Saturday 3 February 2018


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Inside the explosive Conservative Party fight over Rick Dykstra

Stephen Harper says he could not justify dumping Rick Dykstra in 2015
        Claude-�ric Gagn�, Justin Trudeau�s Deputy Operations Director, Resigns After Investigation
Tory leader Scheer open to Quebec�s demand to hold Constitution talks
        �I am the one who can beat Kathleen Wynne�: Q&A with Christine Elliott

Alberta legislature member for United Conservative Party resigns
        Liberal MP faces death threats after calling protestors �white supremacists�
Don�t talk to journalists, Canadian government warns companies interested in fighter jet contract
        Trudeau has sided with Alberta in pipeline dispute. Now he must back up his words
Mulroney name has some cachet, but will that be enough to propel Caroline into leadership role?
        We can still have electoral reform, as long as it�s the Liberals� choice of electoral reform
Scheer�s underwhelming first economic policy suffers from lack of boldness
        Bread price scheme haunted by the ghost of John D. Rockefeller
Trudeau leaves Notley to fight Ottawa�s battle
        Wetlands are disappearing fast. Urgent action is required
The challenges mount for Andrew Scheer

Erin O�Toole takes pass on Ontario PC leadership, endorses Christine Elliott
        Critics of Kinder Morgan pipeline shout down Trudeau at B.C. town hall
Ontario PCs fire firm after lawyer�s online attack on Patrick Brown�s sexual-misconduct accuser
        Doug Ford says Ontario PCs trying to undermine his leadership campaign by restricting new membership sign-ups
Summer jobs program deadline extended as religious backlash grows
        Liberals will win the fight on Canada Summer Jobs program
Everyone take a breath � Ontario�s PCs have chosen a reasonable path to picking their new leader
        Senate amendments to gender diversity bill set to test Trudeau�s feminist principles
How Ontario�s Tories tried to make it right but got it all wrong
        Here�s what Caroline Mulroney brings to the party, if she runs for Ontario PC leader

Alberta legislature member Derek Fildebrandt can�t return to UCP caucus: Kenney
        Punting NAFTA talks into 2019 would cost Canada 0.2 per cent of GDP: Projection
Scott Moe sworn in as premier of Saskatchewan, provincial cabinet announced
        Caroline Mulroney has name, resum� and backers but leadership race will be decisive test
How the Trudeau Liberals stumbled into a fight with religious groups
        Blair remains hopeful for legal cannabis by July
Experts question Alberta power threats to B.C. as pipeline politics intensify
        24 Sussex repairs may be followed by work on Opposition Leader�s house
Canadian peacekeeping contribution shrinks again, despite Liberal promises
        Almost 60 per cent of Canadians don�t trust promises made by politicians before an election: poll

Canada Post promise not broken, Trudeau maintains
        Procurement problems undermining Liberals� defence policy, analyst says
Feds want more women, First Nations working in marine sector in Canada�s north
        RCMP backlogged with access-to-information requests from its own staff
On NAFTA, Ottawa struggles to keep its fragile peace
        NDP MP Erin Weir fears harassment allegation against him �politically motivated�
PM says case against suspended vice-admiral will �inevitably� to go court
        Some veterans want more than Ottawa can afford, Trudeau tells town hall
Trudeau gets questions about veterans, racism, pipelines at Edmonton town hall
        �Enough is enough:� Alberta to suspend electricity purchase talks with B.C
Supreme Court sides with B.C. First Nation in ancestral land dispute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Blame the �Trudeau Effect� for why Canadian stocks are doing worse than the rest - George Athanassakos, Financial Post
        Lawyers mull class action to push government into granting cannabis amnesty - Jordan Press - The Canadian Press,
�Canada turning its back on me�: Trudeau faces more heckling during Edmonton town hall - Bob Weber
        Ontario Tories demonstrate that they have mastered the arts of political suicide - Rex Murphy, National Post
China seeks to resume derailed free-trade talks with Ottawa - Robert Fife and Steven Chase, The Globe and Mail
        Kathleen Wynne�s so-called �town halls� look more like campaigning on the taxpayer�s dime - Graeme Gordon, National Post
MPs studying Bill C-65 willing to hear stories of sexual harassment in secret - Joanna Smith, The Globe and Mail
        Tories accuse Trudeau of political interference in Vice-Admiral Mark Norman case - David Pugliese - Ottawa Citizen,
Canada ranks No. 6, U.S. 21 on global democracy index - Meredith MacLeod, CTV News
        �I�m fairly resigned to not live in that house,� Trudeau says of 24 Sussex Drive - Catharine Tunney, CBC News

�Whatever it takes�: Premier Rachel Notley demands more from PM on Trans Mountain pipeline - Clare Clancy, Calgary Herald
        Horgan surprised at blowback to proposed ban on bitumen shipments - Derrick Penner, Vancouver Sun
With #MeToo, does political arena need same burden of proof as courtroom? - Staff, CTV News
        Ebay�s move toward new payments processor leads to record highs, as Paypal stumbles- Spencer Soper
WestJet�s Swoop will take off in June with lower-cost flights between five cities- CBC News
        �Why the hell are they at $1.88?�: Inside the damning allegations of Canada�s bread fixing scandal- Hollie Shaw, Financial Post
�Keep checking the mailroom,� Sobeys tells George Weston over price-fixing claim- CTV News


Dizaines de raids de la police de l'immigration en CaliforniePlus
        Le contenu de la note critique du FBI d�classifi�e par Trump r�v�l� Plus
Un Am�ricain poursuivi pour avoir vendu des munitions au tueur de VegasPlus
        Dossier de l'�puisement chez les infirmi�res: Barrette piqu� au vif par DrainvillePlus
Inconduite sexuelle: Concordia impliquera davantage les �tudiantsPlus
        Un Monopoly sp�cial tricheurs, dans l'air du tempsPlus
Un �hacker� russe extrad� d'Espagne inculp� aux �tats-UnisPlus
        Guy Lafleur d�bout� en Cour d'appelPlus
Cor�e du Nord: le chef de l'ONU appelle � des discussions � s�rieuses �Plus
        Le service reprend graduellement sur la ligne orangePlus

Mexique et �tats-Unis: vers plus de coop�ration contre le narcotraficPlus
        Le Pentagone veut de nouvelles armes nucl�aires de faible puissancePlus
Rumeur concernant une nouvelle fa�on de violer des femmes: le SPVM r�tablit les faitsPlus
        Les policiers toujours en qu�te d'indicesPlus
La Russie c�l�bre les 75 ans de son � triomphe � � StalingradPlus
        Philippe Couillard est un trollPlus
Proc�s Nassar: voyez le p�re d'une victime tente d'attaquer le m�decin d�chu Plus
        Des danseuses nues en col�re manifestent � la Nouvelle-Orl�ansPlus
La justice fran�aise demande le placement en d�tention du th�ologien suisse Tariq RamadanPlus
        Suspect recherch� � Laval en lien avec une agression sexuellePlus

Trump accuse le FBI d'avoir politis� les enqu�tes en faveur des d�mocratesPlus
        Donald Trump annonce avoir d�classifi� la note critiquant le FBIPlus
Donald Trump relance sa guerre contre le FBI en raison de l'affaire russePlus
        Cancer: davantage de traitements, de survivants, mais aussi de maladesPlus
[PHOTOS] Cette usine produit des poup�es sexuelles parlantes contre la solitudePlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
There Are No Good Reasons to Hold Back the FISA Memo - Andrew McCarthy, National Review
        Vote to Unveil FISA Memo Gives Intelligence Oversight Win - Jonathan Turley, The Hill
Romney signals likely run for Utah Senate, with announcement mid-month - Robert Costa, Washington Post
        Paul Manafort co-defendant�s attorneys leaving defense team in Mueller probe - Spencer S. Hsu, Washington Post
Can Trump Hold the House? - Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal
        Trump Is Making 2018 Much Harder for Republicans - Ronald Brownstein, The Atlantic
Dems Can�t See Compromise While Crying Over Trump - John Kass, Chicago Tribune
        Zimbabwe opposition leader �attacked� on campaign trail- BBC News
Russians hail �triumph of justice� as IOC doping bans are overturned- Marc Bennetts, The Guardian
        Syrian regime gains ground as rebels turn guns on Kurds- France 24

Maldives court throws out case against Mohamed Nasheed- Zaheena Rasheed, Al Jazeera
        Xi wants �new level� of China-Britain ties as May visits- AFP, The Times Of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Britain, EU schedule week of Brexit talks, eye future
        N.Korea warns against US-S.Korea military drills after Olympics
German parties in coalition talks haggle over labor rights
        Russia approves warplane deployment on disputed island near Japan
Scottish court will decide next week on legal case to stop Brexit
        UK PM May says Brexit transition deal will be agreed in seven weeks
Iran arrests 29 women as headscarf protests intensify
        Syrian regime says will treat Turkish forces as occupiers
Potential blood test for Alzheimer�s shows early promise
        Previous                           Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

From: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: If Canadian spies found a flaw in the iPhone, would they tell Apple?   Make the policy public, critics say
CSE has �responsibility� to be more transparent about its handling of software flaws says NDP MP Matthew Dub�

The concept is ridiculous.

Our intelligence agencies exist to protect our nation and its people from attack.

We are employing highly skilled, well-paid experts to track information, analyse it and determine what risks, if any, Canada faces. They are not hired to maintain quality control over electronic products.

Requiring our intelligence community to warn manufacturers of product flaws is a waste of agency resources. The concept that our security services have an obligation to warn manufacturers (or the public) about product flaws is silly. A public warning about a product flaw will result in legal action by the producer. Then we can add legal costs and a possible damage award to the money wasted by having our spies act as product quality control agents.

Why can�t our MPs focus on real problems that plague us?

John Feldsted
Political Consultant & Strategist
Winnipeg, Manitoba

From: Larry Kazdan
To: Vancouver Sun LetED <>
Re: Opinion: Federal finances vulnerable to economic slowdown due to deficits,

Jason Clemens, Milagros Palacios, Niels Veldhuis February 1, 2018

The federal deficit is significant not for its numerical size, but for whether it closes the output gap - the additional amount required after private sector spending to return the economy to full employment with price stability.  Since households are loaded with debt, corporations are hoarding, and inflation is low, the federal government must inject more stimulus into the economy. 
Federal debt and deficits are always financially sustainable because our government owns the Bank of Canada and can never run out of Canadian dollars.  That is why troubled banks line up for government bailouts during times of financial crisis. 
Pundits and politicians need to waste less time on statistical irrelevancies related to federal debt, and start focusing on looming real-world problems that actually threaten the health and welfare of Canadians.  Dampening the economy through fiscal austerity would entrench long-term unemployment and exacerbate the many social ills that derive from increased poverty and inequality.
1. William Mitchell, Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE),                                                    University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia      

"Governments should not aim for specific fiscal outcomes but rather, should aim to achieve full employment and price stability. At that point, the recorded fiscal outcome � whatever it is � will be unambiguously good.
But by obsessing about the fiscal balance in isolation and setting up all sorts of rules and traps for governments, the mainstream economics narrative not only creates bad outcomes but leads governments to pursue bad policy.
They are usually still left with deficits and rising debt � both of which are bad � in that context."
2. Economist Abba Lerner:  Functional Finance
"Government should adjust its rates of expenditure and taxation such that total spending in the economy is neither more nor less than that which is sufficient to purchase the full employment level of output at current prices. If this means there is a deficit, greater borrowing, �printing money,� etc., then these things in themselves are neither good nor bad, they are simply the means to the desired ends of full employment and price stability �"


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