Wednesday 7 June 2017


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Madeleine Meilleur no longer Liberal pick for languages watchdog

Conservatives present united front after ballot complaints
        Liberals plan to spend extra $14B on defence, with most starting after election
Canadians: Paris Accord a good idea, Trump wrong to exit
        James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn investigation go

After Trump�s Paris pullout, MPs line up behind climate change accord
        Barack Obama, Justin Trudeau grab bite to eat in St-Henri after speech
B.C. election: little immediate impact, but plenty of future political risk for federal Liberals, say pollsters
        Hey Jagmeet, are you sure you really want to try this?
Chrystia Freeland must turn vision into reality
        Take it from a human rights lawyer: the system screwed up in seeking justice for �Angela Cardinal�
Liberals� vow to swap flower power for hard power hollow if they won�t spend on military
        The �honest and unfiltered� Donald Trump
Trudeau decides it�s just not worth appeasing Trump in foreign-policy shift
        A foreign policy manifesto � and a finger in Donald Trump�s eye
Little evidence Tories experiencing buyer�s remorse over Scheer win

Defence plan calls for cyber and drone attacks to meet 21st century threats
        Canada�s new defence spending must come quickly, experts say
�Riskier than doing nothing�: Softwood lumber package may hurt Canada�s case with U.S.
        Bernier affirms support for Scheer, despite questions around vote
�It is unique, but it shouldn�t be,� Ashton talks about being pregnant while running for federal NDP leadership race
        What about China? Observers surprised Asia doesn�t play more prominently in Freeland speech
Will Ontario Tories go with Brown�s big tent or Scheer and the social conservatives?
        Scheer�s Path to 2019
How the Great White North can change the world: Canada�s role in global biodiversity conservation
        John Honderich, Andrew Coyne debate if government should step in to �save journalism�
Christy Clark gives opposition 4 days to provide input on Site C dam
        Andrew Scheer, Trudeau Trade Zingers Over PM�s Talk Show Appearance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Does Scheer shake-up the NDP leadership race?

�It is unique, but it shouldn�t be,� Ashton talks about being pregnant while running for federal NDP leadership race - Samantha Wright Allen,
        What about China? Observers surprised Asia doesn�t play more prominently in Freeland speech - Susan Lunn, CBC News
New infrastructure bank to shield taxpayers from project risks: Morneau - Jordan Press and Andy Blatchford, The Globe and Mail
        Wynne�s minimum wage hike will kill businesses - Ben Eisen, Toronto Sun
Bernier affirms support for Scheer, despite questions around vote - Laura Payton, CTV News
        Canada�s new defence spending must come quickly, experts say - Daniel LeBlanc, The Globe and Mail
Federal government calls roadside drug-test device trial a success despite cold weather issues - Peter Zimonjic, CBC News
        Clark alleges $600-million Site C delay, NDP responds critique �unsupported� - Gordon Hoestra, Vancouver Sun
Push on to unionize WestJet flight attendants- CTV News
        Canada killed its low-loonie advantage with carbon taxes and environmental red tape- Rob Merrifield, Financial Post
Aeroplan�s future leaves travellers up in the air- Ellen Roseman, Toronto Star


Christopher Wray, l'outsider promu chef du FBIPlus
        Grande-Bretagne: explosion contr�l�e pr�s de la future ambassade am�ricaine Plus
Les chefs du renseignement secou�s au Congr�s sur Trump et la RussiePlus
        Grippe aviaire: nouvelle flamb�e en Cor�e du SudPlus
Syrie: l'alliance anti-�I gagne du terrain � RaqaPlus
        Explosion dans une usine de feux d'artifice en Inde: douze mortsPlus
Chaussures Ivanka: les militants arr�t�s en Chine risquent la prisonPlus
        Attaque devant Notre-Dame: la personnalit� de l'assaillant au coeur de l'enqu�tePlus
[VID�O VIRALE] Chine: m�contents, les investisseurs d'un zoo jettent un �ne aux tigresPlus
        En pleine cour, elle pr�te all�geance au groupe arm� �tat islamiquePlus

Des coups de feu entendus � Sainte-Catherine-de-HatleyPlus
        12 morts et plusieurs bless�s dans des attentats � T�h�ranPlus
�Le Watergate n'est rien � c�t� des scandales Trump�, -James ClapperPlus
        Attentat de Manchester: un homme arr�t� � l'a�roport d'HeathrowPlus
Meurtre de Th�r�se Gauvreau: la police de Gatineau admet son erreurPlus
        Consultation publique pour un tarif social du transport en commun demand�ePlus
Attentats de Londres: pol�mique autour des services de s�curit�Plus
        Attaque au mateau contre un policier devant Notre-Dame � Paris, l'assaillant se revendique de l'�I Un policier attaqu� au marteau devant Notre-Dame � Paris, l'assaillant bless�


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Senate GOP aiming to conclude divisive health-care push � one way or the other - Sean Sullivan, Washington Post
        Fractured Democratic Party Struggles to Find Footing - Jim Stinson, LifeZette
Comey won�t say Trump obstructed justice in testimony: report - Brandon Carter, The Hill
        Ex-Obama spokesman: Trump �intentionally sowing fear and chaos� - Rebecca Savransky, The Hill
Will Media Take Trump Down? Don�t Bet on It - Michael Walsh, PJ Media
        Intelligence Contractor Is Charged in First Leak Case Under Trump - Charlie Savage, New York Times
Dems Searching for a New Message - Juan Williams, The Hill
        Deadly explosion strikes Afghanistan�s Herat- Al Jazeera
US warning over its UN Human Rights Council role- BBC News
        MI5 to review handling of London Bridge attack, says Theresa May- Rowena Mason, The Guardian

Nuclear-wary Japan restarts another atomic reactor- AFP, The Times Of India
        Macron party poised to claim absolute majority in French parliament- Joseph Bamat, France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Turkey expedites troop deployment to Qatar as Gulf rift escalates
        Trump offers to mediate Qatar crisis in call with emir
Canada to increase military spending 70 percent in 10 years
        US review finds attack in Syria was legal, may have killed one civilian
Iraqi Kurds plan independence referendum on Sept. 25
        Pro-Assad alliance threatens to hit US positions in Syria
Attackers raid Iran parliament and mausoleum, up to seven dead: media
        US-backed force gains ground on ISIS in Syria's Raqqa
S. Korea to freeze new THAAD deployment pending probe
        Saving the Earth from its smart inhabitants

Coalition again strikes pro-Assad forces near Al-Tanf
        Israeli panel OKs new settlement plan: reports
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Basic Income Would Cost Canada $15 Billion Annually: Report


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