Thursday 6 April 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Trump�s NAFTA plans are more than a tweak, Mulroney says
        Trump considering options for Syria retaliation, source says

Trudeau urges international community to get to bottom of Syrian chemical attack
        Public Services Minister Judy Foote taking leave from cabinet for family reasons
Conservative senators defend Lynn Beyak, as media called �parasites�
        Bernier happy for support of senator booted over residential school remarks
Rona Ambrose played role in Robin Camp appointment, former justice minister says
        Ottawa�s two-year tab to host visiting kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers just under $3-million

Suzanne Legault says she doesn�t want second term as information overseer


RCMP accuse Vice-Admiral Norman of leaking cabinet secrets
Former PM Mulroney back on Parliament Hill in role as NAFTA broker
        Justin Trudeau takes questions�all of them
Syria is gassing children to death. What should Canada do?


Lack of legitimate checks on government renders it less powerful, not more
Ask Kady Anything: Secret committees and by-election monkey business


The shine is off Bombardier�s special status
Don�t blame foreign workers when the problem is locals who prefer EI over working

Liberals promise to begin holding fundraisers in public, share details online
        Correspondence shows Norman angered by attempted political interference in shipbuilding contract
Senate to spend $225K on medals for Canada�s 150th anniversary after feds cancel own medal program
        Critics say McKenna�s budget videos may cross the line into self-promotion
Liberal Minister Bains calls ex-minister Moore to give credit on interprovincial trade deal
        Thousands of students from across Canada to take pilgrimage to Vimy
Byelection blowouts expected but still sweet for Conservatives
Ontario must amend its assisted dying legislation to recognize conscience rights
Bombardier and the perils of privatization
Liz May�s got a bold plan to clean up the Commons

When delay is not sober second thought
Bombardier nabbed $3.7B in subsidies, yet the mob demands we punish its executives
Talking, bendable Justin Trudeau doll for sale
        For Bernier, freedom�s just another word for why he�s going to win leadership
No threat to aircraft after United flight held in Toronto
        Parks Canada orders tests on Rideau Canal after contaminants found
Bill Morneau heads to London to sing Canada�s praises post Brexit
        BC Liberals raked in corporate donations, dwarfed NDP fundraising last year
U.S. Homeland Security head expressed little concern about border with Canada
        Prime minister travels to Big Apple again, this time to mark Women in the World

Ottawa seeks high-level meeting to discuss Toronto�s soaring house prices
        Lynn Beyak removed from Senate�s Aboriginal peoples committee
Man arrested on charge of leaving Canada to join ISIS: RCMP
        Power Play: Conservative leadership debate: Day 3
Joe Oliver endorses Maxime Bernier
        Opposition House leaders want new special committee to take over Commons rule changes study, vow to continue filibuster against Libs� plan to �unilaterally rewrite� playbook
New internal trade deal tills soil for cross-Canada marijuana regulation
        PM Trudeau takes the stage at question period to showcase his idea for reform
Premier Brad Wall rails against protectionism, for trade in U.S. speech
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Flying high on taxpayer�s money

Canada Day 2018 shouldn�t be about legalizing marijuana: Bill Blair - CTV News
        Facts of Syrian gas attacks need to be established to assign blame: Freeland - The Canadian Press, CTV News
Liberals shoot down PC motion to drill Sandals on compensation packages - Shawn Jeffords, Toronto Sun
        RCMP defends use of secretive cellphone surveillance technology for the first time - Dave Seglins,
Police urge Liberals away from making it legal to grow pot at home - The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Wildrose rides the three-day political roller coaster on gay-straight alliances and it isn�t fun - Rick Bell, Calgary Sun
David Khan says he�s ready for challenges that come with Alberta Liberal leadership - James Wood, Calgary Herald
        B.C. Liberals, NDP spar over cash-for-access fundraising - Derrick Penner, Vancouver Sun
Western provinces expect Ottawa to pay costs associated with marijuana legalization plan - Kristy Kirkup -
        Bonus pay for Ontario Power Generation�s CEO set to double next year - Rob Ferguson, Toronto Star

MPs to continue debating House rule changes after days-long filibuster - Laura Payton, CTV News
        Hudson�s Bay Co posts deep $152 million net loss as it continues to make �tough decisions�- Hollie Shaw, Financial Post
Quebec�s cottage country quietly emerges as electric car capital of Canada- Ross Marowits - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        Toronto-area home prices jump 33% in a year- The Canadian Press, CBC News


Trump et Xi Jinping, premier face-�-face en FloridePlus
        France: Fran�ois Fillon enfarin�Plus
Qu�bec pr�t � d�lier les cordons de la bourse pour enterrer AnticostiPlus
        Affaire Fredy Villanueva: l'intervention de la Cour sup�rieure demand�ePlus
Apr�s l'accalmie, le retour de la pluiePlus
        Un proche de Trump au Congr�s se r�cuse de l'enqu�te sur l'ing�rence russePlus
Mauricie: Sylvain Duquette suspect� du triple meurtrePlus
        Bombardier: appelez votre d�put� lib�ral provincial, dit le PQPlus
Des autopsies confirment l'utilisation d'armes chimiquesPlus
        La Russie est un �probl�me� pour Trump, selon l'ambassadrice am�ricaine � l'ONU Plus

La GRC poss�de des appareils pour intercepter les donn�es cellulairesPlus
        Lessard continue � dire que l'�tat des routes s'am�liorePlus
Pris � tort pour un trafiquant de drogue, un boxeur arr�t� et menott� � Montr�alPlus
        Syrie: Trump d�nonce �un affront � l'humanit�Plus
Un livre de coloriage pour enfants repr�sentant Hitler retir� de la vente


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CNN Had a Problem. Donald Trump Solved It. - Jonathan Mahler, NY Times Magazine
        Democrats Can Save the Senate or Ruin It - Ross Baker, USA Today
Democrats move to force vote on Trump tax returns - Susan Ferrechio, Washington Examiner
        Report: Kushner bringing Hollywood PR exec to White House - Rebecca Savransky, The Hill
Sen. Jeff Merkley can talk until he�s blue in the face. But he can�t stop a vote on Neil Gorsuch. - Amber Phillips, Washington Post
        Donald Trump, Xi Jinping will be �odd couple� at first summit- Reuters, The Times Of India
North Korean missile fired ahead of US-China summit- BBC News
        French election: factory worker Poutou emerges as star of TV debate- Kim Willsher, The Guardian
Police targeted in deadly suicide blasts in Iraq- France 24
        What will become of EU residents who call the UK home?- Al Jazeera

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Turkey slams Russia over backing of Assad after Syria attack
        Trump administration discussing military options on Syria: source
EU to start checks at external borders
        Macron, Le Pen still lead French polls, leftwing maverick is wild card
Hungary, Iran to cooperate in joint mini nuclear plant project
        Britain's Labour in turmoil over Hitler row
Moscow says US has no objective data on 'monstrous crime' in Syria
        Syrian govt sets terms for any inquiry into gas attack
Israel says Assad ordered 'chemical attack'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
New K-Cup for Cannabis Brings Single-Serving Waste to Sophisticated Stoners

A test to determined degree of impairment from ingesting cannabis.
Should in be in place before legalization?
From: "John Feldsted" <>
To: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: High Mileage Government Announcements

The liberal government never misses an opportunity to wring mileage out of every move it makes. This announcement is premature by a year. Promised support will not start until the 2018-19 fiscal year. That will be an opportunity for another announcement for the same plan.

For most of us, the term infrastructure means the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, such as communication systems, fire services, hospitals, police services, power services, schools, sewer and water and transportation (rail, roads, streets, transit). The federal government has limited jurisdiction over infrastructure � bridges, ferries, ports, rail, roads, and ships connecting provinces or that connect Canada to the US or other nations. All other infrastructure is provincial or municipal.

Social infrastructure is a new leftist term for their beloved socialism. The term includes all manner of structure that underpins welfare including thousands of non-profit volunteer agencies. What is disturbing is that both education and welfare are under provincial jurisdiction. Why is the federal government meddling?

Prime Minister announces support for high-quality, affordable child care across the country

Winnipeg, Manitoba
March 29, 2017

Canadians deserve the opportunity to raise their families the way they want, but far too many do not have access to the high-quality, affordable child care they need. With increased support for early learning and child care, more Canadian parents can pursue new opportunities to work and learn, and build a better future for themselves and their children.

That�s why the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today highlighted that Budget 2017 proposes $7 billion over 10 years, beginning in 2018-19, to support and create more high-quality, affordable child care spaces across the country. This funding is in addition to an initial investment of $500 million announced in Budget 2016 for this upcoming year, 2017-18.

These investments would help increase the number of affordable, high-quality child care spaces for low- and modest-income families, and would make it easier for more parents to work or return to school. Over the next three years, this funding could support up to 40,000 new subsidized child care spaces.

The government is working with the provinces and territories to develop a National Framework on Early Learning and Child Care, focusing on best practices and innovative approaches to best serve families. A distinct Indigenous Framework on Early Learning and Child Care will also be created in cooperation with Indigenous partners to reflect the unique cultures and needs of First Nations, Inuit, and M�tis children across Canada.

With Budget 2017, the government will continue to deliver the things that matter most to Canadians: good jobs, healthy living, strong communities, and better opportunities for future generations.


�The Canadian story is about the promise that, with optimism and hard work, a better life is possible for everyone. Access to affordable and quality child care is too often a barrier for many Canadians who struggle with the need to work or return to school. That is not right. High-quality, affordable child care is critical for helping parents who want to join the middle class. This investment would provide important relief to hard-working Canadian parents across the country.�
� Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • Budget 2017 proposes to invest $7 billion over 10 years, starting in 2018-19, to support and create more high-quality, affordable child care spaces across the country.
  • This investment is part of $21.9 billion announced in Budget 2017 to support social infrastructure in Canadian communities.
  • A portion of this $7 billion investment will be dedicated to early learning and child care programs for Indigenous children.
  • This investment builds on measures from Budget 2016 that provided an initial $500 million in 2017-18 for early learning and child care.

$700 million per year must come from somewhere, which is hard to justify when the federal government is running deficits. Is providing child care spaces urgent enough to warrant this expense?

Isn�t this what Trudeau�s Canada Child Benefit was supposed to deal with? A low-income couple with two kids receives over $1,000 per month.

The provinces are expected to add money to the child care system which in turn means more spending and taxes at provincial level. That ignore a province�s ability to fund this socialist dream and maintain education, health care and other vital services.

Trudeau does not understand the consequences of his brain storms. Taxpayers are at the dirty end of the stick he is stirring with. Trudeau�s Winnipeg show-and-tell was all show � there is nothing to tell until next year � provided the budget has not changed by then.

The general rule is to have the government closest to the service deal with the issue. Trudeau and his minions are not close to our provincial needs. Efforts to coerce provinces into adopting the Prime Minister�s agenda are disturbing.

John Feldsted
Political Consultant & Strategist
Winnipeg, Manitoba

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