>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Are Steve Bannon And Gerald Butts Friends? PMO Says It�s Just Business
The Conservative Party wrings its hands on condemning The Rebel
NAFTA, Round 1: U.S. opens talks by insisting on major changes to pact
Trump folds advisory councils as departures mount
Andrew Scheer�s free speech pledge wouldn�t apply in Toronto case; spokesman
High-profile conservatives organizing to shift Conservative Party to centre
Charlie Angus takes short leave from NDP leadership race after sister�s death
Refugee claimants found in possession of child porn at Quebec border
Andrew Scheer�s inclusive appeal shouldn�t leave room for alt-right
The Rebel�s fast running out of friends. Better late than never, I suppose.
The Rebel exodus suggests just one �ism� separates far right from alt-right hate
In Charlottesville, America Showed The Alt-Right They Don�t Belong
Trump�s presidency a long descent into darkness
Patrick Brown�s disastrous tenure as PC leader
Quiet Canadian, ugly American: Does racism differ north of the border?
Tension between The Rebel and conservatives erupts anew
Derek Fildebrandt resigns from UCP caucus, cites controversy over mistakes
New Quebec poll shows it�s still a two-way Liberal-CAQ race
Justin Trudeau�s top adviser has an unlikely friend in the Trump administration
White nationalist group not welcome on campus: University of Toronto
Kinder Morgan: Let�s move from battleground to common ground
Canada united, America divided on NAFTA as negotiations begin
Confederate plaque on Montreal Hudson�s Bay store to be removed
Former Sask. minister shilling for Chinese immigration scheme �appearance of a conflict,� prof. says
How the Canadian navy plans to use its newest warship
Kathleen Wynne rejects idea of raising taxes to pay for infrastructure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<�Fundamentally failed�: U.S. vows major overhaul as NAFTA talks formally begin - Kathleen Harris, CBC News
Stakeholders assess Canada�s NAFTA game plan - Andy Blatchford, The Canadian Press, CTV News
B.C. political parties release election spending totals - Rob Shaw, Vancouver Sun
Ontario�s premier failed to stand up for freedom - Tarek Fatah, Toronto Sun
Wynne not interested in raising taxes to pay for infrastructure - Rob Ferguson, Toronto Star
�Disgusting things to say�: Petition calls for removal of Indigenous veterans leader - Jason Warick, CBC News
Canada�s banking regulator to review sales practices of major banks- Armina Ligaya, Financial Post
Advertisers decry Canada�s proposed restrictions on marketing food to kids- Susan Krashinsky Robertson, The Globe and Mail
Rappel de hochets pour b�b� en raison d'un risque d'�touffementPlus
France: le conducteur qui a fonc� sur une pizzeria inculp� et �crou�Plus
Moins de migrants tentent de traverserPlus
Un octog�naire recherch� dans des champs de Saint-Barth�lemyPlus
La fonte des glaces du Groenland va s'acc�l�rer Plus
Le Texas renonce � une loi sur les toilettes et les transgenresPlus
Le Liban abroge un article permettant � un violeur d'�chapper � une condamnationPlus
Ils appellent � rejeter le racisme et la hainePlus
Trump dissout deux de ses conseils �conomiquesPlus
Le guide supr�me iranien ironise sur les �.-U.Plus
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu : accusations d'agression sexuelles contre un militairePlus
�tats-Unis : la protection des donn�es cellulaires r�clam�ePlus
Une polici�re de Montr�al s'enl�ve la vie dans un poste de quartierPlus
Manoeuvres am�ricano-japonaises sur l'�le de HokkaidoPlus
Apr�s Charlottesville, la pression enfle autour des monuments conf�d�r�sPlus
Ils l'embauchent pour du gardiennage et la forcent � se prostituerPlus
Inondations en Sierra Leone: 105 enfants figurent parmi les mortsPlus
Deux pitbulls sauvent des enfants d'un serpent venimeuxPlus
Baisse des frais de service de l'application Stationnement Montr�al Plus
Cor�e du Nord: Trump salue la d�cision �sage� de Kim Jong-Un sur GuamPlus
Un tweet d'Obama le plus �aim� de tous les tempsPlus
�Une �norme banni�re pour une �norme b�tise� - Regroupement JunexitPlus
Une ado de 14 ans viol�e et laiss�e inconsciente sur un trottoirPlus
�Effroi� aux Philippines: la police abat 32 trafiquants pr�sum�sPlus
Accalmie sur le front des incendies en Gr�ce Plus
Jug� pour corruption, l'ex-ministre russe accuse un proche de Poutine
FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Dem lawmaker calls for Trump�s removal - Mike Lillis, The Hill News
Could Paul Manafort Bring Down the Whole Trump Family? - Bob Dreyfuss, The Nation
Democrats Fret as Clinton Book Rollout Looms - Albert Hunt, Bloomberg
Identity Politics of All Kinds Are Odious and Poisonous - Ace, Ace of Spades
Saudi Arabia and Iraq to re-open border crossing after 27 years- Reuters, The Times Of India
Sierra Leone pleads for �urgent support� as floods kill hundreds- France 24
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Trump praises NKorean 'wise' decision to halt missile test
Turkey warns Iraqi Kurdish referendum risks 'civil war'
US-Japan conduct air drills as NKorea watches 'Yankees' next move
Scientists potentially narrow MH370 search area to 3 spots
Britain seeks Brexit without borders for Northern Ireland
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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