Saturday 8 April 2017



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Liberals want to move up pot legalization to avoid Canada Day anniversary

‘America is back’: John Baird says airstrike on Syria crucial in sending message        O’Leary describes harrowing experience that shaped his view on moneyStephen Harper honoured at B’nai Brith dinner        Not even a missile attack can shake House’s commitment to low-level dysfunction

RCMP yellow stripe protest over pay discrepancies spreads among officersTrudeau heading to France to mark the 100th anniversary of Vimy Ridge        Ontario premier says she’s pleased N.Y. state drops proposed Buy American policyNo evidence that ‘Canada works’ in new internal free trade deal        Interprovincial trade becomes freer in Canada for many things ­ but not for alcoholFor Trudeau, it doesn’t mean a rush to war, but deciding how far he might go        Trudeau takes path of least resistance in backing TrumpTrump should listen to his instincts and stay out of the Middle East

NDP try to snap losing streak in bid to end B.C. Liberal political dynasty        Analysis: To win, BC NDP must add 10 more seats, including several swing ridings, and that won’t be easyB.C. politicians prepare for the ground war        It’s a lonely town as Ottawa plans the death of oil and gasWelfare rolls climb fast and high, Notley NDP government says life will get better        NDP holds strong on province-wide lead, Greens sit steady on gains in new pollSo what happened with the House rules fight this week? A recap        Air force grounds Cyclone helicopters after training incidentVice-Admiral Norman’s e-mail spoke of ‘blatant politics’ of supply-ship contract        Canada gains another 19,400 jobs of mostly full-time and self-employed work
Warplanes strike Syrian town hit by chemical attack last week
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

What Kathleen Wynne Can Learn From Kendall Jenner

The Cushy Connections Between The Walrus And The Liberal Party Of Canada - Graeme Gordon, Canadaland
        Interprovincial trade deal nudges Canada’s governments to work together - Janyce McGregor, CBC News
PM Trudeau visits student skills competition in Halifax area - The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Ontario premier reaches out to U.S. governors to win allies on free trade - Jessica Smith Cross, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Dying with dignity can’t be forced on doctors ­ or hospitals - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
        B.C. premier more hopeful for softwood lumber deal under Trump than Obama- CTV News
KFC to stop using chickens raised with human antibiotics- CTV News
        Bank of Montreal CEO Bill Downe to retire in October, COO Darryl White to take the helm- Armina Ligaya, Financial Post
U.S. job growth slows sharply, unemployment rate falls to 4.5%- Lucia Mutikani, The Globe and Mail
        Sears Canada launches an off-price division- Francine Kopun - Business reporter, Toronto Star

TOUTES LES NOUVELLES PUBLIES DEPUIS 24 HEURES Associated Press|15 h 35 |Le gouvernement venezuélien réprime une manifestation à Caracas
        La Presse canadienne|15 h 10 |Un 20e filet pour Voracek, qui aide les Flyers à l'emporter 4-2 face à Columbus
The Associated Press|14 h 47 |L'ETA révèle l'emplacement de caches d'armes aux autorités françaises
        The Associated Press|14 h 47 |Valverde remporte le Tour du pays basque par 17 secondes devant Contador
The Associated Press|14 h 39 |Une première grande exposition de Matisse est présentée à Boston
        The Associated Press|14 h 14 |Pearl Jam et plusieurs autres sont intronisés au Panthéon du rock
La Presse canadienne|13 h 52 |Crosby va affronter les Leafs en soirée, mais d'autres réguliers n'y seront pas
        The Associated Press|12 h 55 |La France en demi-finales de la Coupe Davis après avoir battu les Britanniques
The Associated Press|12 h 47 |Terrorisme: Le FBI a passé en revue des éléments reçues en trois ans
        The Associated Press|12 h 06 |Falcons d'Atlanta: 69 M $ sur cinq ans au demi de coin Desmond Trufant

La Presse canadienne|18 h 02 |Marc-André Fabien est élu président du Comité paralympique canadien
        La Presse canadienne|17 h 41 |Le festival de blues de Tremblant accueillera John Hammond et Lulu Hughes
The Associated Press|17 h 34 |Aledmys Diaz cogne deux circuits et les Cardinals battent les Reds 10-4
        La Presse canadienne|17 h 18 |Dévoilement de la candidature nord-américaine pour la Coupe du monde 2026
The Associated Press|16 h 54 |Erik Jones s'impose au Texas et signe une 7e victoire en série Xfinity
        The Associated Press|16 h 49 |Charley Hoffman toujours dans le groupe du tête au Tournoi des Maîtres
The Associated Press|16 h 39 |Zimmermann excelle au monticule et les Tigers battent les Red Sox 4-1
        La Presse canadienne|16 h 36 |Marche: Marcel Jobin établit une marque québécoise et un record canadien
La Presse canadienne|16 h 02 |Charleston: la Russe Kasatkina atteint une première finale à la WTA
        La Presse canadienne|15 h 45 |Victorieux samedi, les Sénateurs vont amorcer les séries à la maison

Frappes en Syrie: et après?

Les organismes se préparent à une nouvelle vague de réfugiés syriens        La Corée du Nord condamne la frappe américaine en SyrieSyrie: Trump informe le Congrès de possibles actions supplémentaires        Présidentielle en France: à 15 jours du 1er tour, l’écart se réduit entre les candidatsSolidarité nécessaire        Punition à risqueLes limites d’une crédibilité retrouvée        L’huile sur le feuPaso-doble ou roulette russe?        Option nationale se prépare aux élections malgré l’éventuelle fusion avec QSDes jugements iniques ont préparé la crise d’Octobre        O’Leary veut mettre les provinces au pas
Faut qu’on se parle de «Us», dit Jean-Marc Fournier        Les harcèlement de rue, une violence faite aux femmes banaliséeTrouver le temps de faire bouger les enfants        Un mythe ou un acte de naissance?Ottawa et les provinces dévoilent le nouvel accord de libre-échange        Que faire des actions de Bombardier?Le design au service des marques        L’économie canadienne a créé des milliers d’emplois à temps plein en marsUn réchauffement de mauvais augure pour les débordements de cours d’eau        Québec a les moyens d’indemniser Pétrolia, affirme Carlos Leitão
La vraie nature de Marine Le Pen        Trump et Xi ont établi un «lien personnel»Comment les frappes en Syrie changent la donne


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
John McCain encourages Trump to keep pressure on Syria - Kyle Feldscher, Washington Examiner
        Trump Enforces ‘Red Line’ on Chemical Weapons - David Ignatius, Washington Post
A Democrat Tries to Pull Off a Kansas Miracle - Ron Knox, The American Prospect
        What’s Become of the American Dream? - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
Rubio defends Trump from Syria critics - Mark Hensch, The Hill
        Anti-Zuma protests across South Africa- BBC News
Sweden: Truck ploughs into Stockholm department store- Al Jazeera
        Moscow: Syria airstrikes ‘significant blow to Russian-US relations’- Shaun Walker, The Guardian
Gambia’s United Democratic Party wins first post-Jammeh vote- France 24
        US strikes on Syria: How the world reacted- AFP, The Times Of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
US strikes destroyed Syrian means to deliver chemical weapons: admiral        Erdogan holds giant rally week ahead of referendumCanada province axes rule forcing women to wear high heels at work        Obama aides push back against criticism of inaction on SyriaPurged from Turkish army, NATO officers get asylum in Norway        Russia, Iran army chiefs vow to continue Syria fightAirstrike on Syrian town hit by chemical weapons kills 1        In France, bracing for possible Le Pen 'nightmare'Trump's far-right backers rebel over 'hoax' Syria attack        Donald Trump’s shell game on Russia
Tensions soar as U.S. strike in Syria widens rift with Russia        What is the U.S.-Russia ‘deconfliction line’?Syrian refugees settle in Egypt, give up on West        Cannibalism more than a meal for early humans
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
From: "John Feldsted" <>
To: "'Joe'" <>
Subject: RE: Daily Digest April 7, 2017

What an absolute crock!

ISIS terrorists are losing the fight in Syria and those who choose to flee rather than die will become ‘refugees’ unwanted in any nation.  A temporary ban on refugees is prudent.

The string of el Assad atrocities is long and stomach churning. The barbarism shown by both el Assad and ISIS is breathtaking. 

The bleating over US having broken international laws is hilarious – the use of chemical weapons is not against international law?

If the Useless Nations general assembly was to pass a resolution condemning el Assad’s actions and demanding action, how is a Russian veto any less odious?

No nation that stands by and allows this barbarity to be visited on innocent civilians has clean hands.

Juan Cole is pointing fingers and screaming loudly but offers no solution to an intolerable situation. The article is a useless piece of tripe.

John Feldsted.   

From: Glen Harewood
RE:   " BELOW(30)(30)(30)" Johns Feldsted's  missive about High Mileage Government announcements.

"....Social infrastructure is a new leftist term for their beloved socialism. The term includes all manner of structure that underpins welfare including thousands of non-profit volunteer agencies. What is disturbing is that both education and welfare are under provincial jurisdiction. Why is the federal government meddling?"

"Prime Minister announces support for high-quality, affordable child care across the country"
Failure to see  or understand what points he is trying to make, other than to proffer the past government's regressive "Action Plan," where  tax payers' money was  squandered on advertising announcements of government's programmes, on some of which there was never any "action."
 If my memory serves me correctly, Paul Martin Jr. had proposed a comprehensive country-wide child care plan which the Harper governance reversed when they first formed the government in 2006.

Many of us know of the separation of powers delineated in Sections 91 and 92 of the British North America Act (BNA), and I do not think that such jurisdictional powers were superseded or eliminated  by the 1982 Charter. We also know that for a Canadian Federation to work co-operatively, there must, or should be give-and-take in all areas where Federal and provincial jurisdiction intersect.

 Such jurisdictional, "inter-sectional" co-operation is seen in portfolios, to name a few, Health, Justice, Transportation, where the Federal government sets policy for the country as a whole, and the individual provinces administer/carry out their own health, justice, and transportation programmes. Similarly, for Canadian Income Tax collection.

It is, therefore,  rather disturbing to read that the federal government is meddling in the provinces' programmes of education and welfare! It is true that education and Social welfare programmes are administered by the provinces. But does the Federal government  not transfer to the provinces, large sums of income tax funds that it collects, on behalf of the provinces, to administer such programmes? And should there not be co-operation between the two levels of government?

Is the federal government "meddling" in provincial jurisdictions when it TRANSFERS such payments to the provinces? Are we  Ontario Canadians, Manitoba Canadians, Quebec Canadians, Alberta Canadians, OR Canadians???

 When we travel abroad,  and present our passport, does it indicate  that we are  a federal Canadian or a provincial Canadian, or merely Canadian?Glenn Harewood

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