Tuesday 30 January 2018


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<< http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/

Sister-in-law behind poll asking if Caroline Mulroney should run for Ontario P.C. leader

Trudeau says zero tolerance on misconduct toward women applies to him as well
        Canada Summer Jobs injunction request dismissed by Federal Court
Conservatives edge out Liberals in 4th quarter fundraising in 2017
        400 bottles of wine on the plane: Federal politicians have access to limitless alcohol on government flights

House spending $50k on in-person sexual harassment training for MPs; all caucuses declaring it �mandatory�
        Tory makes fun of Ford�s basement campaign launch
Mulroney offers spirited defence of NAFTA during Washington appearance
        Sexual harassment legislation alone cannot change the culture in Ottawa
Parliament�s MPs brace for a sex scandal of their own
        The #MeToo court of public opinion needs some ground rules, fast
For the accused men overtaken by the #MeToo tsunami, there is no recovery
        The presumption of innocence is for courtrooms, not politics
Canada�s railways are not self-regulated
        Tourism and Business Sectors Sound Alarm on Funds for Airport Security Screening

Doug Ford puts rest of Ontario political elites on notice
        Let those who know best pick a party leader � that�s the caucus, not �the membership�
Still Harper�s Conservatives? The Liberals are happy if voters think so

The Nation-to-Nation Relationship: Three Indigenous Leaders Grade the Government�s Progress
        Trudeau Says Reflections From #MeToo Movement �Continue For Us All�
Justin Trudeau on why Kent Hehr remains in caucus amid groping allegations: �Every case will be different�
        Ont. Tories to �root out the rot,� says interim leader who won�t run for permanent job
B.C. announces oil transportation restrictions that could affect Kinder Morgan
        Trudeau trades insults with Quebec nationalist, far-right group La Meute
PCs wanted a leadership race and Doug Ford gave them one
        Doug Ford as leader is a nightmare for many Ontario PCs, but there�s a silver lining in his bid
Doug Ford makes everything worse for Ontario PC party �elites�
        Doug Ford cannot lose, and Toronto cannot win

Green Party invokes feminism in defence of Elizabeth May
        The Ontario PC Party needs a woman to take charge
Hasty change to assisted dying bill a serious error
        NDP outsider aims to pry open Ottawa�s secret ways
Conservative Party handling of sex harassment allegations �disgusting,� Tory MP says
        Ontario PC Party database hit by ransomware attack last November
Ontario PCs face deepening crisis amid pushback to cancel leadership race
        NB Liberals choose election-year spending over deficit cutting as budget presented
New bill reinstating public financing for political parties to cost more than $45-million: PBO
        How Doug Ford�s run for Ontario PC leader could shake the party to its core

Conservative MP urges politicians to practice self-care after emergency hospitalization
        Cornwallis statue to be removed from Halifax park after council vote
$1.1B lawsuit alleges horrors at Canada�s �Indian hospitals�
        Top CRA executives pocket $35,000 a year in performance pay
Military cites privacy concerns for slow progress in review of unfounded cases
        Liberals maintain lead over Conservatives
Liberals 38, Conservatives 31, NDP 20, Green 8: Nanos
        NAFTA Progress? Three Trade Experts Weigh In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Vic Fedeli says he won�t run in race to lead Ontario PCs - Rob Ferguson, Toronto Star
        Electronic spy agency watchdog asks for more powers - Alex Boutilier, Toronto Star
The Ontario PCs still have time to win (assuming they don�t screw up again) - Kelly McParland, National Post
        PC insiders tried to keep Ford out � and now he�s storming the barricades - Anthony Furey, Toronto Sun
Alberta�s new Opposition leader Jason Kenney sworn in at legislature - The Canadian Press, CTV News
        B.C.�s public auto insurer predicts more than $1 billion in losses by end of fiscal year - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Auditor general to issue new fighter jet report in the fall - Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Andrew Scheer would remove candidates accused of sexual assault - The Canadian Press, Macleans
�Crisis� of harassment on Parliament Hill, minister warns - Bruce Campion-Smith, Toronto Star
        NDP trade critic calls on Trudeau to release all details of new TPP deal - Jonathan Forani, CTV News

Pressure on Apple shares continues over iPhone X worries- CTV News
        Keurig buys Dr. Pepper Snapple, creating beverage giant with $11B in sales- The Associated Press, CBC News
�The potential is absolutely huge�: Watch out America, Canada is the next frontier for shale oil- Nia Williams - Reuters, Financial Post
        Ontario marijuana producers hit by minimum wage hike- Armina Ligaya, The Globe and Mail

TOUTES LES NOUVELLES PUBLIES DEPUIS 24 HEURES http://fr.canoe.ca/infos/aujourdhui/

Tous les policiers new-yorkais bient�t �quip�s de cam�ras corporellesPlus
        M�tamph�tamine : deux Qu�b�cois arr�t�s au Nouveau-BrunswickPlus
Ing�rence russe: le FBI dans le viseur des r�publicainsPlus
        Ottawa cache ses correspondances avec Netflix avant la signature de l'entente controvers�e Plus
Le mari de la joggeuse retrouv�e morte avoue avoir tu� son �pousePlus
        La guerre a fait 270 000 d�plac�s en Syrie pendant l'hiverPlus
Jacques Duchesneau r�cup�re 1 M$ d'argent vol�Plus
        P�rou: un camion roule sur les c�l�bres lignes de NazcaPlus
Investiture de Puigdemont ajourn�ePlus
        Washington prendra �bient�t� de nouvelles sanctions contre la RussiePlus
Jacques Duchesneau r�cup�re 1 M$ d'argent vol�Plus
        Agression sexuelle: un entra�neur de gymnastique est arr�t� en OntarioPlus

Toronto: un homme �tait attach� au lit du pr�sum� tueur en s�rie lors de son arrestationPlus
        France : installation d'un impressionnant ponton � 2900 m d'altitude dans les Pyr�n�esPlus
Un Palestinien tu� par des tirs de soldats isra�liens (minist�re)Plus
        Un d�fenseur notoire des sans-papiers lib�r� � New York Petite victoire pour un d�fenseur notoire des sans-papiersPlus
Des contrebandiers arr�t�s avec une tonne de pattes d'oursPlus
        L'ex-ministre Kent Hehr se remet d'une crise d'�pilepsiePlus
Pyongyang n'a pas encore prouv� que ses missiles peuvent frapper les �tats-Unis Plus
        Projet Hantise: des amendes de plus de 370 000 $ pour quatre personnes et une entreprisePlus
Le litre d'essence grimpe de 21 cents dans la r�gion de Montr�alPlus
        Diesel : des tests sur humains et animaux r�alis�s �depuis des ann�es� aux Pays-BasPlus

Face au Congr�s, Trump s'appuie sur la vigueur de l'�conomiePlus
        Le talent cach� de la duchesse de CambridgePlus
Ultime recours en gr�ce d'un condamn� � mort au TexasPlus
        Facebook devant la justice pour censure du tableau �L'Origine du monde�Plus
Discours annuel sur l'�tat de l'Union: les d�mocrates choisissent un Kennedy Plus
        4000 cochons tu�s dans un incendie dans le sud de l'OntarioPlus
Le patron de la c�l�bre marque Quiksilver port� disparu en merPlus
        La Commission europ�enne �choqu�e� par des tests automobiles sur les singesPlusp


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Trump says he rejects feminism because he is �for everyone� - Eugene Scott, Washington Post
        New FBI Texts Divide Congress Over 2nd Special Counsel - Susan Ferrechio, Washington Examiner
Trump Repeats Nixon�s Fateful Panic - Charles Blow, New York Times
        NeverTrump Pundits Sing Clinton�s Tune - Julie Kelly, American Greatness
Dem lawmaker: Clinton should have fired former adviser accused of sexual harassment �on the spot� - Rebecca Savransky, The Hill
        India estimates 21 million of its girls are �unwanted�- BBC News
Ireland to greenlight referendum on abortion law reform- Henry McDonald, The Guardian
        North Korea calls off joint Olympic event with South- Al Jazeera
UK to have no say in EU affairs during Brexit transition- France 24
        90,000 flee Philippine volcano stretching relief camps- AFP, The Times Of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<< http://www.dailystar.com

Sochi congress agrees a constitutional committee: Lavrov
        Declining species of shark added to endangered species list
Conservationists sue Trump administration over rare Mexican wolf
        Israel condemns Irish bill banning goods from occupied lands
Sochi conference backs Syria's territorial unity, 'democratic' path
        Blue moon, supermoon, eclipse rolled into one
Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian in West Bank: ministry
        Russian police detain opposition leader Navalny's allies
German coalition talks break impasse on migrants' relatives
        Israelis protesting pending deportation of African migrants

No talks with US until Jerusalem move reversed: Palestinian official
        Russia hopes to turn page on doping at Olympics: Putin
Macron minister refuses to quit over rape charge he denies
        60,000 North Korean children may starve, sanctions slow aid: UNICEF
Iranian opposition scholar accuses Khamenei of abuse of power
        Child experts: Just say 'no' to Facebook's kids app
Russia's Putin says Moscow wants to develop relations with the United States
        Dutch have run human, animal diesel tests 'for years': report
Foreign reporters say China work conditions worsen
        Taliban assail Trump's rejection of talks, vow to fight on

Palestinian, Israeli ministers to meet after US Jerusalem move
        BBC women denounce unequal pay as heat rises for broadcaster
63M women, girls missing due to India's preference for boys
        Britain will be worse off in every Brexit scenario, government analysis says: BuzzFeed
Israeli army to unite command in occupied Jerusalem area
        Previous                           Next

From: "John Feldsted" <jfeldsted@shaw.ca>
Subject: Trudeau says sexual harassment is a 'systemic problem'
Read on: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-liberals-sexual-harassment-hehr-1.4507704?cmp=news-digests-cbc-news-politics

It is easy for Trudeau to say that we must listen to women who raise complaints of sexual harassment, interference and molestation but we have failed to provide them with a venue to be heard in. For decades, women have been denied due process.

Sexual misconduct Is unlawful under the criminal code, but there are three major flaws. First is that an accused must be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Often the crown must rely on the versions of the parties involved. The second flaw is that the crown prosecutes, and the woman harmed is effectively a by-stander. The third is that our criminal courts have very limited provisions for victim counselling and healing.

We need changes to our laws to allow a victim advocate to participate in trials that are prosecuted under the criminal code.

We need to move some forms of sexual misconduct from the criminal courts to civil courts because a judgement is based on the balance of probability. Credibility plays a larger part.

Victims must have access to legal aid representation when they can�t afford a lawyer. We need to put in place counselling services for victims.

At present we are witnessing an accused convicted by public opinion without due process. Our duty as a society is to find a balance where valid complaints are fairly heard and the charter and legal rights of both accused and accuser are protected including protecting a victim from retaliation.

We will not see a change in workplace harassment until perpetrators understand they can be facing a public court hearing or trial if they persist.

When Trudeau puts forth appropriate amendments to legislation, he will have some credibility on this file. Until then, he is just blowing smoke rings in an effort to look good.

John Feldsted


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