Saturday 21 October 2017


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Two PMs, one U.S. capital: Trudeau, Harper talk NAFTA in D.C. on same day

No To Trudeau: Why Trump (And Boeing) Can�t Compromise On Bombardier�s Predatory Pricing Of Planes
        Bob Corker Says Trump�s Recklessness Threatens �World War III�
The art of not getting a deal: Trump tactics seen as way to kill NAFTA
        Rising Democratic party star and possible Trump rival an ex-Montrealer

Poll suggests Canadians appear pessimistic about their economic futures
        Rookie Liberal MP Grewal throws down gauntlet to NDP Leader Singh, would �welcome the challenge� in 2019 election
MPs careful not to condemn U.S. gun laws after Las Vegas mass shooting, but NDP MP Dub� says it�s an �unsustainable situation�
        Why don�t we all get a piece of that sweet tax-break action?
Pariahs to power brokers: Sikhs have become a major political force in Canada
        Rob Ford Memorial Stadium would be ground zero of a failed city
Can �sunny ways� prevail in a stormy world?
        The changing faces of Canadian politics
Justin Trudeau�s Thanksgiving turkeys
        How Singh must grow his party to fulfil his promise

Medically unfit for deployment? We�ll try to employ you elsewhere, says Canada�s top general
        Trade tensions expected to come up in Trudeau-Trump meeting: Freeland
Government petitions call for end to Phoenix pay system, call centres
        Challenges lie ahead for B.C. Finance Minister as she takes budget defence on the road
Ontario Liberal cabinet ministers Matthews, Sandals won�t seek re-election in 2018
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
In Wayne Long, Trudeau Liberals face a brewing backbench problem - Campbell Clark, The Globe and Mail
        Bill would protect against discrimination based on genetics, immigration status and police records - Shawn Jeffords - The Canadian Press,
CRA to begin taxing employee discounts - Campbell Clark, The Globe and Mail
        Jim Carr and the Liberal government seek tricky balance between climate and energy - Shawn McCarthy, The Globe and Mail
TPP without the U.S.: a dangerous sideshow for Canada while NAFTA still in play- Barrie McKenna, The Globe and Mail
        Canada must prepare now for the post-carbon economy- Wal Van Lierop, The Globe and Mail
�A complete joke�: Laid-off Sears workers say hardship fund cash amounts to nothing after EI cut- Sophia Harris, CBC News


Cor�e Nord: l'ONU interdit de ports quatre navires soup�onn�s de violer les sanctionsPlus
        Ivana, premi�re dame des �tats-Unis? Melania Trump n'appr�cie pasPlus
D�but des proc�s de masse pour plus de 2000 membres pr�sum�s de Boko HaramPlus
        Le parti au pouvoir en Espagne �voque un pr�sident catalan arr�t� puis fusill�Plus
Pression maximale en Catalogne � la veille d'un discours crucial sur l'ind�pendancePlus
        Coderre promet des pistes cyclables sur�lev�esPlus
Plus de 100 hippopotames retrouv�s morts en NamibiePlus
        L'administration Trump va abroger la mesure-phare d'Obama sur le climatPlus
Trag�die routi�re � Joliette: une courbe au �danger extr�me�Plus
        La justice suisse accepte d'examiner les nouvelles accusations de viol contre PolanskiPlus

Tuerie � Las Vegas: Paddock, un joueur de poker accro et anxieuxPlus
        Une dizaine de dauphins bless�s �chou�s dans le sud de la FrancePlus
Br�sil: un 9e enfant mort, brul� vif par un gardien de cr�chePlus
        SQI: les professionnels en gr�ve le 10 octobrePlus
Immigration : Trump durcit le ton, le compromis s'�loignePlus


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Tillerson Is Toast. So Is U.S. Diplomacy - Trudy Rubin, Philadelphia Inquirer
        The Joke�s Actually on the Lefties of Late Night - Adriana Cohen, Boston Herald
Pence leaves game after NFL players take knee during national anthem - Cindy Boren, Washington Post
        Yes, Steve Bannon Should Terrify You - Frank Bruni, New York Times
Dems hope to exploit GOP�s internal divisions - Ben Kamisar, The Hill
        Harvey Weinstein and the Death of �Feminism� - Roger Simon, PJ Media
Gunman kills two guards at Saudi royal palace- France 24
        Turkey, US suspend visa services in tit-for-tat fallout- Al Jazeera
Violence in Catalonia needed closer scrutiny in age of fake news- Peter Preston, The Guardian
        North Korea: Kim Jong-un promotes sister to politburo- BBC News
British Prime Minister Theresa May says ball is in EU�s court as Brexit talks resume- AFP, The Times Of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Thousands march for Mapuche rights in Chile
        Moscow says escalation of tension on Korea peninsula unacceptable
Turkey's Erdogan supports Ukraine over Crimea
        UK PM May tells business chiefs two-year Brexit transition is assured: source
Catalan leaders under pressure over independence threat
        Israeli minister criticizes Trump, expects more settlements
NATO launches Black Sea force as latest counter to Russia
        More trees help water sanitation, reduce child deaths: study
Iraqi VP warns of 'civil war' over Kurdish-held Kirkuk
GOP lawmaker says US on course for WWIII with Trump at helm
        Trump stalls plans to move embassy to Jerusalem
High-rise forests take root around world
        Previous                           Next

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


From: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: Morneau weathers tax storm of his own making

Our Income Tax Act is an overly long and complex document that has grown nearly incomprehensible due to continual meddling to either provide benefits for special interests, buy votes or manipulate the economy. Small business tax rules are an example of manipulating the economy.

Having set out rules advantageous to small business corporations, entrepreneurs and investors have created tens of thousands of small businesses and have expanded our economy. Small business owners have every right to feel angry when the government elects to change the rules that these businesses were created under, accuses the owners of using tax loopholes to evade taxes and contends that small business owners include numerous very rich people.

The government created a small business tax regime that has worked well for decades. Someone has decided that some small business owners are using the rules in ways that the government does not like. Rather than identifying and dealing with those people, Morneau has chosen to apply new rules to every small business without respect for the harm he may be doing to those who do not engage in practices Morneau does not like. The cure is worse than the ailment.

The term �income sprinkling� is a made-up term to vilify business owners who pay family members either by salary or dividends. Morneau claims he wants to have Revenue Canada review such payments, but will not disclose the criteria to be used or what will transpire if Revenue Canada decides to disallow some payments.

Morneau feels that putting the criteria in regulations is adequate, but � regulations are not brought to Parliament for review, are not debated and are not voted into law.

The $ quarter billion in revenue Morneau anticipates from the changes can be offset by turning the GST into a VAT applied at the point of purchase in place of the current complex scheme that is an expensive bureaucratic nightmare for business.

Morneau�s proposed small business tax changes have created uncertainty, deadly in any economy. Entrepreneurs and investors are unlikely to proceed with plans or expansions until rules are clarified.

An unintended consequence of the proposals is putting a significant proportion of our economy in a holding pattern. Morneau�s explanations of his proposals appear more and more muddled as time passes. His proposals were not carefully thought out before they were announced. Despite denials, this government is making policy decisions on the fly, and it shows.

It remains to be seen if Morneau will weather the storm of protest he stirred up.

For more see:

John Feldsted
Political Consultant & Strategist
Winnipeg, Manitoba


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