Thursday 28 April 2016


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Mike Duffy�s expenses: �The matter is closed,� senior senators say

Let�s not make pipelines national-unity issue, Alberta premier says in interview
        iberal MP Doug Eyolfson breaks ranks with party on Air Canada bill
Inside the Ontario NDP�s union-funded holding company
        CC board approves victims of communism memorial in Garden of the Provinces and Territories

No conflict in Christy Clark Liberal party payment says former party strategist
        With Delta deal, Ottawa must go all in on CSeries: Quebec political class
CBC Board Member Resigns to Seek Conservative Presidency
        Can Peter Harder bring a new kind of leadership to the Senate?
Grading Trudeau�s first half year in office
        Andrea Horwath captive of NDP�s corporate gambit:
Why Trudeau must approve one of these pipelines
        After Duffy, much work remains to restore trust in Senate
The Duffy affair � and what it�s like living under the PMO�s bootheel
        What government is good at, and how it can improve
Governments need to follow through on vow to not pay ransom to terrorists
        Big gambles on big energy projects
Deting whether Christy Clark�s extra pay is conflict of interest

Trudeau shouldn�t rule out purchasing Lockheed�s F-35 just because he said he would
        Justin Trudeau now a Kardashian-like spinoff
Will Trudeau keep Northern Gateway promise?
        It�s now Clinton versus Trump � and Trump could win: Walkom
No pipelines? No prosperity
        No-ransom policy on hostages a tough promise to keep
Bill C�14 is about more than individual rights
        Justin Trudeau finds his resolve on terrorism
Alberta needs to suck it up and adopt a sales tax if it doesn�t want to be dependent on oil royalties
        A much-changed Senate chamber awaits Mike Duffy�s return

The fruitless pipeline romance between Justin Trudeau and Rachel Notley
        Will �deliverology� work for the federal government?
No, Harper can�t come back now � not even if he wants to
        Conservatives: Update pot policy or risk looking like prudes in poorly fitting blue suits
Why it�s tough for the Tories to hold Trudeau to account
        Christy Clark received $277,000 since 2011 from B.C. Liberals
Conference Board sees another year in the red for Canada�s oil and gas industry
        The A-Team of wonks in the Trudeau government
RESP grants favour higher-income families, federal study confirms
        Canadians put $40 billion in tax havens last year

First Nations student presses Trudeau on Third World living conditions
        New Ontario agency will be given sweeping mandate to overhaul energy use
80 people arrested in sweeping Ontario child online exploitation investigation
        Survey of Muslim Canadians rebuts lazy generalizations with hard data
B.C. woman falsely accused of being terrorist sues government for $21M
        Christy Clark�s private �allowance� from B.C. Liberals is no joke
Evidence suggests Canada made payments in past kidnapping cases
        Bombardier bailout would be �slap in the face� for Toronto because of streetcar delays: TTC chair
Duffy should be repaid lost wages, Senate colleague argues
        Duffy�s expenses could still be examined by Auditor General

Power Panel on Harper lawyer�s letter
        Suncor snags majority control of Syncrude with $937M Murphy Oil deal
Senators owner Melnyk gets early nod on plan to develop Ottawa�s LeBreton Flats
        Liberals pledge to strengthen info watchdog, but her funding�s at lowest point since 2009
DND paralyzed as politicians and bureaucrats pass the buck, says retired admiral
        Arctic patrol ship crews will be trained using virtual reality
Regina MP Andrew Scheer rumoured to run for Conservative Party leadership
        Dewar �not considering� leadership run, says party needs to rebuild from the bottom up
More News                                       More News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Patients, advocates decry �two-tiered� cancer care in Ontario - David Kates, National Post
        Andrea Horwath captive of NDP�s corporate gambit - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
Inside the Ontario NDP�s union-funded holding company - Rob Ferguson & Robert Benzie, Toronto Star
        Life after Harper: Reimagining the Conservatives - Paul Wells, Macleans
Trudeau shouldn�t rule out purchasing Lockheed�s F-35 just because he said he would - John Ivison, National Post
        nfair to have OPP investigate Liberal wrongdoing - Christina Blizzard, Toronto Sun
Canada falls short of 2030 climate promise even in best-case scenario, study says - Bruce Cheadle, The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        Duffy should be repaid lost wages, Senate colleague argues - Laura Stone & Robert Fife, The Globe & Mail
�Deliverology� great for government if you don�t mind breaking the bank, Ontario�s experience shows - David Reevely, Ottawa Citizen
         Trump presidency could add pressure on Canada�s defence spending - John Paul Tasker, CBC News

No pipelines? No prosperity - Lorrie Goldstein, Ottawa Sun
        Trudeau pushes back on pipeline criticism while in Saskatchewan - The Canadian Press, CTV News
Why Canadian white people have so much trouble understanding why somebody wouldn�t want to leave Attawapiskat - Tristin Hopper, National Post
        Costs climb as probe of B.C. Liberal election strategy drags on - Cassidy Olivier, Vancouver Sun
OMA prez rips Hoskins� �attacks� on docs - Christina Blizzard, Toronto Sun
        PC members could bar McIver from seeking Tory leadership - James Wood, Edmonton Journal
CMHC says many major housing markets showing signs of overvaluation- CBC News
        Moose Knuckles rapped over �made-in-Canada� claims- The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Indigenous economy worth $1.1B in Atlantic Canada: study- Keith Doucette, The Canadian Press, CTV News


S�rie C: le f�d�ral doit investir, selon Philippe CouillardPlus
        S�curit� ferroviaire: plus de transparence sur les railsPlus
Tentative de meurtre face au bar Muzique: un suspect �pingl�Plus
        Un meurtrier joue sa derni�re carte en Cour supr�mePlus
En train de jouer, un �l�ve re�oit une brique sur la t�tePlus
        L'ex-commandant du Concordia absent du d�but de son proc�sPlus
Ontario: 80 personnes arr�t�es pour pornographie juv�nilePlus
        Attentat de San Bernardino: 3 arrestations li�es au tueur Plus
Ted Cruz est �Lucifer� pour John BoehnerPlus
        Qu�bec peut bloquer �nergie Est, dit HeurtelPlus

D�charge de 15 000 volts fatale pour un �mondeurPlus
        �gorg�e parce qu'elle parle au t�l�phone avec un hommePlus
CSeries: Couillard se r�jouit et �corche l'oppositionPlus
        Syrie: journ�e meurtri�re � Alep, le r�gime pr�pare une offensivePlus
Trois personnes intoxiqu�es � PincourtPlus
        Le sexe oral n'est pas un viol si la victime est inconscientePlus
H�l�ne-de-Champlain: le restaurant toujours videPlus
        Cyclisme: �rien n'a chang� depuis le d�c�s de Mathilde Blais�Plus
La �miracul�e� Diane Robillard rencontre ses angesPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Cruz Looks to Kickstart Campaign by Naming Fiorina as Running Mate - Alex Insenstadt & Katie Glueck, Politico
        Trump Is Nowhere Near the �Presumptive Nominee� - Steve Berman, The Resurgent
Pulling Away From Sanders, Clinton Turns to the Fall - Chozick & Burns, New York Times
        Do-or-Die for Cruz in Indiana - Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
Beginning of the End for Sanders - Alex Seitz-Wald, NBC News
        A Trump-Clinton General Election: Who Does America Hate Least? - Cathleen Decker, Los Angeles Times
Syria peace talks: Opposition renews boycott threat- Al Jazeera
        Migrant crisis: Austria passes controversial new asylum law- BBC News
Manus Island detention centre to close, Papua New Guinea prime minister says- Helen Davidson and Ben Doherty, The Guardian
        Turkish PM says new constitution will remain secular- Reuters, The Times of India
Key Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam extradited to France- France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

US 'deeply concerned' over new China controls on foreign NGOs
        About 16 military disciplined in Afghanistan hospital attack
Germany calls for welfare curbs for EU immigrants
        Fighting erupts in Turkish parliament over contentious bill
France shows off humanoid underwater exploration robot
        EU mulls 'snapback' on Turkish visas
Reconstruction aid to 1,000 Gaza families suspended after Israel cement ban: UN
        Israel renews opposition to French peace initiative
French lawmakers urge government not to renew Russia sanctions
        Damascus concerned at reports of US troops arrival

Violent clashes at French protests over labor reforms
        UN chief slams 'increasingly restrictive' EU refugee policies
Half Australia's Great Barrier Reef northern coral "dead or dying": scientists
        Obama fails to swing Britain behind EU as "Out" takes lead: YouGov poll
Australia talks tough on asylum-seekers
        Conflict in the Caucasus seems perilously close
We�re not here to provoke, U.S. jet pilots say on Putin�s doorstep
        Mussolini museum project awakes demons of Italy�s past
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


From: Larry Kazdan
Subject: No pipelines? No prosperity, Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun, April 27
To: Letters Editor <>

Are more pipelines really in the best economic interests of all Canadians? While private gains may accrue to the oil and gas industry when exports increase, huge costs  are borne by our environment. It would be much better to protect our commercial fishing and tourism industries, and invest in public transit, building retrofits, and renewable energy. Not only would many more jobs be created and future export industries created, but there would be fewer carbon emissions, and less resistance from residents of the coast.

As for the suffering of individuals who have lost jobs, our federal government can always take compensatory action when the private sector falters,  As demonstrated during times of war or financial crisis, the government of Canada has immense fiscal power that comes from ownership of a central bank. Through targeted spending, the Liberal government can ensure that all Canadians are protected during an economic downturn.


1. The Economic Costs and Benefits of the Proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline
If the full costs of carbon emissions from extraction, processing and combustion
were counted, the pipeline would likely be uneconomical. While private gains accrue to the oil and gas industry, huge costs are borne by others.


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