C BCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
How a meeting six years ago led to the legalization of marijuana in Canada
Another election not in New Brunswickers� best interests, viceroy tells leaders
Feds aiming to select preferred design for $60B warships by end of month
Scheer accuses Trudeau government of �proactively� reaching out to �Jihadi Jack�
�Executioner� in ISIS video is Canadian, says captured Mississauga ISIS member
Postal union issues strike notices, could start rotating job action Monday
McConnell Rules Out Vote on New Nafta Trade Deal Before 2019
Goodale says Canadian ISIS fighters will face consequences, officials won�t be put in danger to help
Approaching carbon tax one reason now is a good time for broad-based tax reform
With Mark Norman trial, Liberals stuck in a situation they cannot win
The China clause in USMCA is American posturing. But it�s no veto
No federal party will turn back the clock on the legalization of marijuana
Our dirty little secret: No one has a monopoly on fairness
Federal bill to fix up official residences � including �fire hazard� 24 Sussex � tops $83M: NCC report
Senators urge Trudeau government to overhaul tax system, cut corporate taxes
Cancelling cap and trade will result in $3 billion in lost revenue: FAO
Judge will not force Bell Media to run ads for far-right Toronto mayoral candidate Faith Goldy
Ford takes shot at PM for cannabis plan during speech at Blue Mountain
Liberal love-in? Trudeau�s approval among his base tops what CPC, NDP bases feel for Scheer, Singh
Trudeau Still Canadians� Top Pick for Taming Trump, Poll Shows
Liberals 37, Conservatives 31, NDP 16, Green 7, People�s 1: Nanos
Trudeau Government Urged To Step Up Climate Action In Emergency Debate
Former military captain detained for months in U.S. on decades-old marijuana charge in Canada
Premier Ford won�t meet with top Trudeau minister Dominic LeBlanc this week
U.S. pot firms urge Trump to deny Canadian producers� �competitive advantage�
Halifax longshoremen criticize Brison on lack of port funding
Democratic Institutions Minister rejects call to subject political parties to privacy laws
Alberta Party candidate disqualified over �discriminatory views�
With a week to go, John Tory is still on track for re-election
Killer-rapist Paul Bernardo set for parole bid after 25 years in prison
Meet your e-dealer: Shopify confident its online tech can handle cannabis demand
Campfires and cannabis: Parks Canada says it�s OK to smoke pot at campsites
26% of Canadian parents say they use cannabis: Ipsos poll
Ottawa holds consultations on racism behind closed doors
Captured Canadians in Syria unlikely a legal problem for Trudeau, only a political one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Gallant, Blaine Higgs urged to form a grand coalition to govern New Brunswick - Jacques Poitras, CBC
Ford to feds: Improve testing for pot-impaired driving - Antonella Artuso, Toronto Sun
Trudeau takes political gamble with legalized pot for Canadian adults - Kristy Kirkup, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Enough with the climate fear-mongering - Editorial, Toronto Sun
Ontario ready to crack down on pot sales: Mulroney - Antonella Artuso, Toronto Sun
Will the new leader of Quebec kill its immigrant-investor program? - Douglas Todd, Vancouver Sun
Sidewalk Labs says it will not own data collected in public places- The Globe & Mail
Courtage immobilier: Michael Applebaum laisse tomber son appelPlus
Un bogue provoque des notifications chaotiques chez TwitterPlus
Ukraine: deux pilotes tu�s dans l'�crasement d'un chasseur SU-27Plus
Le SPVM recherche des victimes potentielles d'un agresseur sexuelPlus
Laval: recherch� pour tentative de meurtre et menaces de mort sur les enfants de sa victimePlus
Des sites culturels c�l�bres menac�s par le changement climatique en M�diterran�ePlus
Niger: 45 morts dans des inondations depuis juinPlus
Donald Trump � Stormy Daniels: �face de cheval�Plus
Une exposition controvers�e de cadavres humains interdite � LausannePlus
Un projet de loi pour r�former le syst�me correctionnelPlus
Climat: le monde a atteint un �point de non-retour�Plus
Cour supr�me: importante victoire pour St�phanie RaymondPlus
L'Iran affirme avoir men� 700 attaques de drones contre l'EI en SyriePlus
Trump met en garde le Honduras contre l'arriv�e d'une � caravane � de migrantsPlus
[VID�O] Le lait am�ricain, �laissez-le pourrir sur les tablettes!�Plus
Le lait am�ricain, �laissez-le pourrir sur les tablettes!�Plus
La Maison-Blanche accroche un tableau de Trump au bar avec d'autres pr�sidentsPlus
Violent incendie � Magog: un couple sauve une dizaine de personnesPlus
Un avion s'�crase � OttawaPlus
Montr�al veut am�liorer l'acc�s � une alimentation de qualit�Plus
Royaume-Uni: un robot invit� � parler d'intelligence artificielle devant des d�put�sPlus
Bottes Ugg, peluches: Harry et Meghan inond�s de cadeaux pour b�b�Plus
Maroc: un accident de train fait au moins six morts et 86 bless�sPlus
Scandale de vaccins en Chine: amende record contre un laboratoirePlus
Amende pour un Isra�lien qui a urin� sur le m�morial d'AuschwitzPlus
Dieselgate: Audi condamn�, la facture s'alourdit pour VolkswagenPlus
France: large remaniement du gouvernement Macron, qui cherche un �second souffle�Plus
Vents violents: plus de 100 000 foyers priv�s d'�lectricit�Plus
Violent incendie dans un immeuble � MagogPlus
Internement de musulmans: la Chine en op�ration s�ductionPlus
Bulgarie: Bouzloudja, l'ovni architectural communiste qui fascine le 21e si�clePlus
13-Novembre: six mois de prison ferme pour une fausse victime des attentatsPlus
Les glaciers suisses ont perdu 2,5 % de leur volume en 2018Plus
Mike Pompeo � Riyad pour tenter de d�nouer l'affaire KhashoggiPlus
Khashoggi: Riyad favorable � une � enqu�te approfondie �, selon PompeoPlus
Sanctions: Pyongyang d�nonce les intentions � mal�fiques � de WashingtonPlus
Dans l'est de l'Ukraine, les �coliers vivent au rythme de la guerrePlus
FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Six House Races to Watch for a Democratic Wave - Albert Hunt, Bloomberg
Nancy Pelosi�s Hope for a Divided Government - John Diaz, San Francisco Chronicle
Judge throws out Stormy Daniels�s lawsuit against Trump - Elise Viebeck, Washington Post
Elizabeth Warren�s DNA Test Proves She Was Lying - David Harsanyi, The Federalist
�Terror motive� not ruled out in Cologne hostage-taking- AFP, The Times Of India
Riyadh, Arab allies threaten retaliation, but is their bark worse than their bite?- Leela Jacinto, France 24
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Palestine voted chair of U.N. Group of 77
Turkish official: Police found evidence of Khashoggi slaying
Climate change 'at point of no return': Ban
Turkish official tells AP police found evidence in Saudi consulate that Khashoggi was killed there
Gaza protests 'cannot continue': Israeli defense minister
Italy's PM criticizes economic sanctions against Russia
Russian-backed Crimea to boost trade, transport ties with Syria
Australia's shift in Israel policy could hurt ties with Arab nations: Egypt envoy
Iranian oil isn�t needed: U.S. envoy
Goldman Sachs expects BDL to take steps to avert crisis
Syria ready to fight for Idlib if militants reject deal
After standoff, May says Irish backstop cannot derail Brexit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
45 years ago in House of Commons Committee
I asked a question concerning the ability of
determining pot smoking impairment
The answer? "No clear means."
Concern remains the same now as then
for me - control of those choosing to be
threats to others for personal pleasure.
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> BELOW(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)
We all know that it's not okay to drink and drive, but what about smoking pot and driving?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Latest study touts benefits of whole-fat milk
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>HOPE Y'ALL AGREE
45 years ago in House of Commons Committee
I asked a question concerning the ability of
determining pot smoking impairment
The answer? "No clear means."
Concern remains the same now as then
for me - control of those choosing to be
threats to others for personal pleasure.
- Cannabis in Canada: Everything you need to know about pot legalization
- VIDEO Legal cannabis is here: time to answer some burning questions
- Canadian police ready to deal with legal marijuana, chiefs say
- Ontario's Human Rights Commission releases guidelines on how to balance rights around pot legalization
- Cannabis to be allowed on Sask. provincial park campsites
- Cannabis use hinders young drivers' abilities: study CTV News � 1 day ago
- Young Canadian drivers at increased risk of car crash, even hours after getting high � 1 day ago
- Sask. RCMP says it's ready to crack down on drivers impaired by marijuana Regina Leader-Post � 1 hour ago
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> BELOW(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)
While driving under the influence of marijuana isn't as bad as alcohol, studies have shown that smoking weed can affect spatial perception. Drugged drivers may have slower reaction times and can swerve or tailgate more often which makes them a much higher risk for accidents.
In most developed countries like Canada,drug-impaired driving is on the rise, particularly among young teenaged drivers, who are twice as likely to drive after smoking pot as they are after drinking.
New drugged driving laws in Colorado
Months before the commercial sale of recreational marijuana was legalized, the state of Colorado passed a law that made driving under the influence of pot illegal.Any driver found with more than five nanograms of THC, the psychoactive ingredient of marijauana, per millilitre of blood could be charged with a DUI.
Watch a Colorado public service announcement about the new marijuana laws.
To enforce that law, Colorado trained officers to look for signs of marijuana use on the road; distracted driving, light body tremors, different sized pupils, impaired motor skills and the smell of marijuana in the vehicle.
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