Monday 10 August 2015



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Harper Gave A Much Different Answer On �Good To Go� In 2013

Tories end gag order on people who attend Stephen Harper�s events
        Harper ratchets up powerful anti-terror rhetoric; just posturing, Trudeau says
Harper, Serial Abuser of Power: The Evidence Compiled
        Harper in lockstep with �authoritarian� regimes on travel ban, says expert

Mulcair will have decision on further debate participation by end of the day
        Tories announced $14-billion in spending in six weeks before election call, 670 announcements
Conservative travel ban nothing but �posturing,� Trudeau says
        Should you vote for a leader who doesn�t trust the public?
Harper pandering with plan to make it illegal to travel to terror-stricken zones
        Harper�s new terror law too broad
Nigel Wright�s testimony represents a lose-lose scenario for Harper
        Harper enjoys luxury of national-unity tranquility

Mulcair tells Vancouver crowd NDP�s targeting a B.C. majority
        Federal NDP support no sure thing in Alberta
Why voters support Chow, Vaughan in federal election
        Harper heads back to Toronto as plane to carry him across the country this week
PM needs to answer more questions on anti-terror plan: Trudeau
        Mulcair questions whether proposed travel ban would combat terror
Mulcair says natural resources need to be developed sustainability
        Liberal leader pits Harper against Mulcair, says he�s the middle ground choice
Where the leaders are for Aug. 10
        Harper maintains he never knew about $90,000 payment to Mike Duffy

Protesters interrupt Mulcair book launch to complain about Energy East pipeline
        New Democrats making gains in 45 Liberal Party two-way races, says pollster Lyle
Conservative MP Joy Smith backtracks on remarks about Shoal Lake 40 road funding
        Former Conservative MP says government should commit to First Nation road
Stephen Harper pledges $9M for religious freedom in Middle East
        More News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Kathleen Wynne rips Monte McNaughton over sex-ed protest speech - Richard J. Brennan, Toronto Star
        Nigel Wright could finally shed light on some key questions at Duffy trial - David Reevely, Ottawa Citizen
Ontario puts heat on Big Solar - John Miner, London Free Press
        Liberal plan to cut medical residency places ripped - Jenny Yuen, Toronto Sun
N.Z., U.S. dairy farmers call on Canada to open its market amid deadlocked trade talks - Reuters, CBC News
        Alberta Wildrose MLA pitches law to ban opportunistic politicians from defecting - Rick Bell, Calgary Sun
Unions seeking injunction to stop sick leave deal during election - Kathryn May, Ottawa Citizen
        Syncrude bird deaths, Nexen pipeline spill show oilsands� degradation of ecosystem: First Nation- CBC News
Vancouver�s high-tech hurdle: Attracting top-level talent- Sean Silcoff, The Globe & Mail

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Canadian Province Pulls the Plug on Renewable Energy Program
        The lies Harper told during 2015 election call, first leaders� debate
Trudeau on supporting Bill C-51 : �Perhaps It Was Naive�
        #HarperBlamesAlbertans: Canadians thrash Harper for dissing Alberta Premier Notley, Albertans
Video: Ex-soldier crossing Canada on horseback  to raise awareness of modern veterans

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Une adolescente de Saint-Hubert manque � l'appelPlus
        Perturbations au lancement du livre de MulcairPlus
Coups de feu tir�s � Ferguson: l'�tat d'urgence est d�cr�t�Plus
        Roosh V: deux enqu�tes polici�res en coursPlus
Trudeau dit �tre celui qui �connecte� le mieux avec les Qu�b�coisPlus
        Harper annonce un soutien des minorit�s religieusesPlus
Plainte d'une journaliste: l'embrasseur non-d�sir� s'excusePlus
        Trudeau et Harper � couteaux tir�s sur les droits de la personnePlus
Un fugitif possiblement arm� recherch� � MonctonPlus
        Accord sur le nucl�aire iranien: Obama pr�dit un soutien croissantPlus

Le proc�s des Hells Angels a d�but� lundiPlus
        Dubai: elle se noie car son p�re refuse qu'on la touchePlus
Turquie: le consulat am�ricain attaqu�, 6 mortsPlus
        Les recherches se poursuivront sur la rivi�re RougePlus
Gr�ce: un accord pourrait �tre boucl� d�s mardiPlus
        MH370: une �fouille minutieuse� � La R�unionPlus
Le proc�s du s�nateur Mike Duffy reprend cette semainePlus
        Harper veut resserrer les mesures antiterroristesPlus
D�veloppement des ressources: Harper critique le NPDPlus
        Un alligator sectionne le bras d'une nageuse en FloridePlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Carly Fiorina�s Stunning Debut - Kathleen Parker, Sentinel & Enterprise
        Dear Joe Biden: Go For It! - Ann McFeatters, Miami Herald
Hillary Clinton�s Personality Deficit Disorder - Windsor Mann, USA Today
        Kelly Delivers �Touch of Death� to Trump - John Kass, Chicago Tribune
Trump Digs In, Plows Ahead - Kevin Robillard, Politico
        Pakistan stumbles upon its �biggest� child sex scandal- Al Jazeera
Nagasaki nuclear bombing remembered with calls for Japan to stay pacifist- The Associated Press, The Guardian
        Dozens of polling stations close as disorder mars Haiti�s long-delayed election- France 24
Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi moves to tackle corruption- BBC News
        China villages have over 61 million �forced orphans�- The Times of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Turkey's AKP to hold further talks with opposition CHP on coalition
        Afghan president calls on Pakistan to rein in Taliban
St. Louis County declares state of emergency for Ferguson
        Iranian FM to visit Moscow next week: Tass cites embassy
Trump's Republican support holds strong post-debate: Reuters/Ipsos poll
        Russia bars anti-Kremlin coalition from upcoming polls
Obama predicts support for Iran deal will grow
        Canada PM Harper says would take 10,000 more Iraqi/Syrian refugees
Holy Land Catholic body urges action against Jewish extremists
        EU denounces arson attack on observers' vehicles in Ukraine

Force feeding concerns after Palestinian hunger striker's transfer
        Ecuador denies Swedish asylum is condition for Assange questioning
Ukraine hopes for new gas talks with Russia, EU at end-Aug
        Malaysia to verify if debris in Maldives came from plane
Greece aims to finish bailout talks, get approval this week
        Ukraine reports heavy tank battle with pro-Russians rebels
Japan's Abe to refer to 'apology' in WW2 anniversary remarks: NHK
        Senior German conservative sees open questions on Greek bailout
Japan to restart 1st reactor under new rules since crisis
        Lavrov: U.S. must work with Assad to fight ISIS

Obama sees chance for better ties with Tehran
        ISIS top command dominated by ex-officers in Saddam�s army
U.S. deploys F-16s to Turkey for ISIS fight
        History justifies America�s confidence in itself
China needs a nimble BRICS to advance its economic interests
        Abe rapped as Nagasaki marks 70th anniversary of A-bomb
Doping leaks cast doubt over world�s top six marathons
        US frustrates Russian oligarchs� cat-and-mouse
Treasuries muted as US jobs fail to persuade
        A contrarian plunge into emerging markets looks problematic
Previous                                                   Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED  POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Taking Firm Stance, Scotland Pushes GMO Ban
        Ten Years Later, the �Halliburton Loophole� and America�s Dirty Fracking Boom
404 Error: Why Internet Access is Still a Problem for Many in Poverty
        Evoking the Wrath of Nature
Obama Takes Lead on Climate Change Ahead of U.N. Talks in Paris

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Should this be an Election Issue?

Trans-Pacific Partnership - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
TPP Trade Deal Proposal Would See CBC, Canada Post Exist Solely For Profit,
Analysis of Leaked TPPA Paper for Ministers' Guidance on SOEs


From: "Archbishop Lazar Puhalo" <>
Subject: Is it not so?

Like it or not, racism is voluminous, virulent and violent in America today. Not only that, but America is rapidly descending into a harsh police state in which police forces are equipped, not as normal policing agencies, but as full armed militias. Recalling that, in Communist Yugoslavia and Romania, the police were called "militsia," and armed as military rather than police, this should be chilling to Americans as they face another election. I did not hear this matter raised at all in the Republican candidates debate, and likely, one should not have expected FOX broadcasting (it is a travesty to refer to them as "news"), because FOX is comfortable with the idea of a police state, and they are constantly "justifying" the brutal racism in which the militsia/police gun down unarmed black boys and humiliate and degrade black people on a constant basis. It has not been so many years ago that white Christians in the south would hang an innocent black man just for sport or to "keep niggers in their place." Those of us old enough to remember this so well can, perhaps, see more clearly what is going on in America today. Right wing howling about the accusation will not save a single african-american life or protect a black university professor from being treated like a suspected criminal under the most mundane of circumstances. Will any of the present candidates address the problem? Will anyone in the Orthodox Church address the problem? Not likely. Far too many of us are concerned with depriving others of rights, not defending those whose rights have been trampled upon.

Dr George Gabriel adds (in his response to my editorial)

Add to these horrors, wide spread gerrymandering, redistricting of election districts to break up large black American voting districts into separate smaller ones grafted onto larger white and more distant ones to make black districts smaller, more difficult to travel to for voting. Also some states, not only in the south but even in PA and the midwest, have done this and have closed polling stations on Sundays and greatly limited the hours they are open on work days. In the south, the black churches traditionally bus their people after services to the distant polling stations. Now this new tactic by white republican governors has made voting impossible for many elderly and poor blacks. Many of these states even require IDs of elderly rural blacks in order to vote now, these are old folks who have no form of ID, not even a birth certificate, photo credit cards, bank counts. etc.

The Voting Act of 1965 (by Pres. Lyndon Johnson) secured voting rights for blacks by federal law. Now the Law is trampled upon and virtually ignored by white so-called Christians.

I don't believe anyone in the Orthodox Church will address this problem. BTW, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus is Greek Orthodox (of Greek and Germaan descent). He is a whimp.

Re. last night's Reep.Debate on Fox was a joke and got worse when most of the candidates began confessing their Christian faith and devotion. To his credit, however, the loudmouth, foul-mouthed Trump refrained from this ultimate hypocrisy.

From: Robert Ede
Subject: Daily Digest Readers maintain they never knew about honorarium request by Joe Hig :)
To: Joe Hueglin <>


Did Fox purposely stir up controversy in order to flush out backroom opposition of their man, Trump?


From: John Duddy
Subject: Daily Digest August 9, 2015.  NDP candidate forced to resign.
Cc: Prime Minister/Premier Ministre <>, Thomas Mulcair <>, Justin Trudeau <>, MP Elizabeth May <>,

Voltaire: "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.�

Hi Joe.  My opinion of Israeli war crimes is similar to that of Morgan Wheeldon, resigned NDP candidate.

Am I right in thinking our leaders are ruled over by forces outside Canada?  Are our leaders really protecting the interests of the Canadian people?

Candidate Morgan Wheeldon Resigns After Israel Remarks Surface

Thanks for broadcasting this to former conservatives across Canada.

John Duddy.  Calgary Centre.

On Aug 9, 2015, at 9:52 PM, Joe Hueglin <> wrote:


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