Wednesday 16 December 2015


Trade war with U.S. likely averted: American bill would repeal meat labels
        Justin Trudeau to seek formal apology from Pope for church�s role in residential schools
Liberal lobbyists boast close connections to Trudeau government

Trudeau slams politics of fear as ignorant, irresponsible
        Mike Duffy bristles at Crown questions about meetings with Harper
Trudeau says he can�t compel Pope to apologize for church�s residential schools
        RCMP spending almost $82,000 on women�s high-heeled shoes
Duffy�s testimony comes under prosecution microscope
        Indigenous voter turnout was up � and Liberals may have benefited most
Politicians, activists differ on where to deal legalized pot
        Foreign ministry name change topped $121,000, docs suggest
Trudeau�s Finance Minister the first rookie in nearly 100 years
        Justin Trudeau meets with leaders of 5 national aboriginal groups

�Colossal effort� underway to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by year�s end
        Oil slide resumes as supplies unexpectedly grow
Trudeau expresses �tremendous concern� over Toronto pastor jailed in North Korea
        Baloney Meter: Did the government restore health benefits to Syrian refugees?
Liberals still quite strong on Nanos Index but incrementally slide
        North Korean court sentences Canadian pastor to life for anti-state activities
Don�t be surprised if marijuana legalization gets shoved to the back burner
        The emotionally charged details of doctor-assisted dying
Morneau�s in a tight corner at Finance. What would Flaherty do?
        The Paris agreement versus the Canadian passion for cheap gas

Duffy trial tool for Harper haters
        Caroline Mulroney says politics isn�t her priority
Conservative union in Alberta is harder than it looks
        Teach residential school scandal in history classes
Why Paris climate summit was a useful fraud
        Dear Prime Minister Trudeau

Duffy says he faced threats from Harper�s team over expenses
        Ontario�s civil service managers getting $58M in raises to ease wage freeze
Wildrose leader Brian Jean thinks one united conservative party could face off against Notley NDP in next election
        Shell, WWF heads join call for Trudeau to green the economy
Blue Jays, federal election top Google Canada searches in 2015
        Isolated reserve without clean water to get all-weather road: Minister
Long-delayed military search planes set to land on Liberal agenda in 2016
        American sunbelt feeling chill from low loonie and weakened Canadian economy
Pierre Trudeau action hero?
        Consensus on medically assisted dying reachable, Liberals say

This year�s highs and lows
        China wouldn�t push market status in trade talks, says embassy
Mike Duffy falsely told Nigel Wright he was broke, court hears
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Canada feels �no pressure� to agree to U.S. request on ISIS mission - CBC News
        Exhibit 104, a powerful pose, and Mike Duffy�s performance of a lifetime - Nicholas K�hler, Macleans
CPP talks high on finance ministers� agenda - Bill Curry, The Globe & Mail
        CRA hits back at anonymous report of widespread audit flaws - Kathryn May, Ottawa Citizen
B.C. Auditor general faults province for lax computer security - Rob Shaw, Vancouver Sun
        PMO�s payback expense scheme benefited Stephen Harper, not Mike Duffy, senator says - Mark Gollom, CBC News
Protests continue against Alberta�s farm safety bill, the NDP and carbon tax - Jodie Sinnema, Edmonton Journal
        8 things you should know about buying beer in Ontario supermarkets- Vito Pilieci, Financial Post
Buying a drone for Christmas? Check your insurance- Bloomberg, Toronto Star
        Poloz says economic recovery on track despite falling manufacturing sales- David Parkinson, The Globe & Mail


Lorraine Pag� quitte le parti Vrai changement pour Montr�alPlus
        L'arriv�e de r�fugi�s syriens va s'acc�l�rerPlus
Marine Le Pen sous enqu�te pour �diffusion d'images violentes�Plus
        Des drogues mal filtr�es dans l'eauPlus
Autochtones: Trudeau veut des excuses du pape Plus
        Justin Trudeau se d�fend de faire la vedettePlus
Proc�s Duffy: une inspiration pour les autres enqu�tesPlus
        Affaire Freddie Gray: le proc�s du policier Porter annul� Plus
C�drika: les recherches continuent malgr� la neigePlus
        Sept fr�res accus�s d'agressions sexuelles Plus

Il saute du deuxi�me �tage pour �viter son arrestationPlus
        Un pasteur canadien condamn� aux travaux forc�s Plus
La femme de Raif Badawi re�oit le prix SakharovPlus
        Coiteux convoque les chefs syndicaux cet apr�s-midiPlus
Stationnement: Coderre veut une politique uniquePlus
        Salah Abdeslam: une perquisition retard�e par une loiPlus
CPE: des manifestants protestent pr�s du pont Jacques-CartierPlus
        Trafic de stup�fiants: 12 suspects arr�t�s � VictoriavillePlus
Attentats de Paris: deux personnes arr�t�es en Autriche Plus
        Nucl�aire: Rohani annonce la fin des sanctions d'ici mi-janvierPlus

R�fugi�s syriens: des offres de dons parfois surr�alistesPlus
        Un s�isme caus� par la fracturation hydrauliquePlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Donald Trump Is About to Get Fired - John Hart, Opportunity Lives
        President Obama�s Awful Year - Jim Geraghty, National Review
Why Young Voters May Choose Marco Rubio Over Clinton - Jamelle Bouie, Slate
        Climate Change Issue Needs a Churchill - Froma Harrop, Real Clear Politics
Is It Ted Cruz�s Party � or Marco Rubio�s? - Emma Roller, New York Times
        The Great Greek Bank Robbery- Yanis Varoufakis, Project Syndicate
Saudi Arabia forms Muslim �anti-terrorism� coalition- Al Jazeera
        13 militants killed in Pakistan- The Times of India
Revealed: Prince Charles has received confidential cabinet papers for decades- Robert Booth, The Guardian
        Authority of new EU force to supercede that of member states- France 24
Syria conflict: Kerry seeks to narrow divisions with Russia- BBC News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Scientists find six new species of African clawed frog
        Iraq urds say repelled major ISIS offensive
UN chief says agreement to reunify Cyprus 'is within reach'
        Kerry to chair UN Security Council meeting on Syria Friday: State Department
France reports new bird flu strain as outbreak spreads
        UN chief: Assad's fate must not block solution to Syria war
NATO aid for Turkey also meant to prevent Russia clash: sources
        Russia may cut or cancel import duty on food from Iran
Two Palestinians killed during Israeli arrest raid in West Bank
        Obama administration sets $1.83 billion arms sale to Taiwan

US military says pulls 12 fighter jets from base in Turkey
        Germany ready to help "natural ally" Britain with EU reform bid
Russian general says new weapons will 'neutralize' US shield
        Russia's Putin orders suspension of free trade zone with Ukraine
Russian strikes against Syrian opposition are helping ISIS: UK's Hammond
        4,000 'slave' child workers removed from cocoa plantations
Merkel says aiming to resolve Syria conflict without Assad
        US, allies launch 11 strikes in Iraq, six in Syria: US military
Ukraine to suspend trade with Crimea in 30 days: PM Yatseniuk
        Lithuania, Poland warn EU over closer trade ties with Russia

Oil extends gains from six-year low as U.S. may lift export ban
        EU plans rapid-reaction border force to stem migration
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