        Taxe carbone: hausse du co�t des billets d'avion, anticipent les transporteurs a�riensPlus
Ouverture mercredi du pont g�ant reliant Hong Kong � la Chine continentalePlus
        Affaire Fillon: les juges d'instruction ont termin� leurs investigationsPlus

Abus sexuels dans l'�glise: la justice f�d�rale am�ricaine ouvre une enqu�tePlus
        Trump fait l'�loge d'un parlementaire qui avait brutalis� un journalistePlus
Le prince Harry et Meghan Markle � la plagePlus
        Restaurants: la CSN passe � l'offensivePlus
Meurtre d'une journaliste bulgare: inculpation du suspect La journaliste ex�cut�e brutalement �pour servir d'exemple�? Vague
d'indignation apr�s le meurtre d'une journaliste en BulgariePlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Republican candidates rely on stealth campaigner George W. Bush - Paul Kane, Washington Post
        Nancy Pelosi Will Rise Again - Jim Newell, Slate
How the Anti-Trump Resistance Is Organizing Its Outrage - Charlotte Alter, Time
        How the Kavanaugh Fight Backfired on Democrats - Mark Pulliam, American Greatness
Could Trump Win 20% of African-American Vote in 2020? - Victor Davis Hanson, Real Clear Politics
        Rosenstein to appear for House interview next week - Tal Axelrod, The Hill
Trump says �all Republicans� back protections for preexisting conditions, despite repeated attempts to repeal Obamacare -
        US Treasury chief Mnuchin withdraws from Saudi investment conference- France 24
Top Afghan commander Raziq killed in Kandahar gun attack- BBC News
        Putin says US bears some responsibility for Khashoggi disappearance- PTI, The Times Of India

Tory MPs round on �desperate� May over Brexit transition- Jessica Elgot, The Guardian
        US Jerusalem consulate merger draws Palestinian anger- Al Jazeera

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Lebanon UN representative condemns Israel's 'veiled threats'
        US indicts Russian woman for interfering in 2018 election
Russia, China, Iran trying to disrupt US November elections: agencies
        French lawmaker proposes bill to outlaw mockery of accents
Israeli forces wound 130 Palestinians at Gaza border protest
        'Battle goes on' over Israel anti-boycott law: US student's lawyer
#MeToo personal for �Handmaid�s Tale� costume designer
        Time for women to sexualize men, TV�s Issa Rae says
Peru in danger of losing its national cinchona tree
        Is �Hothouse Earth� avoidable? Making transformational changes

After Canada, pot industry eyes rest of world
        May says Brexit hurdles can be overcome, rebuffs critics
U.K. police tell websites to patrol sex trade after arrests
        Previous                                   Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
How to boost happiness in 10 minutes
The single most valuable writing skill
No Contest: Cannabis vs. Alcohol
As Canada Legalizes Marijuana the US Tightens Border Controls

Canada, the US�s largest trading partner legalized marijuana. Most states bordering Canada it is legalized or medicalized. However, the Trump administration plans to deny entry to Canadians who use or sell marijuana
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From: John Feldsted<>
Subject: Canadian police ready to deal with legal marijuana, chiefs say

Enforcing new cannabis laws around will be a 'work in progress'

Karin Larsen
CBC News
Posted: Oct 15, 2018

The president of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police is assuring the public that police departments across the country are prepared for Wednesday, when recreational marijuana becomes legal.

"'I'm here to tell Canadians that police are ready," said Vancouver Police Chief Adam Palmer at a news conference.

Palmer said enforcing new laws around legal weed will be "a work in progress." However, he reminded people that police have been dealing with drug-impaired driving for decades.

Currently 13,000 Canadian police officers have training in standard field sobriety testing. That number is expected to rise to 20,000 in the next few years.

Palmer also confirmed that 833 Canadian police officers have received further specialized training as drug-recognition experts and said there is a goal of training 500 more.

The CAPC recommended earlier that that 2,000 officers receive drug recognition training to meet the federal government's promise of cracking down on drug-impaired driving.

The new laws allow adults 18 and over to possess up to 30 grams of legal marijuana and to grow up to four plants for personal use.

Growers and suppliers are required to be federally licensed. Retailers will have to abide by provincial and municipal laws, which could vary widely across the country.

Palmer said organized crime has historically been heavily involved in the illegal marijuana trade but that legalization will help push the gangsters out over time.

"With millions of Canadians using illicit [marijuana] supply for decades and decades, it's going to be an iterative change," he said.

Palmer doubts there will be raids on stores currently selling illegal cannabis come Wednesday, pointing out that despite the attention around legalization, cannabis is not a top concern for police when it comes to public safety.

"The marijuana trade is important but it's not the most important drug issue going on in Canada today," said Palmer. "Fentanyl kills 11 Canadians a day. Marijuana does not."


Translation: We don�t know how this is going to affect society, so we are going to wing it until legalization shakes out and our governments get on the same page.

That may take a while. The major thrust of provincial legislation is to control people rather than control cannabis. Governments cannot resist the temptation to tell us how to live our lives.

Government requirements that consumers produce identification to purchase cannabis took me back a few decades when you had to produce ID and fill out a form to buy liquor. They are infringing on our rights, freedoms and privacy. Governments have no reasonable need or right to know it I purchase liquor, tobacco or cannabis. It is none of their business.

Our courts will clog up with cases of people accused of impaired driving fighting the charge on the basis that impairment was not proven beyond reasonable doubt, just as they fought drunk driving before breathalysers. Police have no cannabis equivalent, and no data to show that a blood sample showing xx ppm THC indicates impairment. We are creating a legal nightmare.

Criminals are buying homes in upscale areas which requires a substantial down payment, install equipment and hire people to look after plants. If they are eventually raided, they walk away from tens of thousands in investments and growing plants and start up again elsewhere. The loss cuts into their profits but not enough to discourage a restart.

Cannabis supply chains at neighbourhood level are already in place. Who needs a government store when you have a trusted supplier you have dealt with before? Buying from him or her is illegal, but it always has been. Nothing has changed.

Police could not shut down illegal cannabis trafficking prior to legalization. Legalization will not make their efforts more effective. Street sales may reduce in price, but only if government prices are low enough to warrant the hassle involved. Who need to drive to a government store when your local dealer will deliver to your front (or back) door?

This just in:  WINNIPEG � Manitoba�s Progressive Conservative government is looking at expanding its ban on smoking cannabis in public places to also include consumption of edible products.

Can�t you picture someone with a drug sniffing dog in the food court of a local mall seeking out the culprit who brought a cannabis-laced cookie in his or her pocket? These people want to be taken seriously as our elected representatives while behaving like clowns. We have more urgent issue to deal with.

John Feldsted


Subject: Highway crashes up in states that legalized marijuana, study says

By Nicholas Sakelaris
Oct. 18 (UPI)

Highway crashes are increasing in four states that legalized recreational marijuana, a new study shows.

Crashes are up 6 percent in Colorado, Oregon, Washington and Nevada, a joint study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Highway Loss Data Institute shows. That's compared to the control states of Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming where recreational marijuana isn't legal.

The combined-state analysis is based on collision loss data from January 2012 to October 2017. Factors such as the rated driver population, insured vehicle fleet, urban versus rural differences, unemployment, weather and seasonality were all taken into account.

But there's no direct correlation because THC, the major active component in marijuana, remains in the system long after use. That makes it more difficult to determine if the driver was under the influence while driving, said Highway Loss Data Institute President David Harkey.

"It's certainly early in the game," Harkey told NBC News. "We're seeing a trend in the wrong direction."

Driving under the influence of drugs is illegal in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. Oftentimes, drivers who are tested for alcohol have other drugs in their system, not just marijuana, making it harder to isolate.

"Despite the difficulty of isolating the specific effects of marijuana impairment on crash risk, the evidence is growing that legalizing its use increases crashes," Harkey said.

The data show legalizing recreational marijuana use has a negative effect on road safety, Harkey said.

"States exploring legalizing marijuana should consider this effect on highway safety," he said.

Nine states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational use. And 30 states have legalized marijuana for medical purposes, with Oklahoma being the latest to join.

Legalization for recreational use is pending in New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Michigan and North Dakota will have referendums in November. Missouri and Utah could expand medical marijuana, also in November.

Rather than do it on a localized basis, Canada legalized recreational marijuana nationwide Tuesday, becoming the second country in the world to do so. It's still up to individual provinces to decide age limits and how much people can buy and where.


Alcohol or drug impairment has the same result. Marijuana is not the only drug to induce impairment, but legalization cannot improve crash/fatality statistics. Restricting where people can smoke, toke or otherwise use marijuana does not stop them from driving while still high.

It is worrisome that the study points out that it is difficult to determine if marijuana users were impaired at the time of a crash. We don�t know if a live person is high on marijuana either. We have opened a Pandora�s box. It is not likely that highway crashes and fatalities will decrease due to legalization of cannabis. At best we can pray we are not victims.

It is difficult to understand the federal government rush to pardon people who were convicted of marijuana possession while it was still illegal. It undermines our justice system. Do we enforce laws or not? The further we get into cannabis legalization, the further we move into some alternate reality.

John Feldsted


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