Friday 21 August 2015



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Benjamin Perrin, ex-PMO lawyer, believed Harper OK�d details of plan to repay Duffy�s expenses

Rob Ford Says Brother Would Run If Harper Steps Down
        Liberals urging RCMP to investigate messages to and from Ray Novak
Poll Tracker: Conservative swing voters could drift because of Duffy trial
        Liberal candidate admits he broke spending laws to win nomination

Scouts Canada says B.C. event with Harper broke non-partisan policy
        Minority government could help Canadians, Bob Rae writes
Move over, economy: Duffy trial top election issue on Twitter in last two weeks
        Duffy trial finally forcing Harper to face the public
Duffy trial threatens Conservatives� ability to mobilize their base
        How should we treat politicians who screw up on social media?
The first rule of crisis management? Don�t. Lie.
        Stephen Harper�s media strategy only hurting his campaign
In Quebec, it�s less pro-NDP than it is anti-Harper
        Ray Novak turns the unfathomable into reality
Why we�re not talking about health care this election
        Message management in the Harper PMO: replacing one lie with another

Senator led delegation that included his own business partner
        CPC ad presents stock photo of mixed-race family from Seattle as adoptive Canadian parents
Campaign Notebook: Harper�s Critics Anger at Least One Canadian
        Fracking halted temporarily after 4.6-magnitude earthquake near Fort St. John
Nova Scotia�s premier knows what he�s looking for in a prime minister
        The Duffy trial: Senate scandal testimony threatens Harper�s fortunes among soft Conservative voters
Tom Mulcair unfazed by Manitoba NDP government�s unpopularity
        Notebook: On the road with the Harpers and their �Griswold family� vacation
Political pollster dissects the New Democrats� strong numbers
        Wanted: Campaign supporters as backdrops to humanize party leaders

Ex-finance ministers could make local race a microcosm of wider economic debate
        Mulcair a d�j� d�nonc� des pratiques syndicales
Parties to parents: We want your vote
        Ray Novak, PM�s top aide, told twice that Wright would cover Duffy�s expenses, court hears
Ray Novak is Stephen Harper�s �Fonz� � without the leather jacket
        PM is �ultimately accountable for the government': Harper
NDP achieving record support in Quebec, holding lead nationally, new polls show
        Barrel of crude oil drops below $40, longest slump since 1986
Ontarians divided on pension plan, Wynne�s election actions
        In B.C., Harper promises to spend $15M to protect salmon habitats, estuaries
Defence department, House of Commons credit card data in Ashley Madison leak
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Alberta is on a cliff, don�t push it off with a royalty review and minimum wage hike - Editorial, Calgary Sun
        Edmonton-East MP Peter Goldring calls spying accusations �ridiculous� - Edmonton Sun
Wife by Peterson�s side at time of alleged sexual harassment: Source - Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun
        How much will OSSTF settlement cost taxpayers? - Christina Blizzard, Toronto Sun
Two witnesses disagree about Duffy events, but it doesn�t mean one must be lying - Christie Blatchford, National Post
        Ottawa�s accountability problems start at the top, in the PMO - Editorial, The Globe & Mail
Benjamin Perrin, ex-PMO lawyer, disagreed with Harper over senator residency requirements - CBC News
        Bombardier shares get lift on update that C Series on track- Ross Marowits, The Globe & Mail

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


La Cor�e du Nord se dit pr�te � une �guerre totale� avec S�oulPlus
        Abitibi-T�miscamingue: une microrafale cause de nombreux d�g�tsPlus
Apr�s la grande s�cheresse dans l'Ouest, place...� la neige!Plus
        Un conducteur perd la vie � La TuquePlus
Des citoyens poursuivent en auto des suspects en MauriciePlus
        Tirs dans un train en France: un carnage �vit�Plus
Ils gagnent une voiture en trouvant un coupon par terrePlus
        Le num�ro 2 de l'EI tu� par une frappe am�ricainePlus
Jocelyne Ouellette est d�c�d�ePlus
        Proc�s Duffy: Harper �tait au courant, croit un ancien conseillerPlus

Lebel s'en prend � MulcairPlus
        Recherches en Estrie: le corps de la femme retrouv�Plus
Nouvelles accusations contre le chauffard Yves MartinPlus
        Second incident chez Simons: la b�tonni�re nie toutPlus
Pont-tunnel La Fontaine: une seule voie ouvertePlus
        Mich�le Audette candidate lib�rale dans TerrebonnePlus
Des casques bleus aux �tats-Unis? Plus
        Un cocktail Molotov lanc� sur un bar � Qu�becPlus
Syrie: l'EI d�truit un monast�re du 5e si�clePlus
        Mac�doine: la tension monte entre migrants et policiersPlus

Gr�ce: le parti de Tsipras se fragmentePlus
        Bangkok: �beaucoup de progr�s� dans l'enqu�tePlus
Pas de nouveau parti pour Jean-Marie Le PenPlus
        Un homme attaqu� � la sortie d'une banque d'OutremontPlus
Kim Jong-Un met la Cor�e du Nord sur le pied de guerrePlus
        SAQ et AMT: le PQ d�nonce des cong�diements partisansPlus
Proc�s Duffy: le chef de cabinet de Harper savaitPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Clinton�s Self-Inflicted Wounds - Karl Rove, Wall Street Journal
        Donald Trump Has Already Peaked - Philip Klein, Washington Examiner
I�m a Clinton Fan, But I Hope She Bows Out - Mary Dejevsky, The Guardian
        Republican Party Is Becoming a Bloodbath - Brian Beutler, The New Republic
Marco Rubio Gives Hillary Clinton Staunch Challenge in Bellwether States, Poll Shows - Alan Rappeport, New York Times
        TSX, Wall Street gains for year wiped out as markets plunge today- Eric Lam, Bloomberg News, Financial Post
Valeant offers $1B for Sprout, maker of �female Viagra� drug Addyi- The Canadian Press, CBC News
        That Amazon Story: We Are Afraid Our Work Is Killing Us- Mathew Ingram, Fortune
Cirque du Soleil, NASA help lift company�s global sales- Dana Flavelle, Toronto Star
        French National Front expels founder Jean-Marie Le Pen- BBC News

France, Britain to set up crisis centre as migrant pressure rises- The Times of India
        Ebola in Sierra Leone: after 4,000 deaths, outbreak all but over- Sarah Boseley , The Guardian
Millions of Yemenis �staring at famine� as war rages- Al Jazeera
        Tsipras resigns ahead of early Greek elections- France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

N. Korea says 'prepared to risk war' as troops on alert
        'Positive contacts' with Israel on Gaza truce: Hamas head
Man gets 15 months in prison for carving swastika into lawn
        Kosovo seeks backing for UNESCO membership bid
Indian PM offers solar power to Pacific island nations
        Greek gold mine dispute escalates over fate of workers
US halts military exercise with South Korea
        Turkey seeks to extend mandate for Iraq, Syria incursions: official
Germany sees highest number of births in over a decade
        Denmark sets EU justice opt-out referendum for December

EU rejects charges it is acting too slowly on migrants
        Ground battles flare as Pakistan pushes new offensive against militants
N.Ireland minister says IRA may still be operating despite peace deal
        Suu Kyi says Myanmar's democracy is like malnourished child
Poland's PM sharply criticizes new president over referendum
        China's military parade to show off weaponry
Germany says expects Athens to implement bailout reforms
        Second group of US-trained Syrian rebels could be deployed 'within weeks': source
Far left splits from Tsipras as Greece heads to elections
        Iran�s support to Hezbollah compels US to uphold sanctions: Obama

China slams Japan after Abe's wife visits war shrine
        More takeovers seen for small U.S. banks as rates stay low
Russia to make food smuggling as serious as arms trade
        Emerging markets do not deserve the doom-and-gloom treatment
Men claim to find Nazi train full of treasure in Poland
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Failed revolution, failed state: Libya's torment continues

Four years after the fall of Muammar Ghadaffi the only growth in Libya has been in refugees and smugglers looking to fill their boats bound for Europe. No one group has the strength to impose its authority, restore the rule of law, and control the country�s borders. It is a state of chaos in which the unscrupulous can, and do, thrive.

$850,000.00 were spent celebrating Canada's participation in this.

From: "Stephanie Mc Dowall"
Cc: Cc: <>,
Subject: Canada - War Crime: NATO Deliberately Destroyed Libya's Water Infrastructure

  • Read about the huge lies told to Canadians re our participation in the war against Libya.
  • Every single Canadian political leader except for Elizabeth May supported Canada's participation in the war against Libya.
  • Did Canadian bombs drop on Libya's water infrastructure ???
 War Crime: NATO Deliberately Destroyed Libya's Water Infrastructure.  A clear crime against  humanity.

It was in fact NATO which debilitated Libya's water supply by targeting critical state-owned water installations, including a water-pipe factory in Brega.�

The deliberate destruction of a nation's water infrastructure, with the knowledge that doing so would result in massive deaths of the population as a direct consequence, is not simply a war crime, but potentially a genocidal strategy.

It raises serious questions about the conventional mythology of a clean, humanitarian war in Libya - questions that mainstream journalists appear to be uninterested in, or unable to ask.

From: Mahmood Elahi
To: <>
Subject: As Robson thinks Harper lied to Parliament, he may vote for another centre-right party

The Editor
The Toronto Star

Copy to: The Hon. Sinclair Stevens, Leader of the Progressive Canadian Party: After a decade of Harper's autocratic rule, time has come for change and you are right to run candidates to siphon off moderate Conservative votes to defeat Harper.

                Prof. John Robson, Department of History, University of Ottawa.

 As Robson thinks Harper lied to Parliament, he may vote for another centre-right party

Re "Vote for principle, not partisanship," by John Robson (Aug. 21).

In another column: "Why I can't vote for the Harper Tories," (August 7), John Robson wrote: "I wrote nearly two years ago that Harper is unfit for office because he lied to Parliament over the Duffy-Wright affair, insolently telling incompatable tales five days apart in October 2013, and lying about having contradicted himself." Now, he might have a new centre-right party to vote for.

As reported by Vancouver-based The Tyee News (, a centre-right political party says it has had enough of Stephen Harper and will run candidates in ridings where Conservatives barely won in 2011, in the hope of siphoning off enough votes to allow for a Liberal or NDP win. The Progressive Canadian party was formed in 2004 by former Progressive Conservative party members who were upset at their pary's merger with the Canadian Alliance. The leader of the party is Sinclair Stevens, a former PC minister under Brian Mulroney.

Stevens said the plan is to offer conservatives who are unhappy with Harper's performance another right-of-centre option, with the aim of siphoning off Conservative party votes. "Our feeling is that if we have a credible candidate, they may take enough votes so that Conservatives won't make it."

This offers Mr. Robson with an alternative to Harper's Conservatives to vote for.  (Full disclosure: I am a member of now-defunct Progressive Conservative party of Canada).



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