>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CBCBritish Columbia Calgary Edmonton Saskatchewan Manitoba Thunder Bay Sudbury Windsor Kitchener-Waterloo Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland & Labrador
North CTV Atlantic CTV Montreal CTV Ottawa CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<
Trudeau extends information watchdog�s term � again
Canada, U.S. to co-host meeting on North Korea in Vancouver
PM touring to escape �concentric circles� in Ottawa
Watchdog lays charges against former Liberal financial agent
Complaint justified but no evidence questions provided to Alanna Koch�s campaign, says Sask. Party decision
Thousands expected to attend funeral of Barry and Honey Sherman
Justin Trudeau to visit India in February, says Indian news report
Latest stats show illegal border crossings continued to decline in November
Canada�s frustrating year in Trumpland
How Canada fits into Rex Tillerson�s plan for North Korea
Here comes another bogus moral panic over abortion
The political resurrection of Premier Kathleen Wynne
Jason Kenney plans to keep swimming forward to ensure Alberta�s future
Premier Rachel Notley to focus on job creation, economic growth in 2018
Conservative leader Andrew Scheer already talking free speech with schools
How boomers and their progressive policies squeezed millennials out of the housing market
Trump may have emboldened hate in Canada, but it was already here
N.L. premier provided key info to ID murder suspect in 2015 botched armed robbery
Key budget themes for Morneau: helping women, science, preparing workers
Trudeau channels drama teacher days in distracted driving PSA
Premiers� Performance: Wall, Horgan remain on top, Atlantic premiers� approval sees volatility
Veterans brace for Liberals� long-promised disability pension plan
Liberals add caveat to summer jobs program funding as applications open
Tillerson�s Ottawa visit comes amid diplomatic dysfunction
Liberals 42, Conservatives 29, NDP 19, Green 6: Nanos
Leitch, Trost among Tory MPs facing challenge for right to run in 2019 election
SNC-Lavalin names former top federal bureaucrat Kevin Lynch as company chairman
Trudeau, Scheer put families on their Christmas cards
Canada must reduce emissions from oilsands to meet climate goals: OECD report
Aecon shareholders vote to approve takeover offer by Chinese company
Trudeau to focus on economic agenda in 2018, hopes to put ethics flaps behind him
Canada pushes for diplomacy in North Korea crisis despite long odds and limited role
Trudeau Versus Singh Is Next Battle for Hearts of Canada�s Left
Wynne wants to �level the playing field� for Ontarians
Federal New Democrats could face an uphill battle in B.C. in 2019 in wake of Site C decision
Farm groups welcome modifications to federal tax changes but will keep studying them
�North Korea will certainly come up�: Tillerson makes first Canadian visit
�Huge gap� in Health Canada�s ability to flag imported goods treated with pesticides
N.L. premier asks court to keep documents secret in St. John�s murder case
Liberals to miss second self-imposed deadline for Canada Post review: official
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<< political resurrection of Premier Kathleen Wynne - Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star
Kathleen Wynne�s 12 �daze� of Christmas - Jerry Agar, Toronto Sun
Ontario judge rules that lack of safeguards make solitary confinement unconstitutional - Colin Perkel - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Well-wishes for Jagmeet Singh amid denials he�s engaged - Rachel Aiello, CTV News
Patrick Brown�s all about family, politics and hockey - Antonella Artuso, Toronto Sun
Cannabis market in 2015 worth as much as $6.2B, StatsCan estimates- CTV News
OMERS and partner selling plastics firm Husky for $4.95-billion- The Globe and Mail
25 mois de prison pour Sylvain NolettePlus
Un virus si puissant qu'il peut faire fondre votre appareilPlus
Cor�e du Nord: les �tats-Unis et le Canada appellent � un sommet le 16 janvier � VancouverPlus
Donald Trump croit-il en l'existence d'ovnis? Myst�rePlus
Un accident force la fermeture de l'autoroute 40 en direction estPlus
Poursuites civiles regroup�es contre le CP et la MMAPlus
M�ga-saisie de coca�ne sur un bateau en direction du Qu�becPlus
La Chambre adopte la baisse d'imp�ts, le S�nat doit encore voterPlus
Rex Tillerson � Ottawa sur fond de crise nord-cor�ennePlus
La mairesse de Montr�al et Justin Trudeau discutent du cannabisPlus
Voleurs en s�rie dans des r�sidences de luxe: le SPVM �pingle 12 suspectsPlus
Terrorisme : Sabrine Djermane et El Mahdi Jamali acquitt�s sur presque toutPlus
Des synagogues cibles de messages antis�mitesPlus
En Inde, le m�tro percute un mur lors d'un essaiPlus
Les militaires am�ricains doivent apprendre � se passer du GPSPlus
Plus de 35 000 cigarettes de contrebande saisies en Mont�r�giePlus
Trump proche d'un succ�s majeur sur la baisse des imp�tsPlus
Un possible attentat terroriste pr�vu dans les march�s de No�l d�jou�Plus
Rome moqu�e pour son sapin d�fra�chiPlus
L'ONU � choqu�e � par la mort d'un Palestinien handicap� tu� par des soldats isra�liensPlus
Frappe antidrogue � LavalPlus
Crocodile l�zard et tortue mangeuse d'escargotPlus
Le � cartel de la saucisse � affronte la justice allemandePlus
FOREIGN AFFAIRS & GENERAL INFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Stay up to date on Russia - read RussiaFeed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
FBI told Trump Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign - Ken Dilation, Julia Ainsley and Carol E. Lee, NBC News
Amid Firestorms, Trump Has Year of Solid Accomplishments - Byron York, Washington Examiner
Trump releases �America First� national security strategy - Jordan Fabian, The Hill
South Africa�s ANC picks Cyril Ramaphosa as leader- BBC News
David Davis to warn European commission it cannot cherrypick Brexit trade deal sectors- Anushka Asthana and Peter Walker, The Guardian
IS attackers kill 9 in pre-Xmas strike on a church in Quetta- Omer Farooq Khan - TNN, The Times Of India
>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<
Israel's Netanyahu says he will avoid graft charges
Britain's new 3 billion pound warship has a leak
UN renews aid to Syria opposition areas as Russia abstains
Honduran president claims victory; opponent calls for new election
After US veto, UN assembly to vote on Jerusalem resolution
Scientists tune into brain to uncover music's healing power
Brexit, Catalonia test EU resolve against nationalism
UN slams 'shocking' killing of disabled Palestinian protester
Following Trump's report, China urges US to accept its rise
France, US 'determined' to up pressure on Iran over ballistic weapons
Kremlin denounces 'imperialist character' of US strategic report
China slams US security strategy as 'Cold War mentality'
Japan approves missile defense system amid NKorea threat
Trump doctrine: Economic security is national security
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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