Saturday 21 October 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

U.S. wants power taken away from panel handling NAFTA disputes

Takeaway from Trudeau�s trip to Washington and Mexico City: NAFTA talks still driven by U.S. demands
        Congress will �stand up� to Trump if he tries to end NAFTA, U.S. lawmaker says
Toxic Secret: �We expected cancer�: Are industrial spills in Canada�s �Chemical Valley� making people sick?
        Freed hostage Joshua Boyle says children adapting to �1st true home�

UCP leadership race in danger of becoming a junior high melodrama
        Freed hostage Joshua Boyle says captors killed infant daughter, raped his wife
Morneau to unveil changes to controversial small business tax proposals
        Justin Trudeau�s money pit, and those working hard to join it
Bill Morneau feels the heat as Liberal support slips
        NAFTA 2.0 � Opening Pandora�s Box
Power Play Strategy Session: Trudeau�s visits political theatre?
        Quality, coverage and affordable prices
Trudeau�s liberals make one blunder after another
        The truth is the Liberals have been itching to tax discounts for decades

Government releases legal limits for drugged driving but can�t say how much pot is too much
        Another Trump poison pill for NAFTA? Ottawa slams demand for 50% U.S. content in cars
New online poll shows Nenshi leading Smith by 17 points with just days before election
        U.S. demand on autos for NAFTA: Make huge changes, immediately
Initial demands from U.S. on dairy not as extreme as Canada anticipated: source
        From Sunny Ways to Midterm Blues? Two years after Trudeau majority, Liberals and CPC in dead heat
Feds fumble on employee discounts a display of supersized political stupidity
        Social movements played a huge part in derailing Energy East
Opting In By Opting Out
        RCMP questionnaire targeting Muslims �unacceptable: Canada�s refugee minister

�You wonder what the government is trying to hide�
        Universities introducing term limits for Canada Research Chairs to meet diversity targets
Surprise guilty plea entered in B.C. Liberals� �quick wins� scandal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Notley says unfair to assess Energy East on downstream environmental impact - The Canadian Press, CTV News
        What we don�t know about Patrick Brown as premier - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
Lessons from the Liberals� tax mess - Adam Radwanski, The Globe and Mail
        Justin Trudeau�s money pit, and those working hard to join it - Paul Wells, Macleans
$200,000 on a budget cover? That�s exclusively Liberal tomfoolery - Colby Cosh, National Post
        Get back to the bargaining table, students urge Ontario colleges, union - Kristin Rushowy, Toronto Star
Federal budget watchdog says Alberta�s fiscal policy unsustainable - Chris Varcoe, Calgary Herald
        General Motors reaches tentative agreement at its Ontario CAMI plant- CTV News
Why the Federal Reserve may be sitting on an inflation time bomb- Ambrose Evans-Pritchard - The Telegraph, Financial Post
        Creditors large and small caught by failure of Sears- Jeffrey Jones, The Globe and Mail

Average Canadian house price up 3% in past 12 months, CREA says- CBC News
        Google pledges $1 billion to non-profits in education, professional training- Daisuke Wakabayashi - The New York Times, Toronto Star


Fin de la gr�ve � l'usine CAMI de GM � Ingersoll , en OntarioPlus
        D�raillement de train: les wagons retir�s de l'eauPlus
Reconstruction du pont de la rue de l'�le Charron � Longueuil: les travaux d�butent lundiPlus
        Sondage: les employ�s plus �g�s seraient plus nombreux � ne jamais arriver en retard au travailPlus
8000 jeunes d�filent � Moscou pour une parade aux accents sovi�tiquesPlus
        Un homme meurt apr�s une chute de plusieurs m�tres au centre-ville de Montr�al Plus
Espagne: les s�paratistes catalans haussent le tonPlus
        Taxe sur Netflix: Joly avait �t� mise en garde par son sous-ministrePlus
Val�rie Plante veut r�am�nager l'�le Sainte-H�l�nePlus
        La Cor�e du Nord pr�pare un nouveau lancement de missile Plus

Syrie: � Raqa, en passe de tomber, des dizaines de djihadistes se rendentPlus
        Le gouvernement du Qu�bec pour le respect des identit�s au sein des �tatsPlus
Crise des opio�des: d�j� 1000 morts en Colombie-Britannique cette ann�ePlus
        ALENA: offensive am�ricaine dans l'industrie automobilePlus
Record: une couverture d'album d'Ast�rix vendue 1,4 million d'eurosPlus
        Trump supprime des subventions sant� pour les plus pauvresPlus


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Trump�s Obamacare attack heralds new health-care battles on Capitol Hill - Mike DeBonis, Washington Post
        Trump Strikes a Blow for Healthcare Freedom - Betsy McCaughey, New York Post
Trump Making the Defining Mistake of His Foreign Policy - Vali Nasr, Washington Post
        U.S. Divided: It Starts With the Democratic Party - David Azerrad, American Spectator
Sessions expects �sanctuary cities� to comply under federal pressure - Julia Manchester, The Hill
        Ex-White House Chief of Staff Is Interviewed by Special Counsel - Michael S. Schmidt, New York Times
About Time Trump Ended Obamacare�s Illegal Subsidies - David Harsanyi, The Federalist
        Syria war: Turkish forces set up positions in Idlib- BBC News
Rouhani hits back at Trump after nuclear deal speech- Al Jazeera
        Trump refuses to certify Iran nuclear agreement- France 24

Australia to be elected to powerful UN Human Rights Council- Ben Doherty, The Guardian
        Earthquake hits North Korea near nuclear test site- AFP, The Times Of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Syria demands pullout of Turkish troops from country, says it is a "flagrant aggression"
        Catalan talks with Spain 'would aim at independence'
German minister upsets fellow conservatives by proposing Muslim holidays
        Trump puts America first, but more and more alone
We are closer than ever to 1930s-style totalitarianism - Atwood
        Tension flares in flashpoint town as Kurdish-Iraqi crisis escalates
Danger of war, Germany warns after Trump's move on Iran nuclear deal
        Iranians respond with anger, mockery to Trump speech
Trump strikes blow at Iran nuclear deal, irks allies
        Kurds boost Kirkuk presence, pull back defense lines

Brandy closing in on whisky in South African spirit wars
        �Death by overwork�: Occupational hazard for Japan�s media
International mediation is not the answer in Catalonia
        Is U.S. practicing for war against NKorea?
Droves of Antarctic penguin chicks starve
        Emma the robot masseuse gets to work in Singapore
Over-50s dating site tackles loneliness
        Previous                           Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


For Indigenous nations to live, colonial mentalities must die
"The resurgence of Indigenous cultures and the re-establishment of a peaceful,
just coexistence between Canada and Indigenous nations is a sta
ted goal today.." 

Is "The resurgence of Indigenous cultures" seen as a goal possible in today's reality?

In considering this, compare the aim and article with the thoughts expressed below.

At 12:54 PM 26/08/2017, you wrote:

Aboriginals, Ethics and Sir John A. MacDonald (and just about everyone else at the time)

Let's look back 300-400 years.  What if the "Indians"� in the North America won the "Indian wars"� and repelled the "Settlers?"�  What would we see if we were able to look around?

We would see thousands of "Indian Monarchies and tribes"� (in N/Am.) complete with ongoing disputes over/claims to "hunting grounds"� and
fishing territories".

We would see ongoing "Indian Wars"� between these "monarchies and tribes"� complete with killing, burning, torturing and enslaving the losers.  Whether you call it "Tribalism"� or "Racism" wouldn't make much difference.  And this would include a lot of murdered, enslaved or missing women.

We would see a population in North America about 2% of what it is today�hunting and fishing do not support dense populations like cities.  Where there was agriculture, the regional population might be as high as 10% of what it is today.

There would be no reading or writing or math or records.  No efficient (scaleable) transmission of learning. There would stories told by the victors�the very thing we're accused of today.  The Church ran Western Europe for 1,000 years because the "scribes"� (left behind) could read and write, and learn from records, and therefore knew more about farming than farmers.  (The church was killed by the printing press)

The birth rate for "Indians"� would be very high, much as it is today but the infant death rate would be many (6x�10x) times higher.  Life expectancy of a 20-year-old, would be about 40-50 years instead of 60-70.

There would be very limited movement beyond the hunting grounds.  There were no horses.  Although tribes had seasonal hunting and fishing patterns, and moved around with the seasons, there would be no routine and substantial travel patterns.

For this reason, each tribe would have characteristic immunities and disease sensitivities.  This is why so many of them died between 1490 and 1700.  They died because they didn't have well developed immunity profiles in comparison with Europeans.

And for this same reason, many of them could not talk with each other.  They had distinct dialects.  The outcome, "war"� was obvious.  We avoid a lot of war by talking.

We would see weapons and fishing tools characteristic of what we call "the stone age."�  There was no tin, no copper and certainly no steel.  Creating tools and weapons was time-consuming.

Given these characteristics, their territories (North America) would have been predictably visited and attacked again and again by more mobile and technologically advanced neighbours (just as tribes came across the Bering Strait 50,000 years ago and moved in on the peoples already there). 

Technologies and economies that support denser populations will always win.

Conclusion:  There was a lot of "unethical" or "immoral"� on both sides.  We're all human.  There was however no "immorality"� in how things "turned out"  or who won.  It's just blunt force economics.  Horses are faster than run.  Steam engines are faster than horses.  Planes are faster than trains.  Rockets are faster than planes.  And a bicyclist will always lose in collision with a car.   Physics.

It's predictable. 

We're challenged today by the same dynamics.  Morality has nothing to do with it.  Whether we learn and evolve, or choose to fail and complain remains to be seen.  My money's on the latter.  Sadly. 

Air travel was not created by the railways and this has nothing to do with ethics.

(Nor were drones and robots - Joe)

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