>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Former N.B. premier Frank McKenna to head search for next RCMP commissioner
Canadian Labour Congress linked to failed attempt to oust Mulcair
PM says unelected senators have no business re-writing federal budget
New mission against ISIL won�t include sending troops to Syria: Sajjan
Trudeau government puts its agenda at risk unless it fixes broken appointments process
Canada�s spy agency expects cyberattacks during 2019 federal election
Chinese bidder back on track to buy Norsat after matching U.S. offer
Newspapers in Peril?�Canadians Unworried
Why this MP�s words should be etched in marble
There will be a reckoning for Trudeau�s Liberals when summer vacation is over
Having trouble reading regular news, ladies? Don�t worry, the women�s pages are back
Appointments paralysis shows internal dysfunction
The B.C. Conundrum
Liberals forced to swallow humble pie � again � on parliamentary rule changes
All-female taxi service Lady Drive Her buys women peace of mind. Period
Senate report on court delays gets at big truths about criminal justice system
Trump, Sanders stoked fear, protectionist sentiments in U.S. for years: Mulroney
Supreme Court throws out drug case, upholding accused dealer�s right to a timely trial
Canada enacts protections for transgender community
Trudeau government has passed half the bills Harper did by this time in the mandate
Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin ready to write new chapter with novel
At Issue | The state of Canadian politics
Sooner or later, the bill will arrive for Trudeau�s spending
Peter Mansbridge To Be Replaced By 3 Anchors At New �The National�
BC Liberals warn minority legislature instability could lead to another election
Former Alberta PCs looking for centrist alternative in time for 2019 election
Citizenship bill ending revocation for terror convictions to become law
Liberals ready to move to change House rules on omnibus bills, prorogation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< government has passed half the bills Harper did by this time in the mandate - John Paul Tasker, CBC News
Trudeau pines for an endless summer - Tim Harper, Toronto Star
Canada falls behind other rich nations on child issues, UNICEF report finds - Camille Bains - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
The unbearable smugness of Chrystia Freeland- Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
Senators debating changes to national anthem bicker over divisive �us� as Canada Day nears - Marie-Danielle Smith, National Post
New mining rules in South Africa would require 30-per-cent black ownership- Geoffrey York, The Globe and Mail
�It�s not going to slow us down�: Bombardier brushes off Boeing dispute ahead of Paris Air Show- Alicja Siekierska, Financial Post
Une polici�re isra�lienne tu�e, trois assaillants abattusPlus
Montr�al aura un bureau de l'enseignement sup�rieurPlus
Trudeau �voque la �fiert� du Canada pour sa politique envers CubaPlus
Laval: la nouvelle convention collective des policiers est sign�e par les partiesPlus
Trump annule l'accord avec Cuba et d�nonce le caract�re �brutal� du r�gime CastroPlus
Qu�bec souhaite acqu�rir cinq ports f�d�rauxPlus
Une jeune fille condamn�e pour avoir pouss� un ami au suicidePlus
Infractions environnementales: le CN devra payer plus de 2,5 millions $Plus
Ottawa investit 1 milliard $ dans la phase 2 du train l�ger d'OttawaPlus
Homme arr�t� devant le Parlement � Londres: la piste terroriste pas exclue Plus
Le mythe de la jeunesse salvatricePlus
Un homme recherch� pour avoir tent� d'embrasser une femme de forcePlus
Apr�s l'accalmie, les maux de t�te pour les automobilistesPlus
Une saisie de plus de 2,5 M$ de drogues m�ne � quatre arrestationsPlus
L'arm�e russe annonce v�rifier si elle a �limin� le chef de l'�I Plus
Les journalistes mexicains exigent la justice apr�s la mort de ValdezPlus
Deux �vad�s dangereux captur�s apr�s une vaste traquePlus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Will Republicans Ever Return to Sanity on Gun Control? - Bob Cesca, Salon
Comey�s History of Questionable Obstruction Cases - Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist
The Rage Over Trump�s Election Turns Violent - Michael Goodwin, New York Post
US charges President Erdogan�s Washington security team with assault- France 24
Western sanctions made Russia stronger: Putin- The Associated Press, The Times Of India
Eurozone ministers agree Greece bailout payment- Al Jazeera
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Three Palestinians shot dead after killing Israeli officer
Mexico urges U.S., Cuba to work out differences via dialogue
Trump confirms he's under investigation, fires angry tweets
As Brexit talks loom, UK PM May scrambles for deal to stay in power
Germany threatens retaliation if US sanctions harm its firms
Turkey opposition chief accuses Erdogan of 'second coup' with purge
Saudi-led sanctions 'harsher than Berlin wall': Qatar
EU says need for transatlantic unity on new Russia sanctions
US Senate's Iran sanctions are breach of nuclear deal: Iranian official
Arrests in Egypt as opposition calls for islands protest
Putin says Russia to beef up Syrian military
U.S. jobs market tightens; inflation pressures cooling
May confident on power-saving deal, will open Parliament next week
Pay up, make nice if you want �soft Brexit,� EU to tell May
The Arab world�s coming challenges
Europe on the move: Why the eurozone must reform or die
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"We want prudent and responsible governance, not efficient rule by autocrats which is what we increasingly suffer."
The British North America Act of 1867 provided
full powers to provide sober second thought
Trudeau errs in seeking to force through his Omnibus budget!
From: "John Feldsted" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Canada's Complicity in Fifty Years of Israeli Occupation
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>"We want prudent and responsible governance, not efficient rule by autocrats which is what we increasingly suffer."
The British North America Act of 1867 provided
full powers to provide sober second thought
Trudeau errs in seeking to force through his Omnibus budget!
PM says unelected senators have no business re-writing federal budget
BELOW(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)30)(30)(30)(30)(30)(30)To: "'Joe'" <>
Subject: RE: Daily Digest June 13, 2017.
The Harper Government tacked onto budgets unrelated acts
to ensure passage - Trudeau II' is seeking to do the same
Hopefully the growingly independent Senate will stop this.
For goodness sakes Joe, I get tired of the growing numbers who seem to think nothing happened prior to year 2000.The Harper Government tacked onto budgets unrelated acts
to ensure passage - Trudeau II' is seeking to do the same
Hopefully the growingly independent Senate will stop this.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau introduced the first Omnibus Bill in 1967 in which he completely overhauled the Criminal Code to �modernize� it.
Trudeau Sr. and most Prime Ministers since have produced omnibus bills including budget bills in the name of �efficiency�. Bills use to take weeks of debate in a clause by clause study; budget bills used to take months. We are more efficient now and increasingly deeper in debt. No one is watching the purse strings. Opposition laments about uncontrolled spending are dismissed as �sour grapes�.
Now the move is afoot to limit opposition powers with the same efficiency objective. We want prudent and responsible governance, not efficient rule by autocrats which is what we increasingly suffer.
John Feldsted
From: Larry Kazdan
To: Letters Editor Cc:
Subject: Re: Everyone gets a bathtub full of beer: What the Liberals� massive $52.5B deficits could buy, Tristin Hopper | June 15, 2017
- Nations such as Canada, the U.S, and Japan have had large and increasing public debts for decades, and yet their economies have been generally prosperous.
- Significant public expenditures enable a country to nurture a healthy and educated workforce, to develop updated transport and communication infrastructure necessary for modern business, and to stimulate the economy when the private sector is subdued.
- A sovereign government can certainly spend too much money causing inflation, or spend too little tolerating mass unemployment. Since Canada currently has 1.3 million individuals actively seeking work, the government must step up with a targeted job creation program. Governments created many jobs during the Great Depression, but these can be created anytime with political will, and the economy is stronger when everyone is earning their keep and contributing to society.
- Footnotes:
- 1. Debt Is Good - Paul Krugman
- "Believe it or not, many economists argue that the economy needs a sufficient amount of public debt out there to function well. And how much is sufficient? Maybe more than we currently have. That is, there�s a reasonable argument to be made that part of what ails the world economy right now is that governments aren�t deep enough in debt."
- "Believe it or not, many economists argue that the economy needs a sufficient amount of public debt out there to function well. And how much is sufficient? Maybe more than we currently have. That is, there�s a reasonable argument to be made that part of what ails the world economy right now is that governments aren�t deep enough in debt."
- 2. John Maynard Keynes
- From a 1933 radio debate Keynes:
- "I do not believe that measures which truly enrich the country will injure the public credit�It is the burden of unemployment and the decline in the national income which are upsetting the Budget. Look after the unemployment, and the Budget will look after itself."
- "I do not believe that measures which truly enrich the country will injure the public credit�It is the burden of unemployment and the decline in the national income which are upsetting the Budget. Look after the unemployment, and the Budget will look after itself."
- 3. What is Modern Monetary Theory, or �MMT�?
- "The essential insight of Modern Monetary Theory (or �MMT�) is that sovereign, currency-issuing countries are only constrained by real limits. They are not constrained, and cannot be constrained, by purely financial limits because, as issuers of their respective fiat-currencies, they can never �run out of money.� This doesn�t mean that governments can spend without limit, or overspend without causing inflation, or that government should spend any sum unwisely. What it emphatically does mean is that no such sovereign government can be forced to tolerate mass unemployment because of the state of its finances � no matter what that state happens to be.
- Virtually all economic commentary and punditry today, whether in America, Europe or most other places, is based on ideas about the monetary system which are not merely confused � they are starkly and comprehensively counter-factual."
- "The essential insight of Modern Monetary Theory (or �MMT�) is that sovereign, currency-issuing countries are only constrained by real limits. They are not constrained, and cannot be constrained, by purely financial limits because, as issuers of their respective fiat-currencies, they can never �run out of money.� This doesn�t mean that governments can spend without limit, or overspend without causing inflation, or that government should spend any sum unwisely. What it emphatically does mean is that no such sovereign government can be forced to tolerate mass unemployment because of the state of its finances � no matter what that state happens to be.
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