Friday 14 April 2017


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan

Tory leadership candidates try to capitalize on Malala Yousafzai visit
        Liberals table bills to legalize pot, clamp down on impaired driving
�My friends think I�m fun�: Leitch tries to accentuate the positive
        Canada risks wrath of Trump if it doesn�t boost defence cash: senators

Pot brownies, federal taxes and more: What isn�t in the Liberal marijuana legalization bill
        Ontario to table first balanced budget since the recession on April 27
Alberta premier warns her government workers away from campaigning for B.C. NDP
        Liberals to weed out positive spin to marijuana branding
George Brown, the forgotten man of Canadian history
        Will voters notice Trudeau�s use of �ominous bills�?
Justin Trudeau lacks leadership on UN nuclear talks
        Patrick Brown is the man with no plans
Politicians get themselves in trouble by not answering simple questions
        Heroic Malala brings genuine emotion to Parliament during extraordinary joint session

Green light? Rachel Notley says Ottawa�s timelines on pot are �challenging�
        Dear Process Nerd: I tried to make the PBO more independent and it went horribly wrong. Help!
Legislation would make it easier for police to demand roadside samples
        Federal marijuana legislation needs more details, pot producers say
Police warn organized crime, including the Hells Angels, has infiltrated the medical marijuana market
        Canadian ski legend Greene Raine undergoing cancer treatment
Five things to know about the Canadian Free Trade Agreement � Behind the Numbers
        Trudeau�s enjoying a weird truce on trade with the Conservatives
Kellie Leitch�s vaunted values campaign is little more than humbug and semantics
Justin Trudeau should defy Donald Trump�s demand for regime change in Syria

Trudeau and Freeland are sending Russia the right signals
Canada�s Calling Card to a Troubled World
BC Liberal platform underwhelms, giving NDP hope
Irving rejects allegations of meddling in contract at question in RCMP Norman probe
Bill raises doubts about independence of infrastructure bank
        Niki Ashton on why the NDP needs to reconnect with social movements
Chronicle Herald buys all Atlantic Canadian Transcontinental papers
NDP government files for intervener status on Kinder Morgan
B.C. election 2017: People at the �centre� of NDP�s election campaign
        Ottawa still facing obstacles on road to legalizing marijuana
Loblaws Plans To Open 30 New Stores In 2017
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Vimy centennial ceremony could have used dignity

Thanks, CBC, for producing �The Patriarchy�s White Privilege History of Yet Another Colonialist Outrage� - Kelly McParland, National Post
        Greens aim for historic breakthrough in B.C. - Laura Kane, The Canadian Press, CTV News
The populist versus the wonk in a tale of two premiers - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
        �Talk is cheap�: Chief justice slams federal government failure to fill court vacancies - Jason Warick, CBC News
Canada�s defence spending hits new lows under Trudeau - Anthony Furey, Ottawa Sun
        Ontario Tories call for Libs to tackle debt - Shawn Jeffords, Toronto Sun
Since Wynne became premier number of teachers on Sunshine List nearly tripled, costing taxpayers $765M - Victor Ferreira, National Post
        The problem with involving the PBO in elections - Jennifer Robson, Macleans
Atlantic premiers pledge co-operation to grow region�s clean energy sector - The Canadian Press, The Globe and Mail
        Tattoo and yoga jokes out of the way, Malala Yousafzai asks Trudeau to lead - Aaron Wherry, CBC News

Will PM Trudeau follow Harper�s lead on girls� education? - Laura Payton, CTV News
        Filibuster over potential House rule changes �a waste of everybody�s time,� says former Liberal MP - Rachel Aiello, The Hill Times
AB NDP government files for intervener status on Kinder Morgan - James Wood, Calgary Herald
        B.C. Election 2017: Greens go left of NDP on campaign trail - Derrick Penner, Vancouver Sun
Sunny ways turn to secrecy and control - Editorial, Ottawa Sun
        The Body Shop attracts bids from 15 firms- Ruth David - Bloomberg, Toronto Star
Bank of Canada stands pat, �too early� to say recovery has staying power- Financial Post
        Global trade seen growing 2.4% in 2017, but uncertainty weighs: WTO- Stephanie Nebehay, The Globe and Mail
Why airlines overbook flights and what bumped passengers can do about it- CBC News
        BlackBerry wins $815M arbitration decision in dispute with Qualcomm- CTV News


L'administration Trump demande aux Am�ricains quels minist�res supprimerPlus
        Accus� du meurtre pr�m�dit� de sa femme enceinte de neuf moisPlus
Ottawa: signature de l'Accord entre le Canada et la Nation des M�tisPlus
        L'�gypte dit avoir identifi� le kamikaze de l'attentat contre l'�glise de TantaPlus
Les policiers saisissent plus de 1,5 tonne de tabac de contrebande sur le fleuvePlus
        Les Am�ricains ont utilis� leur bombe la plus puissante Plus
L�galisation du pot : les conservateurs tr�s inquietsPlus
        Agression sexuelle � Saint-Constant: un suspect arr�t� � 1000 km du lieu du crimePlus
Prise d'otages de Beslan: la Russie condamn�e pour d�faillancesPlus
        Le Conseil de s�curit� met fin � la mission des Casques bleus en Ha�tiPlus

Arr�t� apr�s avoir bu du Jack Daniel sur sa voiture au bord de la routePlus
        Russie: un cadet militaire arr�t� pour �terrorisme� � Saint-P�tersbourgPlus
Trump convaincu que les choses �vont s'arranger� avec la RussiePlus
        Assad affirme que l'attaque chimique est �une fabrication � 100%�Plus
Pyongyang pourrait �tre capable de lancer des ogives charg�es de sarin Plus
        L'essence � 1,32$... � quelques jours de P�quesPlus
Kim Jong-Un inaugure un complexe r�sidentielPlus
        Tentative d'incendie du QG de campagne de Marine Le PenPlus
L�galisation du cannabis: le projet de loi f�d�ral est d�pos�Plus
        2 milliards de personnes utilisent de l'eau potable avec des mati�res f�calesPlus

Attention, une crise cardiaque peut vous �tre plus fatale pr�s d'un marathonPlus
        Elle se fait annoncer cavali�rement qu'elle a peut-�tre un cancer


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Spicer on skipping Correspondents� dinner: �I don�t think we should fake it� - Joe Concha, The Hill
        Trump: I told Chinese president about Syria strike while we were eating �the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake� -
Trump Says Putin Is Partly to Blame for Syrian Crisis - Julie Hirschfeld Davis, New York Times
        GOP holds on to House seat in Kansas - John Sides, Washington Post
Sean Spicer: �I�ve Let the President Down� - Ali Vitali, NBC News
        Russia-US relations have �worsened� under Trump: Putin- AFP, The Times Of India
French government �outraged� over Syrian official�s visit to Paris- France 24
        Political parties stage anti-Zuma protests in Pretoria- Al Jazeera
Borussia Dortmund attack: �Islamist� suspect held- BBC News
        Iran�s Ahmadinejad to run for president despite Khamenei warning- Saeed Kamali Dehghan, The Guardian

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

CIA director calls WikiLeaks 'hostile intelligence agency'
        US berates Syria at OPCW meeting on Syrian chemical attack
Erdogan and Putin back investigation into Syria chemical attack
        Lavrov says Russia, US agree US strikes on Syria should not be repeated: Interfax
Russia, US at odds as OPCW probes Syria gas attack
        Misdirected US strike killed 18 allied fighters in Syria
UN envoy: Cyprus talks 'at crossroads', only few issues still to be resolved
        China urges correcting "historical injustice" to allow Palestinian state
Syria says US strike hit ISIS poison gas depot, killed hundreds; US denies
        Chemical weapons experts in Turkey to investigate, UK confirms sarin use

EU-Turkey ties hang in referendum balance
        Oxfam: Large U.S. firms stashed $1.6 trillion in tax havens
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The resource we couldn't live without

A western ultimatum to Putin: Drop Assad, or remain a pariah


From: Larry Kazdan
To: Letters Editor
Subject: Re:  Federal Liberals threaten to repeat Ontario Liberals� corporate welfare, Tom Parkin, April 09, 2017

Seeking advice from money managers and and corporate executives, the Trudeau Liberals are forging ahead with failed policies of deregulation and privatization which have devastated labour and the middle class. 

When public infrastructure is sold off, brokers, lawyers and consultants prosper and the new private operators enjoy captive consumers. Quality of service deteriorates as costs are cut, major job losses occur, and prices escalate. And of course if conditions overly deteriorate, the government is forced to step in and take over again. 

The Liberals should be wary of transferring valuable public assets to their supporters and lapsing into crony capitalism.

1. Ottawa�s bold new plan for economic growth is eerily familiar: Walkom, Oct. 24, 2016    
"At its core, the federal government�s �bold� new plan for economic growth is strikingly familiar.

The scheme, worked out by Finance Minister Bill Morneau�s hand-picked advisory panel, relies on privatization, deregulation, public-private partnerships and user fees."

2. William Mitchell, Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

"Privatisation, franchising, outsourcing, PPPs, PFIs, and all the rest of the devious transfers of public wealth and funds to the private sector have systematically failed to deliver on the promises made by the consultants.

The stockbroking and legal companies and economists who advised governments in these public robberies have all done very well.

Many private firms have done very well � enjoying the best of both worlds � a captive infrastructure, ability to gouge consumers via excessive fares, no real need to keep the quality of service up to acceptable standards, and increasing public subsidies."

3. Michael Hudson is Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and author The Bubble and Beyond (2012).

"If you look at the Forbes 100 or 500 lists of each nation�s richest people, most made their fortunes through insider dealing to obtain land, mineral rights or monopolies."


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