Tuesday 5 February 2019

Daily Digest February 5, 2019.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<< http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/

Khadr trying new way to get out from under "indefinite" sentence and bail

Ottawa pushes navy�s planned supply ships to the front of the construction queue
        Global Affairs Canada warns Canadians to avoid �all� travel to Venezuela
Single tax form in Quebec a no-go for federal Liberals, Trudeau says
        Canada will not be making U.S. �suggestion� to repatriate ISIS fighters a priority: Goodale

Controversial Gatineau city councillor questions whether the Earth is round
        Senators agree to travel as part of study on C-69, but no deadline or details
Parliament�s security service looks for cyber guru
        What is Thomas Mulcair thinking? (surely it�s not �comeback�)
C-69: It�s Not the Senate�s Job to Define �Sustainability�
        Power Play: The Strategy Session
Letter from Davos, 2019: Trade, Trust and Trump

A Western Canada party once worked to win a place in Ottawa. Today, voters might back another: poll
        Concerns raised over national security amid refugee screening backlog
Shipyard at heart of Norman trial received secret cabinet documents in error
        Conservatives renounce Google ad that spreads false border claim
Inuit reaction to Liberals� Indigenous languages law: �landmark� and �colonial�
        New Indigenous languages bill about �strengthening� culture, identity: Trudeau
Canadian unions helped fund delegation that gave glowing review of Venezuela election widely seen as illegitimate
        Liberals 38, Conservatives 36, NDP 13, Green 8, People�s 2 : Nanos
Former ISIS sex slaves sheltered in Canada threatened with phone calls, texts
        Organized labour lines up against Canada�s stance on Venezuela

Making the Canada Brand matter to the world is the goal of a Canada 2020 initiative
        Trudeau�s Liberals, Legault�s CAQ lead the pack with Quebecers: poll
Lima Group embraces Venezuelan opposition leader Guaido, calls on military to quit Maduro
        Oilpatch giants deny involvement in covert U.S. pollution campaign
Canadian border more of a terror concern than Mexican for U.S.: report
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Today, Canada decides to stand up for human rights in� *spins wheel* Venezuela - Neil Macdonald, CBC News
        There are lies, damn lies and election campaigns - Andrew Coyne, National Post
Trudeau defends indefensible Vaughan tweet to �whack� Ford - Brian Lilley, Toronto Sun
        Senators promise robust review of Bill C-69 as provincial angst deepens over Trudeau energy reforms - Jesse Snyder, Calgary Herald
Mulcair�s Green party musing exposes the NDP�s troubles - Chantal H�bert, Toronto Star
        High Tide signs letter of intent with Ontario pot store lottery winner- The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Tesla to buy battery tech maker Maxwell Technologies for $218 million- Reuters, Financial Post
        Facebook�s Timeline: 15 Years In- Kurt Wilberding and Georgia Wells, Wall Street Journal

TOUTES LES NOUVELLES PUBLIES DEPUIS 24 HEURES http://fr.canoe.ca/infos/aujourdhui/

Un d�put� reproche � une ministre de ne s�exprimer qu'en fran�ais
        Le hijab incarne �l�oppression des femmes�, selon Isabelle Charest
�Comment se fait-il que ces informations-l� n��taient pas connues?�
        Les enqu�teurs face au d�fi de la r�cup�ration du corps
Pas de poursuites contre un policier qui avait abattu un Noir
        Un infirmier plaide non coupable du viol d'une femme dans le coma
Isabelle Charest � la Condition f�minine
        �C�est un r�flexe de colonis�! �a n�a pas de bon sens!�
Un camionneur perd le contr�le de son v�hicule
        Bagarre g�n�rale entre une trentaine de parents

Un corps retrouv� dans une voiture incendi�e sur la Rive-Nord
        La pr�sidente de la CSDM �a tir� dans sa chaloupe�!
Une �l�ve du primaire bless�e apr�s une dispute avec un autre jeune
        Le pont de Qu�bec compl�tement ferm� � la circulation
La �tenue de ville� requise pour les d�put�s... pour le moment


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< http://looniepolitics.com/
Bernie Sanders to deliver his own State of the Union response - Chris Mills Rodrigo, The Hill
        Northam Has to Resign, Even If He Doesn�t Know It Yet - Chris Cillizza, CNN
Can Dems Talk Pelosi Out of Her Rigid Border Position? - Byron York, Washington Examiner
        Joe Lieberman says Northam shouldn�t resign: �There�s a rush to judgment that is unfair to him� - Michael Burke, The Hill
2020 Democrats Agree: They�re Very, Very Sorry - Astead W. Herndon and Sydney Ember, New York Times
        Poll: Democrats have reason to fret Schultz - Steven Shepard, Politico
In the Trump era, the Democratic Party won�t tolerate past racist behavior from its members - Chuck Todd and Mark Murray, NBC News
        Democrats in 2020: Preaching unity, taking different paths - Michael Scherer, Washington Post
UAE gives Pope pomp-filled welcome ceremony at visit�s start- The Associated Press, The Times of India
        Erdogan slams US �silence� over Khashoggi, demands Saudi answers- Al Jazeera

Venezuela: Maduro hits back at �gringo plot to overthrow revolution�- Tom Phillips, The Guardian
        French air strikes target convoy entering Chad from Libya- France 24
Bahamas: 28 Haitian migrants drown in illegal crossing- BBC News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<< http://www.dailystar.com

Fiat Chrysler recalling 882,000 pickup trucks in two call backs
        Pope: Vatican open to mediating in Venezuela if both sides ask
French parliament passes law to curb violent protests
        Mexico foreign minister says not defending Venezuela's Maduro
Taliban calls recent Afghanistan peace talks with US successful: Ifax
        Iran warns Israel of a 'firm response' if it continues attacking targets in Syria: Fars news
EU is waiting to hear PM May's Brexit plan: Commission
        No satisfactory plan with US on north Syria safe zone: Erdogan
Russia backs talks between Venezuela's Maduro and opposition: RIA
        'Still time' to find Brexit solution: Merkel

Fish fuel bumper pot crops for Canadian producer
        Merkel hints at a Brexit compromise
POT ticker starts frenzy as WHO relaxes marijuana stance
        White House: Economy strong despite shutdown
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Flow: The state of effortless focus
When you're in "the zone", creative work comes easily. But can you force it?
How to cope with unpleasant tasks
The best � and worst � ways to get t through your to-do list


From: John Feldsted <jfeldsted@shaw.ca>
Subject: Conservatives take flak over Heritage Minutes parody ad video
Historica Canada says they often welcome spoofs, but not for partisan purposes

Elise von Scheel
CBC News
Feb 03, 2019

The federal Conservative party temporarily deleted a political attack ad parodying the Heritage Minutes, after receiving a request from the organization that produces the historical TV segments, before re-posting the video with a disclaimer.

The video, entitled Liberal Scandals: Part of Our Heritage, was posted to leader Andrew Scheer's Twitter and Facebook accounts Saturday night.

By the next morning, Historica Canada  the non-partisan organization that makes the videos   released a statement calling for the removal of the video.

"While we often welcome parodies of the Minutes, we do not approve of them being used for partisan political purposes," it reads.

The video was deleted in the afternoon, before being re-posted with a disclaimer.

Anthony Wilson-Smith, the president and CEO of Historica, told CBC News he was advised of the video by his staff Sunday morning. Even with the newly added disclaimer, Wilson-Smith said the Conservative ad runs "counter to the spirit" of the heritage commercials.

The Conservative spoof used similar styles of narration, graphics and historical photos to those in the official Heritage Minutes spots, but the Tory segment lashes out at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet for various ethical and conflict-of-interest breaches.

It details the prime minister's breach of ethics laws for his vacation to the Aga Khan's private island, the violation of conflict of interest rules by then-fisheries minister Dominic LeBlanc when he awarded a lucrative Arctic surf clam licence to a company linked to his wife's cousin, and Finance Minister Bill Morneau stalling to disclose a private corporation that owns a villa in southern France that he shares with his wife.

It also criticized Minister Jane Philpott for using the luxury driving services of a political supporter. The ethics commissioner cleared her of any wrongdoing in the spending controversy.

Read on: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservatives-take-flak-over-heritage-minutes-parody-ad-video-1.5004160

Are we witnessing opening of the CPC 2015 election campaign v 2.0? Underestimating the intelligence of your support and potential support is not an auspicious opening.

It is irrelevant what Scheer and the CPC think of Trudeau and the Liberals and vice versa. We are tired of the comedy routine. Social media and e-mails have been filled with partisan videos, cartoons and less than polite political commentary for the past two years. Attack ads are passe and boring. 

Tell us how the CPC is going to govern differently. Lead like you're serious or get the hell out of the road and watch the PPC roll over you. We can wind up with a minority government and the PPC holding the balance of power. We can also wind up with the CPC holding the balance of power.

Political parties are all buried to their eyeballs in populism and statism. We have not seen fresh ideas or approaches for decades. All decisions are politically risk adverse. Do not, in any circumstance, make any decision that may cost you votes. That is the polar opposite of representative governance.

Governments cannot control the economy except in socialist dictatorships. In a democratic, free market nation, we are at the mercy of international trade in goods, services and finances. We need to protect ourselves from corporation that have grown larger than many nations and from internal cartel that corner a niche market and overcharge the public for the services and goods they control.

Canada has an extensive and enviable social services network, but it is highly fragmented, inefficient and overly costly. We have created a social services industry the delivers services badly. Failings of our social services network, and there are many, are supplemented by charities. If the social services industry actually worked, we would not need homeless shelters, soup kitchens, food banks and other services charities provide. We are failing our most vulnerable.

We are tired of governments that can't or won't. We don'
t care why. We are promised prosperity but as the decades roll by all we have to show for it is increased debt. Someone has the bite the bullet and govern ethically, honestly, prudently and responsibly. We need seasoned adults at the helm who are dedicated to serving the best interests of the constituents they represent. Nothing less will do.               

John Feldsted


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