>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Foreign service union says Sarkar pay could impact future salary negotiations
New U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly Knight Craft to start job in October
Most Canadians approve of nomination of Julie Payette to be Governor General
Ottawa faces pressure to examine historic figures celebrated in Canada
Fighter jet sale may depend on U.S. trade ruling expected next month
G7 leaders to meet June 8-9 in Quebec�s Charlevoix region: Trudeau
Invoking dead husband in online criticism crosses line, senator says
Conservative politicians welcome to watch parade, but can�t march: Calgary Pride
Canada�s top politicians violated Duffy�s rights and that will cost us
Was Mike Duffy wronged? For Canadians, that�s beside the point
Mike Duffy may have a point in lawsuit against the Senate
Donald Trump�s props help explain political theatre of the absurd
Should John A. Macdonald�s name be removed from schools? It is at least a question worth asking
Even John A. Macdonald isn�t safe from a foolish revisionism that never ends
After three months, feds on track to meet $28.5B deficit prediction: report
Cabinet resignation gives Trudeau chance to sharpen government�s focus on getting results
Poll suggests Mike de Jong is B.C. Liberals� best choice for leader
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau shows off her surfing skills in B.C.
Premier Kathleen Wynne says proposal to strip public schools of John A. Macdonald�s name misses mark
United Conservative Party caucus facing deficit, considering job cuts
Is Trump emboldening right-wing extremism in Canada?
Memo to CPC brass � there�s more than one way to be a Tory
How the federal government can shape Canada�s Development Finance Institution
Why we shouldn�t cheer for white supremacist website deletions
B.C. medical marijuana firm issues recall over tainted drugs
UCP board passes resolution affirming LGBTQ support
Rising household debt could be drag on long-term growth: federal document
B.C. NDP criticized over $500 tickets to Horgan golf event
�They�re trying to milk the system�: B.C.�s NDP government criticized by Greens for pricey fundraisers
�Data is the new oil�: Your personal information is now the world�s most valuable commodity
Veterans� groups �appalled� by website selling Remembrance products for apparent profit
Conservative senator asks colleague to explain strange Facebook activity
McKenna gets advice from scientist muzzled by Harper
Public works department introduces government�s 1st transgender policy
Scheer says illegal border entry points should be designated as official
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< three months, feds on track to meet $28.5B deficit prediction: report - The Canadian Press, CTV News
Cabinet resignation gives Trudeau chance to sharpen government�s focus on getting results - Chris Hall, CBC News
Climate change still a NAFTA priority for Canada - The Canadian Press, Macleans
Indigenous chapter in new NAFTA could address mobility concerns over border - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Lobbyists scrambled to manage Liberal cabinet�s review of Davie ship contract, documents show - Murray Brewster, CBC News
The case for politicians who want to cross the floor - Jason Markusoff, Macleans
The writing is likely on the wall for Energy East, but Trudeau is making a big, costly gamble- Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post
The Pollcast: Can Kathleen Wynne stage a comeback in 2018?
Le Canada et les �tats-Unis enqu�tentPlus
Pr�s de sept tonnes de coca�ne de Colombie saisies en une semainePlus
Un feu de for�t force l'�vacuation de 1100 personnesPlus
Trafic de stup�fiants � Mont-Joli: deux individus arr�t�sPlus
Un homme de 44 ans est poignard� dans un commerce � Montr�alPlus
Washington impose de nouvelles sanctions financi�res contre le VenezuelaPlus
L'arm�e chinoise mobilis�e � Macao, o� le bilan du typhon s'est alourdiPlus
Attaque de rebelles musulmans rohingyas en Birmanie: 89 mortsPlus
Deux corps retrouv�s dans une voiture au centre-ville de Montr�alPlus
Un ex-ing�nieur de Volkswagen condamn� � 40 mois de prisonPlus
Un bus chute dans la mer Noire, au moins 18 mortsPlus
Mon R�jean Ducharme � moiPlus
Washington poursuit ses op�rations malgr� les incidents Plus
Trump critiqu� par son influent conseiller �conomique sur CharlottesvillePlus
La Russie envisageait un plan de dopage pour le Mondial de 2018 Plus
De violents heurts font 14 morts apr�s la condamnation d'un gourou pour violPlus
Myst�re du sous-marin danois: le suspect nie avoir tu� ou mutil� la journalistePlus
Vin: la France va conna�tre sa plus petite r�colte depuis 1945Plus
Sofiane Ghazi de retour en courPlus
Ouragan Harvey: les secours am�ricains craignent �un d�sastre tr�s important� au TexasPlus
Afghanistan: attaque-suicide dans une mosqu�e chiite � KaboulPlus
Un homme de 27 ans retrouv� sain et saufPlus
Comment �viter le trafic ce week-endPlus
Un homme d'origine �trang�re mortellement happ�Plus
Russie: un autocar chute dans la mer Noire, au moins 14 mortsPlus
Tel p�re, tel fils: l'h�ritier de Samsung reconnu coupable par la justicePlus
FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Flake: Trump is �inviting� 2020 presidential primary challenge - Ben Kamisar, The Hill
GOP, Stop Giving Liberal Media the Cannibalism It Craves - Newt Gingrich, Fox News
After ESPN & Other Insanity, Clear Trump Won Monument Debate - S.E. Cupp, New York Daily News
Trump is starting to tear the GOP apart - Aaron Blake, Washington Post
Steve Bannon Readies His Revenge - Gabriel Sherman, Vanity Fair
Angola�s ruling party claims election victory- Jason Burke, The Guardian
EU needs migrant labour reform � France�s Macron- BBC News
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
No end to British wage squeeze despite tumbling jobless rate
Dollar slides as Fed chief Yellen dances around monetary policy
Trump administration imposes sweeping sanctions on Venezuela
The Achilles� heel of Putin�s regime: financial havens
Opening for cooperation between Israel and Arabs
Weekly anti-Netanyahu rallies grow larger in Israel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
To Avoid Climate Catastrophe, We'll Need to Remove CO2 From the Air
A more interesting read on the subject than usual
From: Rene Moreau <>
To Avoid Climate Catastrophe, We'll Need to Remove CO2 From the Air
A more interesting read on the subject than usual
NAFTA countries enter confidentiality deal; promise not to leak on each other
Nafta countries enter confidentiality deal; promise not to leak on each other.
On Corporate Rule of Planet Earth; and the dangers there-in;
As we watch our selves be surrounded by examples of how to let democracy, (government for the people, by the people) be taken over by entities that don't DO Democracy, It is not in their job description, we learn, or at least some do, from history of military tactics. Mind you, so do the corporate entities.
1. The revolving door method of corporate and government hiring where government trained people get hired by corporate entities and vice versa results in situations where corporations start to think that they can be part of government. Meanwhile, they forget that, around the world there has been a rule that no government can be en-corporated, since the mandate of government, at least in a democracy, is to do for the PEOPLE. , the country, the province or state!
The mandate of the corporate world is to maximize profits and influence, efficiently. They have, through the legal world, taken on the rights and privileges of humans, but NOT the responsibilities of humans, and they don't DO DEMOCRACY.
In the way of examples of the dangers there-in, consider how Bennet Jones, LLP, has put their own people in to the Competition Bureau of Canada, twice. Scott Sheridan and Melanie Aitken have both taken on the commissioner's title of the Competition Bureau of Canada. Then Melanie Aitken opens an office in Washington D.C. (in a foreign, American country, with all the knowledge about the Canadian office. Neat, eh?
Now, how do we keep� the companies like Bennet Jones from taking on the function of negotiating NAFTA for the humans of
Canada with the most corporately voracious nation in the world? How? THEY DO NOT DO LOYALTY, THEY DO MONEY.
Now they want to impose silence on the proceedings so that we the people can't ask too many questions, in a
In a world without democracy, they could monetize the whole world, including WE THE PEOPLE. THE LAST TIME THAT WAS TRIED, IT WAS CALLED THE SLAVE TRADE.
Worried yet? It may be time!
Rene Moreau (416-489-8347)
Robert Ede <>
Subject: FYI: New Finance Canada document notification
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 1:03 PM
Subject: New Finance Canada document notification
The following Fiscal Monitor has just been posted on the Finance Canada Site.
The Fiscal Monitor - June 2017
La revue financière - juin 2017
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