Sunday 16 August 2015

CANADIAN DAILY August 16, 2015


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

LeBreton hustled away from journalists at Conservative campaign event in Ottawa

Comparing Duffy affair to Liberal sponsorship scandal �absurd': Harper
        Mulcair says voters should fire Harper over Duffy/Wright scandal Oct. 19
Trudeau tries to keep Senate expense scandal in the public eye
        Former police chief Rick Hanson endorses Liberal candidate in federal election
Mark Adler Notes He Is �Son Of Holocaust Survivor� On Tory Campaign Sign

Rocked by scandal, senators wrestle with their role in election campaign
        Edmonton NDP hopeful to protest after being disqualified by Israel comments
Former Quebec New Democrat MP to run for Greens, Elizabeth May announces


B.C.�s pipeline politics could decide next PM
Why everyone�s making a mad dash for the middle � of the country and political spectrum
        Our elections are getting nastier, and that�s bad for the country
Trudeau and Mulcair selling a fantasy to the middle class
        The economic conversation we need to have
Our veterans deserve a better deal from Ottawa
        Appalling Liberal incompetence
NCC had �no choice� but to approve victims of communism site, Mills email asserts
        Our elections are getting nastier, and that�s bad for the country

Stephen Harper�s pre-election N.S. event cost public thousands: documents
        Liberal denied nLiberal denied nomination over inaccurate resum�
Conservative MP�s flyer violates election rules, Liberal opponent says
        Most Canadians don�t think they�re better off since 2011 Conservative victory, poll finds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$95M: Feds set to return Ipperwash - Barbara Simpson, London Free Press
        Justice delayed, justice denied? - Greg Vezina, Toronto Sun
ORPP leaves too many questions - Christina Blizzard, Toronto Sun
        Wedding day for Pierre Karl Peladeau and Julie Snyder - The Canadian Press, Macleans
AB climate change panel tasked with precarious highwire act - Graham Thomson, Edmonton Journal
        There can be alternates to 50 per cent plus one in a referendum - St�phane Beaulac, Montreal Gazette
Duffy trial making it hard for many loyal Conservatives to feel proud - Chantal H�bert, Toronto Star
        Province calls for Albertans� input on climate change - Matt Dykstra, Edmonton Sun
2015 Chrysler 200 sedans recalled- The Associated Press, Toronto Star
�It�s just stupid�: Is the endless hunger for credit card points really worth piling on debt?- Garry Marr, Financial Post
Alberta and Norway: Two oil powers, worlds apart- Jeff Lewis, The Globe & Mail

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PICK OF THE DAY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Harper encore questionn� sur le proc�s DuffyPlus
        Foule record au d�fil� de la Fiert�Plus
Un octog�naire meurt dans l'incendie de sa maisonPlus
        Cimeti�re: qui est la voleuse de fleurs?Plus
Rawdon: un homme retrouv� inconscient dans un campingPlus
        Congr�s des jeunes lib�raux: Couillard joue la carte identitairePlus
�pluchette de ma�s: plusieurs convives �bouillant�sPlus
        Harper m�ne une offensive contre Mulcair et Trudeau Plus
D�fil� de la Fiert�: l'absence de Harper critiqu�ePlus
        Le Parti vert recrute un ex-d�put� NPDPlus

Avion disparu en Indon�sie: l'�pave trouv�ePlus
        Explosion de Tianjin: une adolescente arr�t�e pour escroqueriePlus
Lanaudi�re: un incendie ravage une �curie Plus
        Concours �lectoral: gagnez une journ�e avec Justin TrudeauPlus
Avertissement de chaleur jusqu'� mardiPlus
        �Le jeu est encore tr�s ouvert� au Qu�bec, croit LebelPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Clinton Defies the Law and Common Sense - Michael Mukasey, Wall Street Journal
        Fiorina�s Flip-Flop on Clinton - Ruth Marcus, Washington Post
Family History Hounds Bush in IA - Philip Rucker and Ed O'Keefe, Washington Post
        FBI Tracking Path of Classified Email From State Dept. to Clinton - David Sanger, New York Times
Trump Slams Paul, Fiorina, Bush - Jonathan Easley, The Hill
        Iraqi capital sees fresh round of deadly bombings- BBC News
Sakurajima volcano: chance of large eruption �extremely high�- The Guardian
        Islamic State affiliate consolidates hold over Libya�s Sirte- The Associated Press, The Times of India
Tianjin residents evacuated as sodium cyanide is found- France 24
        Migrants clash as Greek island of Kos overwhelmed- Al Jazeera

Samsung�s PM1633a is world�s highest capacity storage drive at 15.36 TB- CBC News
        The Euro Zone�s Pathetic Economic Recovery- Jason Karaian, Quartz

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Clashes outside hospital of hunger strike Palestinian
        US to withdraw Patriot missiles from Turkey in October
Merkel says migrants bigger challenge for EU than Greek debt crisis
        Eurotunnel: Migrant incursions down after security tightens
Send refugees home after wars end, urges Swiss politician
        US, Japanese cities mark WWII end with Pearl Harbor ceremony
Germany says situation in eastern Ukraine 'explosive'
        Al-Qaeda in Syria frees several US-trained rebels: statement
Germany praises Greek stance shift in debt talks
        Iran submits nuclear activity information to UN watchdog
India, Pakistan troops trade fire and blame in Kashmir
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

From: Mahmood Elahi
To: <>
Subject: The NDP and the Liberals also drawing moderate Conservative voters

The Editor
The Tyee, Vancouver, B.C.
With Duffy-Wright scandal brewing, the NDP and the Liberals also drawing moderate Conservative voters

Re "Former PCs Aim to Oust Conservatives Via Vote Siphoing," by Jeremy J. Nuttall (Aug. 13).

Aristotle once remarked that all forms of government -- democracy, oligarchy, monarchy, tyranny -- are inherently unstable, that all political regimes are inherently transitional, that the stability of all regimes is "corrupted by the corrosive power of time." After a decade of Harper rule, his Conservative government is clearly showing the signs of "the corrosive power of time," as evident from the scandal involving his handpicked, now suspened, Senator Mike Duffy and his former chief of staff, Nigel Wright, and his handling of it.

When former Prime Minister Paul Martin faced an election in 2006, the economy was booming and the budget was in surplus. Yet, he went down in defeat because the voters didn't buy his contention that, as Finance Minister, he didn't know that former Prime Minister Jean Chretien was spending millions of dollars for the sponsorship program.  In 2015, Prime Minister Stephen Harper faces the public skepticism over his contention that he didn't know that his own chief of staff, Nigel Wright, wrote a cheque of $90,000 to repay alleged overspending by his handpicked, now suspended, Senator Mike Duffy.  The economy has also stalled and the budget is in deficit.

As such, most voters, including many moderate Conservative voters, have decided that the time for change has arrived. This explains why support for both the NDP and the Liberals remain strong. Both the parties seem to be siphoning off moderate Conservatrive voters from Harper's Conservatives. This has already happened in the Tory stronghold of Alberta where the NDP has won in a landslide in the recent election.

Jeremy Nuttall quotes Sinclair Stevens, former Progressive Conservative minister under Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, saying: "Our feeling is that if we have a credible candidate, they may take enough votes so that the Conservative won't make it. That may sound like we're supporting the Liberals, but our feeling is -- in this case -- the Liberals are better than Stephen Harper." Progressive Conservatives can also do this by strategically voting for the Liberals or the NDP in ridings where one of them has the best possibility to win.

With the public yearning for change after a decade of Harper's autocratic rule palpable across the country, the Conservatives are likely to be wiped out in the coming election. Time for change and renewal has come to Canada.

2240 Iris Street, Ottawa.


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