Monday 20 February 2017

CANADIAN DAILY DIGEST February 19, 2017.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Brian Mulroney sings for Donald Trump

Trudeau sets date for first of five byelections this year
        Senior Trump appointee fired after criticism
Islamophobia bill: Irqa Khalid, Irwin Cotler offer conflicting takes on their conversation
        Conservative leadership hopefuls draw crowd of 600 to Langley, B.C., debate

Trump�s security too lax: Former CSIS head
        Liberals hint at more defence spending in upcoming budget as U.S. demands more
Malcolm Turnbull and Justin Trudeau grapple with Donald Trump
        Trudeau has created an opening for the NDP
Forget the White House, pay attention to our own House
        The harassment of Khalid is wrong, but doesn�t justify M-103
Trump discovering the insurgent�s eternal challenge
        Boycotting freedom � How to make the Constitution great again in the age of Donald Trump
Power Play: �Dying Breed of Leaders�

Dozens of aslyum seekers, baby, cross into Manitoba Sunday
        Kenney seeks to consolidate lead as Alberta PC leader race enters home stretch
Canada�s ad hoc fitness caucus: MPs sweat together
        Ontario PCs close in on majority territory as Wynne�s support continues to plummet, poll says
�Someone is going to slip through�: Worry grows over influx of asylum seekers
        Critics are �set for disappointment� with government�s Yazidi resettlement plan
The two faces of the Conservative party
What the right keeps getting wrong about free speech
The Tories approach a point of no return
Ineffective laws fuelling Canada�s online piracy problem, U.S. copyright group says
 Back-Channel Plan for Ukraine and Russia, Courtesy of Trump Associates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Liberals spend our money for nothing - Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
        Removing military commander the �right thing to do,� top general says - Bruce Campion-Smith, Toronto Star
Beware the bogeyman who raids pension plans - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
        Mulcair to pursue academia, law, after political career - Laura Payton, CTV News
Canada�s ad hoc fitness caucus: MPs sweat together - Laura Payton, CTV News
        In populist winds, the Conservatives� inclusive tent is collapsing - Adam Radwanski, The Globe & Mail
Is Canada really doing the �heavy lifting� at NATO like Trudeau claims? - David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen, Vancouver Sun
        To protect Canadian jobs, Trudeau must drop carbon pricing - John Williamson, Macleans
Ontario Liberals call for condemnation of Islamophobia - The Canadian Press, Toronto Sun
        Ford to pursue fully autonomous cars after testing engineers doze off at the wheel- Keith Naughton

Chasing the Canadian dream: The real force driving the housing boom in our big cities- Gary Marr, Financial Post
        IKEA apologizes for catalogue aimed at ultra-Orthodox Jews- CTV News
GM going it alone on $554-million Ontario investment- Greg Keenan, The Globe and Mail
        Why Hudson�s Bay and some other retailers won�t dump Ivanka Trump�s boycotted brand- Sophia Harris, CBC News


Chute mortelle en tombant d'un balcon � LongueuilPlus
        Gr�ve chez Urgences-sant�: des toilettes bloqu�es par la directionPlus
Le viaduc Van Horne-Rosemont sera reconstruitPlus
        Le vice-pr�sident am�ricain visite le camp nazi de DachauPlus
Alcool au volant: des tenanciers de bars encouragent leurs clientsPlus
        Des mariages � Disneyland ParisPlus
La charte des valeurs s'invite au comit� des jeunes p�quistesPlus
        Il tombe et reste coinc� dans une chemin�e pendant 2 heuresPlus
Un mort dans un face-�-face sur la 116 � WarwickPlus
        Qu�bec solidaire discutera d'une possible convergence avec le PQPlus

�lection partielle dans Ottawa-Vanier en avrilPlus
        Quand M. Trump invente un acte terroriste en Su�dePlus
La Turquie mise sur Trump, malgr� les divergences Plus
        Paris d�nonce � nouveau les cyberattaques imput�es � Moscou Plus
Melania Trump prie et attaque ses d�tracteurs Plus
        Un homme poignard� pr�s de la station de m�tro Place-d'ArmesPlus
Bless�s en produisant de la drogue: trois hommes arr�t�sPlus
        Des h�ros polaires au Parc Jean-DrapeauPlus
Une Qu�b�coise d'origine syrienne lutte pour revoir sa famillePlus
        Saguenay : un navire de bauxite coinc� dans les glacesPlus
Gatineau: un poupon dans un �tat grave apr�s s'�tre �touff�


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
In Munich, Pence Says U.S. Commitment to NATO Is �Unwavering� - Steven Erlanger and Alison Smale, New York Times
        America�s Spies Play a Dangerous Game Against Trump - Damon Linker, The Week
Carl Bernstein: Trump�s attacks on the press �more treacherous than Nixon�s� - Daniel Chaitin, Washington Examiner
        A Republican joins House Democrats� push to establish a bipartisan Russian hacking commission - Mike DeBonis, Washington Post
The Biggest Anti-Trump Rallies Planned for Presidents Day Weekend - Shira Tarlo, NBC News
        Sergey Lavrov: I hope world chooses post-West order- Al Jazeera
China piles pressure on North Korea by banning coal imports- BBC News
        Six years after uprising, Libya�s struggles endure- France 24
Tony Blair�s Brexit speech �not helpful�, says Jeremy Corbyn- Hannah Summers and agencies, The Guardian
        US Vice President Mike Pence says our country will stand firm with Europe, NATO- Reuters, The Times Of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

5 arrested in Kiev clash between nationalists, police
        Clashes as Ukraine ultra-nationalists back rail blockade
Israel-US team to discuss settlements says Netanyahu
        Germany aims to deport record number of rejected asylum seekers in 2017
Land, people exchange key to two-state solution: Israel's Lieberman
        US senators eye sanctions against Iran for missile development
US aircraft carrier strike group patrolling S. China Sea
        Revived by rally, Trump turns back to governing
Trump reassures supporters in fiery campaign-style speech
        Previous                                    Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

From: Larry Kazdan
PEF Blog:  Finance Minister Bill Morneau on the Dangers of Bank of Canada Funding

Finance Minister Bill Morneau has given an official response to an e-petition regarding the Bank of Canada.

Morneau maintains that low-cost financing of public infrastructure through the BoC would be inflationary, but apparently his own plan an Infrastructure Bank that would reward investors with 7 9% % returns and whose costs would be passed on to consumers through tolls, fees, or taxes does not seem to cause him the same concerns.

The contentions of the finance minister on a number of issues should be challenged. Please read the petition and Morneau's response, then consider sending your own thoughts directly to Mr. Morneau who can be reached at House of Commons, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 (no postage required) and email at


Subject: Re:   Trudeau blames corporate elites for rise in global public anger, Bill Curry, Feb. 17, 2017

Corporate elites love privatization of infrastructure. They thrive on free trade deals that include investor-state dispute settlement clauses. When raw resources are exported, our corporate elites grow richer.  Free trade, privatization, and raw exports are all policies that Justin Trudeau promotes. 

Trudeau may blame the elites for the hollowing of the middle class, but he has appointed money managers and chief executives to be his economic consultants, and he is happy to follow their impartial advice. They have convinced him that trickle-down economics will spread the benefits of their profiteering far beyond their own cozy little circle.

1. Trump and Trudeau are gunning to massively privatize infrastructure � and it�s going to cost you

".... Michael Sabia, whose firm is a major investor in privatized infrastructure..sits on the Trudeau government�s Advisory Council on Economic Growth. The Advisory Council�s chair is Dominic Barton, Global Managing Director of McKinsey & Company, a firm which is also in the business of P3s. In turn, the Advisory Council authored the October 2016 report advising the government to create the Canada Infrastructure Bank, with a particular focus on wooing private investors.

Groups like the Canadian Council of Public-Private Partnerships are also getting face time with Minister of Infrastructure Amarjeet Sohi, who told reporters government will �listen to the private sector� as it fleshes out the design details of the Canada Infrastructure Bank.
This should all be deeply worrying to Canadians."
From: Glen Harewood

Herewith for your distribution, Joe, should you find it appropriate.
NOTE: These Instructions below co-ordinate with the descriptors seen in the attachment.

On a scale of  4 --1, four (4) being the RICH or high point, and one(1) being the DEFICIENT (low) point, HOW SOCIAL are you//YOUR PRESIDENT?
This test, developed by 250 Educational psychologists,(Vide ACCS: Frymier 1977), and modified by yours truly, is still valid today!!

1. Determine the age of the person (even yourself)
2. Turn each of the nine (9) descriptors in the bipolar Likert scale into a question
 at the  corresponding RICH and DEFICIENT poles of the scale.
 [ Example: Are you (am I)/IS HE/SHE Communicative/participator, OR   Un-communicative/loner?]
3. Score oneself (yourself/your President )  according to your determination along the [4-3-2-1-1 ] sliding scale.
4. Do NOT add (vertically) the numbers but view  the 9 Bipolar descriptors "AS A WHOLE" -- all the scores.
5. Then decide whether you are (one is) more or less Rich or Deficient on the SOCIAL(ABILITY) dimension {this is only ONE of ten (10) dimensions of examining ONESELF, or any other person}.
6. DO SOMETHING about moving yourself {creative thinking} from DEFICIENT to RICH, by choosing or exposing yourself to MATERIALS (books, literature, T.V. learning programmes, INTERNET bona fide literature, persons, all  relevant data, pictures, music,  Art, etc) that would ENHANCE and move you from  1 to 4 on the scale.
Do your think your President or Prime Minister has hope???



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