Saturday 21 October 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Revenue minister reviewing proposal to tax employee discounts

Freeland: �This may be most uncertain international moment since WWII�
        Britain turns up heat on Boeing, warns of fallout over Bombardier
As Trudeau heads to Washington, Trump again muses that �NAFTA will have to be terminated�
        Sears Canada going out of business

Wynne downplays effect of senior Liberals not seeking re-election
        PEI Green Leader Peter Bevan-Baker�s unlikely road to Canada
Canada tops G7 in latest IMF estimate for 2017 economic growth, No. 2 in 2018
        Liberals� tax strategy ignores growing but marginalized population
Throw another minister on the bonfire: the ballad of Bill Morneau
        The toxic politics of pipelines just got even worse
John and Yoko gave peace a chance in Canada
        What does it mean to be anti-abortion in modern Canada? Coren

Netflix in campaign to �set record straight� on $500-million pledge for Canadian content
        Sears Canada to seek court approval to liquidate all remaining stores
Canadian special-forces team hunts down and dismantles chemical weapons in Iraq
        Ontario Liberals accuse PC Leader Patrick Brown of �Trump style� politics
Chaos inside the Phoenix pay centres � Is anyone�s pay right?
        Justin Trudeau�s Thanksgiving turkeys
Most Canadians don�t want to follow Trump�s path, but its appeal remains: poll
        NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh campaigns in Quebec riding ahead of federal byelection
No To Trudeau: Why Trump (And Boeing) Can�t Compromise On Bombardier�s Predatory Pricing Of Planes
        Ottawa names Atlantic consortium as first of nine shortlisted �superclusters�

Trade troubles face PM on North American trip
        Nenshi warns voters about �racists, haters� trying to influence election online
Todd Stone enters BC Liberal leadership race, says he�s a bridge between generations
        Defence lawyers for Liberals in Sudbury byelection trial ask judge to drop case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ontario Liberals accuse PC Leader Patrick Brown of �Trump style� politics - Meagan Fitzpatrick, CBC News
        Trudeau�s tax hounds salivate over discounted hot dogs - Mark Bonokoski, Toronto Sun
The oily excuses of Justin Trudeau - Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
        Liberals� proposed tax changes will hurt tech startups, investors warn - Sean Silcoff, The Globe and Mail
Bailed-out RBS removes logo from flagship office- CTV News
        Ottawa should support small businesses, not kick them in the teeth: CFIB Comment- Dan Kelly, Financial Post
NFL Sunday Ticket coming back to some Canadian cable markets- Richard Woodbury, CBC News
        Fifty-one euro zone banks vulnerable to rate shocks, ECB says- Balazs Koranyi & Francesco Canepa, The Globe and Mail


Ha�ti: les juges en gr�ve pour d�noncer un manque de moyensPlus
        �La Catalogne a gagn� le droit � l'ind�pendance�Plus
De � nouveaux yeux � pour la Station spatiale internationalePlus
        L'ONU r�clame � nouveau la fin de la guerre au Y�menPlus
Remaniement minist�riel mercredi matin: Fran�ois Blais perdra la responsabilit� de la Capitale-NationalePlus
        Le Plan climat d'Obama abrog�Plus
Amazon : Coderre croit qu'il faut arr�ter de jouer la victimePlus
        Nouvelles accusations de viol pour le producteurPlus
Zampino demande encore l'arr�t des proc�duresPlus
        Matricule 728: St�fanie Trudeau encore bl�m�e en d�ontologiePlus

Donald Trump met Rex Tillerson au d�fi d'un test de QIPlus
        Intelligence artificielle: Thales choisit Montr�alPlus
Visas : Erdogan s'en prend � l'ambassadeur des �tats-UnisPlus
        C�line Dion c�l�bre les GrammyPlus
[PHOTOS] 10 photos bouleversantes des incendies mortels en CaliforniePlus
        Incendies mortels dans la r�gion des vins en CaliforniePlus
Proc�s Tony Accurso: d�but de la s�lection du juryPlus
        La mont�e en grade de la soeur de Kim Jong-Un, architecte de l'image du leaderPlus
Netflix affirme ne pas avoir � payer de taxes au CanadaPlus
        France : un enfant de 10 ans porteur de la rage apr�s un voyage au Sri LankaPlus

Justin Trudeau attendu � Washington en apr�s-midiPlus
        Des centaines de documents militaires sud-cor�ens vol�s par des pirates du NordPlus
Un voleur de v�hicule termine sa route dans le parvis d'une �glisePlus
        Paddock a tir� sur un agent de s�curit� six minutes avant la tueriePlus
La Constitution permet � Madrid de �prendre le contr�le� en CatalognePlus


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Poll: Majority favors compromise among political leaders - Rebecca Savransky, The Hill
        Trump�and Tocqueville? - Jean Yarbrough, City Journal
Real Mockery of National Anthem Was by Mike Pence - Nancy Armour, USA Today
        Trump�s Giant, Beautiful, Simple Tax Cut - Deroy Murdock, National Review
Trump and the Art of Irrational Provocation - Jeffrey Frank, The New Yorker
        Trump Is on Track to Win Reelection - Doug Sosnik, Washington Post
Nationalists Plan Anti-Establishment Midterm Tsunami - Matthew Boyle, Breitbart
        Tensions flare as food rations to refugees slashed by half in Uganda- Samuel Okiror, The Guardian
Spain Catalonia: France snubs independence bid- BBC News
        UN aviation regulator removes Thailand from red-flag nations- The Associated Press, The Times Of India

At least 37 people were killed in election violence- Al Jazeera
        In Liberia, voters hope for more than peace from Sirleaf successor- France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

UK reaffirms commitment to Iran nuclear deal in call with Trump: May's office
        Iran hardliners, pragmatists show unity in response to Trump
Trump to announce broad Iran strategy later this week: White House
        Hillary Clinton 'appalled' by Weinstein revelations
Catalan leader suspends declaration of independence
        Syrian rebels hand border crossing to opposition government
Israel to advance plans for nearly 4,000 settler homes: official
        EU's Tusk hopes for Brexit trade talks by December
Russia critical of US plan to blacklist Iran's Revolutionary Guards: Ifax
        Defiance in Britain over new �1 coin as deadline looms

As Trump challenges Iran nuclear deal, those in Tehran worry
        Shock Iraq torture photos raise ethical dilemmas
Iran's armed forces say time to teach US 'new lessons': ISNA
        Five things to know today
Iran has 'all options on table' if US blacklists Revolutionary Guards
        Russia accuses US of pretending to fight Daesh in Syria, Iraq
Disunited states of American gun control
        NATO chief: �We don�t want a new Cold War�
Japan scientists grow drugs in chicken eggs
        Previous                           Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
What Are Humans Made Of?
^A most thought producing article^

NATO chief: �We don�t want a new Cold War�
Hmmm, if so, why Canadian Forces in Latvia and Rumania?

NATO Inaugurates New Black Sea Force In Romania
 Canada is already patrolling Romanian airspace along with national pilots,


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