Sunday 30 August 2015



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Jason Kenney touts broader definition of �recession�

Build a wall with Canada? US debate about Mexico touches the amigo to the north
        Key Tory ridings in Nova Scotia up for grabs as incumbents step down
Liberals, Tories claim multibillion dollar gap in NDP platform promises
        Federal government seeking pardon for Mohamed Fahmy, lawyer says

Kenney says reckless NDP spending would result in deficit, wreck economy
        What do the Ford brothers and Donald Trump have in common?
Jim Karygiannis� Former Liberal Riding Association Donor Lists Reveal Questionable Patterns
        How NDP, Liberals can best oust Harper
Nomination meddling shows Trudeau a control freak
        Harper manipulates the media � and you
NDP far-left could attack Mulcair anytime
        NDP knows value of hard work
It�s the economy, stupid

Harper pledges renewal of cancer agency�s mandate, funding if re-elected
        Patrick Brown touts Simcoe County bona fides in crucial byelection battle
Nexen Energy collecting required information to re-start pipelines
        Paul Martin blasts NDP for move to �far right�
Trudeau campaigns in Toronto; vows to scrap Tory citizenship law
        Six key ridings to watch going into the federal election
Kenney �not made aware� of Iraq air strike allegations against Canadian fighter pilots
        Fringe parties fight to spread message, sway swing ridin
Harperman case: Can public servants be political activists?
        Republican presidential candidate: Wall along Canadian border worth reviewing
Harper should take a break from campaign to help jailed Canadian Fahmy: NDP, Liberals
        The Mulcair campaign hopes to trigger an orange wave on the East Coast today
NDP�s Olivia Chow, Jennifer Hollett start C-51 �countdown�
        Use Vote Compass to explore where you fit in Canada�s political landscape
More News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Expert: B.C. LNG will increase fracking-caused earthquakes - The Canadian Press, Macleans
        Patrick Brown touts Simcoe County bona fides in crucial byelection battle - Rob Ferguson, Toronto Star
Ontario mum on teachers� total compensation budget - Antonella Artuso, Toronto Sun
        School daze: What are we paying for teacher deals? - Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
Duffy�s a lemon: What are we to do about the economy? - Rex Murphy, National Post
        Critics blast Alberta�s Blood Tribe leaders for salaries, expenses - Carrie Tait, The Globe & Mail
Explosion reported at Syncrude oil sands facility- The Canadian Press, The Globe & Mail
        It feels like a recession, but is it?- Dana Flavelle, Toronto Star
McDonald�s, Tyson Foods cut off ties to farm where activists allege animal abuse- Reuters, CBC News
        Labour market hot for restaurant workers despite sluggish overall job growth- Claire Brownell, Financial Post


Parents, �coles et syndicats d�noncent le gouvernementPlus
        Crise migratoire: l'Europe commence � se prononcer Plus
Le Parti lib�ral attaque le NPD sur sa vision �conomiquePlus
        Liban: le pouvoir sous pression apr�s une manifestation monstrePlus
La Coalition de Sans-Chemise s'invite dans la campagnePlus
        Montr�al-Nord: un laboratoire clandestin d�mantel�Plus
Une r�alisation du Bloc chaque jour pendant une semainePlus
        Le vent orange souffle sur l'AtlantiquePlus
�.-U.: un r�publicain veut traquer les immigr�s comme des colis FedexPlus
        Inde: deux soeurs �condamn�es� � �tre viol�esPlus

� l'aube d'un r�el changement, croit Elizabeth MayPlus
        La SQ poursuit les recherches pour retrouver un septuag�nairePlus
Malaisie: grande manifestation contre le premier ministrePlus
        � 6 ans, il amasse 1500$ pour aider un policier maladePlus
Bangkok: le suspect refuse de coop�rerPlus
        Crise migratoire: une nouvelle trag�die �vit�e en AutrichePlus
Nids-de-poule: la moiti� des montants r�clam�s rembours�sPlus
        Un garage de Victoriaville est la proie des flammesPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Trumpalooza: We�ve Seen This Show Before - Matthew Dallek, Yahoo News
        Clinton�s Flaws Obscured by Trump-Smoke - Rex Huppke, Chicago Tribune
Hillary vs. The World - Ana Marie Cox, The Daily Beast
        Blame Media for Trump�s Continued Success - John Sides, Washington Post
Slipping in polls, Jeb Bush pushes to rack up establishment endorsements - Ed O'Keefe, Washington Post
        Al Jazeera journalists back in Cairo jail after verdict- Al Jazeera
38 girls, young women killed in Swaziland crash, says a rights group- The Associated Press, The Times of India
        Lebanon rubbish crisis: Thousands attend anti-government rally- BBC News
European ministers call for more railway security, urge Schengen changes- France 24
        Turkey carries out first air strikes as part of anti-Isis US coalition- The Associated Press, The Guardian
The Great Fall of China- The Economist

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Tsipras asks Greeks for outright majority in September vote
        Germany, France, Britain press for EU action on migrants
Germany calls for fairer distribution of refugees in Europe
        China needs further action to stop water pollution: vice premier
Migrant crisis will lead to uniform EU rules: Renzi
        Iran bars Barenboim because of Israeli citizenship
Britain attacks 'broken' EU migration system, demands tighter rules
        Attitude of some E. Europe nations on migration 'scandalous': Fabius
Tens of thousands protest defense bills outside Japan's Diet
        India's Modi accepts defeat on contentious land decree, will change law

Afghan official says forces retake district from Taliban
From: Larry Kazdan
Subject: Letter to Editor re: Trudeau challenges Canada's obsession with deficits: Walkom, August 29

Re:  Trudeau challenges Canada�s obsession with deficits: Walkom, August 29

Many pundits argue that now is the time for infrastructure spending because interest rates are so low.  But what also needs explaining is that our federal government can effectively borrow interest-free from the Bank of Canada.  Google "Prudential Liquidity Management" and note how easily our government can build up a cash war chest of $35 billion without taxation nor borrowing from the private sector.  Any interest charges on government bonds purchased by the Bank of Canada are remitted as profits back to the federal government which is the sole shareholder.

In 2011, Canadian constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati on behalf of COMER (Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform) filed an action in Federal Court to restore the use of the Bank of Canada to its original purpose, which includes making interest-free loans to municipal and provincial governments for education, health, social services and infrastructure expenditures. The next hearing will take place in Toronto on October 14, 2015.

Borrowing from a bank that Canadians own does not place a burden on our grandchildren.  Quite to the contrary, it leaves a legacy of good roads, water systems schools and hospitals conducive to a healthy workforce and a productive economy. 

Larry Kazdan,
Vancouver, B.C.


1. Call for Renaissance of the Bank of Canada

2. Economist John Hotson

When the Bank of Canada encourages the Canadian government, provinces, and municipalities to borrow in New York and Tokyo it is a betrayal of Canada. Where should they borrow when new money is needed for government spending? They should borrow at the government owned Bank of Canada, paying near zero interest rates-just sufficient to cover the Bank's running expenses.

3.  Video    Rocco Galati interviewed by Amanda Lang on CBC News.

4.  Prudential Liquidity Management

".....over the next three fiscal years, government deposits held with financial institutions and the Bank of Canada will increase by about $25 billion. Liquid foreign exchange reserves will increase by US$10 billion over the next fiscal year, and subsequently rise sufficiently to maintain their level at or above 3 per cent of nominal gross domestic product. In total, prudential liquidity will increase by about $35 billion by the end of 2013 14.

The financing activity necessary to increase prudential liquidity will have no material impact on the budgetary balance or the federal debt as the cost of the additional borrowing will be offset by a corresponding increase in returns on interest bearing assets."


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