Monday 23 October 2017

CANADIAN Daily Digest October 21, 2017.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Trudeau condemns appointment of Mugabe as WHO ambassador

Trudeau reluctant to reveal too much on Quebec�s face-covering law
        Nearly 70 per cent of irregular border crossers who had cases reviewed granted refugee status
Trump plans to release classified JFK documents
        �Reilly Settled New Harassment Claims, Then Fox Renewed His Contract

Inside the government�s $200,000 budget artwork
        Hillary Clinton, Canadian company at heart of controversy Trump and his supporters want to resurrect
Senate delay on sex assault training for judges bill �makes my blood boil�: Ambrose
        Quebec�s Bill 62 declares war on sunglasses
Scheer�s ready smile and centre-right politics could be the perfect mix
        Power Play Strategy Session: Hard blow to Morneau brand
#MeToo opens door to voices of women of colour

Quebec veil law Bill 62 sparks protests and confusion
        Notley slams Quebec�s ban on covered faces
How Bill Morneau went from political star to Liberal liability because of loopholes
        Bill Morneau says he doesn�t �report to journalists,� bristles at questions about personal finances
Feds say police cannabis testing ongoing, rules on edibles in place in one year
        Notley says federal NDP pipeline opposition is irrelevant
Words fail Trudeau in response to Quebec�s ban on face coverings
        Uncertainty as Manitoba Liberals head into leadership convention
Five things about UCP leadership race
        Opposition parties call for improved support for transitioning military members in government�s new suicide prevention strategy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Trudeau stubbornly keeps Canada standing with Paris as everyone else bails - Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post
        How Ontario politicians avoided Quebec�s burka backlash - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
Civil servants kept emails in case they shed light on McGuinty�s gas plant cancellations - Rob Ferguson, Toronto Star
        Health minister says government looking at July 2019 as �window� for rules on edible cannabis - Dean Bennett, The Globe and Mail
Lack of legal aid leaves too many defendants to represent themselves: top judge - Sue Bailey, The Canadian Press, CBC News
        Trudeau says federal government will �look carefully� at implications of Bill 62 - Catharine Tunney, CBC News
Canada playing �political games� with Magnitsky law: Putin - Mike Blanchfield, The Globe and Mail
        Morneau faces more questions despite promise to sell shares, use blind trust - Andy Blatchford, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Liberal leadership hopefuls united fighting change to voting - Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun
        Airbus has no plans to buy out Bombardier after CSeries partnership- CTV News

GE�s quarterly revenue rises 14.4 per cent as profit falls- The Globe and Mail
        Canada�s inflation rate up 1.6 per cent in September led by higher gasoline prices- Andy Blatchford - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
It�s all about wireless this quarter for Rogers, but cable still waiting for upgrade- Emily Jackson, Financial Post
        Sears Canada debacle one more reason to avoid extended warranties- Aaron Saltzman, CBC News


�norme bataille de feuilles mortes � La Pocati�rePlus
        -18 degr�s Celcius: elle �oublie� sa fille de 3 ans dans son v�hiculePlus
Rigaud demande aux citoyens de r�duire leur consommation d'eauPlus
        Troisi�me anniversaire de l'attentat d'Ottawa ce dimanchePlus
La fin du califat de l'�tat islamique �est en vue�, assure TrumpPlus
        Attaque en �gypte: 16 policiers tu�s, selon un premier bilan officielPlus
Cancer des ovaires: nouvelle victoire pour Johnson & JohnsonPlus
        Un Canadien d�tenu dans l'Illinois relativement � l'agression d'un enfantPlus
Trump autorise la publication des documents sur l'assassinat de KennedyPlus
        Allemagne: 8 personnes bless�es au couteau, l'auteur pr�sum� interpell�Plus

Affaire Weinstein: la liste des accusations d'agressions sexuelles s'allongePlus
        Madrid suspend le gouvernement catalanPlus


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Democrats Yelp as Trump Upholds Constitution - Michael Barone, Washington Examiner
        Chris Wallace slams Fox colleagues for �bashing the media� - Avery Anapol, The Hill
Congresswoman Accuses Kelly of Lying, Escalating Dispute Over Trump�s Condolence Call - Eileen Sullivan, New York Times
        Hey, Media: We Finally Found a Real Russia Scandal! - Michael Graham, Boston Herald
The Fusion Collusion - Kimberley Strassel, Wall Street Journal
        EU �running out of money� to stop migrants travelling from Africa- Jennifer Rankin, The Guardian
�UAE on the verge of splitting Yemen in two�- Al Jazeera
        Kabul Shia mosque blast kills dozens- BBC News
Iraqi forces complete takeover of oil-rich Kirkuk province- France 24
        Putin keeps mum on re-election bid- Reuters, The Times Of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Malta offers $1.18 million to discover who killed reporter
        Charges, insults fly after Trump aide assails congresswoman
Israel says it will intensify response to Syrian fire
        US commanders stress 'ironclad' commitment to defend SKorea
Kremlin says Putin, Erdogan discuss Syria in phone call
        Spain to dismiss Catalonia's government, call elections
Oil market is improving and stabilizing: Saudi oil minister
        Choice of Mugabe as goodwill WHO envoy shocks, baffles
Two more Weinstein accusers go public with sex assault claims
        China economy on track to hit 2017 growth target

Israel hits Syrian artillery after Golan fire: army
        Rapid development threatens public land
Raqqa to be part of �federal Syria�: SDF
        Toward a living United Nations charter
World�s biggest science project feels the heat from renewables
        Pollution deadlier than war, disaster, hunger
Facial recognition no sci-fi matter in China
        France treads fine line teaching religion in secular schools
Dealing with intellectual property in the 21st century economy
        U.S. won�t interfere in EU-Iran trade: Tillerson

G-7, tech giants agree plan on militant content
        May wins modest Brexit reprieve
France hit by butter shortage as world craves pastries
        Previous                           Next


From: "Mahmood Elahi"
To: <>,<>
Subject: Any nuclear showdown will mean Assured Destruction of North Korea

The Editor
National Post

Copy to: Prof. James Fergusson, University of Manitoba: Given the enormous disparity in the military prowess between U.S. and North Korea, any nuclear confrontation will mean Assured Destruction of North Korea. Despite his nuclear sabre-rattling, Kim Jong-un is not suicidal to attempt it.

Any nuclear showdown will mean �Assured Destruction� of North Korea

Re: �Is Canada Ready for A Nuclear Attack?� by Graeme Hamilton, Oct. 14.

During the Cold War, the United States and former Soviet Union faced off each other with thousands of nuclear-tipped missiles without daring to attack each other. The underlying doctrine was so-called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD): any nuclear strike by one would be met with a retaliatory nuclear strike by the other. Today, given the enormous disparity in the military prowess between the United States and North Korea, the United States can destroy North Korea in a pre-emptive nuclear strike within hours. 

As London-based Canadian journalist, Gwynne Dyer, recently wrote in The Hill Times : �Here is the scenario. Late one evening Donald Trump is watching Fox News and a report comes on that North Korea is planning to launch a missile that can reach the United States. � American intelligence reports all this activity, and this time Trump actually listens to them. So he orders a disarming strike on all North Korean nuclear weapons and facilities. With U.S. nuclear weapons, of course. Nothing else would do the job. � Not many Americans would be killed, and probably no civilians, � but millions would die in both parts of Korea.�

Despite his bravado, Kim Jong-un is not suicidal. He knows that in any nuclear showdown with America, he would perish along with millions of Koreans. Survival is key to all dictatorial regimes. What is keeping Trump from destroying North Korea is the fear that Kim Jong-un would take down South Korea along with him.

Graeme Hamilton quotes Prof. James Fergusson, of University of Manitoba, saying that if North Korea gets its long-range missile, it�s time to �get on our knees and pray.� This is fear-mongering ignoring the reality. Both of them seem to think that Kim Jong-un is a fool who is ready to commit self-destruction for glory.



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