Monday 22 October 2018

Daily Digest October 21, 2018.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

C BCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

A year away from election day and no-name Scheer is right behind celebrity Trudeau: Ipsos poll

Postal workers to begin strikes in 4 Canadian cities Monday if deal not reached
        365 days to go � and Trudeau�s Liberals have the edge on the 2019 election
Can the Conservatives reverse cannabis legalization?
        Scheer marks one-year countdown to federal election with campaign-style speech

When it comes to pot legalization, Canada �on the right track,� says Colorado police expert
        Here�s why Canada�s ex-envoy to Saudi Arabia says sanctions for journalist killing wouldn�t work
One year to election: Trudeau Liberals gear up for tussles on climate, premiers


Are cabinet leaks really a new norm?
How the new USMCA strengthens Canada in future trade deals
        Pot legalization a lesson in savvy political timing
How election fraud looks in the 21st century

Alberta Party, meeting in Edmonton, eyeing reduction to provincial carbon tax
        �It�s a mess�: Pot shop owners say Alberta is running out of weed
Canada�s new steel tariffs will �kill businesses� in push to please U.S., lawyers warn
        Pharmacare is not a top health-care priority for Canadians, poll finds
Goodale cautions Scheer: Reversing legal pot would trigger backlash
        Canada says Saudi explanation of Khashoggi�s death lacks �credibility�
Patrick Brown holds narrow lead in Brampton mayoral race, poll finds
        Singh urges Ottawa to cancel $15B Saudi arms deal
Kennedy Stewart named mayor of Vancouver; one over several B.C. turnovers
        Krog�s Nanaimo Win a Risk to NDP Government � But Not Soon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ford should prove fiscal bona fides by re-empowering Auditor General - Jess Morgan, Loonie Politics
        An open letter to Canadians on why we need change - Andrew Scheer, Toronto Sun
Fran�ois Legault and his government of squares have a radical plan - Robert Hiltz, Loonie Politics
        Fiscal plans need credibility - Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
Enough about weed. The Liberals need to fix our economic mess�fast - Editorial, National Post
        Canada�s re-engagement with Iran blocked by act that allows its assets to be seized, says retired envoy - Mike Blanchfield � The Canadian Press, CBC News
With a federal election a year out, where are the parties at? - Charlie Pinkerton - iPolitics, Toronto Star
        Former CSIS director, defence minister urge feds to bar Huawei from 5G - Staff, CTV News
Rogers beats expectations as wireless segment grows, looks to new TV system- The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        Network challenges loom large for telecom�s �4G on steroids�- Emily Jackson, Financial Post

Thousands of Swoop passengers inconvenienced as airline cancels flights to U.S.- Ross Marowits, The Globe & Mail
        Telus launches charitable foundation to help vulnerable youth- CTV News
B.C. billionaire Chip Wilson uses his backside to sell �unauthorized story� of Lululemon- CBC News
        White supremacist or rising threat to the establishment? Meet �Toronto�s next mayor� Faith Goldy


Isra�l adopte un projet de loi controvers� contre les oeuvres �d�loyales�Plus
        Les d�bardeurs du Port de Montr�al en col�rePlus
Tourn�e royale: Meghan Markle all�ge son horaire pour se reposer Plus
        Politique f�d�rale: les lib�raux et les conservateurs au coude � coudePlus
�Allez vous promener dans le bois, SVP�Plus
        Disparition de Sylvain Lavoie: �Allez vous promener dans le bois, svp. C'est tout ce qu'on demande�Plus
Retrouv�e morte � Yamachiche: un dernier adieu � Oph�lie Martin-CyrPlus
        Sous pression, Trump durcit le ton envers l'Arabie saouditePlus
Trump �voque des �mensonges� de Riyad sur la mort de KhashoggiPlus
        Cam�ras de surveillance: la vid�o de la tuerie en Crim�e diffus�e � la t�l�vision russePlus

Ta�wan: au moins 22 morts dans un accident de trainPlus
        Des milliers de Honduriens ont repris leur marche vers les �tats-Unis depuis le MexiquePlus
Gr�ce: des anarchistes s'en prennent � l'ambassade du Canada, d�g�tsPlus
        Moscou avertit Trump qu'il est �dangereux� de sortir d'un trait� nucl�airePlus
Retrait am�ricain d'un trait� nucl�aire: Gorbatchev d�nonce le �manque de sagesse� de TrumpPlus
        �lections: les Afghans votent au p�ril de leur vie pour la deuxi�me journ�ePlus
Meurtre de Khashoggi: Riyad affirme �ne pas savoir o� se trouve le corps�, vague de scepticismePlus
        Journaliste assassin�: apr�s les aveux saoudiens, scepticisme et zones d'ombrePlus
Agglutin�s � la fronti�re mexicaine, des milliers de migrants honduriens esp�rent toujoursPlus
        Le Qatar perturb� par d'importantes inondationsPlus
Propos de M�lenchon contre les journalistes: Radio France �porte plainte�Plus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The Caravan Is an Attack on U.S.� Stop the Caravan Now - Newt Gingrich, Fox News
        G.O.P. Candidates Struggling in Key Battlegrounds, With House at Stake - Jonathan Martin, New York Times
Early voting hints at huge turnout - Reid Wilson, The Hill
        The Promise & Impatience of Today�s Democratic Party - Ryu Spaeth, The New Republic
Could Michigan�s John James Be This Year�s Larry Hogan? - Salena Zito, New York Post
        Trump may have lost his risky bet on Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman - Dan De Luce and Robert Windrem, NBC News
For President Trump, it�s 2016 all over again - Dan Balz, Washington Post
        Julian Assange sues asylum host Ecuador for violating his �fundamental rights�- PTI, The Times Of India
Huge crowd turns out in London to demand a �people�s vote� on Brexit- Aamna Mohdin, The Guardian
        Migrants camp on bridge between Guatemala and Mexico as US pressure mounts- France 24

Brazil: Bolsonaro continues to lead polls amid fake news scandal- Sam Cowie, Al Jazeera
        Australia government suffers Wentworth by-election defeat- BBC News

As Canada Legalizes Marijuana the US Tightens Border Controls

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Trump administration to define transgender out of existence: NY Times
        US, Turkey to soon begin joint patrols in north Syria
Saudi foreign minister says Saudis do not know how Khashoggi was killed or where body is
        'Urgent need for clarification' on Khashoggi: UK, France, Germany
Jordan wants Israel to return lands leased under 1994 peace deal
        Israel arrests Palestinian governor of Jerusalem: officials
Most UK firms to trigger Brexit safety plans 'by Christmas'
        Trump says US to exit nuclear treaty, Russia warns of retaliation
Israel puts Bedouin village eviction plan on hold for several weeks
        Israel reopens people, goods crossings to Gaza after lull
Previous                                   Next 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

"I have nothing to add to Mr. Scheer�s commentary."
writes John -  nor do I.
Have you?
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> BELOW(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)

From: John Feldsted <>
Subject: An open letter to Canadians on why we need change
Andrew Scheer

Special to Toronto Sun
October 20, 2018
To my fellow Canadians, Sunday marks exactly one year until the next federal election.
The next 365 days will be filled with promises and platforms and politics of all kinds. As you begin to think about who you will vote for one year from now, I�d like you to consider a few things.
Three years ago, you elected a new government. Justin Trudeau made some big promises and many Canadians took him at his word. Fair enough.
But let�s take stock of where we�re at. The Justin Trudeau we have seen as Prime Minister is not the Justin Trudeau Canadians elected three years ago.
He has failed to keep the promises he made. He has failed to live up to the standard he set for himself.
He promised tax cuts for the middle class. He has failed. More than 80% of middle-income Canadians actually paid more tax in 2017.
He promised temporary and �modest� deficits before delivering a $1 billion surplus by next year. He failed.
His deficit this year is more than three times as large as he promised, hitting $19 billion instead of the $5.7 billion he promised. And he won�t balance the budget for another 27 years.
He promised an economy that would provide jobs and opportunity for the middle class. He failed.
His high taxes and unfair regulations have driven away more than $100 billion in private investment in nation-building mega-projects, taking thousands of new jobs with it.
He promised a clean and ethical government, free of the sleazy politics and sketchy insider deals of Liberal governments past. He failed.
Trudeau�s Liberals are, in fact, as scandal-plagued as any of its predecessors. Trudeau himself is the first prime minister in Canadian history found guilty of breaking ethics laws and his ministers don�t understand where their personal interests end and where the public interest begins.
He promised to be a unifying leader by bridging regional and political divides. Again, he failed.
He�s as cynical and divisive a prime minister as we�ve ever seen, routinely insulting his critics and demeaning those he disagrees with.
He made a lot of promises. But his problem isn�t a new one as far as Liberal governments go: Great at making promises. Terrible at keeping them. A style-over-substance government more concerned with how they�re perceived than the results they deliver.
This has given rise to a broader, more fundamental problem in Canada. A crisis in the making.
Everywhere I go, Canadians like you tell me their own version of the same story. Life is getting harder.
It�s getting harder to get by and provide for your family. It�s getting harder to save for the future and get ahead.
There is only a little bit at the end of every month and everything is getting more expensive, but your wages are staying the same.
Ask yourselves this: Do you think Justin Trudeau understands? Do you think he�s had to make the kinds of decisions you make every day to provide for your family and make it to the next pay check?
I�ve sat at the kitchen table and watched my parents decide to put off a purchase so my siblings and I could have the best possible chance to succeed.
Watching them make those sacrifices taught me about priorities. We didn�t always get what we wanted. But we always got what we needed.
They showed me how to handle money responsibly. That�s why I will handle yours responsibly.
Conservatives have spent a lot time talking about the consequences of Justin Trudeau�s failures. Life is more expensive. Canadians are less secure. It�s harder to find opportunity.
There are also consequences to a re-elected Liberal government.
Four more years of lost investment and squandered potential. An even less competitive economy, where big projects fail and jobs flee. A country stuck in mediocrity, strangled by debt and taxes, and drained of hope and opportunity.
For you, that means higher taxes and even less money left at the end of the month. Less to save for your retirement. Less to send your children to university. Less to spend on the things and the people who matter most.
The situation is urgent. Justin Trudeau does not deserve a second chance. Nor can we afford to give him one.
Instead, I�m asking that you to put your faith in a new Conservative government.
A government that knows it�s already hard enough to get ahead in life without the government making it harder.
A government that views its citizens as drivers of prosperity, not sources of revenue.
A government that understands that balancing the budget is the best way to preserve the programs and services Canadians rely on the most.
A government that knows public service is about self-sacrifice, not self-enrichment.
And a government that believes there is enough room in the public debate for viewpoints it disagrees with.
That is the government you can elect one year from today.
Justin Trudeau has promised the next campaign will be nasty. �The most divisive and negative and nasty political campaign in Canada�s history,� were his exact words.
He�s already doing his part to fulfill his promise, calling Conservatives everything from �ambulance chasers� to �neanderthals� to �un-Canadian� simply for holding him to account.
I will continue debating Justin Trudeau on his record. I won�t hesitate to point out where he has failed.
I will be on your side. Never have taxpayers and everyday Canadians more needed someone who will stand up to this government, the media, and the privileged elite on their behalf.
Most importantly, I will fight for the country I believe in � where taxes are low, government is limited, opportunity is unlimited, freedom is celebrated, and people are put first.

I have nothing to add to Mr. Scheer�s commentary. Conservative MPs are the only alternative to continued Liberal abuse. 

John Feldsted


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