Wednesday, 27 December 2017

CANADIAN DAILY DIGEST December 25-26, 2017

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CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

�Battle for relevance�: Despite their flashy new leader, the NDP faces a long, hard road in 2018

Garneau makes push for voice, video recorders in locomotives after Amtrak crash
        On her way out, lobbying watchdog makes final appeal for legislative changes
Kenney says he won�t back away from controversy as UCP hammers out policy
        Canadian Hockey Hall of Famer Johnny Bower dies at 93, family says
These Moments Show The House Of Commons Has Some Grace, Too
        Power & Politics: Top 5 news stories of 2017
Pot policies: everything you need to know about marijuana legalization

2018 to mean more challenges for Canadian retailers
        Big pharma snub, placebo snag to blame for lack of medical pot research: experts
Trudeau may lose some like-minded premiers in 2018
        For 2018, Boring is Better
Trump just narrowed Trudeau�s fiscal options
        How governments get stuff done
A taste of humble pie due Trudeau
        What a federal ethics report reveals about how Justin Trudeau sees his job
Power & Politics: Top 5 news stories of 2017
        Blame Quebec when your Netflix bill goes up

Canada revokes Venezuelan diplomats� credentials
        Justin Trudeau�s visit could help overcome irritants in India-Canada ties
Horgan says next year�s electoral reform referendum likely B.C.�s last attempt
        Canada�s rising star Jagmeet Singh reckons he could take on Justin Trudeau in a vote � or on a wrestling mat
B.C. premier says housing top issue for 2018, but much more on NDP to-do list
        Scheer challenge: Conservative leader wants to be recognized in 2018
New party leaders may change the dynamics of Saskatchewan politics
        Notley still working on relationship with Calgary
80% of travellers confident in airport security screening, internal government survey suggests
        Anti-poverty activist files $1 billion class-action lawsuit over bread price-fixing scheme

To govern, NDP has to �set aside our activism and start being better administrators�: Horgan
        Despite Site C, Andrew Weaver says Greens have no plan to end agreement with NDP
Meghan Markle joins royals for Christmas service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Apr�s sa gr�ce, Fujimori demande � pardon � aux P�ruviensPlus
        La marijuana plus populaire que jamais aupr�s de femmes enceintesPlus
�gypte: pendaison de 15 hommes jug�s coupables de �terrorisme�Plus
        Plus de 130 000 $ pour une victime de la fusillade � la mosqu�e de Qu�becPlus
Une sexag�naire tu�e par deux pitbulls, leur propri�taire accus�Plus
        La Cor�e du Nord pr�pare un lancement de satellitePlus
Un nouveau-n� retrouv� mort dans un stationnement de CalgaryPlus
        No�l glacial dans les PrairiesPlus
Trois-Rivi�res: une s�rie d'accidents sur l'autoroute 40 ouest ralentit la circulationPlus
        Le d�neigement d�butera mardi � 19h � Montr�alPlus
Mexique: s�isme de faible intensit� � Acapulco


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Russia's Lavrov tells Tillerson US "aggressive rhetoric" on Korea unacceptable
        Number of registered Syrian refugees in Lebanon drops below one million: UN
India to become fifth largest economy in 2018: report
        Syrian, Iranian backed forces advance in border area near Israel
Russia defends opposition leader's election ban
        Kremlin says Russia ready to mediate North Korea-U.S. talks, if both sides willing
Pakistan, Afghanistan appeal to Taliban to join peace talks
        Russia establishing permanent Syria presence: RIA
North Korea likely to pursue talks, South says in rosy New Year forecast
        Tunisian schoolgirls rebel against having to wear uniform
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Putin critic Navalny barred from Russian presidential election
        Text of Pope Francis' traditional Christmas day message
Trial of Turkey opposition newspaper staff resumes
        Mideast needs two-state solution, Pope says in Christmas message
N. Korea says it's a 'pipe dream' that it will give up nukes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
US To Officially Send �Lethal Arms� To Ukraine, Russia Says US �Crossed The Line� But US Has Been Arming Kiev Forr Years


From: Larry Kazdan
To: Letters Editor Cc:
Subject: Re:  'Battle for relevance': Despite their flashy new leader, the NDP faces a long, hard road in 2018, Maura Forrest, December 26, 2017

On the occasion of his retirement as leader of the New Democratic Party in 1971, Tommy Douglas gave this farewell message: "In 1939, when we declared war against Nazi Germany, for the first time we used the Bank of Canada to make financially possible what was physically possible. We took a million men and women and put them in uniform. We fed and clothed and armed them. The rest of the people of Canada went to work.....if we could mobilize the financial and the material and the human resources of this country to fight a successful war against Nazi tyranny, we can....mobilize the same resources to fight a continual war against poverty, unemployment, and social injustice."
In returning to its roots, the NDP must adopt what Tommy Douglas advocated in 1971:  Using the fiscal power of the federal government's wholly-owned central bank to put 1.2 million unemployed Canadians back to work.  By means of infrastructure renewal and a Job Guarantee program that hires "off the bottom" (to provide community benefits in areas of senior care, youth recreation, environmental stewardship, and public arts), the federal government can deliver a fully productive economy with price stability.

Jagmeet Singh is correct in asking Canadians to dream bigger and imagine the country we can build.  And using the fiscal tools described by Tommy Douglas, the NDP can get the job done. 

Larry Kazdan,
Vancouver, B.C.
1. Tommy Douglas was a �macroeconomist�, not a �provincialist�!
(speech April 24th 1971 on stepping aside as leader of the New Democratic Party)

"In 1937 when the CCF proposed in the House of Commons a $500 million program to put single unemployed to work, the Minister of Finance said where will we get the money? Mr. Benson asked the same question today. My reply at that time was that if we were to go to war, the Minister would find the money. And it turned out to be true.
In 1939, when we declared war against Nazi Germany, for the first time we used the Bank of Canada to make financially possible what was physically possible. We took a million men and women and put them in uniform. We fed and clothed and armed them. The rest of the people of Canada went to work. The government organized over 100 Crown corporations. We manufactured things that had never been manufactured before. We gave our farmers and fishermen guaranteed prices and they produced more food than we had ever produced in peace time. We built the third largest merchant navy in the world and we manned it.
In order to prevent profiteering and inflation, we fixed prices, and we did it all without borrowing a single dollar from outside of Canada. � And my message to the people of Canada is this: that if we could mobilize the financial and the material and the human resources of this country to fight a successful war against Nazi tyranny, we can if we want to mobilize the same resources to fight a continual war against poverty, unemployment, and social injustice."

2. Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence Respecting the Bank of Canada, 1939.
Some of the most frank evidence on banking practices was given by Graham F. Towers, Governor of the Central Bank of Canada (from 1934 to 1955), before the Canadian Government's Committee on Banking and Commerce, in 1939. Its proceedings cover 850 pages. (Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence Respecting the Bank of Canada, Ottawa, J.O. Patenaude, I.S.O., Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1939.) Most of the evidence quoted was the result of interrogation by Mr. �Gerry� McGeer, K.C., a former mayor of Vancouver, who clearly understood the essentials of central banking.
Q. Would you admit that anything physically possible and desirable, can be made financially possible?
Mr. Towers: Certainly. (p. 771)

3. What is a Job Guarantee?

But in general, there cannot be inflationary pressures arising from a policy that sees the Government offering a fixed wage to any labour that is unwanted by other employers. The JG involves the Government �buying labour off the bottom� rather than competing in the market for labour. By definition, the unemployed have no market price because there is no market demand for their services. So the JG just offers a wage to anyone who wants it.

From: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: Statement by the Prime Minister on Christmas

Statement by the Prime Minister on Christmas

Ottawa, Ontario
December 24, 2017

�Merry Christmas, Canada!

�In 2017, people across Canada gave us much reason to be proud, and showed us the strength in our diversity. Canadians are neighbours helping neighbours, sharing warmth, compassion, and generosity�not just at Christmas, but all year round.

Who is �us�?

Canadians respect one another and are proud of our society. There is no �strength in diversity�. Our strength lays in good people from a wide variety of backgrounds, beliefs, faiths and persuasions. We are weakened by ethnic, religious and tribal groups who cling to beliefs, customs and heritages incompatible with our society. Diversity itself is not a positive; people from diverse backgrounds are.        

�For Christians around the world, this season is a time to celebrate Jesus Christ and his message of compassion. For all of us, it is a chance to come together to give thanks for everything that unites us.

Christ taught us that ethics and morality matter, that respect for the family and compassion for our most vulnerable matters. He taught us to "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."

Our governments have and own nothing. They have forgotten that they are custodians of public property, trustees of the public purse and representatives of those who elected them.   

�As the 150th anniversary of Confederation draws to a close, all of us have a role to play in shaping our world for the better. In the New Year, and throughout the years to come, let�s commit to making a difference. Whether by lending a hand to a neighbour, or volunteering for a cause we believe in, let�s give generously, and live out the values that bring us together.

Canadians were living together and working out our differences before Confederation. We continue to do so despite political parties and governments that act as if they are wiser than those who elected them. That is chicanery. Governments can only help us manage those affairs that we cannot manage as individuals or communities.

Our federal government does not have powers over the provinces. Our constitution sets out different powers for each body and makes provisions for the federal government to assume power where an issue or matter is not covered by the constitution. The �sharing� evident in current intergovernmental affairs is unconstitutional and unlawful. Our federal government cannot be allowed to use taxpayer funds to buy jurisdiction in provincial affairs.

Few people realize that �equalization� at the time of confederation was fully funded by the federal government as provinces had limited taxing powers and it was in the interests of the federal government to assist the poorest provinces to grow and strengthen the nation.

The federal government decided to formalize equalization in 1953 and has turned the concept into a cesspool of mistrust and unfairness despised by most Canadians.         

�Let�s also reach out and listen�to those next door, across the aisle, and at the dinner table. Building a better world starts where we work and live, in our communities, and at home.

You would do well to listen to your advice. We are too often faced with federal and provincial governments that are arrogant, presumptuous, unwilling to consult with elected representatives, the electorate or the people, and providing us with what they want to provide rather than what we need.

If we wanted to be represented by a caldron of kvetches and czars we would elect them. To have candidates campaign as representatives of the people and then act as representatives of the political party or government that they are affiliated with is fraudulent and unacceptable.

We need a change to parliamentary rules to eliminate political party whips and whipped votes. Our elected representatives must be free to vote in accordance with constituent direction and conscience without undue influence. We have drifted into a swamp of demanding to know what our governments are going to do for us instead of holding them to account to provide services in accordance with their constitutional responsibilities and to stop spending our tax dollars on matters outside their jurisdiction.

Politics is the business of bread, circuses and illusions. We are short on bread, but the circuses are ever more elaborate and expensive. Use Google to look up the 2017 budgets province by province if you want to see exercises in fantasy. Try to find a consolidated financial statement in the mass of verbiage. The worst governments have the most complex budgets and our federal government is a contender.          

�During the holidays, I also ask you take a moment to remember our brave servicewomen and men, and their families. They make extraordinary sacrifices to keep us safe.

Our military personnel, as well as our police, firefighters, first responders, prison guards and sheriffs are in our thoughts constantly. We have family members, neighbours and friends who serve and we care about them. We are concerned over those who are killed or injured and the effect on them and their families.

Our governments have not provided them with compensation, benefits and pensions they have earned through service. That is shameful. They don�t need our thoughts; they need our support and need to know their loved ones will be secure if they are killed or injured while serving.

�From our family to yours, Hadrien, Ella-Grace, Xavier, Sophie, and I wish you joy, health, love, and peace this holiday season. Merry Christmas.�

We wish you and your family a wonderful and peaceful Christmas season and pray that you will be blessed with maturity and wisdom.   

* * * * * END * * * * *

Use of the royal �we� is consistent with Trudeau�s mind-set. His �we� does not encompass the Canadians he serves. There is a difference between an intelligent person and a smart-ass. Trudeau strikes me as the latter.

If I sound a bit chippy, it is because I find this �Christmas message� vacuous and uninspiring. Our Prime Minister should bring a modicum of gravitas and statesmanship to the table. This missive was written for delivery to Ms Higgins� Grade III class.

John Feldsted


Sunday, 24 December 2017

December 24, 2017. Merry Christmas Eve

  Christmas is the season when we are reminded that hope springs eternal in mankind. Our failings are history, written in sand and meaningless. We pause to contemplate and renew ourselves. 

I wish you a joyous, peaceful and truly blessed Christmas

        John Feldsted

        Have A Happy Holiday Season


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Saturday, 23 December 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Trudeau�s Liberals still ahead of Tories, but support slipping: Ipsos poll

Police investigating Sherman deaths checking sewers for clues
        Would Canadians drive to border towns if new NAFTA raised duty-free limit?
The year in Justin Trudeau�s socks
        Why N.L. premier was harassed over a murderer�s drug debts before 2015 election

Reaching consumers is a complicated challenge for the agrifood sector

Alberta government authorizes $37B in borrowing, says it�s part of financial plan
        Toronto Mayor John Tory talks 2018 election, transporation and policing in year-end interview
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Slow progress leaves the Senate vulnerable - Dale Smith, Loonie Politics
        �Rising tide of Islamophobia and racism�: Wynne - Antonella Artuso, Toronto Sun
The Tale of the Handsome Prime Minister Who Did Nothing Wrong - Colby Cosh, National Post
        #MeToo movement gains traction in Ottawa - Warren Kinsella, Loonie Politics
Bill could let cyber spy agency launch attacks with minimal oversight: report - CTV News
        CN to buy 200 locomotives from GE as freight volumes surge- Eric Atkins, The Globe and Mail
Bitcoin plunges 30% as �sharks� circle in the cryptocurrency�s biggest test yet- Samuel Potter and Eddie van der Walt - Bloomberg News, Financial Post
        October GDP flat compared with September, up from 2016: StatsCan- CTV News


D�c�s de l'astronaute Bruce McCandless II, qui s'�tait d�plac� librement dans l'espacePlus
        Poutine joue un match de hockey sur la place RougePlus
Attentat de No�l d�jou� � San Francisco: l'appel malheureux du FBIPlus
        Incendie au zoo de Londres, un animal manque � l'appelPlus
Catalogne: Puigdemont envisage de rester � BruxellesPlus
        Un Qu�b�cois remporte 60 millions $ au Lotto Max juste avant No�lPlus
L'auteur de l'attaque � la voiture b�lier de Melbourne accus� de tentative de meurtrePlus
Iran : 230 jeunes arr�t�s dans deux soir�es mixtesPlus


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
GOP�s Absurd Revisionist History of Trump�s First Year - Paul Waldman, The Week
        Nancy Pelosi�s Apocalyptic Tax-Bill Delusions - Rich Lowry, New York Post
Unemployment hits record low in 13 states - Reid Wilson, The Hill
        Trump Got What He Deserved at United Nations - John Kirby, CNN
On the Front Lines of the GOP�s Civil War - Sam Tanenhaus, Esquire
        Nikki Haley Puts �Em on Notice Like They Deserve - Tom Shattuck, Boston Herald
Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law - John Wagner, Washington Post
        Feeble Resistance: Look at What Dems Haven�t Accomplished - Fred Barnes, The Weekly Standard
Spain�s PM Rajoy willing to talk with future Catalan regional government- France 24
        Peru�s president survives bribery impeachment- Mariana Sanchez, Al Jazeera

North Korea brands Trump�s US security report �criminal�- BBC News
        Mahmoud Abbas calls on France to step up as he rejects US as peace broker- Staff, The Guardian
Russia�s partial Syria withdrawal �carried out�: Defence minister- AFP, The Times Of India

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Trump supporters greet tax law with shrugs and measured hope
        Gaza zookeeper puts lion cubs up for sale
Macedonia ready to give up claims on Alexander the Great
        Russia's ruling party seeks Putin's 'ultimate victory' at 2018 election
Merkel, Macron say no alternative to peaceful settlement in eastern Ukraine
        Coptic diocese says hundreds assault church in Egypt
Who's next: End of an era as "Doctor Who" gets a new star
        US arming Ukraine could cause 'bloodshed': Russia
DC appeals court denies stay of transgender military ban
        Meryl Streep�s brand under threat over Weinstein denial

How to make millions selling passports to Africa
        Syria war winds down but tangled map belies conflict ahead
The Pentagon�s puzzles for 2018
        Top U.S. aid recipients ignored Trump threat
The world�s central banks� views on cryptocurrencies
        Putin accuses U.S. of violating Cold War-era nuclear pact
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The Revival of the Commonwealth



How much of the $20 came back as finished goods in the $64 billion we bought?


Subject: Stop China's takeover of Aecon before it's too late: Peter MacKay - iPolitics
From: Zeb Landon

This issue needs more attention.

Merry Christmas!



Stop China's takeover of Aecon before it's too late: Peter MacKay

By Peter MacKay. Published on Dec 8, 2017 2:52pm
Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

With all the controversy sparked by Prime Minister Trudeau's recent trip to China, there is one critical issue that cannot be overlooked: the need to stop the takeover of major Canadian industries through direct investment in Canada by the Chinese government through state owned enterprises (SOEs).

There is a very limited role in the Canadian economy for any government-owned and subsidized enterprise that competes directly with the private sector. One only needs to recall Air Canada, Petro Canada and currently the CBC. When it comes to foreign governments and domestic assets that have a strategic sensitivity, Canada needs to be clear and consistent about its investment boundaries with other countries. This is particularly true when the investment has a national security component.

As it now stands, in terms of the asset value of investments, total investment from China in Canada now exceeds that of the U.S. At the same time, the thresholds for review under the Investment Canada Act have been altered to make such deals easier to approve. Not only that, the strategic nature of those investments is a disturbing departure from past practice.

There is no clearer example of the need for urgent action on this front than the pending $1.45 billion sale of construction giant Aecon to China's state-owned construction giant, CCCI. Even if you don�t know Aecon by name, you almost certainly have used an Aecon-built road, bridge, airport or power plant. Aecon built the CN Tower, Vancouver's SkyTrain and the Halifax Shipyards.

This proposed acquisition is slated to happen just as Canada's heavily touted infrastructure upgrade program launches. If Aecon is acquired by CCCI, profits from this taxpayer-funded initiative to build and improve the means to enhance Canada's economic competitiveness to build our communities for generations to come would go directly to the government of China.
open quote 761b1bWhat the trip to China clearly highlighted was that Beijing does not share our government's agenda on progressive values and is not interested in enhancing worker protections and labour standards. This does not bode well.

In the words of columnist Diane Francis, "China's corporations are state-owned enterprises, or client corporations, and accede to the wishes of the Politburo

China's track record in Canada is abysmal and includes a request to the Supreme Court of Canada, by a Chinese engineering giant a handful of years ago, to exempt it from our laws after it breached safety violations and ignored our courts following workers deaths. The Court refused to hear the case. Fines were never paid.

We dodged a bullet. The court might not be so wise and far-sighted the next time.

Approval of the sale also would mean muting the significant economic multiplier effect of infrastructure investment across the country. According to a recent study published by the Broadbent Institute, GDP rises by $1.43 for every infrastructure dollar spent, 9.4 jobs are generated for every million spent, and 44 cents of every dollar invested by government is returned in tax revenue.

When these things click into place, businesses become more productive and competitive and real wages rise, providing a higher standard of living. But who benefits if Canadian investment goes to Beijing?

Given how little was accomplished by the much-anticipated trip to China, there is a heightened risk that the Liberal government will now be tempted to exhibit goodwill by expediting a takeover that in no way offers a net benefit to Canada and, in the future, would funnel investment and opportunity away from our shores.

What the trip to China clearly highlighted was that Beijing does not share our government�s agenda on progressive values and is not interested in enhancing worker protections and labour standards. This does not bode well for its entry into our highly regulated system.

A construction company owned by the Chinese government, furthermore, is more likely to use steel and other essential materials imported from Chinese government-owned steel mills. China is one of the most unrepentant dumpers of steel in Canada a factor that has driven Canadian steelmakers into bankruptcy more than once.

As Parliament breaks for Christmas recess, the one gift this Liberal government can give all Canadians is the gift of integrity and security by refusing to approve CCCI's takeover of Aecon.

RelatedAecon shareholders vote to approve takeover offer by Chinese company

From: Larry Kazdan
To: Cc:
Subject: Deficit on track for elimination by 2045, a decade earlier than last year's projection, Bill Curry, December 22, 2017

Increasing household debt is not sustainable. Growing poverty and inequality are not sustainable. Uncontrolled climate change and environmental degradation are not sustainable. However, the federal debt and deficits are always financially sustainable because our government owns a central bank and can never go bankrupt in its own dollars. 

Pundits and politicians need to waste less time on statistical irrelevancies related to federal debt, and start focusing on looming real-world problems that directly threaten the health and welfare of Canadians. Since Canada has low inflation and many unused resources including over 1.2 million Canadians actively seeking income, strategic expenditures can put more money into the pockets of Canadians by employing them to provide community services and to protect our future through robust measures of conservation and environmental stewardship. 


William Mitchell is Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

"There is no rational economic reason, for a currency-issuing government, to think that a balanced fiscal position is responsible, desirable or even possible.

The fiscal balance should never be a policy target whether it be an immediate aim or some stretched goal into the future.

The relevant goals should be about the outcomes that make societies prosperous and inclusive  goods schools and hospitals, good public transport, full employment, strong income support safety nets for those who cannot work, socially responsible minimum wages etc.
Forget the deficit. Forget the fiscal balance. Focus on what matters  employment, equity, environmental sustainability. And as we would soon see  the fiscal balance will just be whatever it is  a relatively uninteresting and irrelevant statistical artifact."



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Don Martin�s 5 political power players of 2017

Official warns more civil servants could see �low pay or no pay� over Christmas
        Diplomats warn Canada of Russian meddling in finance and elections
Canada attending Nikki Haley�s �friendship� party after Jerusalem vote at the UN
        Deficit on track for elimination by 2045, a decade earlier than last year�s projection

Court jails Ukraine PM�s interpreter accused of spying for Russia
        Amid progress on the Indigenous file, Jane Philpott warns journalists against �sloppy� reporting
Aga Khan not subject to lobbying law, says commissioner
        How �sunny ways� got soiled in the Ottawa swamp
The Tale of the Handsome Prime Minister Who Did Nothing Wrong
        Stumbling Jagmeet Singh the perfect Christmas present for Trudeau�s Liberals
In praise of the best people of 2017: Part 1
        Laureen Harper shows an edge Canadian politics sorely lacks
When it comes to the Middle East, Ottawa sits on its hands to keep Trump happy
        What Trudeau needs to do to become Canada�s first �Oceans Prime Minister�

Finance Department trims long-term deficit projections after year of growth
        Feds say deficit through October at $6.3 billion as monthly spending drops
Liberals agree to settle class action lawsuit over student loan privacy breach
        Accounts of violence against Rohingya Muslims must be documented: Bob Rae
Right-wing extremism �growing concern� in Canada, federal report says
        Why Canada�s energy transition will face a big pushback in 2018
Jagmeet Singh: Canada�s pioneering party leader on building unity amid division
        Twitter mocks Jason Kenney for suggesting the left thinks �saying Merry Christmas is hateful�
MP Obhrai says there�s a �personal vendetta� against him in Forest Lawn nomination battle
        39% of cannabis users admit to driving after smoking pot, government survey finds

Fires, floods and rain dominated the weather in 2017
        Talks with Britain drag on over Franklin wreck artifacts
It will be months before Canada can restore a critical pollution monitoring site
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Jason Kenney on bozos and floorcrossers - Rick Bell, Calgary Sun
        Heads should roll over Trudeau ethics breach - Andre Marin, Toronto Sun
Canada drops charade of progressive trade with China - Charles Burton, Macleans
        On easy test of friendship, Canada takes a pass - Kevin Libin, National Post
McKenna gives Manitoba Feb. 28 deadline to sign on to climate plan or forfeit $66M - Aidan Geary, CBC News
        Trudeau�s unforgivable audience with Joshua Boyle - Mark Bonokoski, Toronto Sun
Price-fixing cases �common� as rewards outweigh risks, experts say- CTV News
        Apple admits it slows the performance of older iPhones (6 and 7), but for a good reason- Stephen Nellis - Reuters, Financial Post
Food producers, grocers jumping on �free from� bandwagon- Dianne Buckner, CBC News
        Canadian TV providers receive payments to carry Russian �propaganda machine�- Susan Krashinsky Robertson, The Globe and Mail


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        Accus� d'agressions sexuelles: des victimes d'Otman Bahmed recherch�es � Gatineau et OttawaPlus
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        Une Am�ricaine nomm�e � la t�te de l'UnicefPlus
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        Washington envisage de s�parer les enfants clandestins de leurs parentsPlus
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        Les Palestiniens n'accepteront �aucun plan� de paix des �tats-UnisPlus


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Democrats May Wish They�d Supported Trump�s Tax Cut - Michael Graham, CBS News
        Trump�s New Strategy Will Baffle Allies and Delight Foes - Fred Kaplan, Slate
What�ll It Take to Beat Trump? The Case for a Generic Democrat - Bill Scher, Politico
        The Double-Edged Sword of a Party-Line Victory - Ronald Brownstein, The Atlantic
Ho, Ho, Ho. Jolly Good Year for Trump Defies Doomsayers - Conrad Black, New York Sun
        �Sweden sends us to be killed�: young Afghans facing deportation- Catherine Girouard, The Guardian
Mosul is a graveyard: Final ISIS battle kills 9,000 civilians- The Times Of India
        Suspected cholera cases hit 1 million in Yemen, Red Cross says- France 24
Damian Green sacked after �misleading statements� on porn claims- BBC News
        Bahrain warns against challenging US over �side issues�- Al Jazeera

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Trump signs sweeping tax overhaul, sealing major victory
        Russia's partial Syria withdrawal 'carried out': defence minister
India, China hold talks on long-running border dispute
        Putin, Erdogan discuss creation of Palestinian state
Putin accuses U.S. of plotting to break landmark arms control pact
        Britain to bring back classic blue-and-gold passport as it leaves EU
Catalan separatists win vote, thwarting Rajoy's bid to solve crisis
        Major powers scamble to agree on Syria peace plan
U.S. has 'marginalised itself' in Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Macron
        President Abbas says Palestinians will not accept any U.S. peace plan

North Korea says new Trump security strategy seeks 'total subordination of whole world'
        Top US aid recipients ignored White House threat on UN vote
Two choices: Fake Brexit or no Brexit
        Previous                           Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Studies Show WTC Building 1,2 & 7 could Not Have Fallen Why does the US Still Lie About 9/11??

Canada Wimps Out UN Vote On Trump's Decision To Move US Embassy To Jerusalem
Georgian Snipers: An American Directed Kiev's Maidan False Flag Massacre
Russia warns US, Canada against weapons supplies to Ukraine
Thriving cash market survives wheat board demise
Is this where Santa is really from?


Friday, 22 December 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick  Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia  Newfoundland & Labrador

North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

John Kerry vacationed on Aga Khan�s private island during Trudeau visit

Accused Russian spy was in the room for Trudeau talks with Ukrainian PM
        �We don�t know what Canada wants�: Japanese chorus of confusion grows over Trudeau�s TPP position
Canada among 35 abstaining from UN vote condemning American embassy move to Jerusalem
        Kevin O�Leary�s campaign chair challenges MP Cheryl Gallant for Conservative nomination

Trudeau should reimburse cost of his Bahamas trip to taxpayers, opposition says
        It will be months before Canada can restore a critical pollution monitoring site
Military commanders drawing up new options after victory over ISIL
        Do we really think Justin Trudeau wanted a free vacation that bad?
Canadians may not know him from Adam, but Scheer ends the year quietly confident
        My exclusive interview with the prime minister (prime minister not included)
An ethical breach which should stick to Justin Trudeau
        Trudeau may feel like Achilles, but his heel of entitlement was pierced after conflict of interest ruling
Friends! Welcome to Justin Trudeau�s ethical island
        Why Canada�s energy transition will face a big pushback in 2018

Allow Delilah Saunders to have a liver and save her life � transplants should be judgment-free
        Canada has failed women. We won�t fail Canada
White women, where were you?

Morneau admits communication over contentious tax changes could�ve been clearer
        Laureen Harper slams cougar hunter as �creep� who �must be compensating�
Senate ethics officer halts Meredith harassment probe pending outside inquiry
        Aga Khan could face lobbying probe for Trudeau trip
NAFTA uncertainty unsettling Canadian exporters
        Canada drops charade of progressive trade with China
The cynical roots of Rempel�s female genital mutilation crusade
        The political podcasts you should be listening to right now
Holding the Canada Revenue Agency to Account
        Fuelled by gasoline prices, annual inflation accelerates to 2.1 per cent

Derek Fildebrandt�s return to UCP possible, but Jason Kenney says legal issues must be resolved first
        Anti-abortion group ranks B.C. Liberal leadership candidates
B.C. judge finds former RCMP officer not guilty of sexual assault
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ottawa offers lifetime pensions for veterans but parity with old Pension Act not achieved - Gloria Galloway, The Globe and Mail
        More stupid stuff Justin Trudeau says - Candice Malcolm, Toronto Sun
A lump of coal for Catherine McKenna�s unethical fake-fact crusade - Peter Foster, Financial Post
        Big consequences, big debates ahead for Canada after major tax bill passes in U.S. - Alexander Panetta, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Ontario launching sweeping review of province�s energy regulator - Allison Jones - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        Canadians could see more spam in their inboxes, NDP warn - Rachel Aiello, CTV News
Liberals look to put stamp on CMHC with new board focused on social housing - Jordan Press, The Canadian Press, CTV News
        How to receive a $25 Loblaw card after bread price-fixing arrangement- Aleksandra Sagan, The Globe and Mail
Ontarians will pay hundreds of millions of dollars for pointless new fuel standards- Ross McKitrick and Douglas Auld, Financial Post
        �Sears effect� will intensify online and self-checkout retail trends in 2018: experts- CTV News
Missed out on the $60 10 GB cellphone plans? Experts bet more deals are coming- Sophia Harris, CBC News


Rappel de barres de dessert glac�es de marque Polly AnnPlus
        Vers un quasi-triplement des demandeurs d'asile en Europe � cause du climat Plus
J�rusalem: l'ONU condamne � une large majorit� la d�cision am�ricainePlus
        Ambassade am�ricaine en Isra�l: le Canada refuse de prendre position � l'ONUPlus
Pourquoi les chiens attaquent-ils leur ma�tre?Plus
        Poursuite contre un propri�taire de McDo : un homme de Qu�bec d�bout� en Cour supr�mePlus
Il tuait des personnes en fin de vie au profit de maisons fun�rairesPlus
        Cor�e du Nord: Washington propose de nouvelles sanctions � l'ONU, vote attendu vendrediPlus
Les inondations du printemps au troisi�me rang des �v�nements m�t�o de 2017Plus
        Une caissi�re refuse de lui vendre des cigarettes, l'homme pique une col�rePlus

La Catalogne d�cide si les ind�pendantistes reviennent au pouvoirPlus
        ��a doit �tre pour compenser pour un petit p�nis� -Laureen Harper, femme de Stephen HarperPlus
Journ�e la plus courte de l'ann�ePlus
        Un soldat nord-cor�en gagne le Sud par la zone d�militaris�ePlus


Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Forget what they say � House Democrats are readying for impeachment - Paul Kane, Washington Post
        Trump hits media over negative tax bill coverage: They�re desperate to please �their Democrat bosses� - Avery Anapol, The Hill
The Tax Cut and the Fake Trump Boom - Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect
        House committees demand interview with top FBI officials over Clinton email probe - Karoun Demirjian, Washington Post
What If Al Franken Unresigns? - Ed Morrissey, The Week
        Anita Hill�s �They All Do It� Defense of Bill Clinton - Penny Nance, USA Today
Tax Reform Means Your Paychecks Will Grow - Speaker Paul Ryan, Wall Street Journal
        Philippines ferry carrying 251 capsizes- BBC News
Erdogan slams UAE over FM�s anti-Turkish retweet- Al Jazeera
        Brexit transition to end in 2020: �No transition � la carte� says EU negotiator- France 24

EU begins process that could see Poland stripped of voting rights- Daniel Boffey, The Guardian
        Catalans return to polls in decisive election- France 24
US �will be taking names� during UN vote on Jerusalem: Haley- AFP, The Times Of India
        Yemen war: Iran denies supplying rebel missile fired at Riyadh- BBC News

>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Norway court orders slaughter of reindeer
        Palestinians welcome support after UN vote on Jerusalem
UN votes 128-9 to reject US decision on Jerusalem
        Russia spurns US allegations it violates nuclear arms pact
Israel's Netanyahu calls UN 'house of lies' ahead of Jerusalem vote
        Kremlin: US arms license for Kiev may trigger new bloodshed in east Ukraine
Too late: Brexit offer to EU citizens leaves many cold
        Putin: The carefully crafted public image
Chocolate-makers innovate to entice health-conscious consumers
        Previous                           Next

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GLEANED POSTS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


From: Larry Kazdan <>
Subject: Re: Universal basic income is no panacea for us � and Labour shouldn�t back it, Sonia Sodha, Dec. 18, 2017

The guaranteed income proposal unfortunately absolves government from responsibility for generating jobs, and by entrenching a "reserve army of the unemployed" relieves pressure on the private sector to raise wages. In feudal society, nobles kept the serfs just above subsistence levels and divided the remaining surplus among themselves - a scenario of rising inequality where we are heading.  

Rather than guaranteeing income, the national government should guarantee opportunities to work. This can be achieved by direct job creation programs as have been successful in countries such as Argentina, India and South Africa. Our societies have children and elderly to care for, youth to educate, houses and buildings to retrofit, rivers and parks to tend, and neighborhoods to beautify.

A Job Guarantee program would not only assure that those willing to work could contribute to society while maintaining income and self-confidence, but would also set a livable minimum wage (with benefits) that the private sector would be forced to match to retain a satisfied workforce.  


1.  You�re Hired! The Democrats are looking for a big idea? Here�s one: a guaranteed job for anyone who wants one.

As Polish economist Michael Kalecki observed, the real issue is that full employment strips business owners and the capital-owning class of power......With full employment, the capitalists lose their leverage to depress workers� wages and must give up more profits.

2. What is a Job Guarantee?
" .....the Job Guarantee is actually a macroeconomic policy framework designed to ensure full employment and price stability is maintained over the private sector business cycle.
Job Guarantee workers would enjoy stable incomes, and their increased spending would boost confidence throughout the economy and underpin a private-spending recovery.

3. The Job Guarantee: Delivering the benefits that Basic Income only promises
"The BIG proposal is a compassionate but paternalistic policy that does not ultimately deliver the jobs that those at the bottom of the economic ladder want.  The JG proposal by contrast is based on several core considerations

1) it acknowledges what people want and accommodates those needs;

2) it designs a program that delivers greater macroeconomic stability, and

3) it helps redefine the meaning and nature of work, helping transform the economy to a more just and humane system.

From: "Mahmood Elahi"
Subject: Electric car

Ms. Kate Malloy
Editor, The Hill Times

With gas cars main source of emission, Canada must shift to electric cars

Re: �Kicking the tires on climate-change policy,� by Nick Martin, Dec. 20.

Two thirds of Canada�s power generation come from renewable, mostly hydro, sources of energy. As such, most of atmospheric emission come from millions of carbon-spewing gasoline cars. The only way Canada can substantially reduce its carbon emission is by shifting to electric cars.

Two main drawbacks of electric cars are high price and range anxiety. Recently launched all-electric Tesla 3, Nissan Leaf, Chevrolet Bolt and other models have addressed these concerns. All these are electric vehicles with a range of 300 kilometres per charge and cost about $35,000 to $40,000. This is relatively expensive, but all electric cars are eligible for the $14,000 subsidy from the government of Ontario. With the subsidy, a fully-loaded 2018 Leaf can be yours for approximately $28,000 � clearly competitive with average gasoline cars. With the price of electric cars falling, they will be cheaper than gas cars in the near future.

Electric cars have other advantages. Electricity costs less than gasoline, especially if you charge overnight when the cost of electricity is the lowest. By driving an electric car, you can save $1,500 to $2,000 per year on fuel. Electric cars need less maintenance. They don�t need oil changes, coolant flushes, mufflers or exhaust systems, saving you hundreds of dollars per year on maintenance. And they produce no emission.

What is keeping people from buying electric cars in large numbers is the lack of charging stations. There are about 5,000 charging stations in Canada, the majority in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia. Maritimes and the Prairies have few of them. As such, we need at least 20,000 charging stations to cover the country. Instead of giving subsidies to buyers, governments should install charging stations all over the country.

There is a powerful reason that automakers worldwide are speeding up their efforts to develop electric vehicles � and that reason is China. Facing massive pollution caused by millions  of gas cars and propelled by vast amounts of government money, China has become the world�s biggest promoter of electric cars. This is forcing automakers to speed up the production of electric vehicles. Almost 50 new all-electric car models will come into market globally between now and 2022. GM alone raised the stakes recently by pledging to roll out 20 pure-electric models by 2023. The race for electric car is on. Canada can join the race by creating the infrastructure for charging. This will also help reduce carbon emission greatly.

