Monday 2 October 2017


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

NDP aims to fight fire with fire with young, charismatic Jagmeet Singh as leader

Terrorism, attempted murder charges pending in Edmonton attack
        Edmonton terror attack suspect was known to police, public safety minister says
PCs Hold Clear Lead in Every Region but Toronto, where they�re tied
        Pomp, ceremony, scrutiny: What Julie Payette should expect as Canada�s next GG

Key challenges ahead for Jagmeet Singh, federal New Democratic Party leader
        U.S. cuts to Energy Star could spell trouble for Cdn climate plan
Condemnation after suspected Edmonton terror attack injures officer, pedestrians
        NAFTA talks fraught with perils for Trudeau
Billionaires know best in Trudeau�s world
        Where Canada should its aim international efforts

Manitoba politician wants option of joining another party by next week
        Canada needs to do more to protect data from U.S. in NAFTA talks: industry
�We are not entitled�: Hundreds of business leaders urge Trudeau to �reconsider� tax plan
        Canada working to make Pacific trade deal a reality
Jagmeet Singh, NDP Leadership Candidate, Says He�s Ready To Lead
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Far-right, anti-fascist groups clash in Ottawa, Quebec amid surge of asylum seekers - John Paul Tasker, CBC News
        Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown should not be underestimated - Andre Marin, Toronto Sun
Liberal arrogance out of control - Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
        The NDP could have a new leader Sunday, finally allowing a clean slate after dismal election loss - The Canadian Press, National Post
Manulife�s new CEO Roy Gori sets sights on shaking up insurance industry- Jacqueline Nelson, The Globe and Mail
        How Trudeau can clear these dark tax-reform clouds and get sunny again- Gwyn Morgan, Financial Post
Sears Canada to close 10 more stores, including Fairview and Scarborough locations- Francine Kopun, Toronto Star

Martin Pouliot pourrait faire face � des accusations de conduite en �tat d'�bri�t�Plus
        Le gouvernement catalan affirme que le � oui � � l'ind�pendance a gagn� avec 90 % des voixPlus
La police identifie le suspect de l'attentat d'EdmontonPlus
        Qu�bec va encadrer les cam�ras de surveillance dans les CHSLDPlus
Le Saga Sapphire fait l'histoirePlus
        Ottawa d�pense plus de 110 000 $ pour refuser des soins co�tant 6 000 $Plus
Des fraudeurs se font passer pour la Ville de Montr�alPlus
        Lancement de la construction de la nouvelle Maison de Radio-CanadaPlus
Jagmeet Singh �lu chef du Nouveau Parti d�mocratiquePlus
        Course � la direction du NPD: d�voilement des r�sultats du premier tour � TorontoPlus

O.J. Simpson, l'ex-vedette du football am�ricain, retrouve la libert� � 70 ansPlus
        R�f�rendum en Catalogne: plus de 300 bless�s dans de violents affrontements


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Trump doesn�t get it on Puerto Rico. He just proved it by lashing out at San Juan�s mayor. - Aaron Blake, Washington Post
        Trump Is Right: McCain Broke His Promise to Voters - Robert Robb, USA Today
Dems Don�t Understand the Economy: Why They�re Losing - Peter Ferrara, NY Observer
        Trump�s Incentive-Packed Tax Plan - Larry Kudlow, Investor's Business Daily
Does the Left Ever Want to Win Elections Again? - Stephen Miller, Fox News
        Trump: �Fake news� is trying to �disparage� first responders in Puerto Rico - Brandon Carter, The Hill
U.S. �Probing� Dialogue With North Korea, Tillerson Says - Reuters, NBC News
        Iran nuclear deal: Tehran expects US to ditch agreement, says FM- BBC News
Fatah and Hamas: A decade of strained relations- AFP, The Times Of India
        Cambodian opposition MPs flee from crackdown- Al Jazeera

Rohingya exodus from Burma tops 500,000- France 24
        Police close more than half of voting centres ahead of Catalan referendum- Staff and Agencies, The Guardian

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Turkey no longer needs EU membership but won't quit talks - Erdogan
        Taking on critics, Britain's May vows to deliver policies and Brexit
337 people treated due to police clashes over Catalan vote
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

One side of the discussion - the other is BELOW

JUST THE FACTS� From: "Murray Dobbin" To: <>

Things you need to know about the proposed reforms:

1. These reforms will affect the wealthiest Canadians most.
80% of people making over $2.3 million a year are taking advantage of these tax loopholes to lower their taxes.[9] These kind of loopholes are just one example of how a bad tax system can drive income inequality.

2. Contrary to the spin, most small businesses will not be affected by the changes because their income is not high enough
. To significantly benefit from using these loopholes, you�d need to earn at least $150,000 (that�s the top 7% of taxpayers). A vast majority of small business owners earn under 150,000 a year, while two-thirds earn less than $73,000.[10]. Other tax advantages to help small businesses start and grow won�t be affected.

3. The reforms will not kill the family farm, or prevent farmers from passing them down to family members. Other tax advantages to help out farmers pass down their farm (such as the $1 million lifetime capital gains exemption) won�t be affected by these reforms.

4. People who use these loopholes are not tax abusers or tax cheats
� This debate is about a poorly articulated and enforced tax structure that is being used for purposes it was not intended. The loopholes are being used legally and legitimately but are unfair. It is the government�s job to fix this.

5. This does not penalize job creators � Active investment in business operations and employment is not affected. This does not penalize and, in fact, should help to incent employment. It refocuses the small business tax advantage on active investment, instead of channelling funds into passive investments such as real estate and stocks. 

6. These private corporation tax loopholes are not the way to help small businesses make the leap at start up � Most new and struggling small businesses would not have enough income to make effective use of these loopholes. The lower small business tax rate is already there for all small businesses to make the start up easier and compensate for differences related to size at a significant taxpayer subsidy.

7. You should also make the pint that this should be just the beginning � a wealth tax, increasing the corporate tax back to at least 21%, eliminating the tax break for stock options allneed to be implemented.

From: "Mahmood Elahi"
Cc: <
Subject: Elon Musk's Tesla 3 will usher e-car revolution and no subsidy is needed

The Editor
National Post

Elon Musk�s Tesla 3 will usher e-car revolution and no subsidy is needed

Re: �I drove an e-car and I liked it. However I don�t like the Maoist-style subsidies,� by Terence Corcoran, Sept. 29.

Two-thirds of Canada�s power generation come from renewable, mostly hydro, sources of energy. As such, most of the carbon emissions come from gasoline-powered cars. But Elon Musk�s all-electric Tesla 3 will put carbon-spewing gas cars out of circulation within foreseeable future.

Elon Musk, founder of California-based Tesla Motor Corporation, has been producing his highly sought after electric luxury SUV. In July this year, he has started to mass produce his all-electric Tesla 3 sedans. Model 3 is meant to appeal to the masses at $35,000 with more than 350 kilometres per charge. This will compete with upper end gasoline cars. Tesla will mas produce 500,00V0 electric cars by the end of this year, followed by about two million next year. Initial production target has already been sold out.

And Tesla is not alone. Chevrolet has just rolled out its Bolt EV. It, too, boasts more than 350 kilometres of range, aimed at eliminating the so-called �range anxiety,� the fear that the vehicle will run out of juice soon. Volvo has announced that it will phase out gasoline cars in favour of electric cars and plug-in hybrids. And Toyota�s overhaul of plug-in Prius, boasting twice the battery range, will arrive before this year is out. Every plug-in is effectively an electric car carrying a gasoline-powered �range-extender� just in case.

With the range going up and the price going down, no subsidy will be needed to incentivise people to buy electric cars. Electric cars need less maintenance as they do not need oil changes, coolants or exhaust systems, saving you hundreds of dollars per year on maintenance. Also electricity costs less than gasoline. By driving an electric car, you can also save hundreds of dollars per year on fuel. As for loss of taxes on gasoline, this can be compensated by putting road tolls for highway maintenance which is already done in the United States.

If Elon Musk can deliver on his promises with the Model 3, gas vehicles will be history before long.


From: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: Morneau gets an earful

Watching Morneau twist in the wind trying to explain the impossible is pathetic. Business owners are telling him how the proposed changes will affect them and they are angry. Morneau told his Oakville audience:

"This is not the first room like this that I've sat in."

That is what happens when you propose something hurtful to people who pay their taxes according to Revenue Canada rules and you accuse them of ripping off the government. Did you expect accolades and roses?

Morneau is approaching the 2nd year of his first election to political office. The pretence that he is not a rookie Minister discovering that his minions have misled him is the only humorous aspect of this unfortunate attack on entrepreneurs.  

Morneau further stated:

"We've just been unable to get through the message that we want to keep small business tax rates low, that people could be looking at only some advantages that are available to only a very small subset of pretty wealthy Canadian controlled private corporations and concerned that impacts everyone."

The government claims that the changes to small business taxation will generate $250 million in added revenue. That amount will come from a �very small subset of pretty wealthy Canadian controlled private corporations�?

Suddenly Morneau is not talking about small businesses, but �private corporations� which are not the same thing. Expecting a $250 million windfall from a small sub-set of small business enterprises does not add up.

The bottom line is that Mr. Morneau does not have any rational justification for hitting small business owners with extra taxes or even changes to the taxation regulations. The majority are being lumped in with a few tax evaders to generate income for a Liberal government unable to stop spending $ billions we do not have.

If the tens of thousands of small businesses in Canada followed the lead of the government, they would be in bankruptcy court by the end of this month. That Morneau talking to these entrepreneurs as if they were somewhat backward children is appalling.

They are survivors; tough-minded people who risked their capital, spent long hours nurturing an enterprise, dealt with set-backs and errors, collected and remitted taxes without compensation, filed and paid their provincial and federal taxes, dealt with the needless complexity of the GST, completed hours of demands by governments for details about their business, employed people with more rights and benefits than they enjoy, kept their premises safe for employees and the public and as a reward are accused by their government of using �loopholes� to avoids taxes.

It is galling that the hours entrepreneurs spend filling out government forms is to produce statistics that Morneau will later use to brag about the jobs his government created. 

I would give Morneau and Trudeau the same advice Oliver Cromwell gave to the English Rump Parliament in 1653:

�You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!

John Feldsted
Political Consultant & Strategist
Winnipeg, Manitoba


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