Tuesday 11 August 2015



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<  http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/

Election debates fiasco shows commissioner needed, organizer says

Federal Campaign Gridlocked: Ipsos
        National three-way tie hides worry for NDP in Ontario, poll suggests
Nigel Wright, emails to fill in the Senate scandal blanks at Mike Duffy trial
        Elections Canada�s Marc Mayrand says rules may need revisiting after the vote

F-35 might not meet performance standards of CF-18s, says U.S. think tank
        Tom Mulcair confirms participation in Munk Debates, 1 day late
Oil hits new low, dragging Canadian dollar close to 76 cents
        As oil prices fall, so do Stephen Harper�s odds
Harper-Wynne pension feud offers no save-face middle ground
        The Boss in the Bubble: Harper�s germ-free election strategy
Will voters get the oil sands debate they deserve?
        Nigel Wright and Mike Duffy set to meet again � in court
Harper won the debate
        Is Trudeau really �just not ready�? Maybe

Notley�s NDP mousetrapped by federal campaign and sinking economy
        We need Jon Stewart to set Canada straight
Sorry Mr. Trump, Canadian Health Care is Not Working

Mulcair: PM hiding out �in the North Pole� during Duffy trial
        Trudeau campaigns on Senate cleanup, PM touts anti-drug policy
Nanos Weekly Ballot Tracking and Accessible Voters for Federal Parties
        Military says reservist died at CFB Gagetown range in New Brunswick
Wyatt Scott has the best federal election campaign ad ever
        Trudeau promises more transparent government and changes to the Senate
Prison deaths in Nova Scotia �disturbing,� says correctional watchdog
        Harper heads north on campaign tour as Duffy trial resumes
Stephen Harper says Canadians don�t want marijuana legalized
        Scott Andrews refuses to discuss misconduct claims at election announcement

Spin Cycle: Will all of the oilsands be developed?
        Justin Trudeau and the pregnant candidate: Too hands-on?
Harper�s proposed travel ban worries Syrian-Canadians
        Morgan Wheeldon�s resignation leaves Kings-Hants NDP up in the air
Liberal feud: Former candidate Wendy Yuan says ex-MP Raymond Chan blocked her bid for nomination in Richmond
Liberal candidate Karina Gould deletes �tar sands� tweet
Mulcair basks as Quebec unions move support to NDP from Bloc
        The politics of pot: Are the Tories offside with Canadians?
NDP Boosts Pay After Offering Different Wage For French Speakers
Ontario Pension Plan will cost from $2.16 a day
Tory plan would boost funding to RCMP as party pushes tough-on-crime agenda
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Ontario Liberals should look at Australia�s pension model: Fraser Institute - Shawn Jeffords, Toronto Star
        Brad Wall says Keystone rejection would damage Canada-U.S. relations - Michelle Zilio, CTV News
Next time, StatsCan, ask me nicely - Jerry Agar, Toronto Sun
        NDPs, PCs slam health ministry over cuts to 50 medical residencies - Tara Deschamps, Toronto Star
On overhaul of federal equalization payments, Alberta Finance Minister Joe Ceci says he�s �agnostic� - Matt Dykstra, Edmonton Sun
        B.C. lags on green housing - Barbara Yaffe, Vancouver Sun
How Facebook could affect your chances of getting a loan- Jillian Kestler-D�Amours, Toronto Star
        Low crude prices not flowing to consumers at the pump- Shawn McCarthy, The Globe & Mail

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<< http://www.vancouverobserver.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rabble<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://rabble.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<  http://www.canadianprogressiveworld.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.bourque.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://thetyee.ca/News/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>iPolitics<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.ipolitics.ca/tag/gaza/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.cbc.ca/news
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yahoo.com<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://ca.news.yahoo.com/canada/


Radars photo: 50 000 contraventions sur les chantiers routiersPlus
        Barreau: pas de r�glement � l'amiable avec Me KhuongPlus
Les motards film�s � leur insuPlus
        La G�orgie accuse la Russie de d�placer ses fronti�resPlus
Un candidat original en Colombie-BritanniquePlus
        Camionneur cit� � proc�s: il aurait viol� plusieurs prostitu�esPlus
Nigeria: au moins 47 morts dans une explosion sur un march�Plus
        Bruit au parc Jean-Drapeau: Saint-Lambert encourage la discussionPlus
Drame familial � Beaumont: la m�re n'est plusPlus
        L'arm�e turque riposte aux attaques de lundiPlus

Gr�ce: le troisi�me plan d'aide conclu techniquementPlus
        MH17: des �l�ments d'un missile russe identifi�s?Plus
Harper s'engage � renforcer la strat�gie antidroguePlus
        Le proc�s Duffy sur les l�vres des chefsPlus
Mulcair accepte l'appui de la FTQPlus
        Du compostage partout � Montr�al d'ici 2019Plus
Ce militaire s'humilie en pleine c�r�monie officiellePlus
        Autoroute 20: un mort dans une collisionPlus
La m�re de Joleil Campeau d�nonce le �syst�me�Plus
        Nuit de violences � Ferguson malgr� l'�tat d'urgencePlus

Gr�ce: un accord est boucl� avec les cr�anciersPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Clinton to Roll Out 10 Year, $350 Billion College Affordability Plan - Dan Merica, CNN
        Republican Candidates and Obama�s Failure to Fail - Paul Krugman, New York Times
Giuliani: Trump on Kool-Aid If He Thinks He�s Going to be President - Marianne Garvey, Daily News
        A Tough Day for the President & His Party - Michael Barone, Washington Examiner
Trump Struggles to Turn Political Fling Into Durable Campiagn - Robert Costa and Philip Rucker, Washington Post
        Stocks have broken with bonds � and history shows that rarely ends well- Lu Wang, Bloomberg News, Financial Post
Tesla Mounts Crony Push for Tougher Fuel Economy- Editorial, Investor's Business Daily
        Alibaba to pay $4.6B for Suning electronics retailer- CBC News
ISIL claims responsibility for deadly Iraq attacks- Al Jazeera
        Japan restarts first nuclear power plant since Fukushima- BBC News
Two Marxist women open fire at US consulate in Istanbul- Luke Harding, The Guardian
        Greek coast guard rescues 1,417 migrants over 3 days- The Associated Press, The Times of India
EU approves �2.4 billion to tackle migrant crisis- France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<< http://www.dailystar.com

EU says escalation in eastern Ukraine violates Minsk peace deal
        Kerry, top Democratic US senator spar on Iran deal
Armed militia group's return to Ferguson raises concern
        US senators to Obama: Address human rights with China
Finland urges caution on Greece negotiations
        Georgia warns Russia against 'escalation' near breakaway region
Greece accepts harsh new bailout terms, vows swift vote
        German minister expects far more than 400,000 asylum seekers this year
UN peacekeepers accused of death, rape in African mission
        Russia to add new countries to its food import ban list: agencies

Syrian hard-line faction backs US-Turkey plans for safe zone
        German police union urges border checks to stem refugee flow
Venezuela's Maduro accuses US of plotting economic sabotage
        India's opposition blocks tax reform legislation
Israel police quiz Jewish extremist who defends torching churches
        After nuclear deal, Pakistan and Iran seek to increase trade
Iraq parliament approves PM's anti-corruption plan
        Israeli rabbis create independent Jewish conversion court
China prepares to ordain second bishop with Pope's approval
        Libya official vows to probe alleged abuse of Gadhafi son

Khamenei shares burden of approval on Iran deal
        New drug law baffles pharmacists
OPEC said to have no plans for emergency meeting
        Islam is not an �implacable� enemy of other monotheistic religions
Whatever happened to the Axis of Evil?
        Israel�s Gaza pullout questioned 10 years on
Ukraine reports heaviest rebel attack in months
        U.S.: Israel must prepare for �day after� Iran deal
Pompeii set to rise again in happy end to restoration saga
Previous                                                   Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.globalresearch.ca/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://therealnews.com/t2/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.presstv.ir/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://sputniknews.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://rt.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.bbc.com/news/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://readersupportednews.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.activistpost.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://consortiumnews.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.commondreams.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.eutimes.net/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://www.kyivpost.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.4thmedia.org/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.brasschecktv.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/


Pro - or Con Larry's LTE ?

From: Larry Kazdan
To: lettertoed@thestar.ca
Subject: Letter to Editor re:  Stephen Harper, Thomas Mulcair and Justin Trudeau offer little on economy: Walkom, Aug. 4

Re:  Stephen Harper, Thomas Mulcair and Justin Trudeau offer little on economy: Walkom, Aug. 4

When will a federal political leader have the guts to declare that a sluggish economy and high unemployment can only be solved by huge government deficits directed at infrastructure renewal and job creation? 

Balanced budgets did not end the Great Depression which was finally swept away by massive government spending on soldiers, munitions and armaments during World War II.  These expenditures did not destroy the economy but on the contrary led not only to military victory but a post-war golden age of economic growth when homes, roads and hospitals were built and social programs expanded.

The budget balance should never be a target - it will rise and fall.  Focus rather on how to put 1.3 million unemployed Canadians back to work.  It was not Justin Trudeau but economist John Maynard Keynes who stated during a 1930s debate "Look after the unemployment, and the Budget will look after itself."


1. 1939--1945: World War II Transformed the Canadian Economy

The government budget deficit also increased rapidly: in 1939, the budget deficit was less than 12% of GNP; in 1945, that rate rose above 42%. Nevertheless, by 1944, the Great Depression had faded into memory, and the unemployment rate was less than 1%.
By the end of the war, the economy had a more highly skilled labour force, as well as institutions that were more conducive to sustained economic growth.

2. Keynes quote
From a 1933 radio debate Keynes (bolding added):

You will never balance the Budget through measures which reduce the national income.  The Chancellor would simply be chasing his own tail or cloven hoof!  The only chance of balancing the Budget in the long run is to bring things back to normal, and so avoid the enormous Budget charges arising out of unemployment Even if you take the Budget as your test, the criterion of whether the economy would be useful or not is the state of employment I do not believe that measures which truly enrich the country will injure the public credit It is the burden of unemployment and the decline in the national income which are upsetting the Budget. Look after the unemployment, and the Budget will look after itself.
3.  Keynes quote:

�The Conservative belief that there is some law of nature which prevents men from being employed, that it is �rash� to employ men, and that it is financially �sound� to maintain a tenth of the population in idleness for an indefinite period, is crazily improbable the sort of thing which no man could believe who had not had his head fuddled with nonsense for years and years ". __________________________________________

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